8 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Gizi yang optimal sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan normal serta perkembangan fisik dan kecerdasan bayi, anak-anak, serta seluruh kelompok umur. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat dengan melakukan promosi kedsehatan salah satunya edukasi. Pemberian edukasi memberikan efek positif terhadap pengetahuan dan prilaku seseorang dalam merubah pola pikir dan sikap. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini agar ibu-ibu bayi dan balita tahu dan mengerti bagaimana memilih, megolah dan menyajikan makanan yang bergizi dalam usaha pencegahan stunting sedini mungkin. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan secara garis besar meliputi tahapan Penyuluhan dan evaluasi. Sebelum pemberian sedukasi terlebih dahulu dilakuakan pretest untuk menilai pengetahuan ibu dan membandingkan hasil posttest setelah pemaparan materi dan tanyajawab, terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan ibu bayi dan balita tentang pemenuhan makanan bergizi dalam usaha pencegahan stunting. Perlu dilakukan edukasi, pengawasan dan pemantauan secara terus menerus mengenai status gizi anak karena hal ini dapat berdampak kepada penurunan daya tahan tubuh yang dapat mengakibatkan mudah terserang penyakit, dengan dilakukannya pemantauan dan edukasi secara berkala dan terjadwal di Posyandu RW 1 Lembah Sari Rumbai dapat terdeteksinya sedini mungkin masalah kesehatan pada anak.Abstract: Optimal nutrition is essential for normal growth and physical and intellectual development in infants, children and all age groups. Efforts that can be made to improve public health status by promoting health, one of which is education. Providing education has a positive effect on a person's knowledge and behavior in changing mindsets and attitudes. The purpose of this community service is so that mothers of babies and toddlers know and understand how to choose, process and serve nutritious food in an effort to prevent stunting as early as possible. The method of implementing activities in general includes the stages of counseling and evaluation. Prior to providing education, a pretest was carried out to assess the mother's knowledge and compare the results of the posttest. After the presentation of the material and questions and answers, there was an increase in the knowledge of mothers of infants and toddlers about fulfilling nutritious food in an effort to prevent stunting. It is necessary to carry out continuous education, supervision and monitoring regarding the nutritional status of children because this can have an impact on decreasing body resistance which can result in being susceptible to disease, by carrying out periodic and scheduled monitoring and education at Posyandu RW 1 Lembah Sari Rumbai it can be detected as early as possible health problems in children

    Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) fats

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    Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) fruit is rich in carbohydrates, lipids, phosphorus, vitamin C, niacin, iron, calcium, copper, protein and fiber. Rambutan seed kernel fat (RSKF) can be a promising alternative edible fat that has the potential to be used in the food industry, especially to replace hydrogenated fat. The main fatty acids in RSKF are arachidic acid (38.3%) and oleic acid (37.1%). These two fatty acids covered 75.7% of the total fatty acids. RSKF exhibited several nutritional, biological and health promoting effects. This chapter reports on the chemical composition and health promoting impacts of RSKF

    Bioactive Compounds of Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

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    Rambutan, a widely popular tropical fruit encompasses rich amount of bioactive compounds. All parts of this plant (leaves, bark, root, fruits, fruit skin, pulp and seeds) finds traditional usage, and are linked with high therapeutic values. Rambutan fruits parts like that of peel, pulp and seeds have been scientifically investigated in-depth and is reported to encompass high amounts of bioactive compounds (such as polyphenol, flavonoid, alkaloid, essential mineral, dietary fiber). These compounds contribute towards antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-obesity activities. However, literature pertaining towards potential industrial applications (food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical) of rambutan fruits are limited. In the present chapter, it is intended to document some of the interesting research themes published on rambutan fruits, and identify the existing gaps to open up arena for future research work.This chapter theme is based on our ongoing project—VALORTECH, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 810630

    Deklarasi bersama tentang ajaran pembenaran oleh iman

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    Yogyakartax, 249 p.; 23 c


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    THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE UTILIZATION OF SIAM SIAM (SECHIUM EDULE) WITH THE METHODS OF BOILED, STEAM AND FRIED AGAIN IMPROVEMENT OF BREAST MILK PRODUCTION Background Improving nutrition in a good baby is by giving first food of good quality and optimal, namely by giving initial breastfeeding (colostrum) and continued with exclusive breastfeeding. Breast milk is rich in antibodies which have an effect on reducing the risk of death. In order for mothers to be successful in giving breastfeeding exclusively, they must receive additional food to increase the quality and volume of breast milk they have. The way that mothers can do is by consuming chayote vegetables either by steaming, boiling and frying. Purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of chayote (sechium edule) in increasing breast milk production.Methods this study used a quasi-experimental method with a three-group pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in the working area of the Puskesmas Tambang in February - September 2020. The population in this study were all breastfeeding mothers from 0-6 months, totaling 34 people. The sample size in this study was 10 people for each giving of chayote, so the total sample was 30 people. The analysis used in this research is univariate analysis and bivariate analysis.Results obtained statistically the median of the mothers who were the samples in this study were 24 years old, education was high school level, and the number of parity amounted to 2 people. Respondents who were given chayote with boiled method had an average increase in breast milk of 79.20, Respondents who were given chayote with the steamed method had an average increase in breast milk of 91.20 and fried methods had an average increase of breastmilk by 71.50. From the table, it can be seen that the test results show that the variants of the three groups are the same (s2 = 0.83), so the Anova test is valid for testing the effectiveness of this chayote. There is a difference in the increase in milk production of the three groups giving chayote, the value of P (P-value) = 0.02 <0.05 is obtained.Conclusion of this study is that there is a significant difference in the increase in breast milk production by giving chayote (boiled, steamed). , and fry).Suggestion  It is expected that mothers who breastfeed their babies to consume chayote regularly because it has many benefits and increases milk production. Chayote is a type of plant and vegetable that is easy to get, cheap and affordable, chayote can also be enjoyed by steaming, boiling and frying. Keywords: ASI, Chayote, Steaming Method, Boiling Method, Fried Method ABSTRAK Latar Belakang peningkatan gizi pada bayi yang baik adalah dengan pemberian makanan pertama yang berkualitas dan optimal yaitu dengan pemberian ASI awal (kolostrum) dan dilanjutkan ASI eksklusif. ASI kaya antibodi yang mempunyai efek terhadap penurunan risiko kematian. Agar ibu berhasil dalam memberikan ASI secara eksklusif, maka ibu harus mendapat tambahan makanan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan jumlah volume ASI yang dimilikinya. Adapun cara yang dapat dilakukan ibu adalah dengan cara mengkonsumsi sayuran labu siam baik dengan cara kukus, rebus dan goreng.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemanfaatan labu siam (sechium edule) terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI.Metode quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan three group pretest postest design. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Wilayah kerja puskesmas Tambang bulan Februari – September Tahun 2020. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu menyusui ASI dari umur 0-6 bulan yang berjumlah 34 orang. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 10 orang untuk tiap-tiap pemberian labu siam jadi total sampel adalah 30 orang. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat.Hasil penelitian didapatkan secara statistik median ibu yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini berusia 24 tahun, pendidikan yaitu tingkat SMA, dan jumlah paritas berjumlah 2 orang. Responden yang diberi labu siam dengan metode rebus rata-rata peningkatan ASI sebesar 79.20, Responden yang diberi labu siam dengan metode kukus rata-rata peningkatan ASI sebesar 91.20 dan metode goreng rata-rata peningkatan ASI sebesar 71.50. Dari tabel terlihat bahwa hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa varian ketiga kelompok tersebut sama (s2 = 0,83), sehingga uji Anova valid untuk menguji efektifitas labu siam ini. Ada perbedaan peningkatan produksi ASI dari ketiga kelompok pemberian labu siam tersebut diperoleh nilai P (P-value) = 0,02 < 0,05,.Kesimpulan ada perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap penigkatan produksi ASI dengan pemberian labu siam (rebus, kukus, dan goreng).Saran diharapkan kepada ibu – ibu yang menyusui bayinya agar mengkonsumsi rutin labu siam karena memiliki banyak manfaat dan mmapu meningkatkan produksi ASI. Labu siam merupakan jenis tanaman dan sayuran yang mudah didapat, murah dan terjangkau, labu siam juga dapat dinikmati dengan metode kukus, rebus dan goreng. Kata Kunci : ASI, Labu siam, Metode Kukus, Metode Rebus, Metode Goreng