23,531 research outputs found

    A neural network approach in the sensorial comfort of wool light fabrics by subjective and objective evaluation

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    The textile and clothing industry, aware of the marketing evolution cannot neglect the requests of comfort, which have been increasing and are actual exigency for clothing goods consumers. There is an urgent need to evaluate and quantify the comfort properties of textile in general. The present work aims to make a study of the different types of lightweight wool fabrics, based on the objective evaluation of thermo and sensorial comfort, according to real preferences, to develop a simple sensorial comfort “predictable model”. The approach presented uses a self-organizing map (SOM), this type of neural network perform classification in a non-supervised fashion performing vector quantization and therefore placing similar vectors close together in the two dimensional output space. The unsupervised process leads to the self organization of modelling with no previous knowledge of what is being modelled and therefore it does not model a predetermined environment. Taking the above into account objective properties (physical and mechanical measured parameters) were selected and used to train the neural network to recognize subjective evaluations of sensorial comfort. The methodology applied in this work to develop the model is divided in two parts. In the first part, it was carried out the subjective evaluation of the materials, using a psychophysical methodology that enables the quantification of descriptive aspects of hand sensation (subjective evaluation by a panel of experts). One the other part, studies were conducted on fabric objective measurements: structural, thermal, physical and mechanical properties (KES-FB system). The results of the two parts were correlated by neural network techniques, in order to quantify the comfort, contributing for the definition of comfort sensorial standards for lightweight wool fabrics.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    O conforto total do vestuário: design para os cinco sentidos

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    Quando se projeta um produto de Design, na maior parte das vezes o sentido mais valorizado pelo designer é a visão, pois é aquele que melhor aprecia a estética e harmonia, descorando sentidos como o olfato, o tato e até a audição. É frequente verificar que belas e funcionais construções arquitetõnicas, tem lacunas no que diz res- peito a isolamento acústico entre pisos ou a problemas de exaustão de odores das cozinhas e fumos de lareiras. Quem é que já não se queixou do odor da sua roupa quando deixa um restaurante de churrasco ou grelhados ou mesmo o cheiro a tabaco que se entranha no vestuário após uma noite numa discoteca mal ventilada? À medida que os produtos têm uma maior proximidade com corpo humano como, por exemplo, o mobiliário de utilização quotidiana, o problema torna-se mais com- plexo como é o caso das cadeiras e sofás, com os quais a nossa pele entra em contato direto. Uma cadeira de metal no Inverno torna-se desagradável quando nos sentamos, principalmente se pousarmos os nossos braços mais descobertos sobre os braços metálicos que muitas vezes até são pouco confortáveis ergonomicamente (caso dos fabricados com tubos metálicos cilíndricos que não per- mitem o correto apoio do cotovelo). Um sofá revestido por materiais que não permitam a respiração da pele, pode também ser muito incômodo num dia de calor. Estes são alguns exemplos de produtos de design desen- volvidos sem ter em consideração os restantes sentidos para além da visão, tornando-se especialmente proble- mático quando se trata de matérias que estão diariamente em contato com a nossa pele, como é o caso do vestuário. O vestuário é a nossa segunda pele, para além da função estética ele tem principalmente a função protetora. Não se pode falar em design de vestuário sem falar em con- forto, podendo mesmo dizer que o design de vestuário e o conforto total do vestuário são indissociáveis. Ainda que um implica o outro, em última instância o design Moreira, Samantha C. O. et al. Briefing: Uma estratégia para o pro- jeto de Design de Ambientes. Artigo inédito. p.1-6, outubro. 2008b. Paula Glória Barbosa. Centro de Inovação para Ambientes ED/UEMG - Graduada em Design de Ambientes, UEMG. Amanda Trindade Madeira Araújo. Graduada em Design de Am- bientes, UEMG. Marina Montenegro de Holanda Lopes. Graduando em Design de Ambientes, UEMG. Samantha Cidaley de Oliveira Moreira. Designer de Ambientes, Msc - Gestora de Empreendedorismo e Inovação - CDE/IED. no sentido projectual não pode ser bem sucedido sem utilizar a componente da ciência do conforto. Com efeito, estudos de marketing mostram que os consu- midores atuais já não estão só interessados no vestuário com estética, na boa aparência, na qualidade do que “fica bem”, mas exigem cada vez mais, roupas com as quais se sintam confortáveis. Desejam que a sua indumentária esteja de acordo com as suas atitudes, funções e imagem que pretendem transmitir à sociedade mas, principal- mente, que sejam confortáveis. O marketing têxtil tem identificado que os consumidores envolvem, cada vez mais, na sua decisão de compra, para além do seu sentido visual, o toque, o cheiro, a intuição e a emoção. Em conseqüência desta atitude, uma maior importância está a ser atribuída à experiência/ato da “compra” do vestuário, sendo cada vez maior o interesse por tecidos mais agradáveis ao toque. “Se os estilos se aproximam cada vez mais, os consumi- dores tomam consciência de que os materiais têm dife- rentes valores e fazem a diferença através do bem-estar e do toque”, estudo de mercado, realizado pela RISC em 1999, a pedido da LYCRA1. Isto refere-se ao Conforto Sen- sorial e é devido a esta qualidade que os novos produtos se impõem no mercado. O conforto é já um parâmetro chave na seleção e compra de produtos têxteis, seja de vestuário ou produtos para o lar. O conforto é uma necessidade universal e fundamental para os seres vivos, pois todas as realizações podem ser consideradas como um esforço para melhorar os nossos níveis de conforto na vida. O vestuário e os têxteis são produtos essenciais usados diariamente, para se ter conforto (fisiológico e psicológico) e fundamentalmente assegurar as condições físicas apropriadas para a sobre- vivência do organismo

    The comfort performance of wool light fabrics based on subjective, objective evaluation

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    The textile and clothing industry, aware of the marketing evolution cannot neglect the requests of comfort, which has been an increased and actual exigency of the clothing goods consumers. There is an urgent need to evaluate and quantify the comfort properties of textile in general. This work aims to make a study of the different types of lightweight wool fabrics, based on the objective evaluation of thermophysiological and sensorial comfort, according to real preferences, with the goal of creating “comfort standards” and to develop a simple sensorial comfort “predictable model”, based on correlation studies, that from objective properties, predicts the subjective valuations of comfort. Thus we can define a comfort quality profile (sensorial and thermophysiological), allowing to create a “comfort label” of easy interpretation, similar to the textiles “clean and conservation label”, currently used in the textiles and clothes industry labelling. This label will certify the quality and prestige of these textiles, towards the modern consumer’s needs and demands.Programme POCTI/IDEI

    Efficiency decomposition for multi-level multi-components production technologies

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    This paper addresses the efficiency measurement of firms composed by multiple components, and assessed at different decision levels. In particular it develops models for three levels of decision/production: the subunit (production division/process), the DMU (firm) and the industry (system). For each level, inefficiency is measured using a directional distance function and the developed measures are contrasted with existing radial models. The paper also investigates how the efficiency scores computed at different levels are related to each other by proposing a decomposition into exhaustive and mutually exclusive components. The proposed method is illustrated using data on Portuguese hospitals. Since most of the topics addressed in this paper are related to more general network structures, avenues for future research are proposed and discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Volatility leveraging in heart rate: Health vs disease

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    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data exhibit long memory and time-varying conditional variance (volatility). These characteristics are well captured using Fractionally Integrated AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARFIMA) models with Generalised AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) errors, which are an extension of the AR models usual in the analysis of HRV. GARCHmod-els assume that volatility depends only on the magnitude of the shocks and not on their sign, meaning that positive and negative shocks have a symmetric effect on volatility. However, HRV recordings indicate further dependence of volatility on the lagged shocks. This work considers Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) models which assume that positive and negative shocks have an asymmetric effect (leverage effect) on the volatility, thus better copping with complex characteristics of HRV. ARFIMA-EGARCH models, combined with adaptive segmentation, are applied to 24 h HRV recordings of 30 subjects from the Noltisalis database: 10 healthy, 10 patients suffering from congestive heart failure and 10 heart transplanted patients. Overall, the results for the leverage parameter indicate that volatility responds asymmetrically to values of HRV under and over the mean. Moreover, decreased leverage parameter values for sick subjects, suggest that these models allow to discriminate between the different groups. © 2016 CCAL

    Modeling volatility in heat rate variability

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    Modeling Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data has become important for clinical applications and as a research tool. These data exhibit long memory and time-varying conditional variance (volatility). In HRV, volatility is traditionally estimated by recursive least squares combined with short memory AutoRegressive (AR) models. This work considers a parametric approach based on long memory Fractionally Integrated AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARFIMA) models with heteroscedastic errors. To model the heteroscedasticity nonlinear Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroscedastic (GARCH) and Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroscedastic (EGARCH) models are considered. The latter are necessary to model empirical characteristics of conditional volatility such as clustering and asymmetry in the response, usually called leverage in time series literature. The ARFIMA-EGARCH models are used to capture and remove long memory and characterize conditional volatility in 24 hour HRV recordings from the Noltisalis database. © 2016 IEEE

    Contextos organizacionais do desenvolvimento das práticas de supervisão : que cooperação no processo formativo dos estudantes de enfermagem?

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    A questão central na formação de estudantes de Enfermagem advém da revalorização do potencial formativo das práticas nas organizações de saúde, devendo estas assegurar as condições de aprendizagem clínica para os cursos e garantir os respetivos padrões de qualidade. Isto obriga a que sejam potenciadas sinergias entre ambas as organizações. O Decreto-Lei n.º 206/2004 de 19 de Agosto, clarifica a relação entre as entidades prestadoras de cuidados de saúde e as instituições responsáveis pelo ensino, a educação e a investigação científica, nomeadamente com as escolas de enfermagem, como explicitamente determina o n.º 3, do artigo 1.º, conjugado com o que preconiza o artigo 13.º. Aqui, está também traçado o quadro geral de articulação entre as duas organizações, a qual é feita mediante o estabelecimento de protocolos para a realização de estágios e desenvolvimento da investigação. Este estudo, de carater exploratório e descritivo teve como objetivo compreender os processos de parceria em uso entre as Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem e as entidades prestadoras de cuidados onde se realizam as práticas cínicas. Metodologicamente foi suportado na análise de conteúdo de 66 protocolos firmados por sete Escolas de Enfermagem. Os achados do estudo revelaram fragilidades na formalização dos protocolos com as instituições de saúde, não surgindo claro, qual a natureza ou extensão da sua cooperação. Evidenciaram ausência de uma definição clara do papel a desempenhar no processo formativo dos estudantes e a falta da clarificação de indicadores necessários a uma forma integrada de agir em articulação. Apesar de no atual quadro legal, assente na celebração formal de protocolos, estarem reunidas as condições para a efetivação da articulação entre as duas entidades, os protocolos firmados não obedecem, com as devidas adaptações, aos princípios gerais definidos no n.º 2 do artigo 13.º do referido diploma, o que parece condicionar a corresponsabilização dos intervenientes no processo.The central issue in the training nursing students arises from the revaluation of the training potential of the practices in health organizations, which should ensure the conditions for clinical training of the courses guaranteeing the respective standards of quality. This requires being further enhanced synergies between both organizations. Decree-Law number 206/2004, August 19, clarifies the relationship between health institutions and institutions responsible by education and scientific research, particularly with nursing schools, as explicitly determines the number 3, Article 1, in conjunction with advocated in Article 13.º. Here is also outlined the general framework of coordination between both organizations, which is done by establishing protocols for the stages conduct and scientific research development. Aiming to understanding the processes in use of partnership between Nursing Schools and health institutions where they carry out the clinical practices, we developed a study of exploratory and descriptive nature. Methodologically was supported in content analysis of 66 protocols signed by seven Nursing Schools. The results of this study demonstrated flaws in the formalization of agreements with health institutions, not appearing clear what is the nature or extent of their cooperation. It was evidenced a lack of definition by the health institutions role in the students training and the dearth of clarification the indicators needed to an articulated working. In the current legal framework, although contemplated the conditions for effective coordination between both entities, based on formal protocols, these weren´t in accordance to the general principles defined in number 2, article 13.º of the referenced law, which can determine the co-responsibility the involved parts

    Economic efficiency when prices are not fixed:disentangling quantity and price efficiency

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    This paper proposes an approach to compute cost efficiency in contexts where units can adjust input quantities and to some degree prices so that through their joint determination they can minimise the aggregate cost of the outputs they secure. The model developed is based on the data envelopment analysis (DEA) framework and can accommodate situations where the degree of influence over prices ranges from minimal to considerable. When units cannot influence prices at all the model proposed reduces to the standard cost efficiency DEA model for the case where prices are taken as exogenous. In addition to the cost efficiency model, we introduce an additive decomposition of potential cost savings into a quantity and a price component, based on Bennet indicators


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    The use of different quantities of vegetables, forages or fresh grass as fodder for growing-finishing pigs is an important factor of the northern Portugal traditional system. The increasing development of swine production in outdoor systems, extensive and organic production, turns to upcoming natural diets, in which grass performs a significant part. With regard to this, some investigation has been made concerning the use of fibre-rich feed ingredients in pig nutrition. Metabolic effects of its ingestion are analysed concerning different sights (economical, social, environmental and physiological ones). The aim of this work was to study the effects of grass utilization in the diets on performances of finishing Bísaro pigs. A total of 22 pigs (16 castrated males and 6 females) was housed outdoor and fed ad libitum (37 – 85 kg live weight) with a growing diet and then transferred to an indoor system (with free access to an outdoor area) for 49 days, according to 3 different treatments: 100% concentrate (C), 75% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE75), 50% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE50). The grass was supplied and its intake registered on a daily basis. Every 14 days, the pigs were weighted and their back fat (P2 in vivo) measured. After slaughter (average weight of 107 kg LW), yield and ½ left carcass characteristics were controlled. During the outdoor growing phase, the ADG was 513 g/day. During the indoor finishing phase, the increase grass intake was proportional to the reduction of concentrate in the diet. The ADG (g) and the fat deposition (P2 cm) were significantly different (P<0,05) in the 3 treatments (ADG: C=641, CE75=467, CE50=356 and: C=11,4, CE75=+9,5, CE50=+6,2). The empty body weight (kg) was also proportional to the intake of concentrate (C=116,2; CE75=107,7; CE50=102,2). Comparatively to the weight of the body parts, pigs that had higher intake of grass and lower of concentrate showed a higher % of shoulder (P<0,05; C=20,4, CE75=21,7, CE50=22,2) and the pH45min of CE carcasses was significantly higher (P<0,05). As a conclusion, concentrate substitution for grass showed a slower growing rate, thinner carcasses and a high technological quality. Neverthelles variability (CV %) of the productive parameters at the end of this study were higher in the treatments that included grass: live weight (C= 10,5%; C75=10,7%; C50=14,3%), finishing ADG (C=24%; C75=37%, C50=42%), and final fat (C=37%; C75=32%, C50=52%). These values suggest that the utilization of fibrous feeds in growing-finishing swine may be one of the possible explanations of the more heterogeneous products and carcasses found in the traditional or extensive systems, common users of fibrous feeds in the carcass finishing phase

    Pedestrianismo : uma actividade com futuro nos Açores

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.O turismo de natureza (TN) e uma das actividades mais promissoras para integrar um modelo de desenvolvimento turístico para os Acores. Mas este tipo de turismo (e.g. ecoturismo, turismo de aventura) necessita de áreas protegidas (AP) para o seu pleno desenvolvimento. Cerca de 22% do território Açoriano possui um estatuto legal de protecção (DLR 26/2010/A; 12 de Ag.), tornando esta região numa séria candidata à implementação de actividades de TN. Mas é necessário aferir a compatibilidade entre turismo e conservação da natureza se queremos manter na região um turismo sustentável. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio