149 research outputs found

    The Current Status of the 2021 “Practical Training in Psychology” subject for Training Certified Public Psychologists in the Department of Psychology

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    本科では3年次開講の「心理インターンシップ」とは棲み分けて「心理実習」を4年次に開講することになった。2021年度は事前指導と事後指導の45時間と代替実習を含む見学実習を40時間以上実施することができた。今後は大学院の「心理実践実習」の連携教育を強化し,科学と実践を意識した教育を行っていきたい。In this department, we decided to separate the “Psychology Internship” offered in the third year from the “Practical Training in Psychology” subject offered in the fourth year. We were able to provide more than 45 hours of pre-and post- guidance and more than 40 hours of observation practice, including alternative practice in 2021. We would like to strengthen the educational program in cooperation with the graduate school’s “Advanced Practical Training in Psychology” subject, and provide education with an awareness of science and practice

    Transformative process of learning interprofessional in “Practical Training in Psychology”

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    本研究の目的は,心理実習における実習生の多職種連携に関する学びの変容過程を明らかにすることであった。通年授業(全30回)の1回目,15回目,30回目の計3回のレポートの特徴語の分析により,連携する人(機関),情報(共有),職種の理解の3点について,学びの変容が見出された。それに伴って,公認心理師の専門性についての言及も増加していた。実習生は他の職種について理解を深めたことで,公認心理師という自職種について,その役割や存在意義について考えるきっかけとなっていたことが示唆された。今後は,「他者を知ることで,自分を知る」機会となる教育プログラムを構築していきたい。The purpose of this study was to clarify the transformation process of trainees’ learning about interprofessional in Practical Training in Psychology. By analyzing the characteristic words in the reports of the first, 15th, and 30th sessions of the fullyear class (30 sessions in total), transformation process of learning was found in terms of three points: people (institutions)to collaborate with, information( sharing), and understanding of professions. Furthermore, there was an increase in references to the professionalism of the Certified Public Psychologist. The results suggest that the trainees deepened their understanding of other professions, which has led them to think about the role and significance of their own profession as the Certified Public Psychologist. It is necessary to construct educational programs that provide opportunities to “Know oneself by Knowing others”

    Development of Kupffer cell targeting type-I interferon for the treatment of hepatitis via inducing anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions

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    Because of its multifaceted anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, delivering type-I interferon to Kupffer cells has the potential to function as a novel type of therapy for the treatment of various types of hepatitis. We report herein on the preparation of a Kupffer cell targeting type-I interferon, an albumin-IFNα2b fusion protein that contains highly mannosylated N-linked oligosaccharide chains, Man-HSA(D494N)-IFNα2b, attached by combining albumin fusion technology and site-directed mutagenesis. The presence of this unique oligosaccharide permits the protein to be efficiently, rapidly and preferentially distributed to Kupffer cells. Likewise IFNα2b, Man-HSA(D494N)-IFNα2b caused a significant induction in the mRNA levels of IL-10, IL-1Ra, PD-L1 in RAW264.7 cells and mouse isolated Kupffer cells, and these inductions were largely inhibited by blocking the interferon receptor. These data indicate that Man-HSA(D494N)-IFNα2b retained the biological activities of type-I interferon. Man-HSA(D494N)-IFNα2b significantly inhibited liver injury in Concanavalin A (Con-A)-induced hepatitis model mice, and consequently improved their survival rate. Moreover, the post-administration of Man-HSA(D494N)-IFNα2b at 2 h after the Con-A challenge also exerted hepato-protective effects. In conclusion, this proof-of-concept study demonstrates the therapeutic effectiveness and utility of Kupffer cell targeting type-I interferon against hepatitis via its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions

    A カンゴ ダイガク ニ オケル コード ブルー システム ノ コウチク

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    ノウコウソク ノ チリョウ セイセキ ワ ナゼ コウジョウ シナイ ノカ : 10ネンカン ノ ヤマガタケン ノウソッチュウ トウロク データ カラ ノ ヨゴ フリョウ インシ ノ ケントウ

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     We studied ten years of stroke data registered with the Yamagata Society on Treatment for Cerebral Stroke(YSTCS). The subjects included 16,407 cases of acute-phase cerebral infarction that were registered with the YSTCS during the ten years between 2002 and 2011. The cases were divided into two groups: the early phase group(2002-2006)and the late phase group(2007-2011). The clinical diagnoses included atherothrombotic cerebral infarction(AT)(n=7,196; 43.9%), cardiogenic cerebral embolism(CE)(n=4,011; 24.4%), and lacunar infarction(LI)(n=4,703; 28.7%). The average age of the early phase group was 72.7±11.43 years, while that of the late phase group was 75.0±11.35 years; the difference was statistically significant. The proportion of CE cases increased in the late phase, while that of LI decreased. This phenomenon was more marked in cases involving patients of ≥80 years of age. In both the early and late phase groups, the AT and CE cases showed a significantly high proportion of poor outcomes. However, when age adjustment was implemented in the late phase group, the treatment outcomes improved across all clinical entities. A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between old age, female sex, severe symptoms at onset, CE, a previous history of stroke, and a poor prognosis. It is clear that developments in medicine have not kept pace with the advancement in the age at onset. The improvement of the outcomes of treatment for cerebral infarction requires further developments in acute-phase therapies and the primary prevention of cardiogenic cerebral embolism, many cases of which are severe

    Effect of tapping touch on relaxation and relationship status among college students

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    本研究の目的は,皮膚刺激によるケアを相互に実施することで,心身のリラクセーションだけでなく相手との受容的な関係性が形成されることを確かめることである。専門学校1年生の学生62名を対象にケアの1つの技法であるタッピングタッチを相互に実施したところ,実施前よりも実施後の「心身のリラクセーション」と「受容的な関係性」の平均得点が有意に高くなった。また,タッピングタッチの効果は「子どもの頃の接触経験」が少ない群および「現在の身体接触の抵抗感」が高い群には効果があまりないと予想していたが,「子どもの頃の接触経験」が少ない群や「現在の身体接触の抵抗感」が高い群においても実施前よりも実施後の「心身のリラクセーション」と「受容的な関係性」の平均得点が有意に高くなった。このことから,本研究で用いたタッピングタッチによる相互ケアは,子どもの頃の身体接触経験や現在の身体接触に関する認識の影響が少なく,「心身のリラクセーション」と「受容的な関係性の形成」の効果が期待できる相互ケアの手法であり,心理ケアの1つの方法として有効な手段であることが示唆された。Tapping touch is one of the mutual care practices based on slow, soft, and courteous hand-touch on one’s shoulder, head, and/or back. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of tapping touch on relaxation and mutual relationship status. Sixty two first year college students participated in performing tapping touch mutually.The student’s average scores to measure “physical and mental relaxation” and “receptive relationship” were significantly higher after performing tapping touch than before.We expected that the effect of “tapping touch” to be less effective in those who have less experience on “being touched”in their childhood and in those who are “more reluctant to be touched”. However, the results showed these groups had also significantly higher scores after having tapping touch than before. These results suggest that tapping touch was effective on improving student’s relaxation and relationship status regardless of their past experience of being touched or reluctant attitudes toward being touched. Tapping touch will be one of the important methods for improving mutual relationship and one’s psychological care

    Real-world management of treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema : 2-year visual outcome focusing on the starting year of intervention from STREAT-DMO study

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    Background/aims To investigate the yearly change of real-world outcomes for best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after 2-year clinical intervention for treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema (DMO). Methods Retrospective analysis of aggregated, longitudinal medical records obtained from 27 retina specialised institutions in Japan from Survey of Treatment for DMO database. A total of 2049 treatment-naïve centre involving DMO eyes of which the initial intervention started between 2010 and 2015, and had been followed for 2 years, were eligible. As interventions, antivascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents, local corticosteroids, macular photocoagulation and vitrectomy were defined. In each eye, baseline and final BCVA, the number of each intervention for 2 years was extracted. Each eye was classified by starting year of interventional treatment. Results Although baseline BCVA did not change by year, 2-year improvement of BCVA had been increased, and reached to +6.5 letters in the latest term. There is little difference among starting year about proportions of eyes which BCVA gained >15 letters, in contrast to those which lost >15 letters were decreased by year. The proportion of eyes receiving anti-VEGF therapy was dramatically increased, while those receiving the other therapies were gradually decreased. The proportion of eyes which maintained socially good vision of BCVA>20/40 has been increased and reached to 59.0% in the latest term. Conclusion For recent years, treatment patterns for DMO have been gradually but certainly changed; as a result, better visual gain, suppression of worsened eyes and better final BCVA have been obtained. Anti-VEGF therapy has become the first-line therapy and its injection frequency has been increasing