8 research outputs found


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    The presence of dogs in domestic environments has become quite common, but it is necessary to maintain care of the animals, since they can transmit pathogens to humans causing zoonotic diseases and one of the forms of transmission can be by accidental ingestion of parasite eggs present in the hairs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of intestinal parasites in the hair of dogs attended at two veterinary clinics in the city of Teresina, PI. The collected hairs were taken to the Parasitology Laboratory at UFPI for evaluation and underwent a washing process through a technique modified for this purpose. Of 59 dog hair samples, 11 were positive for helminths or protozoa, being found eggs of the family Taeniidae and the genus Ancylostoma, besides to cysts Giardia spp. and oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp., important zoonotic potential parasites. Once parasitized, the dogs can pose a risk of contamination to humans through their faeces or through their hair. It is concluded that the eggs helminths of the Taeniidae family and of the Ancylostoma genus and the protozoa of the Giardia and Cryptosporidium genus can be adhered to the hairs of the perianal region of dogs, and these last parasites are the first reports in the hair in this animals species.A presença de cães em ambientes domiciliares se tornou bastante comum, porém é preciso manter cuidados com relação aos animais, uma vez que eles podem transmitir patógenos ao homem, causando, assim, doenças zoonóticas; e que uma das formas de transmissão pode ser por ingestão acidental de ovos de parasitos presentes nos pelos. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de parasitos intestinais em pelos de cães atendidos em duas clínicas veterinárias do município de Teresina/PI. Os pelos colhidos foram levados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia da UFPI para avaliação e passaram por um processo de lavagem por meio de uma técnica modificada para essa finalidade. De 59 amostras de pelos de cães, 11 foram positivas para helmintos ou protozoários, sendo encontrados ovos da família Taeniidae e do gênero Ancylostoma, além de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp., importantes parasitos de potencial zoonótico. Uma vez parasitados, os cães podem oferecer risco de contaminação para os humanos, tanto por meio das fezes como por meio dos pelos. Conclui-se que ovos de helmintos da família Taeniidae e do gênero Ancylostoma e os protozoários do gênero Giardia e Cryptosporidium podem ficar aderidos nos pelos da região perianal de cães, sendo que as ocorrências destes últimos parasitos são os primeiros relatos nos pelos dessa espécie animal

    Isolation, Expansion, Differentiation and Growth Kinetics Essay in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Culture from the Bone Marrow of Collared Peccaries (Tayassu tajacu)

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    Background: There are few studies on stem cell isolation in wild animals that provide isolation and culture protocols of these cells in vitro. Among the wild species studied, we present the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) as a model with potential to obtain and use MSC in preclinical studies. These animals are phylogenetically close to the domestic pig, popularly known as peccaries and found naturally in South America, Central America and the South of the United States. The aim of the present study was to establish a protocol for the isolation, in vitro cell expansion, differentiation and assessment of the stromal MSC growth curve before and after thawing.Materials, Methods & Results: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from collared peccary bone marrow (Tayassu tajacu) were isolated and expanded by centrifuge in Ficoll® solution and cultured in DMEM® High Glucose medium. The culture was assessed by assays of colony forming units CFU-F and growth curve by saturation (GCS). Cultures in the third passage, with 70% confluence, were replicated at 105 cells/mL concentration in the culture media to induce osteogenic cell differentiation and adipogenic cell differentiation, respectively. The MSC were frozen in nitrogen for 40 days, thawed and re-assessed for cell viability and GCS.Discussion: The bone marrow collected presented high mononuclear cellularity, with a mean variability of 94.5% and 60.83 ± 4.27 UFC were identified in the samples and cells with fibroblast-like-cell morphology were observed. When they were expanded, the mean cell viability was 95%, the mean cell concentration obtained was 233.31 ± 20.04 cells per 25cm2 bottle and the culture reached the growth plateau in GCS between the 13th and 16th day. The osteoblastic cell differentiation assay showed after 18 days, morphology similar to osteoblasts, with irregular cytoplasm limits, cell prolongation formation and flattened appearance. After staining with Alizarin Red, the nucleus presented a wine red coloring and the cytoplasm, more basophilic and well-defined, with calcium deposits inside the cells. The cultures submitted to adipogenic differentiation were large, hexagonal, irregular and presented birrefringent cytoplasm granules after the third week of culture. When stained with Oil Red it was observed that the cytoplasm granules were scattered small fat vacuoles and stained maroon. The viability after thawing was 78% and the mean cell concentration obtained in GCS was 199.71 ± 14.72 cells per 25 cm2 bottle. The curves reached the saturation plateau early, on the eighth day of observation. From then onwards the cultures entered became exhausted and the cell concentration of the samples decreased progressively until minimum values. These results showed the presence of a well-defined MSC population in the collared peccary bone marrow with a high rate of replication in vitro and potential for differentiation confirmed by the adipogenic and osteogenic lines. The cryopreservation technique adopted presented satisfactory results, but indicated a significant cell stress after thawing that justifies investigation of the apoptosis rates induced post thawing in the species. Furthermore, the bone marrow collection did not harm the animals and the facility of stromal MSC isolation and culture qualifies the collared peccary as a viable alternative model to obtain MSC and for studies in the area of cell therapy

    Estratégias de acolhimento de estudantes em tempos de pandemia no IFMG: experiências dos campi Ribeirão das Neves, Santa Luzia, Ibirité e São João Evangelista

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    O artigo aborda as estratégias de acolhimento de estudantes desenvolvidas, a partir da suspensão das atividades presenciais e organização do Ensino Remoto Emergencial durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus, por Pedagogos e Técnicos em Assuntos Educacionais do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG) nos campi Ribeirão das Neves, Santa Luzia, Ibirité e São João Evangelista. De forma geral, o artigo é um primeiro esforço de resgate da memória de um período histórico que impôs novas formas de vivências e experiências que impactaram o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Destacam-se as similitudes e particularidades de cada um dos campi aqui elencados, além de sinalizarem-se ações para a retomada das atividades presenciais

    Avaliação sazonal da qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas na área de influência do Lixão de Salinópolis, PA

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sazonalidade da qualidade da água superficial e subterrânea nas proximidades do lixão de Salinópolis, situado na Vila de Cuiarana, por meio da caracterização da precipitação da região e da sua influência na composição físico-química e microbiológica das águas locais. Para isso, foram observados os dados dos acumulados mensais da precipitação local, medição da velocidade de infiltração no solo e medição da vazão dos rios Cachoeira e Teixeira. Foram selecionados os parâmetros físico-químicos e bacteriológicos: pH, oxigênio dissolvido (OD), temperatura da água, sólidos totais dissolvidos (TDS), turbidez, condutividade elétrica (CE), salinidade, amônia, nitrato, coliformes totais e Escherichia coli; e os metais: alumínio, cádmio, chumbo, cobre, cromo, ferro, manganês, mercúrio, níquel e zinco. Tanto as águas superficiais quanto as subterrâneas se apresentaram inadequadas para uso e consumo humano. Parâmetros como OD, ferro, alumínio, chumbo, mercúrio, coliformes totais e E. coli estão em desconformidade com as legislações vigentes. O período chuvoso influenciou negativamente a qualidade em águas superficiais. Em águas subterrâneas, parâmetros como amônia, nitrato, ferro, mercúrio e chumbo estiveram em maiores concentrações no período menos chuvoso; enquanto, CE, E. coli, coliformes totais e alumínio aumentaram suas concentrações no período chuvoso

    Seasonal evaluation of surface and groundwater quality in the area of influence of the Lixão de Salinópolis, PA

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    <p></p><p>Abstract This work evaluated the seasonality of surface and groundwater quality in the vicinity of the Salinópolis dump, located in the Cuiarana village, by characterizing precipitation in the region and its influence on the physicochemical and microbiological composition of local waters. To accomplish this, data regarding monthly local precipitation were reviewed, and measurements were taken of the rate of soil infiltration and the rate of flow of the Cachoeira and Teixeira Rivers. The physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters selected were pH, dissolved oxygen (OD), water temperature, total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, ammonia, nitrate, total coliforms and Escherichia coli; and the metals aluminum, cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, mercury, nickel and zinc. Both surface and groundwater were inadequate for human consumption and use. Parameters such as OD, iron, aluminum, lead, mercury, total coliforms and E. coli are not in compliance with current legislation in both surface and underground waters. The rainy season had a negative impact on surface water quality. In groundwater, parameters such as ammonia, nitrate, iron, mercury and lead were higher in the less rainy period, whereas EC, E. coli, total coliforms and aluminum increased their concentrations in the rainy period.</p><p></p

    Isolation, Expansion, Differentiation and Growth Kinetics Essay in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Culture from the Bone Marrow of Collared Peccaries (Tayassu tajacu)

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    Background: There are few studies on stem cell isolation in wild animals that provide isolation and culture protocols of these cells in vitro. Among the wild species studied, we present the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) as a model with potential to obtain and use MSC in preclinical studies. These animals are phylogenetically close to the domestic pig, popularly known as peccaries and found naturally in South America, Central America and the South of the United States. The aim of the present study was to establish a protocol for the isolation, in vitro cell expansion, differentiation and assessment of the stromal MSC growth curve before and after thawing.Materials, Methods & Results: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from collared peccary bone marrow (Tayassu tajacu) were isolated and expanded by centrifuge in Ficoll® solution and cultured in DMEM® High Glucose medium. The culture was assessed by assays of colony forming units CFU-F and growth curve by saturation (GCS). Cultures in the third passage, with 70% confluence, were replicated at 105 cells/mL concentration in the culture media to induce osteogenic cell differentiation and adipogenic cell differentiation, respectively. The MSC were frozen in nitrogen for 40 days, thawed and re-assessed for cell viability and GCS.Discussion: The bone marrow collected presented high mononuclear cellularity, with a mean variability of 94.5% and 60.83 ± 4.27 UFC were identified in the samples and cells with fibroblast-like-cell morphology were observed. When they were expanded, the mean cell viability was 95%, the mean cell concentration obtained was 233.31 ± 20.04 cells per 25cm2 bottle and the culture reached the growth plateau in GCS between the 13th and 16th day. The osteoblastic cell differentiation assay showed after 18 days, morphology similar to osteoblasts, with irregular cytoplasm limits, cell prolongation formation and flattened appearance. After staining with Alizarin Red, the nucleus presented a wine red coloring and the cytoplasm, more basophilic and well-defined, with calcium deposits inside the cells. The cultures submitted to adipogenic differentiation were large, hexagonal, irregular and presented birrefringent cytoplasm granules after the third week of culture. When stained with Oil Red it was observed that the cytoplasm granules were scattered small fat vacuoles and stained maroon. The viability after thawing was 78% and the mean cell concentration obtained in GCS was 199.71 ± 14.72 cells per 25 cm2 bottle. The curves reached the saturation plateau early, on the eighth day of observation. From then onwards the cultures entered became exhausted and the cell concentration of the samples decreased progressively until minimum values. These results showed the presence of a well-defined MSC population in the collared peccary bone marrow with a high rate of replication in vitro and potential for differentiation confirmed by the adipogenic and osteogenic lines. The cryopreservation technique adopted presented satisfactory results, but indicated a significant cell stress after thawing that justifies investigation of the apoptosis rates induced post thawing in the species. Furthermore, the bone marrow collection did not harm the animals and the facility of stromal MSC isolation and culture qualifies the collared peccary as a viable alternative model to obtain MSC and for studies in the area of cell therapy

    Revista NERA (no. 47 dossiê 2019)

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