414 research outputs found

    Design of Simulator for Energy Efficient Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    The research on various issues in Mobile ad hoc networks are getting popularity because of its challenging nature and all time connectivity to communicate. MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) is a random deployable network where devices are mobile with dynamic topology. In the network topology, each device is termed as a node and the virtual connectivity among each node is termed as the link .Nodes in a network are dynamically organized into virtual partitions called clusters. Network simulators provide the platform to analyse and imitate the working of computer networks along with the typical devices, traffic and other entities. Cluster heads being the communication hotspots tend to drain its battery power rapidly while serving its member nodes. Further, energy consumption is a key factor that hinders the deploy ability of a real ad hoc and sensor network. It is due to the limited life time of the battery powered devices that motivates intense research into energy efficient design of operating systems, protocols and hardware devices. Clustering is a proven solution to preserve the battery power of certain nodes. In the mechanism of clustering, there exists a cluster head in every cluster that works similar to a base station in the cellular architecture. Cluster heads being the communication hotspots tend to drain its battery power rapidly while serving its member nodes. Further, energy consumption is a key factor that hinders the deploy ability of a real ad hoc and sensor network. It is due to the limited life time of the battery powered devices that motivates intense research into energy efficient design of operating systems, protocols and hardware devices. The mobile ad hoc network can be modelled as a unidirectional graph G = (V, L) where V is the set of mobile nodes and L is the set of links that exist between the nodes. We assume that there exists a bidirectional link L between the nodes and when the distance between the nodes < (transmission range) of the nodes. In the dynamic network the cardinality of the nodes remains constant, but the cardinality of links changes due to the mobility of the nodes. Network simulators are used by researchers, developers and engineers to design various kinds of networks, simulate and then analyze the effect of various parameters on the network performance. A typical network simulator encompasses a wide range of networking technologies and can help the users to build complex networks from basic building blocks such as a variety of nodes and links. The objective of our work is to design a simulator for energy efficient clustering so that the data flow as well as the control flow could be easily handled and maintained. The proposed energy efficient clustering algorithm is a distributed algorithm that takes into account the consumed battery power of a node and its average transmission power for serving the neighbour nodes as the parameters to decide its suitability to act as a cluster head. These two parameters are added with different weight factors to find the weights of the individual nodes. After the clusters are formed, gateway nodes are selected in the network that help for the inter cluster communication. The graph for the number of cluster heads selected for different number of nodes are also drawn to study the functionality of the simulator

    Management Effects on Yam Production in Benin Republic : Experimental Analysis and Modeling

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    Declining productivity in the Republic of Benin (West Africa) highlighted the need for a study to determine both the effect of fertilization on yam (Dioscorea spp.) yield and biomass production, as well as the best agronomic management options available for stabilizing yam productivity, via the modeling of yam growth and development. This study addressed the above issues by conducting plot experiments in the Benin Republic, which analyzed the effect of mineral fertilizer, manure and crop residue application on total biomass production, tuber yield and dry matter partitioning pattern, in two species of yam (Dioscorea alata var. Florido and Dioscorea rotundata var. Kokoro). Significant positive effects of mineral fertilizer were observed on yam total biomass production and tuber yield, but the magnitude of its effect were dependent on the species of yam. Crops receiving crop residues and manure also registered increases in yield, but were not significantly different from the yield under unfertilized conditions. Regarding partitioning pattern of dry matter to different plant organs, no significant difference was observed between control and fertilized treatments. An attempt has been made to simulate the effect of fertilization and fallow availability on yam (Dioscorea alata var. Florido) production by using the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model. A new crop parameter file for Dioscorea alata was developed. The model accurately simulated the effect of fertilizer on the yam yield as indicated by a relatively low mean relative error (MR) ranging from 4.3 to 9.7 %. Different scenarios of fallow availability (Scenario S1 [100 % of the bush savannah is available as fallow land], Scenario S2 [50% of the bush savannah is available as fallow land] and Scenario S3 [25% of the bush savannah is available as fallow land]) were explored in the Upper Ouémé basin of Benin Republic (West Africa) by incorporating the EPIC model into the spatial decision support system (SDSS) PEDRO (Protection du sol Et Durabilité des Ressources agricoles dans le bassin versant de l'Ouémé). The best agreement between simulated and observed crop yields was found under the assumption that 50% of the bush savannah is available as fallow land under the prevailing cropping patterns. The results show the capacity of the EPIC model in connection with the SDSS PEDRO to capture both the biomass production and sensitivity of regional yields of yam to fallowing. They further reveal how a crop model can be used to analyze fallow practices at the regional scale. However, the models accuracy is most likely to be improved by a more detailed modeling of the phenological development of yam. In order to increase yam productivity and maintain soil fertility in the Upper Ouémé basin, fallowing the crop land is not a viable option due to increased demographic pressures. Mineral fertilizer application appears to be essential, but its high cost and accessibility restraints, limit its use by the farmers. The solution lies in providing mineral fertilizers to the farmers at subsidized rates. Additionally, nitrogen fixing crops could partially provide the N inputs needed, if included within crop rotations

    Histopathological Changes in Kidneys of Developing Chick Embryo on Exposure to Lixisenatide

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    Chick embryo is one of the most commonly used animals to study the adverse effects of various drugs for research purpose. Currently, type 2 diabetes mellitus is treated using the medication lixisenatide. Therapeutically, is thought to be superior to other GLP1 receptor antagonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. To understand the adverse effects of lixisenatide on kidney of developing chick embryo

    Revealing the therapeutic potential of teriparatide: a review

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    Teriparatide is an FDA-approved medication for osteoporosis that presents promising results in treating various musculoskeletal conditions. It helps in improving the bone mineral density and preventing fractures in individuals with osteoporosis. Its effectiveness in treating non-union and delayed union fractures, atypical femoral fractures, and spinal fusion procedures makes it valuable in improving bone healing and reducing complications. Teriparatide also improves bone density and strength in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta, helps prevent and treat hypocalcaemia post-thyroidectomy, and helps in the management of hypoparathyroidism. In MRONJ, teriparatide improves lesion resolution and reduces bony defects. Furthermore, it potentially prevents bone metastasis in cancer patients without stimulating tumour growth. Nevertheless, teriparatide may cause short-term side effects like nausea and long-term concerns pertaining to the risk of osteosarcoma. Recent European alliance of associations for rheumatology guidelines have highlighted teriparatide's superior effectiveness in achieving bone mineral density thresholds and reducing fracture risks. Further clinical trials are necessary to determine optimal dosages and treatment durations of teriparatide. The off-label use of teriparatide should be considered only under the guidance of a healthcare professional when standard options are unavailable or inadequate

    Separation Axioms in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Spaces

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    In this paper we have studied separation axioms , in an intuitionistic fuzzy topological space introduced by Coker. We also show the existence of functors and and observe that is left adjoint to


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    Durgā Śaptaśatī is an important, spiritual and renowned text of Hindu religious scripture describes the glory of Goddess Durgā with deep mysteries and learning's inside it. The beautiful description of this text reveals the trio combination of work-worship and knowledge like the three Mandākinī at one place. In this way, medicinal plants like Padma (Lotus), Akṣa, Bandhūka (Midday Flower), Candana (Sandalwood), Pāṭala (Rose), Kalhāra (Red water lily), Mātuluṇga (Citron) and Pārijāta (Night-flowering coral jasmine) are also described in "Durgā Śaptaśatī". This paper deals with the taxonomic description, medicinal properties and uses of medicinal plants described in Durgā Śaptaśatī

    Seasonal incidence of pod fly (Melanogromyza Obtusa Malloch) and pod bug (Clavigralla Gibbosa Spinola) in short duration pigeon pea

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    The present study was aimed at observing the incidence pattern of pod fly and pod bug in pigeonpea ecosystem. The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during the kharif season of the year 2010-11.The short duration pigeon pea was infested with the number of insect pests at various stages of crop growth. Out of which the incidence pattern of pod fly M. obtusa and pod bug C. gibbosa was studied. The first appearance of pod fly M. obtusa was noticed in the 42 standard week with a mean population of 0.10 maggot/Plant whose maggot population peaked in 45 standard weeks with a mean population of 0.30 maggot/Plant during year 2010-11. Similarly the first occurrence of pod bug C. gibbosa was recorded in 40 standard weeks with a mean population of 0.03 larvae/Plant which attained the peak during 44 and 45 standard weeks, in both the week themean population was 0.40 larvae/Plant. The incidence of all the insect pests although declined after attainment of their respective peak, but pod bug were noticed in the field till the harvest of the crop. To undertake an effective IPM strategy in pigeonpea crop, location specific information on occurrence and seasonal dynamics of insect pests is indispensible