468 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study was planned to explore the protective efficacy of Curcuma longa (curcumin) against cadmium chloride (CdCl2)-induced oxidative stress in pancreatic tissue of albino mice.Methods: A total of 40 albino mice were equally divided into eight groups (five mice for each). The mice were kept on standard feed and water ad libitum. Control Groups 1 and 5 mice were given equal amount of distilled water, Groups 2 and 6 mice received 1 mg/kg body weight of CdCl2 on alternate days, and Group 3 and 7 received 1 mg/kg body weight of CdCl2 on alternate days and 100 mg/kg body weight of curcumin every day. Groups 4 and 8 received 100 mg/kg body weight of curcumin daily and were kept as positive control. Autopsies were done on 15 and 45 days post-treatment. The pancreas was collected from each mouse and homogenized for biochemical study.Results: The results of the present study revealed that Cd-induced oxidative stress depleted the antioxidant scavenger system and curcumin showed free radical scavenging potential. The activities of antioxidant enzymes, i.e., superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase were observed to be significantly decreased, and methylenedioxyamphetamine concentration was increased in CdCl2-treated group which was restored to normal level after curcumin treatment.Conclusion: It can be concluded that curcumin acts as a powerful and beneficial antioxidant against oxidative stress by scavenging the free radicals produced by CdCl2

    Role of ICT in the Process of Teaching and Learning

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    ICT enables self-paced learning through various tools such as assignment, computer etc as a result of this the teaching learning enterprise has become more productive and meaningful. ICT helps facilitate the transaction between producers and users by keeping the students updated and enhancing teachers capacity and ability fostering a live contact between the teacher and the student through e-mail, chalk session, e-learning, web-based learning including internet, intranet, extranet, CD-ROM, TV audio-videotape. Edusat technology has become very powerful media for interactive participation of experts and learners and it reaches the unreachable. Emerging learning Technology (ELT) of bogging, Integrated Learning  Modules, a pod cast, Wikis, Enhancement of Browsers, e-learning, M-learning, U-learning have started making rapid strides in teaching learning processes. Keywords: Web Browsers, Technology enhanced learning, Self paced learning, Instructional software, Interactive learning, Integrated Learning Module, U- learning. E-learning ,M-learning

    Spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy: a case report

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    Heterotopic pregnancy is defined as multiple gestation in which intrauterine and extrauterine gestational sacs co-exist. The extra uterine gestational sac is most commonly tubal ectopic pregnancy. We presented case of a 26 years old multigravida who presented to emergency with complaints of pain abdomen and giddiness for 2-3 days. She was at period of gestation (POG) 7 weeks and on clinical examination patient was anxious with mild pallor, mildly tachycardiac and blood pressure (BP) was 90/60 mm of Hg. After thorough clinical examination and sonography diagnosis of heterotopic pregnancy with ruptured tubal ectopic was made. She was taken up for Emergency laparotomy after investigations and consent. Left salpingectomy was done and she was discharged with a single intrauterine live pregnancy on 6th post op day. For early detection of cases of heterotopic pregnancy careful evaluation of adnexa is mandatory in early gestation scan

    Scanning electron microscopic studies of Beauveria bassiana against Lipaphis erysimi Kalt

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    This work was aimed to identify the LC50 of the indigenous fungal isolates for controlling L. erysimi infesta-tion in mustard aphid besides to probe the mechanism of action of the local isolates and comparison of the efficacy with the reference culture and commercial formulation ‘Mycojaal’. Three isolates of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana were tested for infection on nymph of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to record any variation. The SEM revealed adhesion of spores of B.bassiana followed by penetration of L.erysimi nymph surface. It was observed that all Beauveria isolates showed little variation with respect to penetration and adhesion at different time intervals. Further, lethal concentration (LC50) values of B. bassiana isolates against L. erysimi was recorded and was lowest (0.05x107 spores/ml) in B. bassiana MTCC 4495 and highest (0.11.X107 spores/ml) was recorded in native isolate F10 after 120 hours of treatment. The study has established the need for the isolation and evaluation of the indigenous Beauveria isolate. Moreover, it also exhibited the efficacy of the reference and commercially available biocontrol agents

    Barrett’s Esophagus: Diagnosis and Management

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    Barrett’s esophagus is a complication caused by Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). It is a premalignant condition with an increased risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma.  The carcinogenic sequence may progress through several steps, from normal esophageal mucosa through Barrett’s esophagus (BE) to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). A recent advent of functional esophageal testing (particularly multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring) has helped to improve our knowledge about GERD pathophysiology, including its complications and its neoplastic progression. Over the last few decades, the incidence of EAC has continued to rise in Western populations. Thus, major efforts in clinical and research practice are focused on new methods for optimal risk assessment that can stratify BE patients at low or high risk of developing EAC. Furthermore, the area of BE therapeutic management is rapidly evolving. Endoscopic eradication therapies have been shown to be effective, and new therapeutic options for BE and EAC have emerged. The aim of the present review article is to highlight the pathophysiology, diagnosis and the current progress of BE therapy.Moreover, we discuss the new mucosal ablative techniques that can be used in the esophagus have emerged over the past two decades.

    The Occupational Stress Women Teachers Towards Joint and Nuclear Society

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    Work is a central part of human life. It is the expression of the basic need to accomplish, to create, to feel satisfaction, and to feel meaningful. The rapidly changing nature of work has resulted in new and far-reaching mechanisms for management control in the form of monitoring, layoffs, and change in work rules, all of which contribute to increased levels of occupational stress. Although office work has always been stressful, several scientific studies and surveys have helped focus attention on the issue of job stress. Among the major negative effects of the job, stress is its impact on a person's self-image and self-esteem, which in turn, affects one's relationship with family, friends, and co-workers. The problems last far longer than the time we spend at work and are not easily left behind at the end of the day

    ArrayD: A general purpose software for Microarray design

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray is a high-throughput technology to study expression of thousands of genes in parallel. A critical aspect of microarray production is the design aimed at space optimization while maximizing the number of gene probes and their replicates to be spotted. RESULTS: We have developed a software called 'ArrayD' that offers various alternative design solutions for an array given a set of user requirements. The user feeds the following inputs: type of source plates to be used, number of gene probes to be printed, number of replicates and number of pins to be used for printing. The solutions are stored in a text file. The choice of a design solution to be used will be governed by the spotting chemistry to be used and the accuracy of the robot. CONCLUSIONS: ArrayD is a software for standard cartesian robots. The software aids users in preparing a judicious and elegant design. ArrayD is universally applicable and is available at

    Testing the Psychometric Properties of the Modeling Self-Efficacy Scale

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    The Modeling Self-Efficacy Scale was developed to measure middle and high school students’ confidence in understanding and solving modeling tasks. The scale was administered to 225 eighth- and ninth-grade students. Participants read modeling tasks adapted from Programme for International Student Assessment’s 2003 problem-solving assessment and rated their confidence on a 100-point self-efficacy scale. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that modeling self-efficacy is a unidimensional construct, best elicited by a repeated-measures-style survey design in which participants responded to the same self-efficacy items across multiple modeling problems. The omega reliability coefficient for the scale was .88. The findings suggest that the Modeling Self-Efficacy Scale is a reliable and valid instrument for middle and high school mathematics students
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