3,481 research outputs found

    Planejamento didático no ensino remoto: ênfase nas estratégias pedagógicas e o relato de experiência de uma instituição de ensino superior / Didactic planning in remote teaching: emphasis on pedagogical strategies and the experience report of a higher education institution

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    A pandemia do Coronavírus, vivida no Brasil desde março do ano de 2020, trouxe inúmeros desafios ao mundo em função e provocou vivências inimaginadas pela sociedade. No que diz respeito à área da Educação, de uma hora para outra, sem tempo de adaptação, planejamento ou capacitação dos envolvidos, as instituições educacionais de todos os níveis de ensino tiveram de deixar a sala de aula presencial e passaram a fazer uso do ensino remoto, via internet, e isto deflagrou inúmeros problemas. A transição rápida e sem preparo vivida no início da pandemia fez pesquisadores da área de Educação a Distância (EaD) rapidamente contestaram aqueles que diziam estar “fazendo“ EaD e classificaram o que foi implantado no Brasil na maioria das instituições como Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE). O ERE não é novidade no mundo, mas no decorrer do período é preciso que providências sejam tomadas para que a situação deixe de ser emergencial. Ainda que inúmeros obstáculos permaneçam, não se pode aceitar que todos aqueles encontrados e vivenciados no início do processo persistam por meses a fio. Oferecer cursos EaD pela internet demanda preparo de todos os agentes envolvidos: instituição, coordenação, professores, alunos e, quando for o caso, pais. Garantir a qualidade dos cursos exige, entre outras coisas, boa infraestrutura, muito planejamento, capacitação docente para ensinar online e maturidade discente para aprender nessa modalidade. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar reflexões acerca da importância do planejamento didático pedagógico para o oferecimento de cursos e aulas remotas, via internet, com especial atenção às estratégias pedagógicas, e relatar uma experiência bem sucedida de uma renomada instituição de ensino superior da cidade de São Paulo

    Noonan syndrome: from phenotype to growth hormone therapy

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    A síndrome de Noonan (SN) é uma síndrome genética comum que constitui importante diagnóstico diferencial em pacientes com baixa estatura, atraso puberal ou criptorquidia. A SN apresenta grande variabilidade fenotípica e é caracterizada principalmente por dismorfismo facial, cardiopatia congênita e baixa estatura. A herança é autossômica dominante com penetrância completa. O diagnóstico é clínico, com base em critérios propostos por van der Burgt, em 1994. Recentemente, diversos genes envolvidos na via de sinalização RAS-MAPK foram identificados como causadores da SN: PTPN11, KRAS, SOS1, RAF1 e MEK1. O tratamento com hormônio de crescimento (hrGH) é proposto para corrigir a baixa estatura observada nestes pacientes. Estudos recentes apontam que pacientes com SN por mutações no gene PTPN11 apresentam pior resposta ao tratamento com hrGH quando comparado com pacientes sem mutações no PTPN11. Este artigo revisará os aspectos clínicos, moleculares e do tratamento da baixa estatura de crianças com SN com hrGH.Noonan Syndrome (NS) is one of the most common genetic syndromes and it is an important differential diagnosis in children with short stature, delayed puberty and cryptorchidism. NS is characterized by dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects and short stature, but there is a great variability in phenotype. NS may occur in a pattern consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance with almost complete penetrance. The diagnosis is based on a clinical score system proposed by van der Burgt e cols. in 1994. In recent years, germline mutations in the components of RAS-MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase) pathway have been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of NS. Mutations in PTPN11, KRAS, SOS1, RAF1 e MEK1 can explain 60-70% of NS molecular cause. Growth hormone therapy is proposed to correct the short stature observed in these patients. Recent studies suggest that the presence of PTPN11 mutations in patients with NS indicates a reduced growth response to short-term hrGH treatment. In this article, it is reviewed clinical and molecular aspects of NS and hrGH treatment for short stature.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Characterization of Ant Communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Twigs in the Leaf Litter of the Atlantic Rainforest and Eucalyptus Trees in the Southeast Region of Brazil

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    Fragments of Atlantic Rainforest and extensive eucalyptus plantations are part of the landscape in the southeast region of Brazil. Many studies have been conducted on litter ant diversity in these forests, but there are few reports on the nesting sites. In the present study, we characterized the ant communities that nest in twigs in the leaf litter of dense ombrophilous forests and eucalyptus trees. The colony demographics associated with the physical structure of the nest were recorded. In the eucalyptus forests, the study examined both managed and unmanaged plantations. During five months, all undecomposed twigs between 10 and 30 cm in length containing ants found within a 16-m2 area on the surface of the leaf litter were collected. A total of 307 nests and 44 species were recorded. Pheidole, Solenopsis, and Camponotus were the most represented genera. Pheidole sp.13, Pheidole sp.43 and Linepithema neotropicum were the most populous species. The dense ombrophilous forest and a eucalyptus plantation unmanaged contained the highest number of colonized twigs; these communities were the most similar and the most species rich. Our results indicate that the twigs are important resources as they help to maintain the litter diversity of dense rain forest and abandoned eucalypt crops

    Caracterização do arco longitudinal plantar de crianças obesas por meio de índices da impressão plantar

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    OBJETIVO: descrever o desenvolvimento do arco longitudinal medial (ALM) do pé de crianças obesas e verificar a concordância entre 5 índices da impressão plantar que caracterizam este arco. MÉTODOS: 156 crianças obesas, ambos os sexos, idade entre 4 e 10 anos, pertencentes a escolas pública e privada da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. As crianças classificadas como obesas foram selecionadas entre 1535 crianças estudantes de cinco escolas, com idade entre 4 e 10 anos. Em seguida foram coletadas as impressões plantares de cada criança e calculados índices que caracterizaram o ALM: índice de Cavanagh e Rodgers - CR, índice de Staheli - IS1 e IS2, índice de Chipaux-Smirak ICS e ângulo alfa de Clarke - AA. RESULTADOS: CR, IS e ICS mostraram que a grande alteração na forma do ALM ocorre na transição dos 8 para os 9 anos e o AA mostra dois momentos, passagem dos 6 para os 7 anos e dos 8 para os 9 anos. De uma maneira geral, a classificação IS1 foi a mais discrepante para classificar o ALM nessas crianças e o CR a mais constante. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se que o ALM se forma mais tardiamente em crianças obesas (8 para 9 anos) em relação às crianças não obesas (5 para 6 anos). Quanto aos índices, houve semelhança na descrição do desenvolvimento do ALM entre CR, ICS e AA, sendo que o IS merece maior cuidado e restrição em seu uso.OBJECTIVES: To describe the development of the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) ofthe foot of obese children and verify the concordance between 5 footprint indexes whichcharacterize such arch. METHODS: 156 obese children, both genders, between 4 and 10 yearsold, belonging to both public and private schools of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The childrenwere classified as obese according to Cole et al (2000) and selected among 1535 studentsbetween 4 and 10 years old from 5 different schools. Afterwards, the footprints of each obesechild were collected and then the indexes that characterize the MLA were calculated: Cavanaghand Rodgers index - CR, Staheli index - IS1 and IS2, Chipaux-Smirak index - ICS, andfootprint angle - AA. RESULTS: CR, IS and ICS showed that a remarkable change in the MLAshape takes place in the transition from 8 to 9 years of age and the AA showed two transitionranges, from 6 to 7 and from 8 to 9 years of age. Generally speaking, the largest discrepancywas noticed in the IS1 classification when evaluating the MLA for those children and the CRone proved to be the most stable. CONCLUSION: It was observed that the MLA is formed later inobese children (8 to 9 years of age) comparing to non-obese children (5 to 6 years of age).Regarding the indexes, there was a similarity in the description of the MLA developmentbetween CR, ICS and AA. The IS needs more caution and its use should be restricted

    Short stature caused by SHOX gene haploinsufficiency: from diagnosis to treatment

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    Estudos realizados em pacientes portadores de deleções parciais dos cromossomos sexuais permitiram a caracterização do SHOX, gene localizado na região pseudoautossômica no braço curto dos cromossomos sexuais, fundamental na determinação da altura normal. A perda de uma cópia deste gene na síndrome de Turner (ST) explica dois terços da baixa estatura observada nesta síndrome. A haploinsuficiência do SHOX é detectada em 77% dos pacientes com discondrosteose de Leri-Weill, uma forma comum de displasia esquelética de herança autossômica dominante e em 3% das crianças com baixa estatura idiopática (BEI), tornando os defeitos neste gene a principal causa monogênica de baixa estatura. A medida da altura sentada em relação à altura total (Z da AS/AT para idade e sexo) é uma forma simples de identificar a desproporção corpórea e, associada ao exame cuidadoso do paciente e de outros membros da família, auxilia na seleção de pacientes para o estudo molecular do SHOX. O uso de hormônio de crescimento (GH) está bem estabelecido na ST e em razão da causa comum da baixa estatura com o de crianças com defeitos isolados do SHOX o tratamento destes pacientes com GH é também proposto. Neste artigo será revisado os aspectos clínicos, moleculares e terapêuticos da haploinsuficiência do SHOX.Studies involving patients with short stature and partial deletion of sex chromosomes identified SHOX gene in the pseudoautosomal region of the X and Y chromosomes. SHOX haploinsufficiency is an important cause of short stature in a diversity of clinical conditions. It explains 2/3 of short stature observed in Turner syndrome (TS) patients. Heterozygous mutations in SHOX are observed in 77% of patients with Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis, a common dominant inherited skeletal dysplasia and in 3% of children with idiopathic short stature, indicating that SHOX defects are the most frequent monogenetic cause of short stature. The sitting height/height ratio (SH/H) standard deviation score is a simple way to assess body proportions and together with a careful exam of other family members, effectively selected a group of patients that presented a high frequency of SHOX mutations. Growth hormone treatment of short stature due to TS is well established and considering the common etiology of short stature in patients with isolated defects of SHOX gene, this treatment is also proposed for these patients. Here, we review clinical, molecular and therapeutic aspects of SHOX haploinsufficiency.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Atmospheric particulate matter from an industrial area as a source of metal nanoparticle contamination in aquatic ecosystems

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    Air pollution legislation and control worldwide is based on the size of particulate matter (PM) to evaluate the effects on environmental and human health, in which the small diameter particles are considered more dangerous than larger sizes. This study investigates the composition, stability, size and dispersion of atmospheric settleable particulate matter (SePM) in an aqueous system. We aimed to interrogate the changes in the physical properties and characteristics that can contribute to increased metal uptake by aquatic biota. Samples collected in an area influenced by the steel and iron industry were separated into 8 fractions (425 to ≤10 μm) and analysed physically and chemically. Results from ICP-MS and X-ray showed that the PM composition was mainly hematite with 80% of Fe, followed by Al, Mn and Ti. Among 27 elements analysed we found 19 metals, showing emerging metallic contaminants such as Y, Zr, Sn, La, Ba and Bi. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that SePM fractions are formed by an agglomeration of nanoparticles. Furthermore, dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) demonstrated that SPM were dissociated in water, forming nanoparticles smaller than 200 nm, which can also contribute to water pollution. This study highlights that SePM contamination may be substantially higher than expected under that allowed in atmospheric regulatory frameworks, thereby extending their negative effect to water bodies upon settling, which is an underexplored area of our knowledge. We therefore provide important insights for future investigations on safety regulations involving SePM in the environment, indicating the need to revise the role of SePM, not solely associated with air pollution but also considering their deleterious effects on water resources

    Moderate D/H Ratios in Methane Ice on Eris and Makemake as Evidence of Hydrothermal or Metamorphic Processes in Their Interiors: Geochemical Analysis

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    Dwarf planets Eris and Makemake have surfaces bearing methane ice of unknown origin. D/H ratios were recently determined from James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations of Eris and Makemake (Grundy et al., submitted), giving us new clues to decipher the origin of methane. Here, we develop geochemical models to test if the origin of methane could be primordial, derived from CO2_2 or CO ("abiotic"), or sourced by organics ("thermogenic"). We find that primordial methane is inconsistent with the observational data, whereas both abiotic and thermogenic methane can have D/H ratios that overlap the observed ranges. This suggests that Eris and Makemake either never acquired a significant amount of methane during their formation, or their original inventories were removed and then replaced by a source of internally produced methane. Because producing abiotic or thermogenic methane likely requires temperatures in excess of ~150{\deg}C, we infer that Eris and Makemake have rocky cores that underwent substantial radiogenic heating. Their cores may still be warm/hot enough to produce methane. This heating could have driven hydrothermal circulation at the bottom of an ice-covered ocean to generate abiotic methane, and/or metamorphic reactions involving accreted organic matter could have occurred in response to heating in the deeper interior, generating thermogenic methane. Additional analyses of thermal evolution model results and predictions from modeling of D-H exchange in the solar nebula support our findings of elevated subsurface temperatures and a lack of primordial methane on Eris and Makemake. It remains an open question whether their D/H ratios may have evolved subsequent to methane outgassing. Recommendations are given for future activities to further test proposed scenarios of abiotic and thermogenic methane production on Eris and Makemake, and to explore these worlds up close.Comment: Submitted to Icarus, 29 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Thalidomide for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding due to angiodysplasia in a patient with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia

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    Angiodysplasia is a frequent cause of persistent gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage in elderly patients. Although GI bleeding isn’t the most common manifestation in patients with bleeding disorders, when present, it represents a challenging complication. We describe a 62-year-old patient with Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia, who used thalidomide for severe and recurrent GI bleeding. For 6 months, the patient experienced temporary control of GI bleeding with thalidomide in a daily oral dose of 100 mg. The anti-angiogenic effects of thalidomide have recently been explored by several groups, particularly in the management of bleeding from angiodysplasia, including cases with von Willebrand disease. Here, we review the relevant descriptions of the use of thalidomide in this situation, and also discuss potential reasons why we observed only a temporary control of the GI bleeding in our patient, such as the use of low-dose regimen due to limitations posed by thalidomide side effects

    The Repetitive Cytoskeletal Protein H49 of Trypanosoma cruzi Is a Calpain-Like Protein Located at the Flagellum Attachment Zone

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    Background: Trypanosoma cruzi has a single flagellum attached to the cell body by a network of specialized cytoskeletal and membranous connections called the flagellum attachment zone. Previously, we isolated a DNA fragment (clone H49) which encodes tandemly arranged repeats of 68 amino acids associated with a high molecular weight cytoskeletal protein. in the current study, the genomic complexity of H49 and its relationships to the T. cruzi calpain-like cysteine peptidase family, comprising active calpains and calpain-like proteins, is addressed. Immunofluorescence analysis and biochemical fractionation were used to demonstrate the cellular location of H49 proteins.Methods and Findings: All of H49 repeats are associated with calpain-like sequences. Sequence analysis demonstrated that this protein, now termed H49/calpain, consists of an amino-terminal catalytic cysteine protease domain II, followed by a large region of 68-amino acid repeats tandemly arranged and a carboxy-terminal segment carrying the protease domains II and III. the H49/calpains can be classified as calpain-like proteins as the cysteine protease catalytic triad has been partially conserved in these proteins. the H49/calpains repeats share less than 60% identity with other calpain-like proteins in Leishmania and T. brucei, and there is no immunological cross reaction among them. It is suggested that the expansion of H49/calpain repeats only occurred in T. cruzi after separation of a T. cruzi ancestor from other trypanosomatid lineages. Immunofluorescence and immunoblotting experiments demonstrated that H49/calpain is located along the flagellum attachment zone adjacent to the cell body.Conclusions: H49/calpain contains large central region composed of 68-amino acid repeats tandemly arranged. They can be classified as calpain-like proteins as the cysteine protease catalytic triad is partially conserved in these proteins. H49/calpains could have a structural role, namely that of ensuring that the cell body remains attached to the flagellum by connecting the subpellicular microtubule array to it.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Beca Presidente de la Republica-ChileUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Antofagasta, Lab Bioquim, Dept Biomed, Antofagasta, ChileUniv Bandeirante São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Brasilia, Dept Biol Celular, Inst Biol, Brasilia, DF, BrazilFiocruz MS, Ctr Pesquisa Rene Rachou CPqRR, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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