11 research outputs found


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    The Pottali rasayana is a unique preparation in Ayurveda as it is very compact in structure and quick acting due to its high potency. Hemgarbha pottali rasa is a medicine which is known as emergency medicine of Ras shastra because of its efficacy and its quick effect in condition like Sannipataj awastha. It is prepared with the combination of Shudha parada, Shudha gandhaka, Shudha tamra bhasma and Shudha swarna. Preparation method of this Hemgarbh pottali ras is unique in the way that it is prepared in molten sulphur which increases its efficacy many folds. Inspite of availability of vast theoretical description in Ayurvedic texts regarding Pottali rasayana, very less research work is carried out on Hemgarbh pottali rasa, so it is mostly out of practice in Ayurvedic community. Hemgarbh pottali rasa is a very potent medicine which should be made popular by Ayurvedic practitioners. In the present article various methods of preparation of Hemgarbh pottali rasa has been described and most common method of preparation which is molten sulphur method is discussed in detail


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    Pottali rasayana is an abandoned miraculous medicine which has its existence in ayurvedic classics, though it is the only emergency medicine described in ayurvedic texts. The pottali rasayana is one among the mercurial compound processed with the help of sulphur, the name pottali is given to this preparation, based on its compactness. i.e. the medicine of large magnitude is compacted into a small pottali like structure. The administration of pottali rasayana is also very unique as this is applied on the tongue after rubbing on a hard surface with the help of honey, ardraka or pan swaras . As its quick assimilation in the blood results in instant effect which proves its utility in emergency condition. During ancient time, it was used in sannipataj awastha like shock, comma or delirium as mentioned in Rasamritum. Key words-  Pottali rasayana, emergency, medicine, sulphur, sannipataj awastha, shock, com


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    Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis chois) is an indigenous and very significant herb which is considered as a gift of nature in Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic literature, Shankhpushpi is considered as Medhya rasayana means it enhances the knowledge, memory and retaining power of a person. Shankhpushpi which is well described and abundantly available is taken for the Vishaghna property also. Although, the Medhya property of Shankhpushpi is well marketed and used by different pharmaceutical companies but, the Vishaghna property of this miraculous drug should be researched and established as it may fulfil the long awaited gap of Ayurvedic antitoxic substance(Agad). In this study 24 albino wistar rats were divided in four groups such as group G1, G2, G3 & G4 with 6 rats in each group. Group G2, G3 & G4 had received PCM in dose 1000mg/kg body weight for 7 days to induce hepato-nephro toxicity while group G1 was normal control group which was kept on normal feeding. After inducing hepato-nephro toxicity the sample drug Shankhpushpi in Group G2 in the form of Churna and in group G3 in the form of aqueous extract (Kwatha) was administered while in group G4 only normal saline was administered for 28 days. On the basis of study it can be concluded that toxicity induced by 1000mg/kg body weight PCM did not cause any neurological manifestations. After 28 days administration of drug Shankhpushpi Churna as well as Kwatha in group G2 & group G3, body weight and food consumption in this group slightly increased while in group G4 no any significant changes were found. Therapeutic administration of Shankhpushpi as Churna as well as Kwatha significantly decreased PCM induced toxicity


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    Ayurveda is an ancient and most trusted Indian system of medicine commonly used by Indians since time immemorial. Lifestyle diseases/ Metabolic diseases are described as diseases related to the way an individual or group of individuals live, also are referred under Non-Communicable Diseases. Over-crowding and rapid unplanned urbanization; globalization of unhealthy lifestyles is responsible for some of the major reasons for a sedentary life leading to these diseases. It includes arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity and type-2 diabetes, diseases related to smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. The contribution of metabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and that of improper diet and alcohol use resulting in health loss. Therefore, the occurrence of these disorders has doubled in India over the past quarter of a century therefore it is the need of the hour to manage them diligently. Diet plays a key role to nourish life and balanced diet is very important for maintaining good health. In Ayurveda, wholesome diet is described which plays a very important role specifically rather than in modern medicine which emphasizes only on the components in the diet like proteins, carbohydrates, fats etc. Ayurveda additionally deals with various other aspects like combination of food article, their quantity, method of preparation, their emotional effect, nature of consumer including environmental considerations. Pathya and Apathya Ahara (dietary consideration) is a significant component of almost each and every prescription in Ayurveda therapy. Sometimes, Pathya-Apathya (dietary management) is itself an entire treatment

    Contemporary and Ancient Review of Mosquitoes - A Review

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    Indian system of medicine plays an important part in health care system all over India. There are numerous allusions to mosquitoes in Indian writings from the Vedic era. The Atharvaveda makes special reference of mosquito shape, habitat, many varieties, behaviour, and even their presence throughout the year. The 67 different forms of Keet and their genesis were documented by Acharya Susruta in Kalpasthana, while Keet Visha describes five different types of Mashak in which Parvatiya Mashak is the most hazardous to people. There is also Mashak description In Charaka Samhita of chapter Visha Chikitsa. Numerous mosquito species have been identified in contemporary science. Mosquitoes are the most important group of blood sucking insects causing nuisance diseases to humans and other animals.  It follows that our ancestors' seers or philosophers were already aware of this

    Rasayana as panacea in Covid-19 w.s.r. to Janapadodhwamsa

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    In Ayurveda the foremost aim is to prolong life and to promote perfect health and secondary aim is to eradicate the disease and dysfunction of the body. Ayurveda science wreathe us with the knowledge of how to maintain long and disease-free life and code of conducts. Acharya Charaka has been described Janapadodhwamsa, in Viman Sthana and considered as the chapter of epidemiological study, where he mentioned the whole concept on handling the situation of pandemic state in which Rasayana have important contribution. Now, a days the pandemic state of SARS-CoV-2 and their new variants like U.K., Brazil and South Africa which have mutation properties causing pressure on health care system and which feels the necessity of internationally unified clear and collective actions by the individuals, communities, commercial bodies etc. due to the novelty of the virus. Hence, SARS-CoV-2 can be correlated with Janapadodhwamsa and Rasayana is panacea for this disease, which provide strength against the virus and improve the immune response towards this pandemic disease. This article focuses on information about mechanism of action of immune modulating effect of Rasayana Dravyas which should incorporate in day to day life and act as immune modulators

    Hirsch-Sprung’s Disease – A Panchkarma Approach for the Congenital Malformation of Colon

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    Hirschsprung’s disease is a congenital disorder of large intestine in which certain ganglionic cells are absent in a particular segment of colon resulting in absence of peristalsis. The lack of movement of intestine and the failure of relaxation of internal anal sphincter produces varying degree of intestinal obstruction, which results in symptoms like- constipation, abdominal distension, nausea and loss of appetite etc. In allopathic medical science the treatment is surgical removal of the affected area followed by anastomosis. In present case study an Ayurvedic approach was considered by analyzing the factors involved at the level of dosha-dushya and srotas for the disease. And the line of treatment was planned as deepan-pachan, snehan, swedan, mridu samshodhan with basti, mridu virechaka aushadhies, vata-anuloman and pathya ahara-vihara. By following this, encouraging results were obtained in this case with regular bowel pattern and relief in other symptom

    An integrative approach of SARS-CoV-2 through Ayurveda

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 and WHO declared the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). COVID-19 has become a global health threat. Till now COVID has affected large number of populations of world and still new variants affecting human’s life. The scientists worldwide are striving vigorously to discover the etiology, spread, and pathogenesis of new COVID-19 disease and pragmatic approach of this knowledge for the development of standard drugs as well as treatment protocols for its successful management. The present review study is to formulate the pathogenesis of COVID-19 in the light of Ayurveda through an integrated approach. The COVID-19 pandemic is considered as one type of Janapadodhwamsa mentioned in Charak Viman Sthan. In Ayurveda, the microbial infection can be elucidated in the terms of Bhuta, Rakshasa, Graha, etc., having idiosyncratic manifestations. The coronavirus can be contemplated as distinct type of Bhuta affecting Pranavaha Srotas and causing Bhutabhishangaja Jwara, which is one type of Agantuja Jwara. Later as the disease advances, it gets metamorphosed into Nija Vyadhi (endogenous form) exhibiting as different forms of Jwara depending on the extent of vitiation of Dosha along with extensive Pranavaha Srotodushtijanya Vikaras. The factors involved in pathophysiology of any disease mainly Nidana (etiology), Dosha, Dushya (Dhatu, Srotasa), and Agni are reciprocally interlinked with severity and stage of disease. It is crucial to recognize extent of vitiation of each of these factors in order to determine customized diagnosis and management for the patients of COVID-19. The integrative approach plays a vital role in meticulous comprehension of COVID-19 in terms of Ayurveda to recognize each stage for specific management

    Ayurvedic concept of Dushit Jala and its Shodhana Vidhi

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    Water is the most important natural resource which forms an essential nutrient for the survival of life. An adult can survive 7-10 days without food and water and if only water is supplied, can survive about 50-60 days. The basic physiological requirement for drinking water has been estimated at about 2 liters per head per day. Water is a precious gift of nature. It is the dispersion medium for all biochemical reactions of the living process and takes part in many of these reactions. Water is also a vital resource for agriculture, manufacturing, transportation and many other human activities. Most of the water on Earth (nearly 97%) is salt water which is found in the oceans we cannot drink and use salt water for crops and many other activities because of its high salt content. We can remove salt from ocean water, but because the process is very expensive so it not possible. Only about 3% of Earth's water is fresh. 2% of the Earth's water (about 66% of all fresh water) is found in glaciers. Because it is in frozen form so the fresh water in glaciers is not available for use for people or plants. Only 1% of all the Earth's water is found in useable form for humans and animals. This fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and ground. Ayurvedic literature explains the theory of Panchmahabutas, which are considered as the fundamental of our body & nature and Jala is one among them. The ancient literature of Ayurveda explains the concept of Jala, Dushit Jala & its Shodhana Vidhi in a very unique way. This review article has attempted to compile the whole ayurvedic literature regarding Dushit Jala & its Shodhana Vidhi

    Effects of Water Pollution - A Review Article

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    Water is a universal solvent for ions, required for cell signalling, enzyme activation, mineralization of organic compounds and properties. Water is an important component of natural environment. Water is not only essential for drinking purposes, but it also provides shelter to many of the organisms. It is a tasteless and colourless substance that covers about 3/4th of the earth's surface. Pure water does not occur in nature. It contains impurities which causes water pollution. According to WHO 80% disease are water borne. Contaminated water causes harmful effect on human health and environment