63 research outputs found


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    Analyses of Landsat TM and SPOT multispectral data were performed with a very detailed description of the vegetation cover in the field to get a relevancy and consistency of digital image classification in a semi-automatic approach. Three main vegetation types, i.e. primary forest, logged-over forest and secondary forest after clear cut were analyzed and the microclimatic parameters were also measured to describe the ecological condition of the vegetation. Spectral and textural analysis of data obtained from field measurements and spectral reflectance values of the remote sensing data are the main topic of this report as one aspect of study on the Digital Method of Detection and Monitoring on Forest Ecosystem Change Using High Resolution Satellite Data funded by the Indonesian National Research Council. This study shows that spectral reflectance values alone cannot differentiate the logged-over forest from the primary forest, but it is very sharply distinguished from the secondary forest. As for the texture analysis, it is possible to distinguish the logged-over forest from the primary forest, as shown by different values of degree of Entropy, although spatially, it is still doubtful. Key words: Indonesia/Jambi/Tropical rain forests/lowland areas/Remote sensing/Vegetation Analysis/ Logged-over forests/Primary forests/Secondary forests


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    Bambang Setiabudi, in paper safety and health work explain that management of Safety and Health Work to represent the part of management system as a whole in an production process which must be done/conducted by all element in concerned in course of job. To reach the mentioned, in an company require to be formed by P2K3 (Organizing Committee K3) in charge of for safety and health work the. Working safety is efforts which can guarantee the circumstance and worker perfection therewith result of its masterpiece and its job appliance at work. Health work is effort which aim to so that/to be worker society obtain ; get degree of health at the farthest by preventive and curative to disease or health trouble which is resulted from by factors of work and environment work and also to common/public diseas


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    Bambang Setiabudi, in paper safety and health work explain that management of Safety and Health Work to represent the part of management system as a whole in an production process which must be done/conducted by all element in concerned in course of job. To reach the mentioned, in an company require to be formed by P2K3 (Organizing Committee K3) in charge of for safety and health work the. Working safety is efforts which can guarantee the circumstance and worker perfection therewith result of its masterpiece and its job appliance at work. Health work is effort which aim to so that/to be worker society obtain ; get degree of health at the farthest by preventive and curative to disease or health trouble which is resulted from by factors of work and environment work and also to common/public diseas

    Spectral and Textural Characteristics of the Lowland Tropical Rain Forest of Jambi, Sumatera

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    Analyses of Landsat TM and SPOT multispectral data were performed with a very detailed description of the vegetation cover in the field to get a relevancy and consistency of digital image classification in a semi-automatic approach. Three main vegetation types, i.e. primary forest, logged-over forest and secondary forest after clear cut were analyzed and the microclimatic parameters were also measured to describe the ecological condition of the vegetation. Spectral and textural analysis of data obtained from field measurements and spectral reflectance values of the remote sensing data are the main topic of this report as one aspect of study on the Digital Method of Detection and Monitoring on Forest Ecosystem Change Using High Resolution Satellite Data funded by the Indonesian National Research Council. This study shows that spectral reflectance values alone cannot differentiate the logged-over forest from the primary forest, but it is very sharply distinguished from the secondary forest. As for the texture analysis, it is possible to distinguish the logged-over forest from the primary forest, as shown by different values of degree of Entropy, although spatially, it is still doubtful


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah skala kecil di Manado beserta hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya dan urgensi pengaturan  pengadaan tanah skala kecil untuk pembangunan bagi kepentingan umum di Kota Manado. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sosio-yuridis disimpulkan: 1. Pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah skala kecil di Manado belum optimal karena terdapat  hambatan-hambatan  dalam pelaksanaannya yaitu pengaturan pengadaan tanah untuk skala kecil dalam substansi hukum pengadaan tanah baik dalam Undang-undang, Peraturan Presiden  maupun dalam Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Tata  Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional, masih sangat sumir dan tidak komprehensif karena tidak memuat tahapan perencanaan dan persiapan, tidak mengatur mekanisme penentuan appraisal, tidak mengatur mekanisme penyelesaian keberatan ataupun sengketa dalam pengadaan tanah yang dapat menimbulkan ketidakpastian, ketidak adilan dan berkurangnya manfaat dari pengadaan tanah untuk seluruh pihak. 2. Pengaturan  pengadaan tanah skala kecil untuk pembangunan bagi kepentingan umum di Kota Manado  sangat dibutuhkan sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi kekosongan hukum terkait dengan munculnya masalah dalam tahapan perencanaan dan tahapan persiapan oleh pihak pemerintah daerah, masalah dalam mekanisme penentuan appraisal dan masalah dalam mekanisme penyelesaian masalah atau sengketa dalam pengadaan tanah. Kata kunci: Pengadaan tanah, skala kecil untuk pembangunan, kepentingan umum


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    Pendaftaran tanah adalah rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan pemerintah secara terus menerus, berkesinambungan dan teratur meliputi pengumpulan, pengolahan, pembukuan dan penyajian serta pemeliharaan data fisik dan data yuridis dalam bentuk peta dan daftar mengenai bidang tanah dan satuan rumah susun termasuk pemberian surat tanda bukti haknya bagi bidang-bidang tanah yang sudah ada haknya dan hak milik satuan rumah susun serta hak-hak tertentu yang membebaninya.  Namun, dalam realitasnya, pendaftaran tanah massal belum sepenuhnya dapat menciptakan kepastian hukum dalam pendaftaran tanah  karena masih banyaknya sengketa hak atas tanah yang diterbitkan melalui pendaftaran tanah massal.  Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas maka penulis akan membahas  permasalahan yaitu  bagaimanakah mekanisme pendaftaran tanah massal dapat mendukung  kepastian hukum hak atas tanah di Kota Manado. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pelaksanaan  pendaftaran tanah massal dalam rangka menjamin kepastian hukum hak atas tanah di Kota Manado belum optimal karena prosedur pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah belum sepenuhnya diterapkan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kekuatan hukum sertipikat yang diterbitkan terutama apabila objek tanah ataupun sertipikat tersebut menjadi objek perkara baik perdata maupun administrasi negara. Seyogianya pendaftaran tanah massal dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahun anggaran agar dapat lebih memudahkan bagi aparat Badan Pertanahan Nasional untuk melaksanakan pendaftaran tanah secara lebih hati-hati dan cermati sehingga dapat terhindar dari lemahnya kekuatan hukum dan kekuatan pembuktian sertipikat hak yang diterbitkan melalui pendaftaran tanah massal

    Vonis Sanksi Pidana Tambahan oleh Hakim Berupa Pengembalian Kerugian Keuangan Negara oleh Terpidana Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar

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    Corruption in Indonesia has been so severed and widespread in thecommunity and very alarming, its development continues to increase from year toyear, both in number of cases and the amount of state financial losses and interms of quality. These criminal offenses commit more systematic and scope intoall aspects of life, Starting from lower level of the dominant and state officials orlaw enforcement. Judge in imposing sanctions not only imprisonment and alsofined an additional punishment, including the return of financial loss to the stateby state corruption, as well as some Denpasar District Court and the Court ofCriminal Acts of Corruption (TIPIKOR) Denpasar. Legal basis of corruption inthe judicial process is used by judges Act NO: 31 Jo Act 1999 NO: 20 of 2001 onEradication of Corruption

    Konsep Diri Talent Virtual YouTuber di Indonesia

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    Akses internet di Indonesia sebagian besar digunakan untuk mengakses YouTube. Saat ini YouTube menjadi salah satu media sosial yang memperbolehkan penggunanya untuk dapat mengekspresikan diri melalui unggahan video dengan disebut sebagai content creator. Content creator kini dapat hadir dengan kebaruan wujud, yakni sebagai avatar virtual atau disebut sebagai Virtual YouTuber (VTuber) yang tidak terikat body dan terlepas dari batasan fisik, menjadikan siapa saja yang menggunakan avatar virtual menjadi anonim dan bebas memilih identitas sesuka mereka. VTuber kemudian mengalami booming hingga ke seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Namun, penggunaan avatar virtual menjadi berbeda dengan hadirnya VTuber dengan model hybrid yang menggabungkan avatar virtual dengan keadaan asli nakanohito-nya, sehingga mengakibatkan perbedaan intensi awal diciptakannya VTuber. Penelitian ini meneliti tentang konsep diri VTuber, pandangan VTuber terhadap mereka yang mengadopsi model hybrid dengan menggunakan cermin cermin Teori Looking-Glass Self oleh Charles Cooley


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    Objectives: This paper is aimed to study the transnational activity committed by Indonesian diaspora through the process of global framing as a way to influence the Indonesian political policies, namely, the rights of dual citizenship. Methodology: This study uses a qualitative research method and the technique of interview, literature studies, and documentation data gathering. The use of multi-level strategy in transnational advocacy networks is utilised to find the patterns of network segmentation, where the multi-level strategy itself consists of the grassroots level, national to international level.    Main Findings: The process of global framing by IDN Global have also showcased the input and the ongoing process, however, the output and the outcome are yet to come in the phases of initiation which then resulted in the formulation of initiatives on transnationalism long term goals and sustainability. The discourse of diaspora constitutes a new culture of Indonesia, thus several transformations that are conducted by the government aimed in empowering its diaspora requires a deeper process and further research.. Implication: In accordance to the transnational activities in the shape of global framing conducted by IDN Global in influencing Indonesian government policy shows input and ongoing processes, however, the output and overcome are yet in the process of initiation which resulted in the formulation of initiatives as an effort of a long term goal-oriented transnationalism. Novelty/ Originality of the Study: This writing will explain how far the effort of transnationalism conducted by the IDN Global, have accommodated the various aspirations to political contestation inside of the congress