78 research outputs found
It is expected that chemical, biological and environmental applications of microdevices will increase with new developments in micromachining techniques.
In this work, a micropump design that utilizes passive valves and an actuated diaphragm is presented. The flow rate is controlled by the deflection
and the frequency of the diaphragm’s displacement. Passive valves are used for directing the flow. Poiseuille flow analogy is used to generate the
equivalent pressure drop and flow rate via modifying the viscosity in the valve-channel in order to replace the variation of the channel width due to valve movement. Overall flow in the micropump is governed by three-dimensional time-dependent Navier Stokes equations. Deformation of the domain due to
moving boundaries that coincide with the diaphragm motion is handled with the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. Flow rate, hydraulic power and the
efficiency of the micropump are obtained with respect to driving frequency and displacement of the diaphragm
Do MEFV mutations influence arterial stiffness in FMF patients?
Background: Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the most used technique to evaluate the arterial elasticity, which is an early indicator of atherosclerosis. We aimed to evaluate if MEFV Mutations influence arterial stiffness in patients with Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) Methods: 70 patients diagnosed with FMF and 50 age-and sex-matched controls were included in the study. Genetic analysis of the patients was performed. After the measurement of PWV; the presence of AS was determined. Results: Mean PWV value and arterial stiffness frequency of FMF patients were significantly higher than the control group (p <0.001, p <0.001) respectively. In addition, FMF patients with M694Vmutations had higher PWV values and arterial stiffness frequency than those with other mutations. (p=0.045), (p=0.001). There were no differences within all genetic mutation types in terms of arterial stiffness frequency.Conclusions: As a result, due to subclinical inflammation in FMF patients, they have risk for cardiovascular complications. These patients especially those with M694Vmutations have to be followed more closely because of increased cardiovascular risk and PWV measurements may be a good tool to detect early development of atherosclerosis.
The effects of different syringe volume, needle size and sample volume on blood gas analysis in syringes washed with heparin
Introductıon: We evaluated the effect of different syringe volume, needle size and sample volume on blood gas analysis in syringes washed with heparin.
Materials and methods: In this multi-step experimental study, percent dilution ratios (PDRs) and final heparin concentrations (FHCs) were calculated by gravimetric method for determining the effect of syringe volume (1, 2, 5 and 10 mL), needle size (20, 21, 22, 25 and 26 G) and sample volume (0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10 mL). The effect of different PDRs and FHCs on blood gas and electrolyte parameters were determined. The erroneous results from nonstandardized sampling were evaluated according to RiliBAK’s TEa.
Results: The increase of PDRs and FHCs was associated with the decrease of syringe volume, the increase of needle size and the decrease of sample volume: from 2.0% and 100 IU/mL in 10 mL-syringe to 7.0% and 351 IU/mL in 1 mL-syringe; from 4.9% and 245 IU/mL in 26G to 7.6% and 380 IU/mL in 20 G with combined 1 mL syringe; from 2.0% and 100 IU/mL in full-filled sample to 34% and 1675 IU/mL in 0.5 mL suctioned sample into 10 mL-syringe. There was no statistical difference in pH; but the percent decreasing in pCO2, K+, iCa2+, iMg2+; the percent increasing in pO2 and Na+ were sta-tistical significance compared to samples full-filled in syringes. The all changes in pH and pO2 were acceptable; but the changes in pCO2, Na+, K+ and iCa2+ were unacceptable according to TEa limits except fullfilled-syringes.
Conclusions: The changes in PDRs and FHCs due nonstandardized sampling in syringe washed with liquid heparin give rise to erroneous test results for pCO2 and electrolytes
Democratising deep learning for microscopy with ZeroCostDL4Mic
Deep Learning (DL) methods are powerful analytical tools for microscopy and can outperform conventional image processing pipelines. Despite the enthusiasm and innovations fuelled by DL technology, the need to access powerful and compatible resources to train DL networks leads to an accessibility barrier that novice users often find difficult to overcome. Here, we present ZeroCostDL4Mic, an entry-level platform simplifying DL access by leveraging the free, cloud-based computational resources of Google Colab. ZeroCostDL4Mic allows researchers with no coding expertise to train and apply key DL networks to perform tasks including segmentation (using U-Net and StarDist), object detection (using YOLOv2), denoising (using CARE and Noise2Void), super-resolution microscopy (using Deep-STORM), and image-to-image translation (using Label-free prediction - fnet, pix2pix and CycleGAN). Importantly, we provide suitable quantitative tools for each network to evaluate model performance, allowing model optimisation. We demonstrate the application of the platform to study multiple biological processes. Deep learning methods show great promise for the analysis of microscopy images but there is currently an accessibility barrier to many users. Here the authors report a convenient entry-level deep learning platform that can be used at no cost: ZeroCostDL4Mic
Çocuklarda kısa süreli girişimlerde remifentanil-propofol kullanılarak yapılan total intravenöz anestezinin sevofluran-azotprotoksit kullanılarak yapılan inhalasyon anestezisi ile karşılaştırılması
Çalışmamızda, çocuklarda kısa süreli KBB cerrahisi girişimlerinde remifentanil- propofol kullanılarak yapılan TİVA ile sevofluran-azotprotoksit kullanılarak yapılan inhalasyon anestezisinin idame ve derlenme üzerine olan etkilerini karşılaştırarak incelemeyi amaçladık. Bu çalışma Fakülte Etik Kurul yazılı onayı alındıktan sonra, KBB servisinde tonsillektomi ve/veya adenoidektomi, adenoidektomi ve/veya tüp takılması, tonsillektomi ve/veya tüp takılması planlanan, yaşlan 4-12 arasında değişen ASAI-II grubundan 50 hasta üzerinden gerçekleştirildi. Bütün olgulara operasyondan bir saat önce premedikasyonda EMLA krem her iki el sırtı ve antekübital bölgeye uygulandı. Operasyondan XA saat önce 0.5 mg.kg"1 midazolam 5cc meyve suyu ile (en fazla 12mg) içirildi. Olgular rastgele iki eşit gruba ayrıldı. Tüm olgulara anestezi indüksiyonunda 0.01 mg.kg_1 atropin İV uygulamasını takiben 1 ug-.kg"1 remifentanil 30 saniye üzerinde infüzyon hızıyla verildi. Hemen ardından 2-2.5 mg.kg"1 propofol infuzyonu kirpik refleksi kaybolana kadar uygulandı. 0.05 mg.kg"1 sisatrakuryum uygulanmasından 2 dak. sonra entübasyon yapıldı. I. Grup hastalara indüksiyondan sonra iki ayrı damar yolu açılarak 3 mg.kg"1 h"1 propofol ve 0.5 jıg.kg^dak'1 dozda remifentail infuzyonu ile anestezi idamesi sağlandı. Olgular entübasyon öncesi ve sonrasında %100 O2 ile 6lt/dak akım hızında ventile edildi. Entübasyondan sonra ise TL. Grup hastalarda sevofluran %2.5 konsantrasyonda %50 O2 (31t/dak)+ %50 azotprotoksit (31t/dak) olacak şekilde anestezi idamesi sağlandı. Tüm olgularda ventilasyon, manuel olarak end-tidal CO2 parsiyel basmcı 35-40 mmHg olacak şekilde normokapnik olarak sürdürüldü ve cerrahi insizyondan önce 10 mg.kg"1 dozda paracetamol supp. rektal yoldan postoperatif analjezi amacıyla uygulandı. SAB, DAB, OAB ve KAH ölçümleri; kontrol, indüksiyondan sonra, entübasyondan sonra, insizyon sırasında, insizyondan 5-10-20 dakika sonra ve operasyon bitiminde kaydedildi. Aksiller vücut ısısı da aynı zaman aralıklarında takip edilerek 36.5- 37 °C arasında kalması sağlandı. Oksijen satürasyonu (Sp02) sürekli olarak monitörize edildi. Operasyon sonunda cerrahi süresi, ekstübasyon zamanı, derlenme zamanı, Aldret derlenme skorunun 8 veya üzerinde olma zamanı ve postoperatif istenmeyen olaylar kaydedildi. Uyanma döneminde 10. ve 30. dakikalarda olmak üzere üç puanlı skorlama ile ajitasyon, POPS skorlaması ile ağrı seviyeleri belirlendi. İki grup karşılaştırılmasında parametrik şartların sağlanabildiği durumlar için Student's- t testi, parametrik şartların 59sağlanamadığı durumlar için Mann-Whitney-U testi kullanıldı. Kategorik veriler chi- square (x2) testi ile değerlendirildi. p0.05). Her iki grupta da OAB indüksiyondan hemen sonra anlamlı derecede düştü. Fakat gruplar arasında istatistiksel fark gözlenmedi. Daha sonraki tüm ölçümler (SAB, DAB, OAB) istatistiksel olarak benzerdi. Entübasyon sonu ölçümlerinden itibaren operasyon sonuna kadar yapılan tüm ölçümlerde KAH'm inhalasyon grubunda TİVA grubuna göre istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı derecede yüksek seyrettiği gözlendi. (p0.05), 30. dakikada ölçülen değerler arasında istatistiksel açıdan fark vardı. İnhalasyon grubundaki hastaların ajitasyon ve ağrı skorları anlamlı derecede yüksekti. (p0.05). Sonuç olarak çocuklarda kısa süreli KBB cerrahisi girişimlerinde remifentanil- propofol kullanılarak yapılan TİVA'nın sevofluran-azotprotoksit kullanılarak yapılan inhalasyon anestezisine değerli bir alternatif olabileceği kanısına varıldı.In this study, it is aimed to study the efects of the inhalation anesthesia induced using sevofluran-nitrousoxide, and TTVA induced using remifentanil-propofol on maintenance and recovery in short-team ENT surgery attempts on cihldren, comparing them to each other. After the approval of the Faculty Ethic Committeee, this study has been carried out on 50 patients in ASA I-II group who were between the ages of 4-12. They were to have the operations-tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy, adeonoidectomy and/or tube- attaching, tonsilectomy and/or tube-attaching. An hour before the operation EMLA cream has been applied to the antecubital region and to the backs of the both hands of the whole cases by premedication. Half an hour before the operation 0.5 mg.kg"1 midazolam with 5 cc juice (at most 12 mg) has been drunk by the patients. The cases were randomly seperated into two groups. In the anesthesia induction, 1 ug.kg"1 remifentanil has been given to the whole cases over a 30 second infusion speed following the application of 0.01 mg.kg"1 Atropin TV just after that, 2-2,5 mg.kg"1 propofol infusion has been applied until the eyelash reflex has disappeared. Two minutes after 0.05 mg.kg"1 cisatracurium application, intubation has been done. After the induction two different veins were opened to the first group of patients and anesthesia has been maintenanced by the infusion of 3 mg.kg"1 h"1 propofol and 0.5 ug-kg"1 dak'1 dose remifentanil. The cases were ventilated by % 100 O2 at a speed of 6 lt/min, before and after the intubation. But, after the intubation anesthesia has been maintenanced for the second group of patients with the help of % 50 O2 (3 lt/min) + % 50 nitrousoxide 3 lt/min) in % 2.5 sevofluran concentration. In the whole cases, ventilation has been normocapnically continued in a way that manuall end-tidal CO2 partial pressure was 35- 40 mmHg and before the surgical incision paracetamol supp. At a dose of lOmg.kg"1 has been applied from the rectal way for postoperative analgesia. Systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and hearth rate (HR) measurements were recorded after the induction, after the intubation, during incision, 5-10-20 minutes after incision and at the end of the operation. Also axillary body heat was followed at the same time periods and it was provided to stay between 36.5-37 °C. Oxygen saturation has continuously been monitorised. At the end of the surgery, surgery period, extubation period, recovery period, the period in which Aldret recovery score was 8 or over 8 and postoperative adverse events 61were recorded. At the recovery period, at 10th and 30th minutes, agitation was determined by three-point scoring and pain levels were determined by POPS scoring. While comparing the two groups, Student's-t test was used in the cases that parametric conditions could be provided and Mann-Whitney-U test was used in the cases that parametric conditions coldun't be provided. Categorical data was evaluated by chi-square (x2) test. p0.05). In both groups MAP considerably decreased soon after the induction. But no statistical difference has been observed between the groups. All the following measures (SAP, DAP, MAP) were statistically similar. In the all measures after the end of entubation till the end of the operation, it was observed that in the inhalation group HR was considerably high when compared with the TIVA group (p0.05), the values measured at 30th minute were statistically different. Agitation and pain scores of the patients in the inhalation group were considerably high (p<0.05). Postoperative nausea-vomit incidence was considerably high in the inhalation group in statistics (p<0.05). The two groups were similar when they were compared with the statictics of the frequency of adverse events seen in the postoperative period (bradikardy, tachikardy, hipotension, hipertension, shivering, respiration depression). As a result, we think that TTVA which is made by using remifentanil-propofol can be a valuable alternative to sevofluran-nitrousoxide used inhalation anesthesia in short- term ENT surgery attempts on children
Price and income elasticities of net oil imports in turkey: An ARDL modelling approach to cointegration analysis
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin net petrol ithalatının fiyat ve gelir esnekliklerinin tahmin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için, 1970-2010 dönemini kapsayan yıllık veriler kullanılarak ARDL modelleme yaklaşımıyla eşbütünleşme analizi yapılmış ve aynı yaklaşımın hata düzeltme modeli uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre net petrol ithalatının gelir esnekliği uzun dönemde 0,67; kısa dönemde 1,11 olarak bulunmuştur. Net petrol ithalatının fiyat esnekliği ise beklenen negatif işarete sahip olmakla birlikte, gerek kısa dönem gerekse uzun dönem için istatiksel olarak anlamlı değildir. Buna göre net petrol ithalatının, kısa ve uzun dönemde petroldeki fiyat değişmelerinden etkilenmediği sonucuna varılabilir.The aim of this study is to estimate the short-run and the long-run price and income elasticities of net oil imports in Turkey. In order to achieve this objective, the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) modeling approach to cointegration analysis is employed and the error correction model of the same approach is applied by using the annual data of Turkey covering the period of 1970-2010. The estimation results yield that long-run and short-run income elasticities of net oil imports are 0,67 and 1,11 respectively. Although the short-run and long-run price elasticities of net oil imports have the expected negative signs, they have found to be statistically insignificant both in short-run and long-run. Thus, it can be concluded that net oil imports are not affected by the changes in oil prices
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