17 research outputs found
Peningkatan Gas Metana dan Nilai Kalori Bahan Bakar Biogas Melalui Proses Pemurnian dengan Metode Tiga Lapis Adsorpsi Bahan Padat
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa kualitas bahan bakar biogas yang berasal dari kotoran burung puyuh melalui proses pemurnian biogas yang menggunakan metode adsorbsi tiga lapis. Bahan yang digunakan untuk penyerapan adalah silika gel sebesar 2000 gram - 2058 gram, Â serutan besi sebesar 736 gram - 1092 gram dan zeolit sebesar 1946,8 gram - 1991 gram. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan gas metana (CH4) sebesar 10,93 -25,38%, penurunan dalam CO2 sebesar 39,69 - 52,18%, penurunan H2S 100% dan efektivitas penyerapan air sebesar 27,35 - 50,35 gram biogas H2O / m3, peningkatan nilai kalori 8,76 - 11,12 kkal / m3
Pemanfaatan Sampah Taman (Rumput-Rumputan) untuk Pembuatan Kompos
The utilization of garden waste for compost making with windrow system have been done. Variable of compost
making consist of raw material composition namely grass cuttings, rice bran, saw dust, dung manure of goats, and
dung manure of cows. The quality of compost which were observed at the end of composting process were pH value,
moisture content, total Nitrogen, organic C, P2O5, K2O, MgO, S, Fe, Mn, Zn , Al, weight loss percent, texture, color
and odour of compost. pH measure with pH meter, moisture content analized with gravimetric method, Nitrogen
analized with kjedahl method, C-organik, P2O5 and Al analyzed with spectrometric method, K2O analized with flame
method, Ca, MgO, S, Na, Se, Mn and Zn analized with AAS method. Result of this experiment showed that
parameters chemical and physical quality of the compost were fitted with compost spesification from domestic
organic waste in the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-7030-2004, the soil like texture, color and odour, 31
oC of temperature. Composting process occured within 17 – 19 days, 35,6 – 45,7 % of weight lost .
Key words : compost making, grasses, utilization of garden wast
Implementasi Teknologi Pengolahan Briket dari Limbah Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn) di desa Cimayasari kecamatan Cipeundeuy kabupaten Subang
Implementation of jatropha curcas waste processing technology have been done in desa Cimayasari kecamatan
Cipeundeuy kabupaten Subang. Jatropha curcas waste is very potencial to be used as alternative fuel, can be done
with simple technology, namely densification processing to obtain jatropha briquette product with beter quality.
Simple densification can be done with mixing jatropha curcas waste with tapioca, pressing with manual hydraulic
system and drying with sunrise. Properties characterization of jatropha waste briquetee was done with proximate
test and water boiling test method. Carbonisation stove made from the used oil-container of 200 liters capacity;
Jatropha Briquette Mal with manual hydrulics system (pressure: 5 ton) made from metal plate ST 37, with the
capacity of 16 briquette per batch was implemented in desa Cimayasari kecamatan Cipeundeuy kabupaten Subang.
Briquette fomulation with jatropha cake seed powder 70 %; husk charcoal powder 25 %; and tapioca 5 %. The
properties of jatropha waste briquetee were moisture content 7,1498 %, ash content 8,8892 %, calorie value 5134
cal/ gram, briquette initial density 1,5275 gram/cm3, relaxed density 0,9825 gram/ cm3, water resistance index
67,15 %. The result of briquete production performance: to boil 2 litres of water need 15 minutes. Whereas from
the water boiling test, the jatropha waste briquette shown combustion rate 11,06 gram / minute, specific
cunsumtion of fuel 0,117 gram fuel/gram water and thermal efficiency 15 %.
Keywords : implementation of briquetee processing, , jatropha curcas waste, Subang
Bioethanol Production from Glucose by Thermophilic Microbes from Ciater Hot Springs
AbstractBioethanol has been considered as one of the alternative energy resources for fossil fuel substitute. Second generation of bioethanol production usually uses lignocellulosic material as its raw material which conducted at high temperature range (70-80oC). In this case the thermophilic microbe is needed for fermentation process in order to minimize the use of energy. This paper will discuss the results of the study on bioethanol production from glucose by using thermophilic microbes isolated from local source namely from Ciater hot springs in Subang District, Indonesia. In this study six thermophilic isolates (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6) were tested their capability in producing ethanol in the fermentation medium containing 5% glucose substrate for 5 days incubation. To determine the activity of isolates in ferment substrate is done by measuring the concentration of glucose and ethanol produced using a spectrophotometer. Isolates tested (C1,C2,C3,C4 and C5) could reduce glucose concentration from 1.1up to 1.7% in the fermentation medium. The ethanol produced was tested qualitatively by reacting the samples with K2Cr2O7inacidic conditions by observing its color change from yellow-orange to green-blue. The presence of ethanol indicatedby the decrease of OD's sample. This study showed that all isolates have the ability to produce ethanol. However, there are 2 isolates potentially produce ethanol that isolates C3 and C5 are characterized by low absorbance after adding potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7)
I. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Updated Guidebook on Biogas Development Series, No. 27, 85 â 89.
2. Chynoweth, D.P., dkk. 1982. Kinetics and Advanced Digester Design for Anaerobic Digestion of Water Hyacinth and Primary Sludge. Biotechnology and Bioengineerin
Dari pengamatan pada perusahaan part stamping ditemukan kurangnya perhatian terhadap sistem perawatan mesinyang efektif. Maka dalam penelitian ini menekankan pada masalah perawatan mesin dengan menggunakan metode TPM (TotalProduktif Maintenance) dengan tujuan utama untuk mengurangi six big losses yang dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas pada kerjamesin. Faktor penyebab terjadinya kerusakan pada mesin ditinjau dari aspek sistem perawatan dan manusia denganmenggunakan OEE sebagai alat bantu untuk dijadikan acuan standar dunia yang banyak digunakan. Hasil penerapan metodeTPM terbukti dapat mempengaruhi efektifitas kerja mesin dilihat dari hasil waktu breakdown mesin tidak terlalu besar bisadilihat dari nilai availability yaitu 82,035%