159 research outputs found

    Preparation of Amino-Functionalized Graphene Sheets and their Conductive Properties

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    Amino-functionalized graphene sheets were prepared through chemical reduction by hydrazine hy-drate, amination or amidation of graphite oxide. For amination of graphite oxide were used polyamine such as ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine and triethylenetetramine. Addition of amine groups to graphene is identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, elemental analysis and ther-mogravimetry. Scanning electron microscopy data indicate that the organic amine is not only as nitrogen sources to obtain the nitrogen-doped graphene but also as an important modification to control the assem-bly of graphene sheets in the 3D structures. The electrical conductivity of the materials obtained by amina-tion and amidation of graphene is much smaller than that of reduced graphite oxide. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3563

    On the structure of the B\"acklund transformations for the relativistic lattices

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    The B\"acklund transformations for the relativistic lattices of the Toda type and their discrete analogues can be obtained as the composition of two duality transformations. The condition of invariance under this composition allows to distinguish effectively the integrable cases. Iterations of the B\"acklund transformations can be described in the terms of nonrelativistic lattices of the Toda type. Several multifield generalizations are presented

    Nonlinear surface electron transport over liquid helium

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    We present experimental data and a theoretical analysis of nonequilibrium mobility of surface electrons in liquid helium. The experiments are carried out in the temperature range where electron mobility is limited by electron scattering at surface excitations of liquid helium (ripplons). Holding and driving electric fields of wide ranges are used in measurements. Special attention is paid to the condition of strong holding fields under which hot electrons are confined to the ground surface level. Depending on the relation between the momentum relaxation rate and electron–electron collision frequency, different theoretical approaches are used to describe the nonlinear mobility of surface electrons. The results obtained allow to estimate the range of physical parameters where experimental data can be described by the theory of nonlinear electron transport within the ground surface level

    Transparent conductive oxide TCO buffer layer effect on the resistive switching process in metal TCO TiO2 metal assemblies

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    The effect of transparent conductive oxide TCO buffer layer on the insulator matrix and on the resistive switching process in the metal TiO2 TCO metal assembly was studied depending on the material of TCO ITO In2O3 0.9 SnO2 0.1 or SnO2 or ZnO . First time electro physical studies and near edge x ray absorption fine structure NEXAFS studies were carried out jointly and in the same point of the sample providing the direct experimental evidence that switching process influences strongly the lowest unoccupied bands and local atomic structure of the TiO2 layers. It was established that TCO layer in metal TiO2 TCO metal assembly is an additional source of oxygen vacancies for TiO2 film. The RL RH states are achieved presumably with formation rupture of electrically conductive path of oxygen vacancies. The inserting the Al2O3 thin layer between TiO2 and TCO layers restricts to some extent processes of migration of oxygen ions and vacancies and does not permit to realize the anti clockwise bipolar resistive switching in Au TiO2 Al2O3 ITO Au assembly. The greatest value of the ratio RH RL is observed for assembly with SnO2 buffer layer that will provide to implement the maximum set of intermediate states recording analog data and increases the density of information recording in this cas

    Gamma-ray detector based on high pressure xenon for radiation and environmental safety

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    Gamma-spectrometers based on compressed xenon gas assigned for monitoring the reactors and the radiation background at nuclear power plants, non-proliferation of radioactive materials, supervision and control over the radiation background in the environmentally disadvantaged areas, and other applications, are very promising detectors with excellent performance characteristics. This article reports on the results of the first stage of work on the creation of the portable γ-spectrometer based on compressed xenon that is unique for Ukraine. In order to work with ultra-pure gases under pressure, the complex cryogenic installation for Xe purification and detector filling was designed and manufactured. The installation was made of specially cleaned components, equipped with a heating system for the degassing of the inner walls, and is able of maintaining high vacuum down to 2∙10⁻⁹ mbar. A prototype ionization chamber for the use in portable HPXe detectors was developed and made. For the detector testing, a spectrometric channel based on high-quality electronic components was designed and manufactured. In the initial experiments, a study of the properties of the purified Xe mixed with the dopant H₂ was carried out. The assessment of the lifetime of charge carriers τ in the working gas at a pressure of 30 bar gave the value of τ > 150 μs.Гамма-спектрометри на основі стисненого газу ксенону, що призначені для спостереження і контролю за реакторами і навколишнім фоном на АЕС, нерозповсюдженням радіоактивних матеріалів, радіаційним фоном в екологічно несприятливих зонах і інших застосувань, є дуже перспективними детекторами з відмінними експлуатаційними характеристиками. Дана стаття присвячена результатам першої стадії роботи по створенню унікального для України переносного γ-спектрометра на основі стисненого ксенону. Для роботи з чистими газами під тиском розроблена і виготовлена комплексна кріогенна установка очищення і напуску Xe. Установка створена на основі особливо чистих комплектуючих, оснащена системою прогріву для дегазації внутрішніх стінок і здатна підтримувати високий вакуум до 2∙10⁻⁹ мбар. Розроблено та виготовлено прототип іонізаційний камери для використання в переносних HPXe-детекторах. Для роботи детекторів розроблений і виготовлений спектрометричний тракт на основі високоякісних електронних блоків. В якості перших випробувань проведені дослідження властивостей суміші очищеного Хе з легуючою домішкою H₂. При оцінці часу життя носіїв заряду τ в робочому газі під тиском 30 бар отримані значення τ > 150 мкс.Гамма-спектрометры на основе сжатого газа ксенона, предназначенные для наблюдения и контроля за реакторами и окружающим фоном на АЭС, нераспространением радиоактивных материалов, радиационным фоном в экологически неблагоприятных зонах и других применений, являются очень перспективными детекторами с отличными эксплуатационными характеристиками. Данная статья посвящена результатам первой стадии работы по созданию уникального для Украины переносного γ-спектрометра на основе сжатого ксенона. Для работы с чистыми газами под давлением разработана и изготовлена комплексная криогенная установка очистки и напуска Xe. Установка создана на основе особо чистых комплектующих, оснащена системой прогрева для дегазации внутренних стенок и способна поддерживать высокий вакуум до 2∙10⁻⁹ мбар. Разработан и изготовлен прототип ионизационной камеры для использования в переносных HPXe-детекторах. Для работы детекторов разработан и изготовлен спектрометрический тракт на основе высококачественных электронных блоков. В качестве первых испытаний проведены исследования свойств смеси очищенного Хе с легирующей добавкой H₂. При оценке времени жизни носителей заряда τ в рабочем газе под давлением 30 бар получены значения τ > 150 мкс

    A toy model of fractal glioma development under RF electric field treatment

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    A toy model for glioma treatment by a radio frequency electric field is suggested. This low-intensity, intermediate-frequency alternating electric field is known as the tumor-treating-field (TTF). In the framework of this model the efficiency of this TTF is estimated, and the interplay between the TTF and the migration-proliferation dichotomy of cancer cells is considered. The model is based on a modification of a comb model for cancer cells, where the migration-proliferation dichotomy becomes naturally apparent. Considering glioma cancer as a fractal dielectric composite of cancer cells and normal tissue cells, a new effective mechanism of glioma treatment is suggested in the form of a giant enhancement of the TTF. This leads to the irreversible electroporation that may be an effective non-invasive method of treating brain cancer.Comment: Submitted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Mineral insulators for kompton detectors of neutrons with a metal hafnium emitter

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    One of the priority tasks of nuclear power industry is to increase the reliability and safety of nuclear power plants. In this regard, traditional detectors for measuring the neutron flux in the reactor core are being improved and new ones are developed. This work is dedicated to one of the tasks of creating a compton self-powered neutron detector, namely, the formation of an insulator of magnesium oxide on an emitter of metallic hafnium. The effect of three types of magnesium oxide of different purity and structural state, as well as annealing temperature on the electrical resistance of the insulator between the collector and the emitter of the detector, is studied. The detector prototypes were manufactured by filling with magnesium oxidepowders or by applying liquid-phase mixturesthereof.Одним з пріоритетних завдань атомної енергетики є підвищення надійності та безпеки ядерноенергетичних блоків. З цією метою вдосконалюються та розробляються нові датчики для вимірювання потоку нейтронів в активній зоні реактора. Дана робота присвячена дослідженню магнію оксиду як ізолятора в комптоновських детекторах прямого заряду з емітером з металевого гафнію. Досліджено вплив трьох видів магнію оксиду різного за чистотою та структурою, а також температури відпалу на електроопір ізолятора між колектором та емітером детектора. Виготовлена ізоляція дослідженних зразків детектора щляхом насипу та нанесенням рідкофазної магнієвої суміші.Одна из наиболее приоритетных задач атомной энергетики – повышение надежности и безопасности ядерно-энергетических установок. В связи с этим совершенствуются и разрабатываются новые датчики измерения потока нейтронов в активной зоне реактора. Данная работа посвящена одному из этапов создания комптоновского детектора прямого заряда, а именно формированию изолятора из окиси магния на эмиттере из металлического гафния. Исследовано влияние трех видов оксида магния различной чистоты и структурного состояния, а также температуры отжига на электросопротивление изолятора между коллектором и эмиттером детектора. Изготовлены опытные образцы детекторов методами засыпки и нанесения жидкофазной смеси оксида магния

    Measurement of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector

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    Using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ee^+e^- collider, we have measured the values of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR at seven points of the center-of-mass energy between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV. The total achieved accuracy is about or better than 3.3%3.3\% at most of energy points with a systematic uncertainty of about 2.1%2.1\%. At the moment it is the most accurate measurement of R(s)R(s) in this energy range

    Search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV with the KEDR Detector

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    We report results of a search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ e- collider. The upper limit on the leptonic width of a narrow resonance Gamma(R -> ee) Br(R -> hadr) < 120 eV has been obtained (at 90 % C.L.)