518 research outputs found

    Supercooling as an Alternative to Chemical Cryopreservation and Implications for Nuclear bodies

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    De fleste analyser som benyttes i dag for å studere genomet og dets romlige organisering er ikke i stand til å identifisere genomiske områder som er midlertidig forbundet med en cellekjernes kjernelegemer i rom og tid. Dette skyldes at de eksperimentelle forholdene som blir brukt endrer det kjemiske eller fysiske miljøet i eller rundt genomet og påvirker den nært forbundne og følsomme strukturen til kjernelegemene. Denne avhandlingen undersøker om dyp underkjøling uten isdannelse kan bevare den strukturelle integriteten til isolerte hepatocytt-cellekjerner fra atlanterhavslaks (Salmo salar), og et kjernelegeme til stede i dem kalt nukleolus. Funnene rapportert i denne avhandlingen antyder at dyp underkjøling kan brukes til å lagre cellekjerner av høy kvalitet uten ekstra kryobeskyttelse ned til −15.3oC, uten observerbar forringelse etter >2 ukers lagring. Flere andre observasjoner gjort i forbindelse med dette arbeidet kan danne grunnlaget for videre vitenskapelige undersøkelser. Av dem er det verdt å bemerke en mulig observasjon av en underkjøling-fremkalt overgang for nukleolus, fra en miljøfølsom struktur, til en struktur som reagerer lite på ytre påvirkning. Hvis denne underkjøling-fremkalte effekten, som må bekreftes i andre studier, representerer et generelt fenomen for strukturer beriket med proteiner uten veldefinert struktur, vil dette trolig ha implikasjoner for studiet av også andre kjernelegemer.Most of the assays used today to study the genome and its physical topography, cannot identify the spatiotemporal genomic regions associated with the majority of different nuclear bodies. This is because the experimental conditions commonly used in these assays alter the chemical or physical environment around the genome and influence the closely linked and sensitive structure of nuclear bodies. This thesis explores whether supercooling without ice formation could preserve the structural integrity of isolated nuclei from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hepatocytes, and a nuclear body contained within them, the nucleolus. The findings reported in this thesis suggests that supercooling can be used to store high-quality nuclei without additional cryoprotectants down to −15.3oC, with unnoticeable deterioration after >2 weeks storage. Several other observations during this work could form the basis for new scientific enquiries. The most notable being the possible observation of a supercooling-induced transition of nucleoli from an environmental sensitive structure to a largely insensitive structure. If the supercooling-induced effect, which needs to be confirmed in further studies, represent a general phenomenon for structures enriched in intrinsically disordered proteins, this would likely have implications for the study of other nuclear bodies

    The Self-Rated Effects of Alcohol Are Related to Presystemic Metabolism of Alcohol

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    Aims - A high number of alcohol units required to feel a subjective effect of alcohol predicts future alcohol use disorders (AUDs). The subjective response to alcohol can be measured using the validated retrospective self-rated effects of alcohol (SRE) questionnaire. Few studies have investigated the specific relationship between SRE and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in an experimental setting. Methods - Twenty healthy young adult male volunteers who had experience with binge drinking, but did not have AUD, filled out the SRE-questionnaire and were served with a fixed amount of alcohol per body weight. BACs were measured throughout a 12-hour period, reaching a maximum BAC of ~0.13%. Median split of SRE-scores was utilized to compare BACs among participants with relatively high effects (low SRE) and relatively low effects (high SRE) of alcohol. Results - Participants reporting a relatively low SRE-score had a statistically significant higher measured BAC at all time points until alcohol was eliminated. This was especially pronounced during the first 2 hours after alcohol (P = 0.015) without a significant difference in the alcohol elimination rate being detected. Conclusion - The study indicates that a self-ated SRE-score is related to BACs after the ingestion of a standardized amount of alcohol per body weight. Reporting a higher number of alcohol units before feeling an effect was related to a lower BAC. As the differences in BAC between relatively high and low self-rated effects appeared rapidly after intake, this could be interpreted as an effect of presystemic metabolism of alcohol

    Smoking Among Adolescent Males at Pulau Weh, Indonesia

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    Background: Use of tobacco may cause severe diseases like cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer. Smoking is a major threat to public health in many low- and middle-income countries. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of smoking among boys in the age group 13-15 years at Pulau Weh in Indonesia, and identify factors associated with smoking. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 291 male students, aged 13-15 years, in three participating secondary schools. A modified version of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey questionnaire was used to collect data. The association between active smoking within the previous 30 days, and social and demographic factors was analysed by multiple logistic regressions. Results: 40.2% of the male students were habitual smokers at the time of the study. The adjusted odds of current smoking increased with increasing age (odds ratio [OR] = 5.1, 95% CI: 2.2–12.3); having a father with a university or university college education (OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.0–7.1); having friends who smoke (OR = 5.2, 95% CI: 1.6–16.5), having sibling who smoke (OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.2–6.2); having a father who smokes (OR = 2.1, 95% CI: 1.1–3.9) and attending a rural school (OR = 7.4, 95% CI: 2.8–19.6). Conclusions: Cigarette smoking was found to be prevalent among 13 to 15-year-old male students in Pulau Weh, Indonesia, significantly higher in students attending a rural school compared to those attending an urban school. Indonesia should take steps to redress the smoking epidemic among adolescents by various means, e.g., minimizing access to tobacco products, stricter enforcement of tobacco control laws and changing attitudes to smoking.publishedVersio

    Hygroscopic buffering effects in exposed cross-laminated timber surfaces and indoor climate in a Norwegian primary school

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    Laboratory studies have shown that wood has hygroscopic properties. When used as a construction material in buildings, it can thus influence indoor relative humidity and temperature. Ventilation can affect indoor climate if the temperature differ between indoor and outdoor air. The coating of indoor wood may also affect its hygroscopic properties. Few studies of wood in real buildings have been conducted. The main aim of this experimental study was to explore the association between moisture content in indoor air and wood in two classrooms. The floor plan of the two classrooms was identical. In one classroom, all wood surfaces were untreated, whereas, in the other, they were treated with a transparent varnish. Sensors measured indoor air relative humidity, moisture content in the wood, and temperature in the air and wood in both classrooms. Linear regression analysis was performed to explore possible associations. Strong positive associations between indoor air relative humidity and the moisture content in wood in the untreated classroom were found. Weak positive associations were evident in the classroom with treated wood. Ventilation reduced these associations.publishedVersio

    Hygroscopic buffering effects in exposed cross-laminated timber surfaces and indoor climate in a Norwegian primary school

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    Laboratory studies have shown that wood has hygroscopic properties. When used as a construction material in buildings, it can thus influence indoor relative humidity and temperature. Ventilation can affect indoor climate if the temperature differ between indoor and outdoor air. The coating of indoor wood may also affect its hygroscopic properties. Few studies of wood in real buildings have been conducted. The main aim of this experimental study was to explore the association between moisture content in indoor air and wood in two classrooms. The floor plan of the two classrooms was identical. In one classroom, all wood surfaces were untreated, whereas, in the other, they were treated with a transparent varnish. Sensors measured indoor air relative humidity, moisture content in the wood, and temperature in the air and wood in both classrooms. Linear regression analysis was performed to explore possible associations. Strong positive associations between indoor air relative humidity and the moisture content in wood in the untreated classroom were found. Weak positive associations were evident in the classroom with treated wood. Ventilation reduced these associations.publishedVersio

    Aurevatnsystemet: Sensorisk vannkvalitet og blågrønnalger. Hydrobiologiske undersøkelser

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    Årsliste 2004Lukt- og smakproblemer i vannforsyningen fra Aurevatnmagasinet, Bærum kommune, Akershus, behandles med grunnlag i en hydrobiologisk undersøkelse 2002-2003. Generelle forhold knyttet til sensorisk vannkvalitet og vannforekomstenes naturgitte egenskaper beskrives. Undersøkelsen hadde primær oppmerksomhet på mikroorganismer med mulig produksjon av stoffskifteprodukter som kan forårsake lukt og smak på drikkevann. Resultatene viste at spesielt blågrønnalger i plankton (Anabaena lemmermannii) og bentos (arter av slekten Lyngbya) utgjorde aktuelle problemorganismer. Praktiske tiltak for sikring av råvannskvaliteten blir foreslått utprøvet, spesielt via kontrollert utskiftning av vannmasser i Aurevatnet. Hensikten er bl.a. å motvirke uønsket masseutvikling av mikroalger i planktonet.Bærum kommun

    Forekomst av krepsdyr og partikler i drikkevannet i Oslo

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    Årsliste 2002Undersøkelsen viste at krepsdyret Bosmina longispina (Cladocera) på forsommeren 2002 hadde sporadisk forekomst i Oset vannrenseanlegg og i ledningsnettet. Bosmina longispina er en naturlig planktonorganisme i Maridalsvatnet. Eksemplarene som ble funnet var av størrelsesorden 0,3-0,6 mm. Krepsdyrene kan ha kommet med råvannet, klart å passere mikrosilanlegget og tålt påkjenningen med kloreringen. Et annet alternativ er at hvile-egg er transportert med vannmassene, blitt avsatt i stilleflytende avsnitt og utviklet seg lokalt. Resultatene viser at det er mulighet for opp-podning av distribusjonsnettet med eventuelle organismer som kan gjøre skade for vannforsyningen. Forekomsten av disse organismene må sees i sammenheng med resten av den mikro-biologiske økologien i distribusjonsnettet. Tiltak mot organismene vil kunne være av både teknisk og kjemisk art. Dominerende partikkelstørrelse øker signifikant fra råvannet til første basseng. Dette kan skyldes aggregering av små kolloider (fra under 500 nm til over 4 µm) pga. klortilsats. Kolloidene i de uttatte prøver har negativ ladning, noe som indikerer innbyrdes frastøtende krefter mellom kolloidene. Tross dette skjer det en aggregering av partikler tidlig i vannbehandlings-prosessen. Dette kan henge sammen med effekter forårsaket av kjemisk oksidasjon vha klor.Oslo kommune, VA

    Description of the use of plasma exchange in dogs with Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy

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    Cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) is a rare disease affecting dogs, with a recent apparent increase in prevalence since 2012 in the UK. This disease is characterized by a vasculopathy affecting small vessels of the kidney and skin, leading to thrombotic microangiopathy. The underlying etiology remains unknown although clinicopathological and histological findings resemble features of certain forms of thrombotic microangiopathy in people, for which plasma exchange (PEX) is considered an important component of therapy. The objective of the present study is to describe the use of PEX as adjunctive treatment in dogs diagnosed with CRGV. A retrospective review of dogs diagnosed with CRGV between 2014 and 2016 treated with PEX was performed. Clinical records were reviewed and data relating to signalment, diagnostic tests and management strategies were summarized. Information and complications relating to PEX were recorded. Six dogs were diagnosed with CRGV (n = 2 ante-mortem, n = 4 post-mortem) and underwent PEX as part of their therapy. All dogs had cutaneous lesions and were azotemic with oliguria or anuria. All dogs underwent at least one PEX cycle; one dog had a single cycle PEX, three dogs two cycles PEX, and two dogs had one cycle PEX and one cycle of prolonged intermittent renal replacement treatment. Complications seen during PEX therapy included hypothermia (n = 4), tachycardia (n = 2), hypotension (n = 2), and hypocalcemia (n = 6). Two dogs survived to discharge, the remaining four dogs were euthanized. The positive outcome in two dogs treated with PEX despite the reported high mortality rate once acute kidney injury with oliguria/anuria occurs does not confirm success of this treatment. However, survival in two dogs that were initially oligoanuric highlights that further consideration and evaluation of PEX for this patient group is warranted for this specific disease. Additional studies are urgently needed to identify the underlying etiology of CRGV before more targeted therapies can be developed. Based on our findings, further evaluation of the role of PEX in this specific disease are warranted

    Cytokine Changes following Acute Ethanol Intoxication in Healthy Men: A Crossover Study

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    Alcohol is a known modulator of the innate immune system. Owing to the absence of human studies, alcohol’s effect on circulating cytokine profile remains unclear. We investigated the effect of acute high dose alcohol consumption on systemic cytokine release. After an overnight fasting, alcohol-experienced healthy male volunteers (N=20) aged 25–45 years were given oral ethanol in the form of vodka (4.28 mL/kg) which they drank over a period of 30 minutes reaching peak blood alcohol concentration of 0.12% (SD 0.028). Blood samples were obtained prior to alcohol intake as well as 2, 7, and 12 hours thereafter. Serum levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-1Ra, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, IFN-γ, MCP-1, and TNF-α were determined by the multibead-based assay. Baseline cytokine levels were not related to BMI, hepatic parameters, electrolytes, glucose, or morning cortisol levels. Within 2 hours of alcohol intake, levels of IL-1Ra were elevated and remained so throughout the assessment period (p for trend = 0.015). In contrast, the levels of the chemokine MCP-1 dropped acutely followed by steadily increasing levels during the observation period (p<0.001). The impact of sustained elevated levels of MCP-1 even after the clearance of blood alcohol content deserves attention