2,446 research outputs found

    Vibrationally resolved electron impact electronic excitation of BeH

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    Beryllium is being adopted for plasma facing walls in fusion reactors. This has led to the observation of emissions from the A 2Π state of beryllium hydride. Use of these emissions to monitor Be erosion requires electron impact excitation rates. Cross sections for electron impact vibrational excitation within the X 2Σ+ state and vibrationally resolved electronic excitation to the A 2Π state are reported for BeH, BeD and BeT. Electron collisions are studied at a range of internuclear separations using the UK molecular R-matrix (UKRmol+) codes. Electronic excitation is studied both within the Franck–Condon approximation and by explicit averaging of the T-matrix elements. It is found that (a) inclusion of the effect of higher partial waves using the Born approximation leads to significant increases in the cross sections and (b) the Franck–Condon approximation underestimates the importance of collisions for which the vibrational state changes during electronic excitation

    Synthetic spectra of BeH, BeD and BeT for emission modeling in JET plasmas

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    A theoretical model for isotopologues of beryllium monohydride, BeH, BeD and BeT, A 2Π{}^{2}{\rm{\Pi }} to X 2Σ+{}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}^{+} visible and X 2Σ+{}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}^{+} to X 2Σ+{}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}^{+} infrared rovibronic spectra is presented. The MARVEL procedure is used to compute empirical rovibronic energy levels for BeH, BeD and BeT, using experimental transition data for the X 2Σ+{}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}^{+}, A 2Π{}^{2}{\rm{\Pi }}, and C 2Σ+{}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}^{+} states. The energy levels from these calculations are then used in the program Duo to produce a potential energy curve for the ground state, X 2Σ{}^{2}{\rm{\Sigma }}, and to fit an improved potential energy curve for the first excited state, A 2Π{}^{2}{\rm{\Pi }}, including a spin–orbit coupling term, a Λ-doubling state to state (A–X states) coupling term, and Born–Oppenheimer breakdown terms for both curves. These, along with a previously computed ab initio dipole curve for the X and A states are used to generate vibrational-rotational wavefunctions, transition energies and A-values. From the transition energies and Einstein coefficients, accurate assigned synthetic spectra for BeH and its isotopologues are obtained at given rotational and vibrational temperatures. The BeH spectrum is compared with a high resolution hollow-cathode lamp spectrum and the BeD spectrum with high resolution spectra from JET giving effective vibrational and rotational temperatures. Full A–X and X–X line lists are given for BeH, BeD and BeT and provided as supplementary data on the ExoMol website

    Follow the foreign leader? Why following foreign incumbents is an effective electoral strategy

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    Previous research suggests that political parties respond to left–right policy positions of successful foreign political parties (“foreign leaders”). We evaluate whether this is an effective electoral strategy: specifically, do political parties gain votes in elections when they respond to successful foreign parties? We argue that parties that follow foreign leaders will arrive at policy positions closer to their own (domestic) median voter, which increases their electoral support. The analysis is based on a two-stage model specification of parties’ vote shares and suggests that following foreign leaders is a beneficial election strategy in national election because it allows them to better identify the position of their own median voter. These findings have important implications for our understanding of political representation, parties’ election strategies, and for policy diffusion

    Time- and Dose-Dependent Induction of HSP70 in Lemna minor Exposed to Different Environmental Stressors

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    The objective of this study was to examine the influence of different stressors, including cadmium (heavy metal), anthracene (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon—PAH) and chloridazon (herbicide), on population growth and biosynthesis of cytoplasmic HSP70 in Lemna minor (duckweed) in short (4 h)- and long (7 days)-term tests. A heat shock response was confirmed in Lemna exposed to high temperature: 35, 37.5, 40, or 42.5°C in short-term (4 h) treatments. The chemicals tested stimulated the biosynthesis of the cytoplasmic HSP70 protein in a concentration-dependent way (0.5–5 μM), higher in fronds exposed to lower doses of stressors. Additionally, production of HSP70 was greater after 4 h of incubation than after 7 days. The results suggest that HSP70 could be applied as a non-specific and sensitive detector of stress induced by different chemicals at concentrations below those that produce the type of response observed in classical cytotoxicity tests, such as growth inhibition

    Food venue choice, consumer food environment, but not food venue availability within daily travel patterns are associated with dietary intake among adults, Lexington Kentucky 2011

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    Objective The retail food environment may be one important determinant of dietary intake. However, limited research focuses on individuals’ food shopping behavior and activity within the retail food environment. This study’s aims were to determine the association between six various dietary indicators and 1) food venue availability; 2) food venue choice and frequency; and 3) availability of healthy food within food venue. Methods In Fall, 2011, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among adults (n=121) age 18 years and over in Lexington, Kentucky. Participants wore a global position system (GPS) data logger for 3-days (2 weekdays and 1 weekend day) to track their daily activity space, which was used to assess food activity space. They completed a survey to assess demographics, food shopping behaviors, and dietary outcomes. Food store audits were conducted using the Nutrition Environment Measurement Survey-Store Rudd (NEMS-S) in stores where respondents reported purchasing food (n=22). Multivariate logistic regression was used to examine associations between six dietary variables with food venue availability within activity space; food venue choice; frequency of shopping; and availability of food within food venue. Results 1) Food venue availability within activity space – no significant associations. 2) Food Venue Choice – Shopping at farmers’ markets or specialty grocery stores reported higher odds of consuming fruits and vegetables (OR 1.60 95% CI [1.21, 2.79]). Frequency of shopping - Shopping at a farmers’ markets and specialty stores at least once a week reported higher odds of consumption of fruits and vegetables (OR 1.55 95% CI [1.08, 2.23]). Yet, shopping frequently at a super market had higher odds of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (OR 1.39 95% CI [1.03, 1.86]). 3) Availability of food within store – those who shop in supermarkets with high availability of healthy food has lower odds of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (OR 0.65 95% CI [0.14, 0.83]). Conclusion Interventions aimed at improving fruit and vegetable intake need to consider where individuals’ purchase food and the availability within stores as a behavioral and environmental strategy

    Localisation of RNAs into the germ plasm of vitellogenic xenopus oocytes

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    We have studied the localisation of mRNAs in full-grown Xenopus laevis oocytes by injecting fluorescent RNAs, followed by confocal microscopy of the oocyte cortex. Concentrating on RNA encoding the Xenopus Nanos homologue, nanos1 (formerly Xcat2), we find that it consistently localised into aggregated germ plasm ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles, independently of cytoskeletal integrity. This implies that a diffusion/entrapment-mediated mechanism is active, as previously reported for previtellogenic oocytes. Sometimes this was accompanied by localisation into scattered particles of the “late”, Vg1/VegT pathway; occasionally only late pathway localisation was seen. The Xpat RNA behaved in an identical fashion and for neither RNA was the localisation changed by any culture conditions tested. The identity of the labelled RNP aggregates as definitive germ plasm was confirmed by their inclusion of abundant mitochondria and co-localisation with the germ plasm protein Hermes. Further, the nanos1/Hermes RNP particles are interspersed with those containing the germ plasm protein Xpat. These aggregates may be followed into the germ plasm of unfertilized eggs, but with a notable reduction in its quantity, both in terms of injected molecules and endogenous structures. Our results conflict with previous reports that there is no RNA localisation in large oocytes, and that during mid-oogenesis even germ plasm RNAs localise exclusively by the late pathway. We find that in mid oogenesis nanos1 RNA also localises to germ plasm but also by the late pathway. Late pathway RNAs, Vg1 and VegT, also may localise into germ plasm. Our results support the view that mechanistically the two modes of localisation are extremely similar, and that in an injection experiment RNAs might utilise either pathway, the distinction in fates being very subtle and subject to variation. We discuss these results in relation to their biological significance and the results of others

    Difficulties associated with outpatient management of drug abusers by general practitioners. A cross-sectional survey of general practitioners with and without methadone patients in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, general practitioners (GPs) manage most of the patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). METHODS: Using a cross-sectional postal survey of GPs who treat MMT patients and GPs who do not, we studied the difficulties encountered in the out-patient management of drug-addicted patients. We sent a questionnaire to every GP with MMT patients (556) in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (1,757,000 inhabitants). We sent another shorter questionnaire to primary care physicians without MMT patients living in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. RESULTS: The response rate was 63.3%. The highest methadone dose given by GPs to MMT patients averaged 120.4 mg/day. When asked about help they would like to be given, GPs with MMT patients primarily mentioned the importance of receiving adequate fees for the care they provide. Secondly, they mentioned the importance of better training, better knowledge of psychiatric pathologies, and discussion groups on practical cases. GPs without MMT patients refuse to treat these patients mostly for emotional and relational reasons. CONCLUSION: GPs encounter financial, relational and emotional difficulties with MMT patients. They desire better fees for services and better training

    Veratridine produces distinct calcium response profiles in mouse Dorsal Root Ganglia neurons.

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    Nociceptors are a subpopulation of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons that detect noxious stimuli and signal pain. Veratridine (VTD) is a voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) modifier that is used as an "agonist" in functional screens for VGSC blockers. However, there is very little information on VTD response profiles in DRG neurons and how they relate to neuronal subtypes. Here we characterised VTD-induced calcium responses in cultured mouse DRG neurons. Our data shows that the heterogeneity of VTD responses reflects distinct subpopulations of sensory neurons. About 70% of DRG neurons respond to 30-100 μM VTD. We classified VTD responses into four profiles based upon their response shape. VTD response profiles differed in their frequency of occurrence and correlated with neuronal size. Furthermore, VTD response profiles correlated with responses to the algesic markers capsaicin, AITC and α, β-methylene ATP. Since VTD response profiles integrate the action of several classes of ion channels and exchangers, they could act as functional "reporters" for the constellation of ion channels/exchangers expressed in each sensory neuron. Therefore our findings are relevant to studies and screens using VTD to activate DRG neurons