5,500 research outputs found

    Use of manganese oxides recovered from spent batteries in electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium

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    The oxygen reduction reaction was studied in alkaline media using manganese oxides obtained from spent batteries as electrocatalysts. Three processes were used to recover manganese oxides from spent batteries. The particles obtained were in the range from 8 to 11 nm. The electrochemical experiments indicated a good electrocatalytic activity toward oxygen reduction using the different samples and showing approximately a direct transference of 4 electrons during the process. Even though all the processes were efficient, the best result was observed for the prepared sample using reactants of low cost.FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)UFAB

    Rethinking Hypothesis Tests

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    Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) have been a popular statistical tool across various scientific disciplines since the 1920s. However, the exclusive reliance on a p-value threshold of 0.05 has recently come under criticism; in particular, it is argued to have contributed significantly to the reproducibility crisis. We revisit some of the main issues associated with NHST and propose an alternative approach that is easy to implement and can address these concerns. Our proposed approach builds on equivalence tests and three-way decision procedures, which offer several advantages over the traditional NHST. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on real-world examples and show that it has many desirable properties

    High-resolution genetic map and QTL analysis of growth-related traits of Hevea brasiliensis cultivated under suboptimal temperature and humidity conditions

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    Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) cultivation is the main source of natural rubber worldwide and has been extended to areas with suboptimal climates and lengthy drought periods; this transition affects growth and latex production. High-density genetic maps with reliable markers support precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL), which can help reveal the complex genome of the species, provide tools to enhance molecular breeding, and shorten the breeding cycle. In this study, QTL mapping of the stem diameter, tree height, and number of whorls was performed for a full-sibling population derived from a GT1 and RRIM701 cross. A total of 225 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 186 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were used to construct a base map with 18 linkage groups and to anchor 671 SNPs from genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to produce a very dense linkage map with small intervals between loci. The final map was composed of 1,079 markers, spanned 3,779.7 cM with an average marker density of 3.5 cM, and showed collinearity between markers from previous studies. Significant variation in phenotypic characteristics was found over a 59-month evaluation period with a total of 38 QTLs being identified through a composite interval mapping method. Linkage group 4 showed the greatest number of QTLs (7), with phenotypic explained values varying from 7.67 to 14.07%. Additionally, we estimated segregation patterns, dominance, and additive effects for each QTL. A total of 53 significant effects for stem diameter were observed, and these effects were mostly related to additivity in the GT1 clone. Associating accurate genome assemblies and genetic maps represents a promising strategy for identifying the genetic basis of phenotypic traits in rubber trees. Then, further research can benefit from the QTLs identified herein, providing a better understanding of the key determinant genes associated with growth of Hevea brasiliensis under limiting water conditions

    Gold nanoparticles and diclofenac diethylammonium administered by iontophoresis reduce inflammatory cytokines expression in Achilles tendinitis

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    Marcelo B Dohnert1,2, Mirelli Venâncio1, Jonathann C Possato1, Rodrigo C Zeferino1, Luciana H Dohnert2, Alexandra I Zugno1, Cláudio T De Souza1, Marcos MS Paula1, Thais F Luciano11Postgraduation Program in Health Sciences, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde PPGCS, Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma, Santa Catarina, 2Department of Physiotherapy, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Torres, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilIntroduction: Tendinitis affects a substantial number of people in several occupations involving repetitive work or direct trauma. Iontophoresis is a therapeutic alternative used in the treatment of injury during the inflammatory phase. In recent years, gold nanoparticles (GNP) have been studied due to their therapeutic anti-inflammatory capacity and as an alternative to the transport of several proteins. Purpose: This study evaluates the therapeutic effects of iontophoresis using GNPs and diclofenac diethylammonium on inflammatory parameters in rats challenged with traumatic tendinitis.Methods: Wistar rats were divided in three treatment groups (n = 15): (1) iontophoresis + diclofenac diethylammonium; (2) iontophoresis + GNP; and (3) iontophoresis + diclofenac diethylammonium + GNP. External control was formed by challenged tendons without treatment (n = 15). Iontophoresis was administered using 0.3 mA direct current on 1.5 cm² electrodes. Results: The levels of both inflammatory cytokines were significantly higher in untreated challenged rats, when compared with the control (5.398 ± 234 for interleukin 1 beta and 6.411 ± 432 for tumor necrosis factor alpha), which confirms the occurrence of an inflammatory stage in injury (P < 0.05). A significant decrease was observed in expression of cytokines interleukin 1 beta in the three treatment groups, in comparison with untreated challenged tendons, although, in the group treated with diclofenac and GNP, results were similar to the control (1.732 ± 239) (P < 0.05). Concerning tumor necrosis factor alpha, only the group treated with the association diclofenac and GNPs presented decreased levels, compared with the control (3.221 ± 369) (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The results show the efficacy of drug administration using direct current to treat tendinitis in an animal model, and the potential anti-inflammatory, carrier, and enhancing effects of GNPs in iontophoresis.Keywords: tendinous injury, proinflammatory cytokines, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, nanoparticle

    Mudanças ofertadas pelo Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica

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    Resumo Objetivo: analisar as mudanças que o Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica tem provocado nos serviços da atenção básica em saúde. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2014 em Grossos/RN. Método: o cenário de estudo foram as Estratégias de Saúde da Família (ESF) que aderiram ao Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção. Foram entrevistados 10 profissionais de saúde, de nível médio e superior, e quatro gestores responsáveis pela coordenação do programa. Os dados foram analisados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: foram apontadas três principais mudanças: organização do trabalho; recursos materiais e infraestrutura da ESF; organização dos registros. Conclusão: o programa possibilitou a construção de mudanças e induz não só as reformas físicas nas unidades como também a avaliação e o monitoramento de desempenho permanente da atenção básica

    PtSnIr/C anode electrocatalysts: promoting effect in direct ethanol fuel cells

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    This study investigates the promoting effect of PtSnIr/C (1:1:1) electrocatalyst anode, prepared by polymeric precursor method, on the ethanol oxidation reaction in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC). All of the materials used were 20% metal m/m on carbon. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed the presence of Pt, PtOH2, PtO2, SnO2 and IrO2 at the electrocatalyst surface, indicating a possible decorated particle structure. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) analysis indicated metallic Pt and Ir as well as the formation of an alloy with Sn. Using the PtSnIr/C electrocatalyst prepared here with two times lower loading of Pt than PtSn/C E-tek electrocatalyst, it was possible to obtain the same maximum power density found for the commercial material. The main reaction product was acetic acid probably due to the presence of oxides, in this point the bifunctional mechanism is predominant, but an electronic effect should not be discarded

    Systematic analysis of jellyfish galaxy candidates in Fornax, Antlia, and Hydra from the S-PLUS survey: A self-supervised visual identification aid

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/We study 51 jellyfish galaxy candidates in the Fornax, Antlia, and Hydra clusters. These candidates are identified using the JClass scheme based on the visual classification of wide-field, twelve-band optical images obtained from the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey. A comprehensive astrophysical analysis of the jellyfish (JClass > 0), non-jellyfish (JClass = 0), and independently organized control samples is undertaken. We develop a semi-automated pipeline using self-supervised learning and similarity search to detect jellyfish galaxies. The proposed framework is designed to assist visual classifiers by providing more reliable JClasses for galaxies. We find that jellyfish candidates exhibit a lower Gini coefficient, higher entropy, and a lower 2D Sérsic index as the jellyfish features in these galaxies become more pronounced. Jellyfish candidates show elevated star formation rates (including contributions from the main body and tails) by 1.75 dex, suggesting a significant increase in the SFR caused by the ram-pressure stripping phenomenon. Galaxies in the Antlia and Fornax clusters preferentially fall towards the cluster's centre, whereas only a mild preference is observed for Hydra galaxies. Our self-supervised pipeline, applied in visually challenging cases, offers two main advantages: it reduces human visual biases and scales effectively for large data sets. This versatile framework promises substantial enhancements in morphology studies for future galaxy image surveys.Peer reviewe

    Influence of urban pollution on the production of organic particulate matter from isoprene epoxydiols in central Amazonia

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    The atmospheric chemistry of isoprene contributes to the production of a substantial mass fraction of the particulate matter (PM) over tropical forests. Isoprene epoxydiols (IEPOX) produced in the gas phase by the oxidation of isoprene under HO2-dominant conditions are subsequently taken up by particles, thereby leading to production of secondary organic PM. The present study investigates possible perturbations to this pathway by urban pollution. The measurement site in central Amazonia was located 4 to 6 h downwind of Manaus, Brazil. Measurements took place from February through March 2014 of the wet season, as part of the GoAmazon2014/5 experiment. Mass spectra of organic PM collected with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer were analyzed by positive-matrix factorization. One resolved statistical factor (IEPOX-SOA factor) was associated with PM production by the IEPOX pathway. The IEPOX-SOA factor loadings correlated with independently measured mass concentrations of tracers of IEPOX-derived PM, namely C5-alkene triols and 2-methyltetrols (R = 0. 96 and 0.78, respectively). The factor loading, as well as the ratio f of the loading to organic PM mass concentration, decreased under polluted compared to background conditions. For an increase in NOy concentration from 0.5 to 2 ppb, the factor loading and f decreased by two to three fold. Overall, sulfate concentration explained 37 % of the variability in the factor loading. After segregation of factor loading into subsets based on NOy concentration, the sulfate concentration explained up to 75 % of the variability. Considering both factors, the data sets show that the suppressing effects of increased NO concentrations dominated over the enhancing effects of higher sulfate concentrations. The pollution from Manaus elevated NOy concentrations more significantly than sulfate concentrations relative to background conditions. In this light, increased emissions of nitrogen oxides, as anticipated for some scenarios of Amazonian economic development, could significantly alter pathways of PM production that presently prevail over the tropical forest, implying changes to air quality and regional climate.</html