26 research outputs found

    Effect and cost of an after-school dance programme on the physical activity of 11-12 year old girls: The Bristol Girls Dance Project, a school-based cluster randomised controlled trial

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    © 2015 Jago et al. Background: The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness and cost of an after-school dance intervention at increasing the physical activity levels of Year 7 girls (age 11-12). Methods: A cluster randomised controlled trial was conducted in 18 secondary schools. Participants were Year 7 girls attending a study school. The Bristol Girls Dance Project (BGDP) intervention consisted of up to forty, 75-minute dance sessions delivered in the period immediately after school by experienced dance instructors over 20-weeks. The pre-specified primary outcome was accelerometer assessed mean minutes of weekday moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at time 2 (52weeks are T0 baseline assessments). Secondary outcomes included accelerometer assessed mean minutes of weekday MVPA at time 1 (while the intervention was still running) and psychosocial outcomes. Intervention costs were assessed. Results: 571 girls participated. Valid accelerometer data were collected from 549 girls at baseline with 508 girls providing valid accelerometer data at baseline and time 2. There were no differences between the intervention and control group for accelerometer assessed physical activity at either time 1 or time 2. Only one third of the girls in the intervention arm met the pre-set adherence criteria of attending two thirds of the dance sessions that were available to them. Instrumental variable regression analyses using complier average causal effects provided no evidence of a difference between girls who attended the sessions and the control group. The average cost of the intervention was £73 per girl, which was reduced to £63 when dance instructor travel expenses were excluded. Conclusion: This trial showed no evidence that an after-school dance programme can increase the physical activity of Year 7 girls. The trial highlighted the difficulty encountered in maintaining attendance in physical activity programmes delivered in secondary schools. There is a need to find new ways to help adolescent girls to be physically active via identifying ways to support and encourage sustained engagement in physical activity over the life course. Trial registration: ISRCTN5288252

    Impact of Base Partitions on Multi-objective and Traditional Ensemble Clustering Algorithms

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    International audienceThis paper presents a comparative study of cluster ensemble and multi-objective cluster ensemble algorithms. Our aim is to evaluate the extent to which such methods are able to identify the underlying structure hidden in a data set, given different levels of information they receive as input in the set of base partitions (BP). To do so, given a gold/reference partition, we produced nine sets of BP containing properties of interest for our analysis, such as large number of subdivisions of true clusters. We aim at answering questions such as: are the methods able to generate new and more robust partitions than those in the set of BP? are the techniques influenced by poor quality partitions presented in the set of BP

    Direito empresarial público III

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ0007986

    Prevalence of upper digestive endoscopy and gastric histopathology findings in morbidly obese patients

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    CONTEXT: The prevalence of obesity has been increasing in modern society. Roux-en-y gastric bypass is a bariatric surgery that involves the exclusion of significant part of the stomach. Atrophy, intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer have been associated with infection by Helicobacter pylori. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presence of endoscopy findings and histological changes in morbid obese patients for the presence of inflammatory cells, inflammatory activity, lymphoid hyperplasia, H. pylori infection, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia in the gastric mucosa. METHODS: Upper digestive endoscopy and gastric histopathological were studied in 126 obese patients in the preoperative evaluation for bariatric surgery. RESULTS: Upper digestive endoscopy abnormalities were diagnosed in 73/126 (57.9%) patients. In three patients (2.4%) the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy diagnosed gastric ulcer and one patient (0.8%) had duodenal ulcer. The histopathological from gastric biopsies of these obese patients showed 65.1% of mucosa inflammation, inflammatory activity in 50.0%, infection by H. pylori in 53.2%, lymphoid hyperplasia in 50.0% and atrophy and/or intestinal metaplasia in 16.7%. CONCLUSIONS: In present study, with routine preoperative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and histopathological examination, were detected 57.9% patients with endoscopy abnormalities, high prevalence of infection by H. pylori (53%) and 16.7% of gastric atrophy and/or intestinal metaplasia

    Anemia e renda per capita familiar de crianças freqüentadoras da creche do Centro Educacional Unificado Cidade Dutra, no Município de São Paulo Anemia and per capita income in children enrolled in a childhood education center in São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência de anemia de acordo com a renda familiar per capita de crianças matriculadas no Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) do Centro Educacional Unificado (CEU) Cidade Dutra, no Município de São Paulo, São Paulo, em 2004. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, com 190 crianças de 11 a 57 meses de idade distribuídas em duas faixas de renda familiar per capita (< 1 e > 1 salário mínimo). Foram consideradas anêmicas as crianças com taxa de hemoglobina <11g/dL, medida em amostra de sangue capilar digital por meio de fotômetro portátil Hemocue®. Na análise dos resultados foram empregados o teste do qui-quadrado e a análise de variância de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: A anemia foi observada em 31,6% das crianças investigadas, sendo a sua freqüência significantemente maior nas crianças de menor faixa etária. A freqüência de anemia foi de 72,7%, 41,2%, 19,7% e 15,4%, respectivamente nas crianças de 11 a 23 meses, 24 a 35 meses, 36 a 47 meses e 48 a 57 meses. Entre as crianças de famílias com renda inferior a um salário mínimo, a freqüência de anemia foi de 36,7%, e naquelas com um ou mais salário mínimo, a prevalência foi 22,9%. CONCLUSÕES: Na creche do CEU Cidade Dutra, a freqüência de anemia foi maior nas crianças de 11 a 23 meses e nas famílias com renda per capita inferior a um salário mínimo.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of anemia according to family per capita income in children enrolled in a day care center in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2004. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 190 children aged 11 to 57 months divided into two groups of per capita income (<1 or > 1 minimum wage). Hemoglobin level was evaluated in capillary blood (finger-stick test) using a Hemocue® portable photometer. Anemia was considered when hemoglobin level was below 11g/dL. The results were analyzed using chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. RESULTS: Anemia was found in 31.6% of the investigated children, with a higher proportion in younger children. The frequency of anemia was, respectively, 72.7%, 41.2%, 19.7% and 15.4% in children aged 11-23 months age, 24-35 months, 36-47 months, and 48-57 months. Among children of families with low per capita income, the frequency of anemia was 36.7%. In families earning more than one minimum wage per capita per month, there were 22.9% of children with anemia. CONCLUSIONS: At the day care center, the frequency of anemia was higher among children aged 11-23 months, especially when the family per capita income was less than one minimum wage per month

    Immediate extubation in cardiac surgery: evaluation using electroencephalogram Extubação imediata em cirurgia cardíaca: avaliação pelo eletroencefalograma

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:The current techniques of anesthesia employed in cardiac surgery leading to immediate extubation depend on adequate analgesia and titration of anesthetic drugs. We sought to determine the best possible moment of extubation, using the bispectral index of the electroencephalogram. METHOD: Twelve ASA III patients were analyzed. Seven (58.4%) were children (Group I), submitted to correction of congenital cardiac defects with ages ranging from 0 to 7 years. Five adults (Group II), with ages ranging from 30 to 75 years, underwent coronary artery bypass grafts. In Group I spinal anesthesia (L5-S1) using hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine (0.5mg/kg) and morphine (5µg/kg) was chosen. In Group II epidural anesthesia (T3-T4) with catheter placement plus ropivacaine (60mg) and morphine (2mg) were employed. For the induction of anesthesia fentanila (4µg/kg), muscle relaxant and propofol (to bring the bispectral index value down to 30) were utilized. General anesthesia was maintained with sevofluorane, maintaining the bispectral index value between 40 and 60. Extubation was programmed at a bispectral index value of 90. RESULTS: All patients were extubated up to one hour after the end of the surgical procedure, 91.6% of them in the operating room. All had the cognitive functions preserved without history of explicit memory or pain (adults and children who were able to speak), nor facial expression of pain (small children). Four (57%) patients in Group I and one (20%) in Group II had post-operative pruritus. Two patients (28%) in Group II had emesis. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the technique employed is safe and effective, as long as the criteria for its use are strictly observed.<br>INTRODUÇÃO: As técnicas empregadas em cirurgia cardíaca visando a extubação imediata (EI) dependem de analgesia adequada e titulação de drogas anestésicas. OBJETIVO: A finalidade deste estudo é analisar a EI, utilizando eletroencefalograma (índice bispectral - BIS) para adequar o melhor momento de extubação. MÉTODO: Foram analisados 12 pacientes, ASA III, 7 crianças (Grupo I) 58,4%, com idades entre 0 e 7 anos, submetidas a correção cirúrgica de cardiopatias congênitas e 5 adultos (Grupo II), com idades entre 30 e 75 anos, submetidos a revascularização do miocárdio. No Grupo I realizou-se raquianestesia entre L5 e S1 com injeção de marcaína pesada (0,5 mg/kg) e morfina (5µg/kg). No Grupo II realizou-se bloqueio epidural entre T3 e T4, com introdução de cateter e injeção de 60mg de ropivacaína e 2mg de morfina. Na indução da anestesia, empregamos: Fentanil 4 µg/kg, propofol até BIS igual a 30 e relaxante muscular. A anestesia geral foi mantida com sevoflurano para BIS entre 40 e 60. Foi programada extubação quando o BIS atingisse 90. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes foram extubados até 1 hora após o término da operação, sendo 91,6% na sala de operações, com função cognitiva preservada, sem história de memória explícita, dor (adultos e crianças maiores) ou expressão facial de dor (crianças menores). Cinqüenta e sete por cento (4) dos pacientes do Grupo I e 20% (1) Grupo II apresentaram prurido e 28% (2) Grupo I apresentaram vômitos. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica empregada mostrou-se segura e eficaz, desde que observados critérios rígidos para sua execução