76 research outputs found
Fractals Study and Its Application
The overall of this paper is a review of fractal in many areas of application. The review exposes fractal definition, analysis, and its application. Most applications discussed are based on analysis from geometric and image processing studies. Patterns of some fractals will be discussed. Some simulation results are supplied to illustrate the discussion. Simulation resulted are from various software and tools. Some principles of fractals with informative patterns have been simulated. Whereas the simulations could support some recommendations for prospective purposes and applications. The prospective application may help in predictive pattern of many fields. The predictive pattern will lead to pattern control and pattern disruptions
Rheological Properties of ABS Lustran QE1455 in Different Temperatures
Paper ini menyajikan sifat-sifat rheology ABS Lustran QE1455. Sifat-sifat yang diteliti meliputi shear rate on viscosity, effect of shear stress on viscosity, and effect of temperature on viscosity. Pengukuran in-line atau in-process dirancang untuk mengukur dan mengontrol proses fluida. Data diambil dad penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratoritum Polymer, the University of Bradford, England. Percobaan menggunakan Cincinnati ACT30 untuk mengukur in-line rheometry. Data yang diperoleh akan disajikan dalam paper ini. Shear stress sebagai fungsi dad shear rate disajikan dalam grafik dan terlihat bahwa grafik membentuk kurva yang berbentuk cekung ke bawah. Perilaku shear stress meningkat apabila shear rate meningkat. ditunjukkan dalam grafik itu. Viscosity sebagai fungsi dari shear rate diplotkan dalam beberapa temperatur yang berbeda. Penurunan viskosity terjadi saat peningkatan shear rate seperti ditunjukkan dalam grafik lain. Perilaku ini disebut aliran pseudoplastic. Pada shear rate sama, grafik menunjukkan implikasi semakin tinggi temperatur semakin rendah shear viscosity
Comparison of Seven Machine Learning Algorithms in the Classification of Public Opinion
Sentiment analysis is one way that is widely used to identify the beginning of public opinion in various fields of life which are associated with very massive and a lot of information through social media. This study aims to compare several algorithms in machine learning to see the best ability in sentiment classification. The research dataset uses a dataset of public opinion related to tourism in Indonesia. The number of datasets used is 10,228 twitter data that have been cleaned and labelled. The machine learning algorithm used is Logistic Regression, KNN, AdaBoost, Decision Tree, SVM, Random Forest and Gaussian. The seven algorithms for sentiment classification from the Twitter public opinion each produce a Gaussian accuracy of 0.52; SVM 0.78; KNN 0.98; Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Decision Tree, AdaBoost of 0.99. This study shows that the selection of the right machine learning algorithm will have a very good impact on the classification of public opinion through social medi
Rheological Properties of ABS Lustran QE1455 in Different Temperatures
Paper ini menyajikan sifat-sifat rheology ABS Lustran QE1455. Sifat-sifat yang diteliti meliputi shear rate on viscosity, effect of shear stress on viscosity, and effect of temperature on viscosity. Pengukuran in-line atau in-process dirancang untuk mengukur dan mengontrol proses fluida. Data diambil dad penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratoritum Polymer, the University of Bradford, England. Percobaan menggunakan Cincinnati ACT30 untuk mengukur in-line rheometry. Data yang diperoleh akan disajikan dalam paper ini. Shear stress sebagai fungsi dad shear rate disajikan dalam grafik dan terlihat bahwa grafik membentuk kurva yang berbentuk cekung ke bawah. Perilaku shear stress meningkat apabila shear rate meningkat. ditunjukkan dalam grafik itu. Viscosity sebagai fungsi dari shear rate diplotkan dalam beberapa temperatur yang berbeda. Penurunan viskosity terjadi saat peningkatan shear rate seperti ditunjukkan dalam grafik lain. Perilaku ini disebut aliran pseudoplastic. Pada shear rate sama, grafik menunjukkan implikasi semakin tinggi temperatur semakin rendah shear viscosity
Systematic Literature Review: Smart City Framework
Smart cities are currently becoming the trend of large cities in the world and large cities in Indonesia. As the center of human civilization, cities cannot do without the problems of excess capacity and comfort. More and more people are migrating from the countryside to the cities, which brings new problems to the cities. Cities need to change to survive in the future. Strong indicators are needed to support cities, whether in terms of natural environment, society, communities, infrastructure, and education. In this article, we discuss a systematic literature review of research related to smart cities. The systematic literature review is divided into three stages, introduction stage, demographic analysis stage and result analysis. The results reveal important indicators of smart cities based on the conclusions of previous researc
Collaborative E-Learning for Tangerang Vocational High School
Information technology is no stranger in modern times. The emergence of various learning media has promoted the application of communication and information technology learning media called e-learning in vocational high schools (SMK). E-learning is learning that uses technology. The E-Learning of Tangerang Vocational High School (SMK) uses independent E-Learning learning media. In this research, the methods used are descriptive qualitative and descriptive statistical analysis. The research goal is to develop a collaborative E-Learning learning model for Tangerang Vocational High School (SMK) as a learning model. The sample included 375 students and 22 vocational high schools (SMK) Tangerang
Collaborative E-Learning for Tangerang Vocational High School
Information technology is no stranger in modern times. The emergence of various learning media has promoted the application of communication and information technology learning media called e-learning in vocational high schools (SMK). E-learning is learning that uses technology. The E-Learning of Tangerang Vocational High School (SMK) uses independent E-Learning learning media. In this research, the methods used are descriptive qualitative and descriptive statistical analysis. The research goal is to develop a collaborative E-Learning learning model for Tangerang Vocational High School (SMK) as a learning model. The sample included 375 students and 22 vocational high schools (SMK) Tangerang
Collaborative e-learning Vocational Schools
For many vocational schools, online learning is still new. Compare this with traditional classrooms that are still widely used. E-learning requires multiple participating schools, teachers, students, and parents. When moving to an e-learning environment, teaching methods and team configurations must change. Therefore, collaboration is a critical component of creating high-quality e-learning. This study first described the problems found in vocational high school (SMK). This article discusses the details of authoring tools and describes the e-learning model and e-learning environment used. This research aims to encourage people to have a deeper understanding of the scope of e-learning and the roles and collaborative activities required for e-learnin
Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) merupakan negara kepulauan (archipelagic state) terbesar di dunia yang berada di posisi silang dunia di antara dua benua dan dua samudera, memiliki luas wilayah perairan dan yurisdiksinya mencapai 6,4 juta Km2. Dengan perairan yang luas maka Indonesia harus siap menghadapi ancaman yang berasal dari dan melalui laut. Bentuk ancaman yang timbul berupa pelanggaran-pelanggaran terhadap hukum-hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia dan tidak menutuk kemungkinan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara sebagai provinsi kepulauan dengan banyaknya pintu-pintu masuk melalui perairan laut. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah bagaimana implementasi penanganan ancaman di perairan saat ini, sehingga tujuan dari paper ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi strategi pertahanan laut menghadapi ancaman di perairan Sulawesi Tenggara dan untuk menemukan cara terbaik agar pelanggaran yang terjadi dilaut dapat ditekan semaksimal mungkin. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, pendekatan fenomenologis dengan menggunakan penerapan faktor struktur birokrasi teori implementasi kebijakan publik George C. Edward. Hasil analisis pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa setiap entitas yang menangani pelanggaran yang terjadi di perairan Sulawesi Tenggara memiliki struktur Birokrasi masing-masing yang dalam penerapannya masih terjadi tumpeng tindih dan terjadinya ego sektoral dilapangan, sehingga dalam implementasi penanganan pelanggaran yang terjadi di perairan Sulawesi Tenggara tidak ada sinkronisasi struktur birokrasi antar entitas. Sebagai rekomendasi strategi pertahanan laut yang efektif untuk diterapkan dalam menangani pelanggaran-pelanggaran di laut serta meminimalisir ancaman di perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan cara membetuk jalinan koordinasi antar entitas penegak hukum dilaut sebagai jejaring kerja dengan menunjuk satu entitas sebagai driver force dan membangun zonasi patroli untuk pengawasan dan pengendalian laut Sulawesi Tenggara.Kata Kunci: Driver Force, Entitas, Strategi Pertahanan Laut, Struktur Birokras
An Analysis of Monitoring and Control Technologies Used in Construction Companies in Sultanate of Oman
Monitoring and control is an essential process in construction project management and delivery. It is therefore imperative for construction companies to employ the use of the most effective monitoring and control techniques available to meet project objectives. Nowadays, innovative information technology is used to optimize project management, which has a strong ability to indicate and control project activities throughout the project life cycle by using project software and utilizing this type of software to manage and develop the formalization level of project management to ensure the project is free of quality, cost, time issues, accident prevention, and other issues. As a result, the failure to use monitoring and control technologies while constructing the project has resulted in the failure of many projects and dissatisfaction with the project. Consequently, it may deliver the project with low quality and over planning budget and also exceed the target day. The goal of this research is to evaluate monitoring and control technologies used in construction projects in the Sultanate of Oman and to make recommendations for improving monitoring and control technologies and software programs in construction projects in the Sultanate of Oman. In the Sultanate of Oman, a research project was conducted using the questionnaire approach in 33 construction industries. The measurement and model reliability and validity were assessed using confirmatory factor analysis. Lastly, the conclusion has been added to aid construction firms and the project. Academically, this research contributes to students' and employees' expertise, as well as providing a breakthrough for practitioners in understanding the core functions of variables in the construction industry
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