48 research outputs found

    A novel implementation of an FPGA-based controller for conducted-noise reduction in randomly switched Dc-Dc converters

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    This paper proposes a novel implementation of an FPGA-Based controller for conducted-noise reduction in dc-dc converters. The switching noise produced by the converter has been reduced by randomly varying the switching frequency of the converter. Traditionally, the implementation of the switching-mode power supply (SMPS) has been accomplished using analog control circuits. However, the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is much flexible than analog control circuits, becoming lower cost, and applicable for power supply applications. The implementation of the SMPS has been accomplished using FPGA-based digital controller. Moreover, breadboard has been built-up for testing the effect of using the proposed FPGA-based digital controller for noise reduction in dc-dc converters. Experimental results show that the conducted-noise spectrum has been significantly improved and the noise level has been effectively reduced.24th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2009; Washington, DC; 15 February 2009 through 19 February 200

    FPGA-based design and implementation of spread-spectrum schemes for conducted-noise reduction in DC-DC converters

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    2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - (ICIT) : Churchill, Victoria, Australia, 2009.02.10-2009.02.1

    Double-hybrid spread-spectrum technique for conducted-EMI reduction in DC-DC switching regulators with FPGA-based controller

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a novel technique for conducted-noise reduction in de-de switching regulators. In order to effectively spread the conducted-noise frequency spectrum and, at the same time, attain a satisfactory voltage regulation, two parameters (carrier frequency and pulse position) have been randomized, and the third parameter (duty ratio) has been controlled by a digital compensator. Furthermore, the effect of using the proposed controller on common-mode, differential-mode, and total conducted-noise characteristics of the converter has been experimentally investigated. The converter\u27s performance with using the proposed technique has been experimentally investigated. It is assumed that the implementation technology is a field programmable gate array (FPGA) which is becoming increasingly adopted in industrial electronic applications.INTELEC 2009 - 2009 International Telecommunications Energy Conference : Incheon, South Korea, 2009.10.18-2009.10.2

    Input Current-Ripple Consideration for the Pulse-link DC-AC Converter for Fuel Cells by Small Series LC Circuit

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    This paper mentions the input current ripple reduction method of the Pulse-link DC-AC Converter for Fuel Cells. The conventional DC-AC converter for fuel cells is interpolated large capacitor between boost converter stage and PWM inverter stage. That capacitor disturbs the size reduction of this unit. To overcome this problem, authors have proposed a novel topology called as Pulse-link DC-AC converter. The proposed topology provides boosted-voltage pulse directly to PWM inverter. This topology does not require large capacitor between two stages. Instead, small values of inductor and capacitor are connected series and inserted between two stages in parallel. This paper examines the relationship between the inductor and capacitor values and input current-ripple. As the result, inductor value has the relationship with current-ripple.24th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2009; Washington, DC; 15 February 2009 through 19 February 200

    Power-stage frequency response cancellation of DC-DC converter with digital control

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    Recently, the performance of the DSP and FPGA is developed remarkably. So, fully digital control is enabled in switch mode power supplies. However, in many cases, the control system is built by very complicatedly and very difficult theories such as the adaptive control. Furthermore, in most popular PID control, its design method of the parameters is not clear, so derivation of the optimal parameters is very difficult. This paper proposes the interesting control technique which is cancelled the transfer function of the converter by using pole-zero-cancellation method. This technique is very simple and easy to stability design.2010 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2010) : Pisa, Italy, 2010.06.14-2010.06.1

    On factors affecting EMI-performance of conducted-noise-mitigating digital controllers in DC-DC converters—an experimental investigation

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    This paper investigates several factors affecting EMI-performance of digital controllers targeted at conducted-noise reduction in dc-dc converters. Four factors have been studied: frequency modulation profile, randomization ratio percentage, clock frequency, and spread-spectrum scheme. The field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have made substantial improvements in price and performance throughout the past few years. All investigations have been accomplished by using FPGA-based implementations. A breadboard circuit has been built-up for the experimental investigations. Furthermore, a comparative study has been carried-out to comprehensively understand the effect of such factors on conducted noise mitigation. A substantial part of the manufacturing cost of power converters involves designing filters to comply with the EMI limits. Considering these investigations when designing the dc-dc power converters significantly reduces the filter size.2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) : Atlanta, GA, USA, 2010.09.12-2010.09.1

    A Comparative Investigation of Several Frequency Modulation Profiles for Programmed Switching Controllers Targeted Conducted-Noise Reduction in DC-DC Converters

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    This paper investigates the effect of several frequency modulation profiles on conducted-noise reduction in dc-dc converters with programmed switching controller. The converter is operated in variable frequency modulation regime. Twelve switching frequency modulation profiles have been studied. Some of the modulation data are prepared using MATLAB software, and others are generated online. Moreover, all the frequency profiles have been designed and implemented using FPGA and experimentally investigated. The experimental results show that the conducted-noise spreading depends on both the modulation sequence profile and the statistical characteristics of the sequence. A substantial part of the manufacturing cost of power converters for telecommunication applications involves designing filters to comply with the EMI limits. Considering this investigation significantly reduces the filter size