1,110 research outputs found

    Cross-amplification and characterization of microsatellite loci for the Neotropical orchid genus Epidendrum

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    In this study we tested the cross-amplification of 33 microsatellite loci previously developed for two closely related Neotropical orchid genera (Epidendrum and Laelia). A set of ten loci were polymorphic across five examined species (20 individuals each) with 2 to 15 alleles per locus. The mean expected and observed heterozygosity (average across species) ranged from 0.34 to 0.82 and from 0.27 to 0.85, respectively. In addition we tested all loci in 35 species representative of the genus Epidendrum. Of these, 26 loci showed successful amplification. Cross-application of these loci represent a potential source of co-dominant markers for evolutionary, ecological and conservation studies in this important orchid genus

    High doses of zinc and copper alter neither cerebral metal levels nor acetylcholinesterase activity of suckling rats

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    This research investigated the in vivo (ZnCl2 27 mg/kg; CuSO4 10.2 mg/kg) and in vitro effects of zinc and copper on acetylcholinesterase activity of different cerebral areas, Zn and Cu levels in cerebrum, and body weight gain of young Wistar rats. Three-day-old rats were injected (s.c.) with 5 doses (saline, Zn, Cu or Zn+Cu) for 5 consecutive days and were killed 24 h after the last dose. In the other experiment, 7-day-old rats received only 1 dose (saline, Zn or Cu) and were killed at 1, 6 or 24 h after. For the in vitro experiments, the acetylcholinesterase activity from cerebrum of 8-day-old rats was analyzed in presence of Zn or Cu (0.01 to 1 mM). Regarding the in vivo experiments, only body weight gain was decreased by 5 simultaneous administrations of Zn and Cu. The acetylcholinesterase activity from cerebrum and cerebellum and cerebral zinc and copper contents were not altered by the treatments. In vitro, Cu 0.1 and 1 mM, but not Zn, inhibited the enzyme of both cerebrum and cerebellum. The enzymatic activity from cerebrum and cerebellum homogenate was more sensitive to Cu than the enzymatic activity from S2 and S1 fractions, respectively, since less metal was necessary to inhibit the enzyme

    Fipronil effect on the frequency of anomalous brood in honeybee reared in vitro

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    Larvae of honeybee workers were exposed to the insecticide fipronil during the feeding phase. To evaluate the effect of fipronil in the post-embryonic development of africanized Apis mellifera, bioassays of toxicity were done. The bioassays were performed by acute exposure applying 1μL of distilled water for control (I) and for experiments: 0.5 ng a.i./μL of fipronil; 5 ng a.i./μL of fipronil and 20 ng a.i./ μL of fipronil. Triplicates were performed for all treatments. The results showed that the rate of anomalous pupae in exposed honeybees was statistically significant in relationship to the control (p <0:03). The most frequent abnormalities were: high pigmentation on the proximal and distal larval body and body malformation, such as absence of head and limbs. Pink eye pupa and white eyed pupae presented malformations in their larval bodies, but with the eye developed. It is assumed that the fat body is related to the high rate of anomalies, since this tissue has proteins linked to the process of metamorphosis. Furthermore, the fat body may be participating in the regulation of juvenile hormone during the process of metamorphosis, and consequently in the release of ecdysteroid hormones that are involved in the change from larva to adult. The high rate of abnormalities in the pupal stage of individuals exposed to fipronil raises concerns about the impacts caused in the colonies of bees and population decline of pollinators. Keywords: bees, larvae, pupae, metamorphosis, anomalies, fiproni

    Characterization of \u3ci\u3eNeofabraea actinidiae\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eN. brasiliensis\u3c/i\u3e as causal agents of apple bull’s-eye rot in southern Brazil

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    The causal agents of apple bull’s-eye rot in southern Brazil have recently been described as Neofabraea actinidiae and N. brasiliensis. Isolates of both species were evaluated for response of mycelial growth index (MGI) to different temperatures, enzyme production, mycelial growth inhibition and effective concentrations (EC50 and EC100) of the fungicides triflumizole, pyrimethanil and thiophanate methyl, as well as aggressiveness on fruits of ‘Fuji’ hybrid and ‘Pink Lady’. There was significantly lower mycelium growth in N. brasiliensis compared with N. actinidiae at all temperatures tested. Neither species grew at 3 and 32°C. There were minor differences in production of enzymes in the two species, with all N. brasiliensis isolates showing no production of pectolyase at pH 7. The lowest EC50 and EC100 values were observed with thiophanate methyl. In general, ‘Fuji’ fruits were more susceptible to Neofabraea infection and had larger lesions, while N. brasiliensis isolates showed greater aggressiveness on ‘Fuji’ hybrid and ‘Pink lady’ fruits compared with N. actinidiae. Dans le sud du Brésil, les agents causaux du chancre gloésporien de la pomme ont récemment été décrits comme étant Neofabraea actinidiae et N. brasiliensis. Des isolats des deux espèces ont été évalués en fonction de la réaction de l’indice de croissance mycélienne à différentes températures, de la production enzymatique, de l’inhibition de la croissance mycélienne et des concentrations efficaces (CE50 et CE100) des fongicides triflumizole, pyriméthanil et triophanate méthyle, ainsi qu’en fonction de leur agressivité à l’égard de la pomme hybride Fuji et de la Pink Lady. La croissance mycélienne chez N. brasiliensis était considérablement plus faible que chez N. actinidiae, et ce, à toutes les températures testées. Aucune espèce ne s’est développée à 3 ou à 32°C. Chez les deux espèces, il y a eu de petites différences quant à la production enzymatique, tous les isolats de N. brasiliensis n’affichant aucune production de pectolyase à pH 7. Les plus faibles valeurs de CE50 et de CE100 observées ont été celles du triophanate méthyle. Dans l’ensemble, les Fuji étaient plus sujettes à l’infection causée par Neofabraea et affichaient des lésions plus étendues, tandis que les isolats de N. brasiliensis étaient plus agressifs à l’égard de l’hybride Fuji et de la Pink Lady que ceux de N. actinidiae

    Characterization of \u3ci\u3eNeofabraea actinidiae\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eN. brasiliensis\u3c/i\u3e as causal agents of apple bull’s-eye rot in southern Brazil

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    The causal agents of apple bull’s-eye rot in southern Brazil have recently been described as Neofabraea actinidiae and N. brasiliensis. Isolates of both species were evaluated for response of mycelial growth index (MGI) to different temperatures, enzyme production, mycelial growth inhibition and effective concentrations (EC50 and EC100) of the fungicides triflumizole, pyrimethanil and thiophanate methyl, as well as aggressiveness on fruits of ‘Fuji’ hybrid and ‘Pink Lady’. There was significantly lower mycelium growth in N. brasiliensis compared with N. actinidiae at all temperatures tested. Neither species grew at 3 and 32°C. There were minor differences in production of enzymes in the two species, with all N. brasiliensis isolates showing no production of pectolyase at pH 7. The lowest EC50 and EC100 values were observed with thiophanate methyl. In general, ‘Fuji’ fruits were more susceptible to Neofabraea infection and had larger lesions, while N. brasiliensis isolates showed greater aggressiveness on ‘Fuji’ hybrid and ‘Pink lady’ fruits compared with N. actinidiae. Dans le sud du Brésil, les agents causaux du chancre gloésporien de la pomme ont récemment été décrits comme étant Neofabraea actinidiae et N. brasiliensis. Des isolats des deux espèces ont été évalués en fonction de la réaction de l’indice de croissance mycélienne à différentes températures, de la production enzymatique, de l’inhibition de la croissance mycélienne et des concentrations efficaces (CE50 et CE100) des fongicides triflumizole, pyriméthanil et triophanate méthyle, ainsi qu’en fonction de leur agressivité à l’égard de la pomme hybride Fuji et de la Pink Lady. La croissance mycélienne chez N. brasiliensis était considérablement plus faible que chez N. actinidiae, et ce, à toutes les températures testées. Aucune espèce ne s’est développée à 3 ou à 32°C. Chez les deux espèces, il y a eu de petites différences quant à la production enzymatique, tous les isolats de N. brasiliensis n’affichant aucune production de pectolyase à pH 7. Les plus faibles valeurs de CE50 et de CE100 observées ont été celles du triophanate méthyle. Dans l’ensemble, les Fuji étaient plus sujettes à l’infection causée par Neofabraea et affichaient des lésions plus étendues, tandis que les isolats de N. brasiliensis étaient plus agressifs à l’égard de l’hybride Fuji et de la Pink Lady que ceux de N. actinidiae

    Rectosigmoidectomy in a patient with a prolapsed sigmoid tumor: case report

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    Modelo de estudo: Relato de caso. Objetivo do estudo: Relatar o caso de uma paciente com prolapso de tumor colorretal localizado no sigmóide. Metodologia: Relato de caso obtido de prontuário. Resultados: É relatado o caso de uma paciente que aguardava cirurgia para ressecção oncológica de um tumor colorretal, quando foi encaminhada ao serviço de urgências médicas com episódio de prolapso retal contendo massa tumoral pós-evacuação, sem redução espontânea. A paciente foi encaminhada à cirurgia de urgência e submetida a uma abordagem transabdominal, na qual o prolapso foi reduzido, em seguida realizada retossigmoidectomia segundo procedimento de Hartamann com colostomia terminal no cólon descendente. Conclusões: No caso relatado, por tratar-se de um paciente portador de tumor de sigmóide prolapsado, a abordagem de escolha foi a retosigmoidectomia abdominal, seguindo os preceitos oncológicos, com ligadura da artéria mesentérica inferior em sua origem. Importância do problema: O prolapso de tumor de sigmóide, uma situação clínica relativamente incomum na população adulta, e uma complicação mais rara quando se trata dos tumores colorretais, deve ser tratado imediatamente após o diagnóstico para se diminuir o risco de isquemia do segmento prolapsado e sempre que possível oferecer a cirurgia que siga os preceitos oncológicos de tratamento. Comentários: No caso relatado, foi necessário uma abordagem cirúrgica de urgência, sendo a via abdominal escolhida por respeito aos princípios da cirurgia oncológica e ao menor tempo cirúrgicoDesign of the study: Case report. Objectives: To report a case of a patient with colorectal tumor prolapse located in the sigmoid. Methodology: A retrospective case report obtained from medical records. Results: We report a case of a patient awaiting surgery for tumor resection of a colorectal tumor, when she was sent to the service of medical emergencies with an episode of post-evacuation rectal prolapse with a tumor without spontaneous reduction. The patient was referred to emergency surgery and underwent a transabdominal approach, in which the prolapse was reduced then followed by Hartmann's rectosigmodectomy surgical procedure. Conclusions: Sigmoid tumor prolapse require a surgical approach, the approach of choice was abdominal retosigmoidectomy, following the oncological principles, with ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery at its origin. Relevance: Sigmoid tumor prolapse, a relatively unusual clinical situation in adults, and more rare complication when it comes to colorectal tumors, it must be treated immediately after diagnosis to reduce the risk of ischemia prolapsed segment, and whenever possible offer surgery to follow the precepts of cancer treatment. Comments: In the case reported, an emergency surgical approach was necessary, and the abdominal route was chosen following the principles of cancer surgery and shorter surgical tim
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