459 research outputs found

    Infliximab in ulcerative colitis

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    Infliximab, a monoclonal anti-TNF-α antibody, is commonly used for treatment of moderate to severe Crohn’s disease (CD). Its role in the treatment for ulcerative colitis (UC) remains controversial. We review the role of TNF-α in the pathogenesis of UC and describe the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials and systematic reviews that assess the efficacy of infliximab in the treatment of moderate to severe UC

    Drug Induced Steatohepatitis: An Uncommon Culprit of a Common Disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a leading cause of liver disease in developed countries. Its frequency is increasing in the general population mostly due to the widespread occurrence of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Although drugs and dietary supplements are viewed as a major cause of acute liver injury, drug induced steatosis and steatohepatitis are considered a rare form of drug induced liver injury (DILI). The complex mechanism leading to hepatic steatosis caused by commonly used drugs such as amiodarone, methotrexate, tamoxifen, valproic acid, glucocorticoids, and others is not fully understood. It relates not only to induction of the metabolic syndrome by some drugs but also to their impact on important molecular pathways including increased hepatocytes lipogenesis, decreased secretion of fatty acids, and interruption of mitochondrial -oxidation as well as altered expression of genes responsible for drug metabolism. Better familiarity with this type of liver injury is important for early recognition of drug hepatotoxicity and crucial for preventing severe forms of liver injury and cirrhosis. Moreover, understanding the mechanisms leading to drug induced hepatic steatosis may provide much needed clues to the mechanism and potential prevention of the more common form of metabolic steatohepatitis

    Repetitive amiodarone administration causes liver damage via adipose tissue ER stress-dependent lipolysis, leading to hepatotoxic free fatty acid accumulation

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    Drug-induced liver injury is an emerging form of acute and chronic liver disease that may manifest as fatty liver. Amiodarone (AMD), a widely used antiarrhythmic drug, can cause hepatic injury and steatosis by a variety of mechanisms, not all completely understood. We hypothesized that repetitive AMD administration may induce hepatic lipotoxicity not only via effects on the liver but also via effects on adipose tissue. Indeed, repetitive AMD administration induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in both liver and adipose tissue. In adipose tissue, AMD reduced lipogenesis and increased lipolysis. Moreover, AMD treatment induced ER stress and ER stress-dependent lipolysis in 3T3L1 adipocytes in vitro. In the liver, AMD caused increased expression of genes encoding proteins involved in fatty acid (FA) uptake and transfer (Cd36, Fabp1, and Fabp4), and resulted in increased hepatic accumulation of free FAs, but not of triacylglycerols. In line with this, there was increased expression of hepatic de novo FA synthesis genes. However, AMD significantly reduced the expression of the desaturase Scd1 and elongase Elovl6, detected at mRNA and protein levels. Accordingly, the FA profile of hepatic total lipids revealed increased accumulation of palmitate, an SCD1 and ELOVL6 substrate, and reduced levels of palmitoleate and cis-vaccenate, products of the enzymes. In addition, AMDtreated mice displayed increased hepatic apoptosis. The studies show that repetitive AMD induces ER stress and aggravates lipolysis in adipose tissue while inducing a lipotoxic hepatic lipid environment, suggesting that AMD-induced liver damage is due to compound insult to liver and adipose tissue. NEW & NOTEWORTHY AMD chronic administration induces hepatic lipid accumulation by several mechanisms, including induction of hepatic ER stress, impairment of b-oxidation, and inhibition of triacylglycerol secretion. Our study shows that repetitive AMD treatment induces not only hepatic ER stress but also adipose tissue ER stress and lipolysis and hepatic accumulation of free fatty acids and enrichment of palmitate in the total lipids. Understanding the toxicity mechanisms of AMD would help devise ways to limit liver damage.Peer reviewe

    The Gastrointestinal Exertional Heat Stroke Paradigm: Pathophysiology, Assessment, Severity, Aetiology and Nutritional Countermeasures

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    Exertional heat stroke (EHS) is a life-threatening medical condition involving thermoregulatory failure and is the most severe condition along a continuum of heat related illnesses. Current EHS policy guidance principally advocates a thermoregulatory management approach, despite growing recognition that gastrointestinal (GI) microbial translocation contributes to the pathophysiology. Contemporary research has focussed on understanding the relevance of GI barrier integrity and strategies to maintain it during periods of exertional-heat stress. GI barrier integrity can be assessed non-invasively using a variety of in vivo techniques, including active inert mixed-weight molecular probe recovery tests and passive biomarkers indicative of GI structural integrity loss or microbial translocation. Strenuous exercise is well-characterised to disrupt GI barrier integrity, and aspects of this response correlate with the corresponding magnitude of thermal strain. The aetiology of GI barrier integrity loss following exertional-heat stress is poorly understood, though may directly relate to localised hyperthermia, splanchnic hypoperfusion mediated ischemic injury, and alternations in several neuroendocrine-immune responses. Nutritional countermeasures to maintain GI barrier integrity following exertional-heat stress provide a promising approach to mitigate EHS. The focus of this review is to evaluate: (1) the GI paradigm of exertional heat stroke; (2) techniques to assess GI barrier integrity; (3) typical GI barrier integrity responses to exertional-heat stress; (4) the aetiology of GI barrier integrity loss following exertional-heat stress; and (5) nutritional countermeasures to maintain GI barrier integrity in response to exertional-heat stress

    Trend and Outcome of Korean Patients Receiving Overseas Solid Organ Transplantation between 1999 and 2005

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    The disparity between patients awaiting transplantation and available organs forced many patients to go overseas to receive a transplant. Few data concerning overseas transplantation in Korea are available and the Korea Society for Transplantation conducted a survey to evaluate the trend and outcome of overseas transplantation. The survey, conducted on June 2006, included 25 hospitals nationwide that followed up patients after receiving kidney transplant (KT) or liver transplant (LT) overseas. The number of KT increased from 6 in 2001 to 206 in 2005 and for LT from 1 to 261. The information about overseas transplant came mostly from other patients (57%). The mean cost for KT was 21,000andforLT21,000 and for LT 47,000. Patients were admitted for 18.5 days for KT and 43.4 days for LT. Graft and patient survival was 96.8% and 96.5% for KT (median follow up 23.1 months). Complication occurred in 42.5% including surgical complication (5.3%), acute rejection (9.7%) and infection (21.5%). Patient survival for LT was 91.8% (median follow up 21.2 months). Complication occurred in 44.7% including 19.4% biliary complication. Overseas KT and LT increased rapidly from 2001 to 2005. Survival of patients and grafts was comparable to domestic organ transplantation, but had a high complication rate

    Efficacy and safety of metabolic interventions for the treatment of severe COVID-19: in vitro, observational, and non-randomized open-label interventional study

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    Background: Viral infection is associated with a significant rewire of the host metabolic pathways, presenting attractive metabolic targets for intervention. Methods: We chart the metabolic response of lung epithelial cells to SARS-CoV-2 infection in primary cultures and COVID-19 patient samples and perform in vitro metabolism-focused drug screen on primary lung epithelial cells infected with different strains of the virus. We perform observational analysis of Israeli patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 and comparative epidemiological analysis from cohorts in Italy and the Veteran's Health Administration in the United States. In addition, we perform a prospective non-randomized interventional open-label study in which 15 patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 were given 145 mg/day of nanocrystallized fenofibrate added to the standard of care. Results: SARS-CoV-2 infection produced transcriptional changes associated with increased glycolysis and lipid accumulation. Metabolism-focused drug screen showed that fenofibrate reversed lipid accumulation and blocked SARS-CoV-2 replication through a PPARα-dependent mechanism in both alpha and delta variants. Analysis of 3233 Israeli patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 supported in vitro findings. Patients taking fibrates showed significantly lower markers of immunoinflammation and faster recovery. Additional corroboration was received by comparative epidemiological analysis from cohorts in Europe and the United States. A subsequent prospective non-randomized interventional open-label study was carried out on 15 patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19. The patients were treated with 145 mg/day of nanocrystallized fenofibrate in addition to standard-of-care. Patients receiving fenofibrate demonstrated a rapid reduction in inflammation and a significantly faster recovery compared to patients admitted during the same period. Conclusions: Taken together, our data suggest that pharmacological modulation of PPARα should be strongly considered as a potential therapeutic approach for SARS-CoV-2 infection and emphasizes the need to complete the study of fenofibrate in large randomized controlled clinical trials. Funding: Funding was provided by European Research Council Consolidator Grants OCLD (project no. 681870) and generous gifts from the Nikoh Foundation and the Sam and Rina Frankel Foundation (YN). The interventional study was supported by Abbott (project FENOC0003). Clinical trial number: NCT04661930

    The Critical Role of Chemokine (C–C Motif) Receptor 2-Positive Monocytes in Autoimmune Cholangitis

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    The therapy of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) has lagged behind other autoimmune diseases despite significant improvements in our understanding of both immunological and molecular events that lead to loss of tolerance to the E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase, the immunodominant autoepitope of PBC. It is well known that Ly6Chi monocytes are innate immune cells infiltrating inflammatory sites that are dependent on the expression of C–C motif chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) for emigration from bone marrow. Importantly, humans with PBC have a circulating monocyte pro-inflammatory phenotype with macrophage accumulation in portal tracts. We have taken advantage of an inducible chemical xenobiotic model of PBC and recapitulated the massive infiltration of monocytes to portal areas. To determine the clinical significance, we immunized both CCR2-deficient mice and controls with 2OA-BSA and noted that CCR2 deficiency is protective for the development of autoimmune cholangitis. Importantly, because of the therapeutic potential, we focused on inhibiting monocyte infiltration through the use of cenicriviroc (CVC), a dual chemokine receptor CCR2/CCR5 antagonist shown to be safe in human trials. Importantly, treatment with CVC resulted in amelioration of all aspects of disease severity including serum total bile acids, histological severity score, and fibrosis stage. In conclusion, our results indicate a major role for Ly6Chi monocytes and for CCR2 in PBC pathogenesis and suggest that inhibition of this axis by CVC should be explored in humans through the use of clinical trials

    Mechanisms Involved in Alleviation of Intestinal Inflammation by Bifidobacterium Breve Soluble Factors

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    Objectives: Soluble factors released by Bifidobacterium breve C50 (Bb) alleviate the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by immune cells, but their effect on intestinal epithelium remains elusive. To decipher the mechanisms accounting for the cross-talk between bacteria/soluble factors and intestinal epithelium, we measured the capacity of the bacteria, its conditioned medium (Bb-CM) and other Gram(+) commensal bacteria to dampen inflammatory chemokine secretion. Methods: TNFa-induced chemokine (CXCL8) secretion and alteration of NF-kB and AP-1 signalling pathways by Bb were studied by EMSA, confocal microscopy and western blotting. Anti-inflammatory capacity was also tested in vivo in a model of TNBS-induced colitis in mice. Results: Bb and Bb-CM, but not other commensal bacteria, induced a time and dose-dependent inhibition of CXCL8 secretion by epithelial cells driven by both AP-1 and NF-kB transcription pathways and implying decreased phosphorylation of p38-MAPK and IkB-a molecules. In TNBS-induced colitis in mice, Bb-CM decreased the colitis score and inflammatory cytokine expression, an effect reproduced by dendritic cell conditioning with Bb-CM. Conclusions: Bb and secreted soluble factors contribute positively to intestinal homeostasis by attenuating chemokine production. The results indicate that Bb down regulate inflammation at the epithelial level by inhibiting phosphorylation