185 research outputs found

    Maximal surface group representations in isometry groups of classical Hermitian symmetric spaces

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    Higgs bundles and non-abelian Hodge theory provide holomorphic methods with which to study the moduli spaces of surface group representations in a reductive Lie group G. In this paper we survey the case in which G is the isometry group of a classical Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type. Using Morse theory on the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, we compute the number of connected components of the moduli space of representations with maximal Toledo invariant.Comment: v2: added due credits to the work of Burger, Iozzi and Wienhard. v3: corrected count of connected components for G=SU(p,q) (p \neq q); added due credits to the work of Xia and Markman-Xia; minor corrections and clarifications. 31 page

    On semistable principal bundles over a complex projective manifold, II

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    Let (X, \omega) be a compact connected Kaehler manifold of complex dimension d and E_G a holomorphic principal G-bundle on X, where G is a connected reductive linear algebraic group defined over C. Let Z (G) denote the center of G. We prove that the following three statements are equivalent: (1) There is a parabolic subgroup P of G and a holomorphic reduction of the structure group of E_G to P (say, E_P) such that the bundle obtained by extending the structure group of E_P to L(P)/Z(G) (where L(P) is the Levi quotient of P) admits a flat connection; (2) The adjoint vector bundle ad(E_G) is numerically flat; (3) The principal G-bundle E_G is pseudostable, and the degree of the charateristic class c_2(ad(E_G) is zero.Comment: 15 page

    Hyperkahler Metrics from Periodic Monopoles

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    Relative moduli spaces of periodic monopoles provide novel examples of Asymptotically Locally Flat hyperkahler manifolds. By considering the interactions between well-separated periodic monopoles, we infer the asymptotic behavior of their metrics. When the monopole moduli space is four-dimensional, this construction yields interesting examples of metrics with self-dual curvature (gravitational instantons). We discuss their topology and complex geometry. An alternative construction of these gravitational instantons using moduli spaces of Hitchin equations is also described.Comment: 23 pages, latex. v2: an erroneous formula is corrected, and its derivation is given. v3 (published version): references adde

    Rank two quadratic pairs and surface group representations

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    Let XX be a compact Riemann surface. A quadratic pair on XX consists of a holomorphic vector bundle with a quadratic form which takes values in fixed line bundle. We show that the moduli spaces of quadratic pairs of rank 2 are connected under some constraints on their topological invariants. As an application of our results we determine the connected components of the SO0(2,3)\mathrm{SO}_0(2,3)-character variety of XX.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur

    Hyperholomorpic connections on coherent sheaves and stability

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    Let MM be a hyperkaehler manifold, and FF a torsion-free and reflexive coherent sheaf on MM. Assume that FF (outside of its singularities) admits a connection with a curvature which is invariant under the standard SU(2)-action on 2-forms. If the curvature is square-integrable, then FF is stable and its singularities are hyperkaehler subvarieties in MM. Such sheaves (called hyperholomorphic sheaves) are well understood. In the present paper, we study sheaves admitting a connection with SU(2)-invariant curvature which is not necessarily square-integrable. This situation arises often, for instance, when one deals with higher direct images of holomorphic bundles. We show that such sheaves are stable.Comment: 37 pages, version 11, reference updated, corrected many minor errors and typos found by the refere

    Quantum curves for Hitchin fibrations and the Eynard-Orantin theory

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    We generalize the topological recursion of Eynard-Orantin (2007) to the family of spectral curves of Hitchin fibrations. A spectral curve in the topological recursion, which is defined to be a complex plane curve, is replaced with a generic curve in the cotangent bundle TCT^*C of an arbitrary smooth base curve CC. We then prove that these spectral curves are quantizable, using the new formalism. More precisely, we construct the canonical generators of the formal \hbar-deformation family of DD-modules over an arbitrary projective algebraic curve CC of genus greater than 11, from the geometry of a prescribed family of smooth Hitchin spectral curves associated with the SL(2,C)SL(2,\mathbb{C})-character variety of the fundamental group π1(C)\pi_1(C). We show that the semi-classical limit through the WKB approximation of these \hbar-deformed DD-modules recovers the initial family of Hitchin spectral curves.Comment: 34 page

    L-VRAP-a lunar volatile resources analysis package for lunar exploration

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    The Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package (L-VRAP) has been conceived to deliver some of the objectives of the proposed Lunar Lander mission currently being studied by the European Space Agency. The purpose of the mission is to demonstrate and develop capability; the impetus is very much driven by a desire to lay the foundations for future human exploration of the Moon. Thus, LVRAP has design goals that consider lunar volatiles from the perspective of both their innate scientific interest and also their potential for in situ utilisation as a resource. The device is a dual mass spectrometer system and is capable of meeting the requirements of the mission with respect to detection, quantification and characterisation of volatiles. Through the use of appropriate sampling techniques, volatiles from either the regolith or atmosphere (exosphere) can be analysed. Furthermore, since L-VRAP has the capacity to determine isotopic compositions, it should be possible for the instrument to determine the sources of the volatiles that are found on the Moon (be they lunar per se, extra-lunar, or contaminants imparted by the mission itself

    Mixed Hodge polynomials of character varieties

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    We calculate the E-polynomials of certain twisted GL(n,C)-character varieties M_n of Riemann surfaces by counting points over finite fields using the character table of the finite group of Lie-type GL(n,F_q) and a theorem proved in the appendix by N. Katz. We deduce from this calculation several geometric results, for example, the value of the topological Euler characteristic of the associated PGL(n,C)-character variety. The calculation also leads to several conjectures about the cohomology of M_n: an explicit conjecture for its mixed Hodge polynomial; a conjectured curious Hard Lefschetz theorem and a conjecture relating the pure part to absolutely indecomposable representations of a certain quiver. We prove these conjectures for n = 2.Comment: with an appendix by Nicholas M. Katz; 57 pages. revised version: New definition for homogeneous weight in Definition 4.1.6, subsequent arguments modified. Some other minor changes. To appear in Invent. Mat

    Extremal Bundles on Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    We study constructions of stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi–Yau threefolds, especially those with exact anomaly cancellation which we call extremal. By going through the known databases we find that such examples are rare in general and can be ruled out for the spectral cover construction for all elliptic threefolds. We then introduce a general Hartshorne–Serre construction and use it to find extremal bundles of general ranks and study their stability, as well as computing their Chern numbers. Based on both existing and our new constructions, we revisit the DRY conjecture for the existence of stable sheaves on Calabi–threefolds, and provide theoretical and numerical evidence for its correctness. Our construction can be easily generalized to bundles with no extremal conditions imposed