22 research outputs found

    Serbia and Russia on the demographic map of Europe two decades after the fall of communism

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    The study provides a comprehensive data analysis on total fertility rates, birth rates, life expectancy, percentage share of over 65 year olds, infant mortality rates and adolescent-specific fertility rates, in Russia and Serbia, two decades after the fall of communism and compares it with general values in Europe. The main problems in the demography of Russia and Serbia are connected with economic process, caused by economy transition, from planned economy to the free market, as one of the consequences of the fall. Finally, the authors concluded that the Russian demographic situation is characterized by depopulation processes just like in Serbia


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    The article considers the problem of social rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities: analyzes the category of «disability» as a social phenomenon, summarizes the current approaches and social practices of foreign and Russian scientific schools in the context of the problem being studied, theoretically reveals the potential of art–therapeutic methods in organizing social rehabilitation of people with disabilities in accordance with the specifics of disabilities.The article describes an empirical study, in the course of which the features of social orientation of people with intellectual disabilities, their adaptive mechanisms and creative potential are revealed. The material of the article includes a description of the author's project “Art without Borders”, aimed at the socio–cultural rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities and the development of their creative potential using art therapy methods. The results of the study can be the basis for designing a system of social rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities.


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    This work deals with the system research of the activities of the departments of musicology of the Jagiellonian and Lviv Universities in the context of the Jagiellonian tradition of Poland and Ukraine in the original refraction of principles of the European musical academic education since the time of their foundation in years 1911-1912 and till the beginning of the XXI century. Besides the educational orientation of the Jagiellonian tradition have been revealed. This tradition inextricably linked with the national-confessional polysyllabity within the teacher's and student's community. It has been established that the Neojagiellonian-Panslavic worldview of the XIX – first half of the XX century was historically significant corrective component of the existence of Krakow and Lviv Universities. "Equation on the European East" of the most prominent representatives of Polish culture and art in the twentieth century was a testimony of the influence of that worldview.Este trabalho trata da pesquisa do sistema das atividades dos departamentos de musicologia das Universidades Jagiellonian e Lviv no contexto da tradição Jagiellonian da Polônia e Ucrânia na refração original dos princípios da educação acadêmica musical europeia desde a época de sua fundação nos anos 1911-1912 e até o início do século XXI. Além disso, a orientação educacional da tradição jagielloniana foi revelada. Esta tradição está inextricavelmente ligada à polissilabidade nacional-confessional dentro da comunidade de professores e alunos. Foi estabelecido que a visão de mundo Neojagiellonian-Panslavic do século XIX – primeira metade do século XX foi um componente corretivo historicamente significativo da existência das universidades de Cracóvia e Lviv. A "Equação sobre o Leste Europeu" dos representantes mais proeminentes da cultura e arte polonesa no século XX foi um testemunho da influência dessa visão de mundo

    The Social Implications of Implementing Artificial Intelligence in the Arts

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    Внедрение цифровых технологий сложный и неоднозначный процесс. Помимо очевидных положительных моментов, возможностей, которые дает искусственный интеллект, возникают вопросы о рисках и сложностях, которые также с этим связаны. Исследователи рассматривают риски как технологические, так и связанные с этическими аспектами, философскими, мировоззренческими, социальными. Настоящая статья посвящена изучению социальных последствий, возникающих ввиду внедрения искусственного интеллекта в области искусства. В ходе анализа были рассмотрены как негативные, так и позитивные последствия, выделяемые современными исследователями, отмечена неоднозначность в оценках. А также были изучены особенности внедрения цифровых технологий на примере деятельности Гарвардского художественного музея и Художественного музея Кливленда, чья практика внедрения ИИ рассмотрена как репрезентативнаяThe introduction of digital technologies is a complex and ambiguous process. In addition to the obvious positive aspects and opportunities offered by artificial intelligence, the questions arise about the risks and complexities that are also associated with it. Researchers consider risks both technological and those related to ethical aspects, philosophical, attitudinal, social. The present article is devoted to the study of social consequences arising from the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of art. In the course of the analysis, both negative and positive consequences highlighted by contemporary researchers were considered, ambiguity in assessments was noted. Also, the peculiarities of the introduction of digital technologies were studied on the example of the Harvard Art Museum and the Cleveland Museum of Art, which practice of AI implementation was considered as representativ

    Current Trends in the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Visual Culture

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    В статье представлены результаты культурологического исследования актуальных тенденций влияния технологий искусственного интеллекта на современную визуальную культуру. Визуальная культура понимается в контексте теории идеалообразования Д. В. Пивоварова как процесс создания, трансляции, сохранения и воспроизводства базовых идеалов конкретной культуры в визуальных формах, включая визуальные искусства. Визуальная культура – это формирование базовых идеалов культуры в уникальных формах визуальных культурных практик, не сводимых к другим формам культурных практик. Генеративное искусство подразумевает использование генеративного искусственного интеллекта для создания нового контента, которого раньше не существовало: видео, изображений, текста, музыки и т.д. При этом генеративные модели «обучаются» создавать новые произведения искусства, выявляя статистические закономерности в уже существующих наборах данных, производимых людьми. Анализируются основные тенденции генеративного искусства с использованием современных технологий искусственного интеллекта при создании художником произведения искусства, характерного для современной визуальной культуры. Обсуждаются технические, художественные, идеалообразующие, этические и иные концептуальные аспекты создания новых культурных форм посредством современного генеративного искусстваThe article presents the cultural study results of current trends in the influence of artificial intelligence technologies on modern visual culture. Visual culture is understood in the D. V. Pivovarov’s theory context of idealization as a process of creation, translation, preservation and reproduction of the particular culture basic ideals in visual forms, including visual arts. Visual culture is the basic cultural ideals formation in unique forms of visual cultural practices that are not reducible to other forms of cultural practices. Generative art, as the name implies, involves the use of generative artificial intelligence to create new content that did not exist before: videos, images, text, music, etc. At the same time, generative models are “trained” to create art works by identifying statistical patterns in already existing datasets produced by humans. Next, the main generative art trends using modern technical means are discussed at the stage of the artist’s art work creation. The technical, artistic, ideal-forming, ethical, and conceptual aspects of creating new forms in art are discusse

    Possibilities of solar energy application in Russian cities

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    In this paper, the possibilities of solar energy application in the biggest Russian cities are studied and analyzed. The main research goal is to investigate the possibility of solar energy technical use in Russian regions. The research method is based on the calculation of the territory power capacity and its sufficiency for solar power engineering development. To this purpose, the authors have carried out the analysis of total solar radiation falling on the horizontal and inclined surfaces within an astronomical year. The study is carried out on the basis of the data using spatial statistics of solar radiation inflow in different seasons during the annual cycle. The assessment of solar radiation sufficiency by "technically accepted" criterion is made on the basis of B. Veynberg criteria. Finally, the authors conclude that the effectiveness of the solar energy production development is the most appropriate in the city of Vladivostok and obviously, it is not prospective in the authors’ places of residence, such as Perm and Sverdlovsk Regions

    Prescription des anxiolytiques chez la personne âgée

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    Selon les études démographiques, les personnes âgées sont de plus en plus nombreuses en France. Ces personnes sont souvent fragiles, atteintes de plusieurs maladies et donc polymédiquées. Elles nécessitent une prise en charge globale qui intègre les dimensions médicales, psycho-relationnelles et socio-environnementales. Chez ces personnes, l'anxiété est fréquente. Le traitement proposé sera la plus souvent un traitement non médicamenteux en première intention faisant appel à l'adaptation à l'environnement et à la psychothérapie. Lorsque ces mesures ne sont pas suffisantes pour soulager l'anxiété de la personne âgée, un traitement médicamenteux peut être proposé par le médecin. Une bonne connaissance des spécificités des divers anxiolytiques, ainsi que du métabolisme du médicament et des risques spécifiques des anxiolytiques chez la personne âgée est nécessaire pour évaluer la balance bénéfice/risque du traitement et choisir la molécule, sa posologie et sa durée de prescription la plus adaptée. Des mesures d'accompagnement du patient, une bonne coordination et une vigilance accrue de l'équipe soignante et du pharmacien pourront permettre de prévenir les risques liés au traitement anxiolytique.RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Possibilities of solar energy application in Russian cities

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    The possibilities of solar energy application in the biggest Russian cities are studied and analyzed. The main research goal is to investigate the possibility of solar energy technical use in Russian regions. The research method is based on the calculation of the territory power capacity and its sufficiency for solar power engineering development. The authors have carried out the analysis of total solar radiation falling on the horizontal and inclined surfaces within an astronomical year. The basis of the data using spatial statistics of solar radiation inflow in different seasons during the annual cycle. The assessment of solar radiation sufficiency by "technically accepted" criterion is made on the basis of Veynberg criteria. The authors conclude that the effectiveness of the solar energy production development is the most appropriate in the city of Vladivostok and obviously, it is not prospective in the authors' places of residence, such as Perm and Sverdlovsk Regions

    Socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry imbalances in the regional economy

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    The paper presents an analysis of current socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry imbalances in the regional economy by the example of Ural Federal District and Siberian Federal District. The main aim of it is to identify the actual socio-economic problems in the development of the regional economies. The authors analyze the economic, ecological and social aspects in the development of regional economies by the examples. They investigate the specifics of the correlation between industrial development, ecological problems and health problems of the local population. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of correlations between the mortality of the population and industrial pollution of air and water. The analysis has resulted in making proposals for optimization of the regional policy in the field of investments, manufacturing and ecology. The special attention is given to environment-oriented projects. The most practicable way in solving the problem of these regional industry imbalances would be the development of regional diversification programs of the Siberia and the Ural economies. It has to support manufacturing and the largest public-private investment projects for the foundation of enterprises in agriculture, food and other industries. The most prosperous among them is the direction of bioenergy and forest-engineering-oriented businesses. The results of the research can be useful in solving the problem of the industry imbalances in the regional economic policy of the Russian Federation

    Socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry imbalances in the regional economy

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    The paper presents an analysis of current socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry imbalances in the regional economy by the example of Ural Federal District and Siberian Federal District. The main aim of it is to identify the actual socio-economic problems in the development of the regional economies. The authors analyze the economic, ecological and social aspects in the development of regional economies by the examples. They investigate the specifics of the correlation between industrial development, ecological problems and health problems of the local population. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of correlations between the mortality of the population and industrial pollution of air and water. The analysis has resulted in making proposals for optimization of the regional policy in the field of investments, manufacturing and ecology. The special attention is given to environment-oriented projects. The most practicable way in solving the problem of these regional industry imbalances would be the development of regional diversification programs of the Siberia and the Ural economies. It has to support manufacturing and the largest public-private investment projects for the foundation of enterprises in agriculture, food and other industries. The most prosperous among them is the direction of bioenergy and forest-engineering-oriented businesses. The results of the research can be useful in solving the problem of the industry imbalances in the regional economic policy of the Russian Federation