33 research outputs found

    The development of a body comparison measure: the CoSS

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    Purpose This study reports on the development and validation of a brief and widely applicable measure of body comparison (the Comparison of Self-Scale—CoSS), which is a maintaining feature of eating disorders. Methods A sample of 412 adults completed the CoSS, an existing measure of aspects of body comparison, and eating pathology and associated states. Test–retest reliability was examined over 2 weeks. Results Exploratory factor analysis showed that 22 CoSS items loaded onto two factors, resulting in two scales—Appearance Comparison and Social Comparison—with strong internal consistency and test–retest reliability. Conclusions In clinical terms, the CoSS was superior to the existing measure of body comparison in accounting for depression and anxiety. Given that it is a relatively brief measure, the CoSS could be useful in the routine assessment of body comparison, and in formulating and treating individuals with body image concerns. However, the measure awaits full clinical validation

    The Emotional and Attentional Impact of Exposure to One's Own Body in Bulimia Nervosa: A Physiological View

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    Background: Body dissatisfaction is the most relevant body image disturbance in bulimia nervosa (BN). Research has shown that viewing one's own body evokes negative thoughts and emotions in individuals with BN. However, the psychophysiological mechanisms involved in this negative reaction have not yet been clearly established. Our aim was to examine the emotional and attentional processes that are activated when patients with BN view their own bodies. Method: We examined the effects of viewing a video of one's own body on the physiological (eye-blink startle, cardiac defense, and skin conductance) and subjective (pleasure, arousal, and control ratings) responses elicited by a burst of 110 dB white noise of 500 ms duration. The participants were 30 women with BN and 30 healthy control women. The experimental task consisted of two consecutive and counterbalanced presentations of the auditory stimulus preceded, alternatively, by a video of the participant's own body versus no such video. Results: The results showed that, when viewing their own bodies, women with BN experienced (a) greater inhibition of the startle reflex, (b) greater cardiac acceleration in the first component of the defense reaction, (c) greater skin conductance response, and (d) less subjective pleasure and control combined with greater arousal, compared with the control participants. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that, for women with BN, peripheral-physiological responses to self-images are dominated by attentional processes, which provoke an immobility reaction caused by a dysfunctional negative response to their own body.The present research was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PSI2009-08417 and PSI2012-31395]. P.P. was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and University Jaume I [ECO2011-23634, P1-1B2012-27, and JCI-2010-06790]

    Exploration of friendship experiences, before and after illness onset in females with Anorexia Nervosa: A qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND:Difficulties with social relationships have been implicated in both the development and maintenance of Anorexia Nervosa (AN) but the friendship experiences of individuals with AN have not been explored in depth. METHOD:Ten adults with AN took part in a semi-structured interview about their friendship experiences both before and since the onset of their illness. RESULTS:Five principle themes were identified through thematic analysis: Social Concern; Impact of AN; Social Connectedness; Inflexibility and Preferred Social Activity. Difficulties with friendship were present prior to the onset of AN in all cases, with participants experiencing anxiety in relation to various aspects of their friendships. Participants described mixed experiences of how their AN has affected their friendships but most participants described having less contact with their friends since becoming unwell. CONCLUSION:This research highlights the role that social difficulties may play in the development of AN, whilst also emphasising the importance of addressing problems with friendship in the course of inpatient treatment

    Exploring barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in psychiatry to inform health policy: A focus group based study

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    First published online in 2009This study aims to explore the obstacles to Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) experienced by Belgian Dutch-speaking psychiatrists. We used an inductive, qualitative research strategy. Thirty-nine psychiatrists participated in five focus groups organised between September 2004 and September 2006. Data-analysis was guided by a ‘grounded theory approach’. Three major themes emerged from the data: (1) Characteristics of evidence, including the lack of (use of) evidence and the applicability of evidence; (2) Characteristics of other partners in mental health care, including government, patients and drug companies and (3) Discipline-related barriers, including the complexity of diagnoses, the importance of the therapeutic relationship and personal experience, and the different schools of thoughts. A problem tree was developed, linking all obstacles. Although context-specific, the problem tree can assist policy makers working in health care systems with similar characteristics in formulating objectives and developing strategies that facilitate EBP in the field of psychiatric care.Karin Hannes, Guido Pieters, Jo Goedhuys and Bert Aertgeert

    Checagem corporal, atitude alimentar inadequada e insatisfação com a imagem corporal de jovens universitårios

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a checagem corporal, a atitude alimentar inadequada e a insatisfação corporal em universitĂĄrios de ambos os sexos. MÉTODOS: Participaram 587 indivĂ­duos (311 homens). Foram avaliados os comportamentos de checagem (mulheres - Body Checking Questionnaire; homens - Male Body Checking Questionnaire), as atitudes alimentares inadequadas (Eating Attitudes Test-26) e a insatisfação corporal (Body Shape Questionnaire). Massa corporal e estatura foram autorreferidas para o cĂĄlculo do Ă­ndice de massa corporal (IMC). Foi realizada estatĂ­stica descritiva, inferencial e teste qui-quadrado (teste exato de Fisher) utilizando o software Statistic 8.0 e adotado nĂ­vel de significĂąncia de 5%. RESULTADOS: A checagem corporal estĂĄ associada Ă s atitudes alimentares inadequadas e Ă  insatisfação corporal, independentemente do sexo do indivĂ­duo. Foram encontradas diferenças entre o sexo feminino e masculino para as variĂĄveis avaliadas, sendo maior a frequĂȘncia entre as mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a checagem corporal Ă© um comportamento presente e de alta frequĂȘncia em universitĂĄrios com risco para o transtorno alimentar e tambĂ©m naqueles insatisfeitos com sua imagem corporal