Input Current-Ripple Consideration for the Pulse-link DC-AC Converter for Fuel Cells by Small Series LC Circuit


This paper mentions the input current ripple reduction method of the Pulse-link DC-AC Converter for Fuel Cells. The conventional DC-AC converter for fuel cells is interpolated large capacitor between boost converter stage and PWM inverter stage. That capacitor disturbs the size reduction of this unit. To overcome this problem, authors have proposed a novel topology called as Pulse-link DC-AC converter. The proposed topology provides boosted-voltage pulse directly to PWM inverter. This topology does not require large capacitor between two stages. Instead, small values of inductor and capacitor are connected series and inserted between two stages in parallel. This paper examines the relationship between the inductor and capacitor values and input current-ripple. As the result, inductor value has the relationship with current-ripple.24th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2009; Washington, DC; 15 February 2009 through 19 February 200

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