2,349 research outputs found

    An Improved Fuzzy Parallel Distributed –Like Controller for Multi-Input Multi-Output Twin Rotor System

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    Twin Rotor Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) System (TRMS) is a laboratory set-up design for which it has been used for control experiments, control theories developments, and applications of the autonomous helicopter. Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) has been widely used with different control schemes to cope with control objectives of TRMS. In this work, Self Tuning Fuzzy PD-like Controller (STFPDC) is proposed to make the response of FLC more robust to the interactions and the non-linearity of the process in terms of less rising time, settling time and overshoot. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Method (FSCM) was used to remodel the proposed STFPDC to achieve the control objectives on TRMS with less number of rules. MATLAB/SIMULINK was involved to achieve the simulations in this work. The results showed the proposed controller could simplify the STFPDC to reduce the number of rules from 392 to 73, which is even less than the original FLC that has 196 rules. The conclusion of this work is improving FLC response by using STFPDC and reducing the number of rules used to achieve this improvement by using ANFIS based on FSCM modeling. For future works, it is recommended to develop an optimization algorithm which achieves best selection for the range of influence which gives best response with less number of rules

    Study the Inhibition Effect of Amoxicillin Drug for Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Saline Media

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              تم استخدام طرق الاستقطاب المجهادي الساكن وفقدان الوزن لدراسة سلوك تآكل الفولاذ الكربوني في محلول كلوريد الصوديوم بتراكيز مختلفة (0.1 و 0.4 و 0.6) مولاري تحت تأثير درجات الحرارة (293 و 298 و 303 و 308 و 313) كلفن. كذلك تم دراسة كفاءة تثبيط دواء الأموكسيسيلين على تآكل  الفولاذ الكربوني في  محلول كلوريد الصوديوم بتركيز 0,6 مولاري على أساس التركيز ودرجة الحرارة. أظهرت النتائج المستحصل عليها  ان كل تراكيز الملح (محلول كلوريد الصوديوم) أدت إلى   تآكل الفولاذ الكربوني بنسب متفاوتة وكان معدل التآكل عند تركيز 0.6 مولاري من محلول الملح هو الاعلى (50.46 جم / م 2 د). تشير النتائج أيضًا إلى أن معدل التآكل لكل تراكيز الملح  يزداد عند درجة حرارة 313 كلفن. أظهرت دراسات الاستقطاب المجهادي أن المثبط يقلل كل من العمليات الأنودية و الكاثودية ويتصرف كمثبط من النوع المختلط. وجد ان  امتزاز ألاموكسيسيلين يخضع لنموذج  لانكماير متساوي الحرارة. تم استخدام معادلة ارينيوس ونظرية الحالة الانتقالية لحساب  المعاملات الحركية والديناميكية الحرارية. أظهرت النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها أن تفاعل تآكل الفولاذ الكربوني في كلوريد الصوديوم هو تلقائي وهناك اتفاق جيد بين النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من كلتا التقنيتين المستخدمتين. تم إجراء تحليلات بالمجهر الالكتروني الماسح ((SEM لدراسة ثبات الطبقة الواقية للمثبط.          Potentiostatic polarization and weight loss methods have been used to investigate the corrosion behavior of carbon steel in sodium chloride solution at different concentrations (0.1, 0.4 and 0.6) M under the influence of temperatures ( 293, 298, 303, 308 and 313) K. The inhibition efficiency of the amoxicillin drug on carbon steel in 0.6 M NaCl has also been studied based on concentration and temperature. The corrosion rate showed that all salt concentrations ( NaCl solution) resulted in corrosion of carbon steel in varying ratio and 0.6 M of salt solution  was the highest rate (50.46 g/m².d). The results also indicate that the rate of corrosion increases at a temperature of 313 K.. Potentiodynamic polarization studies showed that the examined inhibitor suppress both anodic and cathodic process and behave as mixed type inhibitor. The adsorption of amoxicillin was found to obey Langmuir isotherm model. Arrhenius equation and transition state theory were used to calculate kinetic and thermodynamic parameter. Results obtained showed that corrosion reaction of carbon steel in NaCl is spontaneous and there is a good agreement between the data got from the both techniques employed. SEM analysis was performed to study the film persistency of the inhibitor

    Improving the voltage quality of Abu Hummus network in Egypt

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    In this paper the performance of the electrical network of Egypt is studied by considering a small part on the network (Abu Hummus city). The transmission network of Abu Hummus city was created for 66 kV, 11 kV, and 0.4 kV in the digital simulation and electrical network calculation (DIgSILENT power factory software) to study the voltage profiles. The load flow operational analysis was performed to obtain the voltage magnitudes at every bus bar. The voltage magnitudes in 11 kV and 0.4 kV networks were 10% to 15% less than the nominal value due to overloading off the transmission lines and the voltage magnitudes in 66 kV was within permissible limits. By using automatic tap-changing transformer or Static VAR System, the main idea of this paper is to obtain the voltage profiles at every bus bar to improve the voltage quality of the networks, so as to achieve better voltage profiles on the low voltage side without much effect on high voltage side under various operating conditions

    Investigate Air Well Turbines Performance for Power Generation by Tidal Waves in River

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    The phenomenon of climate change resulting from the increase of global warming has become one of the main problems facing the world. Where researchers and specialists have worked for many years to find a solution that reduces this phenomenon and limits its risks. It is likely that clean energy is an alternative to fossil fuel sources, which are the main source of global warming. One of the clean energy sources is ocean wave energy, which is a huge and untapped energy source, despite the possibility of extracting large energy from waves. This paper focuses on the study of deep-sea turbines and their results. A study was conducted on the capture chamber. Where this paper presents an experimental model of a water tank with certain dimensions in the university laboratories to describe the dynamic behavior of the capture chamber. The Froude number scale was used to model the dimensions and depth of the water as well as the wave properties.  Through experimental work and its results show, and it was found that the power generated by the motion of the wave strength is related to the height and frequency of the wave

    Spatial distribution of multiple sclerosis disease

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    زمینه و هدف: مالتیپل اسکلروزیس (MS) یک بیماری نورولوژیکی مزمن سیستم اعصاب مرکزی می باشد که بوسیله التهاب، تخریب میلین و آسیب اکسونی مشخص می شود. هدف از این تحقیق تعیین کلی شیوع مکانی-فضایی این بیماری در استان چهار محال و بختیاری می باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی و تحلیلی 479 مورد بیمار که بین سال های 1371 تا پایان سال 1390 بر اساس فاکتورهای تشخیصی MC Donald WI به طور قطعی در گروه تشخیصی بیماری قرار گرفته بودند وارد مطالعه و اطلاعات سن، جنس، سال تشخیص بیماری و آدرس آن ها از پرونده بیماران استخراج گردید. پس از جمع آوری اطلاعات بیماری و داده های مکانی، شروع به ساختن نقشه توزیع جغرافیایی بیماری نموده و با محاسبه شیوع و استاندارد کردن بیماری بر حسب جمعیت، نقشه شیوع بیماری در شهرستان ها و بخش های استان تهیه شد. نقشه سازی در محیط نرم افزار Arc GIS صورت گرفت. برای نقشه سازی شیوع بیماری از روشquantitie (مقادیر موجود) استفاده گردید. یافته ها: شهرستان شهرکرد با 7/59 بیشترین و شهرستان کوهرنگ با 1 کمترین تعداد بیماری را داشتند. در بخش های بازفت، میانکوه و منج هیچگونه مورد بیماری وجود نداشت. توزیع بیماری بیشتر در سمت شرق و شمال شرق استان بود. میزان شیوع در شهرستان شهرکرد 95/87 و در لردگان 84/11 در هر صدهزار نفر بود که بیشترین و کمترین میزان شیوع را به خود اختصاص داده اند. نتیجه گیری: توزیع و شیوع بیشتر بیماری در نیمه شرقی استان می تواند به دلیل شهرهای بزرگی همچون شهرکرد، بروجن و فرخشهر باشد، لذا به نظر می رسد MS یک بیماری است که بیشتر در مناطق شهری شیوع پیدا می کند، همچنین در این مطالعه با توجه به شیوع پایین تر بیماری در مناطق سردسیر، لازم است در مطالعات بعدی علاوه بر وجود جمعیت، عوامل محیطی مکانی نیز بررسی گردن

    Thermal Performance Evaluation for Two Designs of Flat-Plate Solar Air Heater : An Experimental and CFD Investigations

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    The main objective of this research was to create two different configurations of a flat-plate solar air heater, namely, Conventional-Case A and Modified-Case B, and develop a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model using ANSYS R15.0. The purpose of the CFD model was to simulate the heat transfer behavior of the proposed solar air heaters under unsteady conditions. The RNG k-ε turbulence model was employed for this CFD study. The experiments were conducted on sunny days, under the same conditions as the Egyptian climate. The results of the experiments show that the simulated CFD model and the measured outlet airflow temperatures, relative humidity, and velocities of the two tested solar air heaters were compared. The developed model made very satisfactory predictions. Moreover, the deviations between the average CFD outlet air temperatures and the experimental results were 7% and 7.8% for Case B and Case A, respectively. The CFD-simulated average relative humidity was reduced by 31.6% when using Case B compared with Case A, and it was reduced by 28.8% when comparing the experimental data to Case B. Additionally, the average CFD thermal efficiencies obtained for Case B and Case A were 28.7% and 21.6%, respectively, while the average experimental thermal efficiencies for the cases were 26.4% and 18.2%, respectively. The proposed model can be used to design and simulate other solar air heater designs.Peer reviewe

    Phytochemical Screening, Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry Analysis, and Antidiabetic Effects of Corchorus olitorius Leaves in Rats

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    BACKGROUND: Therapies for diabetes mellitus are still meeting failure in most cases, especially in the developed stages of the disease due to incredible associating complications. Hence, there is a need for continuous development of curative therapies for that stubborn disease. AIM: We aimed to investigate the antidiabetic effects of one of the most popular plants cultivated in Egypt, C. olitorius. METHODS: Phytochemical screening of total alcoholic extract of Corchorus olitorius leaves and its aqueous and chloroform fractions revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins, carbohydrates, tannins, coumarins, and alkaloids. RESULTS: The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed the presence of 12 and nine chemical compounds in aqueous and chloroform extracts, respectively. C. olitorius decreased serum glucose level and α-amylase activity. This effect was more pronounced in the total alcoholic extract and its chloroform fraction than the aqueous one. The extracts also adjusted the lipid profile, reduced liver injury parameters, and caused remarkable improvement and increase number, size, and density of functioning β-cells. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest the antihyperglycemic and antioxidant effects of C. olitorius besides its beneficial effect on diabetic complications such as hyperlipidemia and liver injury. The presence of some phytochemicals such as theophylline, trans-2, 3-dimethoxycinnamic acid, 7-hydroxy-4-methyl coumarin, apigenin 7-glucoside, and glycitein may contribute to such pharmacological effects