908 research outputs found


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    Visceral leishmaniasis is an infectious zoonosis with high importance in Brazil. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical findings of 21 dogs naturally infected by visceral leishmaniasis, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The diagnosis was based on serology. Most of the dogs showed skin abnormalities, weight loss, decreased appetite, lymphadenomegaly and apathy. It were also observed ocular signs, splenomegaly, arthritis, onychogryphosis, emesis, myositis, dehydration, epistaxis, and involvement of the urinary system. A leishmaniose visceral é uma antropozoonose muito importante no Brasil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a descrição clínica de 21 cães naturalmente acometidos por leishmaniose visceral na cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará. O diagnóstico de leishmaniose visceral foi realizado por meio de exames sorológicos. As alterações mais freqüentes foram as dermatológicas, seguidas por emaciação, hiporexia, linfadenomegalia e apatia. Também foram observadas alterações oculares, esplenomegalia, artrite, onicogrifose, emese, miosite, desidratação, epistaxe e comprometimento do sistema urinário


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    Electrophoretic profiles of serum proteins can help on the diagnosis of several pathologies. However, the establishment of local reference values is important for accurate interpretation of this laboratory assay, since those values may be variable depending on local conditions. Thus, the aim of the present research work was to determine the reference values for eletrophoretic separation of serum proteins in goats from Rio Grande do Norte State (RN) Brazil farms. Blood samples were collected from 22 adult goats, negative for caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus, from farms at Afonso Bezerra city. Serum levels of total proteins were assayed and separation of gobulins performed by electrophoresis. The following results were found: Total proteins, 70.0 g/L, albumin, 37.0 g/ L, a- globulins, 7.63 g/L, b1 globulins, 10.4 g/l, b2- globulins, 10.2 g/L, g-globulins, 4.76 g/L, and albumin/ globulins ratio 1.16. Thus, data from this research work may be useful as a tool on the diagnosis of goat diseases.O perfil eletroforético de proteínas séricas é uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada como auxílio ao diagnóstico de diversas patologias. No entanto, para adequada interpretação deste exame, é necessário o estabelecimento dos valores de referência locais, uma vez que estes podem divergir daqueles obtidos em outras condições. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar valores de referência para o exame eletroforético de proteínas séricas em caprinos criados no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 22 caprinos adultos negativos para o vírus da artrite e encefalite caprinas, de propriedades localizadas no município de Afonso Bezerra, RN. Foram determinados os níveis séricos de proteínas totais e das diferentes frações de proteínas separadas por eletroforese. Os resultados obtidos foram: proteínas totais - 70,0g/L; albumina - 37,0g/L; a- globulinas - 7,63g/L; b1-globulinas - 10,4g/L; b2- globulinas - 10,2g/L; g-globulinas - 4,76g/L e relação albumina/globulinas - 1,16. Assim, os resultados obtidos poderão ser utilizados no auxílio ao diagnóstico de doenças em caprinos

    Elucidating the neuropathologic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Acknowledgements We want to express our gratitude to the Union Medical University Clinic, Dominican Republic, for their support and collaboration in the development of this research project. We also want to express our gratitude to the Mexican families who have donated the brain of their loved ones affected with Alzheimer's disease and made our research possible. This work is dedicated to the memory of Professor Dr. José Raúl Mena López†.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A conceptual framework for crop-based agri-food supply chain characterization under uncertainty

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    [EN] Crop-based Agri-food Supply Chains (AFSCs) are complex systems that face multiple sources of uncertainty that can cause a significant imbalance between supply and demand in terms of product varieties, quantities, qualities, customer requirements, times and prices, all of which greatly complicate their management. Poor management of these sources of uncertainty in these AFSCs can have negative impact on quality, safety, and sustainability by reducing the logistic efficiency and increasing the waste. Therefore, it becomes crucial to develop models in order to deal with the key sources of uncertainty. For this purpose, it is necessary to precisely understand and define the problem under study. Even, the characterisation process of this domains is also a difficult and time-consuming task, especially when the right directions and standards are not in place. In this chapter, a Conceptual Framework is proposed that systematically collects those aspects that are relevant for an adequate crop-based AFSC management under uncertainty.Authors of this publication acknowledge the contribution of the Project 691249, RUC-APS "Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems" (www.ruc-aps.eu), funded by the European Union under their funding scheme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Esteso, A.; Ortiz Bas, Á.; Hernández Hormazabal, JE.; Fernández, A.; Garrido, A.; Martin, J.... (2021). A conceptual framework for crop-based agri-food supply chain characterization under uncertainty. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 280:19-33. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51047-3_2S1933280Taylor, D.H., Fearne, A.: Towards a framework for improvement in the management of demand in agri-food supply chains. 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    Germline Mutations in FAN1 Cause Hereditary Colorectal Cancer by Impairing DNA Repair

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    Identification of genes associated with hereditary cancers facilitates management of patients with family histories of cancer. We performed exome sequencing of DNA from 3 individuals from a family with colorectal cancer who met the Amsterdam criteria for risk of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. These individuals had mismatch repair-proficient tumors and each carried nonsense variant in the FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1 gene (FAN1), which encodes a nuclease involved in DNA inter-strand cross-link repair. We sequenced FAN1 in 176 additional families with histories of colorectal cancer and performed in vitro functional analyses of the mutant forms of FAN1 identified. We detected FAN1 mutations in approximately 3% of families who met the Amsterdam criteria and had mismatch repair-proficient cancers with no previously associated mutations. These findings link colorectal cancer predisposition to the Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathway, supporting the connection between genome integrity and cancer risk