127 research outputs found
Elaboration of the Recipe of the Fermented Milk Dessert for Child Food
Using the tabular processor MS Excel 2007 there was elaborated the recipe of the fermented milk dessert for child food. The recipe of this dessert consists of (mass. %, g): fermented milk curd – 54, jam – 23, honey – 8, sesame – 4, cream – 6, collagen hydrolyzate (gluten) – 5. This dessert is a source of vitamin C and covers near 40 % of a child daily need in it. At the expanse of introducing gluten in the dessert composition, protein content in the ready product increased that covers from 11,28 % to 22,56 % of a daily need. This dessert is also rich in calcium, so one portion of it covers 25 % of a child need.Based on theoretical qualimetry methods there was realized the complex estimation of the dessert quality. The hierarchic structure of ready product properties was presented, including organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also ones of the food and biological value at storage.The estimation of microbiological and organoleptic parameters at storage give a possibility to state, that the new fermented milk dessert will be competitive at the consumer market. The storage life of this product is 5 days at the temperature (4±2) °С
Extraction of ammonia sulfate from mother liquor in methylacrylate production
In methylacrylate production liquid wastes containing considerable amounts of sulfuric acid and organic compounds are formed. Neutralization of sulfuric acid and removal of organic compounds from the effluent water are the essential phases of ammonia sulfate preparation. Methods of purifying waste water formed in methylacrylate production are proposed. Waste water purification is performed by oxidation, floatation and extraction. Combining several physical and chemical methods the most perfect purification is attained. By removing organic impurities from waste water high grade ammonia sulfate may be obtained as by-product
Analysis of structural variations of the precipitate based on monitoring the industrial electrolysis of copper powders of various brands
This study is associated with the solution to the blending problem of the charge for the output of ready articles. The main requirements are claimed to the specific surface and the packed density of the powders of basic brands PML0, PMS-1, and GG. The dynamics of the development of the dendrite depositions for powders of mentioned brands with the simultaneous registration of the cathodic overvoltage is investigated under industrial experimental conditions. The procedure is developed and the results of the continuous monitoring of the deposition growth with the direct immersion of a video camera into the electrolyte are presented. The reproducibility of the results is evaluated statistically. Based on the galvanostatic crystallization model of the dendrite deposition on the rod electrode, the dynamics of varying the density (N) and radius (r t) of growing tips on the growth front is calculated. It is established by variance analysis that structural parameters N and r t are individual for depositions of every brand, so that the preparation conditions of the deposition during the electrolysis should be strictly fulfilled as the charge forms. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc
Eye Hydrodynamics after Combined Treatment of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma and Complicated Cataract
Aim: To study hydrodynamics of the eye after combined treatment – a combination of laser activation of trabecula and cataract phacoemulsification – in a comparative aspect.Material and methods. The study included 65 patients (65 eyes) with initial and advanced stages (I–II stages) of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and complicated cataract. Among the patients there were 38 women (58.5 %) and 27 men (41.5 %), the average age was 68.8 ± 8.2 years. The follow-up period is 12 months after the treatment. The patients were divided into two groups: the main one – 33 patients (33 eyes) who underwent combined treatment – YAG-laser activation of trabecula (YAG-LAT) and phacoemulsification of cataract with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, the control group – 32 patients (32 eyes) who underwent only phacoemulsification.Initially, the average intraocular pressure (IOP) (P0) in the main and control groups was 20.72 ± 3.39 mm Hg and 21.02 ± 3.55 mm Hg respectively. The average number of antihypertensive drugs used in the study group was 1.53 ± 0.64, in the control group – 1.34 ± 0.55.Results. There were no intraand postoperative complications. By the end of the follow-up period, a significant decrease in the average IOP level compared to its preoperative value by 29.2 % was determined in the main group, and 9.8 % in the control. The average number of antihypertensive drugs used in the study group decreased from 1.53 ± 0.64 to 0.67 ± 0.59 (p < 0.05), in the control group of patients, on the contrary, the average number of antihypertensive agents increased from 1.34 ± 0.55 to 1.91 ± 0.70 (p < 0.05).Conclusion. In the long-term postoperative period after combined treatment (YAG-LAT + phaco), IOP normalization was achieved in 96.9 % of cases, as well as a significant increase in visual acuity of patients. The developed method of treatment is safe, has a minimal risk of complications and can be used for the treatment of patients with initial stages of POAG in combination with complicated cataracts with increased IOP level, inefficiency of antihypertensive therapy
Improved Electrochemical Analysis of Neuropathy Target Esterase Activity by a Tyrosinase Carbon Paste Electrode Modified by 1-Methoxyphenazine Methosulfate
A graphite-paste tyrosinase biosensor was improved by adding 1-methoxyphenazine methosulfate as a mediator. Mediator modification enhanced sensitivity to phenol 4-fold and long-term stability 3-fold. Phenol could be detected at 25 n M (S/N=2) using an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The biosensor was used to measure the activity of a toxicologically significant enzyme, neuropathy target esterase (NTE), which yields phenol by hydrolysis of the substrate, phenyl valerate. Using the new biosensor, blood and brain NTE inhibition by organophosphorus (OP) compounds with different neuropathic potencies were well correlated ( r =0.990, n =7), supporting the use of blood NTE as a biochemical marker of exposure to neuropathic OP compounds.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42368/1/10529_2005_Article_0020.pd
Management of professional self-determination of applicants at the technical university
Рассматриваются проблемы формирования контингента конкурентоспособных обучающихся в университете. Показана необходимость и современные способы управления профессиональным самоопределением абитуриентов. Предложено активнее использовать современные образовательные электронные технологии при организации профориентационной работы. Problems of competitive students contingent forming at the university are considered. The necessity and modern methods of professional self-determination managing of entrants are shown. It is proposed to make active use of modern educational electronic technologies when organizing vocational guidance work
Легионеллезная пневмония с формированием множественных абсцессов легких
A case of bilateral polysegmental destructive legionella pneumonia with the formation of multiple lung abscesses in an immunocompetent boy aged 15 years is presented.The child had symptoms of intoxication with febrile fever, myalgia, unproductive cough, respiratory failure, dull percussion sound and weakening of breathing on both sides in the lower sections. A computed tomography of the chest revealed multiple bilateral multifocal foci of pulmonary tissue with destruction. The diagnosis of legionella pneumonia was made on the basis of detection of IgM antibodies to L. pneumophila with an increase in titer in the dynamics and exclusion of other causes of lung damage. Levofloxacin turned out to be an effective antibacterial drug.It is necessary to take into account the ability of microorganisms of the genus Legionella to cause multiple abscess formation of lung tissue.Представлен случай двусторонней полисегментарной деструктивной легионеллезной пневмонии с формированием множественных абсцессов легких у иммунокомпетного мальчика в возрасте 15 лет.У ребенка отмечались симптомы интоксикации с фебрильной лихорадкой, миалгии, малопродуктивный кашель, дыхательная недостаточность, притупление перкуторного звука и ослабление дыхания с обеих сторон в нижних отделах. При компьютерной томографии грудной клетки были выявлены множественные билатеральные мультифокальные очаги уплотнения легочной ткани с деструкцией. Диагноз легионеллезной пневмонии был поставлен на основании обнаружения антител класса IgМ к L. pneumophila с нарастанием титра в динамике и исключении других причин поражения легких. Эффективными антибактериальным препаратом оказался левофлоксацин.Таким образом, необходимо принимать во внимание способность микроорганизмов рода Legionella вызывать множественное абсцедирование легочной ткани
Менингококковая инфекция у детей в период 2012–2021 гг. Основные итоги ретроспективного многоцентрового исследования, проблемы сегодняшнего дня
The heavy burden of meningococcal infection is associated not only with life-threatening complications in the acute period and high mortality in invasive forms of the disease, but also with severe consequences in survivors, who are not recorded in our country.The aim of study: to analyze clinical manifestations, complications of the acute period and outcomes of invasive forms of meningococcal disease in children in various regions of the Russian Federation.Materials and methods: an analysis of data from 1327 inpatient medical records of children with an invasive meningococcal infection from 14 regional centers of the Russian Federation for 2012-2021 was carried out (28.3% of cases of the disease in children in the represented federal districts).Results: it was found that young children predominated among the patients – the median was 27.4 (10.7-70.4) months. Complications of the acute period, often combined, were observed in 47.6% of cases. The development of septic shock was noted in 30.4%, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome in 6.6%, carditis in 2.9%, cerebral edema in 15.7%, arthritis in 1.4% of cases; the formation of hydrocephalus, subdural effusion, sensorineural hearing loss in 1.8%, 0.6%, 1% of children, respectively. The presence of soft tissue necrosis requiring surgical intervention was noted in 3.5% of cases. Mortality rate was 10.1%. At the time of discharge from the hospital, 30% of children had complications associated with meningococcal infection: organ dysfunction/ failure in 13.2% of patients (severe in 1.3%), cerebral insufficiency in 19.6%; severe psycho-neurological deficits, sensorineural hearing loss, problems associated with the need for orthopedic/surgical interventions accounted for 0.7%, 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively.Conclusion. Considering the epidemiological features of meningococcal infection – the risk of a sharp increase in morbidity in short periods of time, the life-threatening nature of the disease itself, it is necessary to remain alert to these risks and take all possible measures to prevent the disease using all available means, the most effective of which is vaccine prevention.Тяжелое бремя менингококковой инфекции связано не только с жизнеугрожающими осложнениями острого периода и высокой летальностью при генерализованных формах заболевания, но и с тяжелыми последствиями у выживших, учет которых в нашей стране не ведется.Цель: проведение анализа клинических проявлений, осложнений острого периода и исходов генерализованных форм менингококковой инфекции у детей в различных регионах Российской Федерации.Материалы и методы: проведен анализ данных 1327 медицинских карт (форма 003/у) детей с генерализованной формой менингококковой инфекции из 14 региональных центров Российской Федерации за 2012– 2021 гг. (28,3% случаев заболевания у детей в представляемых федеральных округах).Результаты: установлено, что среди больных преобладали дети раннего возраста – медиана составила 27,4 (10,7–70,4) месяцев. Осложнения, часто сочетанные, в остром периоде заболевания наблюдались в 47,6% случаев: септический шок в 30,4%, синдром Уотерхауза – Фридериксена в 6,6%, кардит в 2,9%, отек головного мозга в 15,7%, артриты в 1,4%, гидроцефалия в 1,8%, сенсоневральная тугоухость в 1%, субдуральный выпот в 0,6% случаев. Наличие некрозов мягких тканей, требовавших хирургического вмешательства, отмечено в 3,5% случаев. Летальность составила 10,1%. На момент выписки из стационара у 30% детей выявлялись осложнения, в том числе выраженная органная дисфункция в 1,3%, грубый психоневрологический дефицит, сенсоневральная тугоухость; осложнения, требующие проведения ортопедических/хирургических вмешательств, составили 0,7%, 0,6% и 0,8% соответственно.Анализ полученных данных позволил вскрыть существующие проблемы, касающиеся клинической и этиологической диагностики заболевания, возможностей выявления осложнений острого периода и учета последствий генерализованных форм менингококковой инфекции.Заключение. Учитывая эпидемиологические особенности менингококковой инфекции (риск резкого подъема заболеваемости в короткие временные промежутки, жизнеугрожающий характер самого заболевания), необходимо сохранять настороженность в отношении данных рисков и предпринимать все возможные меры для профилактики заболевания с использованием всех доступных средств, наиболее эффективным из которых является вакцинопрофилактика
The paper provides an analysis of the current state of the quinoa seed market in the world and the prospects for its production in Ukraine. The main producers of quinoa are Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Due to its rich chemical composition, quinoa seeds are rapidly gaining popularity. Ukrainian enterprises use quinoa grain for the production of various products and semi-finished products. Quinoa seeds are attracting increasing attention worldwide not only for their nutritional and functional properties, but also for their ability to grow in adverse climatic conditions. Increasing demand and rising global prices for quinoa is encouraging producers to adapt the crop to low altitudes and grow it in arid conditions. Breeders and scientists of different countries are actively working on the adaptation of quinoa seeds to growing in different regions, which has an important impact on food security. Quinoa grain imported to Ukraine requires long-term storage without weight loss and quality deterioration. An important influence on the state of grain mass during storage is its hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to sorb and desorb water vapor. Knowledge about the hygroscopic properties of grain is of practical importance for the scientific justification of the choice of rational modes of storage and post-harvest processing. The main characteristic of the hygroscopic properties of grain materials is the equilibrium moisture content, therefore, its determination is an important step in preserving grain quality. The equilibrium moisture content of quinoa grain was determined. The research was carried out by the generally accepted tensimetric method in the range of air temperatures ±(5...25)°С and relative air humidity 40...80%, which simulate the conditions of grain storage and correspond to long-term average data, corresponding to warm and cold seasons in Ukraine. The nature of the change in the equilibrium moisture content of quinoa grain depending on the temperature and relative humidity of the air has been established. As the relative humidity increases and the ambient temperature decreases, the equilibrium moisture content of the quinoa grain increases. Empirical coefficients were determined and an equation was proposed that describes the dependence of the equilibrium moisture content of quinoa grain on the parameters of the surrounding air, which can be used to predict its change. The obtained data are of practical importance for the selection of high-quality storage regimes for quinoa seeds
The article provides a study of the current state of global soybean production, the dynamics of sown areas, yield and gross harvest of soybeans in Ukraine over the past five years. World soybean production is almost 352 million tons, and the leaders are always the USA, Brazil, and Argentina, which in 2017 collected a record 286 million tons of soybeans, which is 82% of world production. China (12.3 million tons), India (11.5 million tons) and Paraguay (10.3 million tons) are also among the leading producers. Ukraine was ranked 8th among the leading countries in soybean production. Also, soybeans have been in the leading positions in the domestic agricultural market for many years, along with grain crops, in export and processing for food and fodder purposes, and also have a strategically important role in ensuring the country's food and economic security. Soybean seeds contain 38–42% protein, 18–23% fat, 25–30% carbohydrates, as well as enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Due to its rich and diverse chemical composition, soybean has no equal in terms of production growth rates, and it has long been widely used as a universal food, fodder and oil crop. The regions of the country with the largest sown areas of soybeans are given, and the place of Ukraine in the world market, both in terms of production and trade of soybeans, is clarified. Factors that should be taken into account when planning to increase the area under soybeans are given. Grain quality control is a complex process that includes a combination of various factors. However, this is a very important stage, as it makes it possible to make Ukrainian grain competitive on the world market. Studies of organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators of soybean samples of the 2022 harvest are presented. It is shown that the test samples have the color and shape characteristic of normal soybean seeds, without musty, moldy and extraneous smell. The mass fraction of moisture, oil, the content of garbage and grain impurities do not exceed the normative values. Pest infestation was not detected in any of the studied samples. The mass fraction of protein in terms of dry matter in the experimental samples was 32.1–33.9, which does not correspond to DSTU 4964:2008. "Soy. Technical conditions" (the value should be at least 35%) and USDA requirements
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