296 research outputs found
RSFQ devices with selective dissipation for quantum information processing
We study the possibility to use frequency dependent damping in RSFQ circuits
as means to reduce dissipation and consequent decoherence in RSFQ/qubit
circuits. We show that stable RSFQ operation can be achieved by shunting the
Josephson junctions with an circuit instead of a plain resistor. We derive
criteria for the stability of such an arrangement, and discuss the effect on
decoherence and the optimisation issues. We also design a simple flux generator
aimed at manipulating flux qubits
Evidence of Cooper pair pumping with combined flux and voltage control
We have experimentally demonstrated pumping of Cooper pairs in a
single-island mesoscopic structure. The island was connected to leads through
SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) loops. Synchronized flux
and voltage signals were applied whereby the Josephson energies of the SQUIDs
and the gate charge were tuned adiabatically. From the current-voltage
characteristics one can see that the pumped current increases in 1e steps which
is due to quasiparticle poisoning on the measurement time scale, but we argue
that the transport of charge is due to Cooper pairs.Comment: 4 page
Convergent development of low-relatedness supercolonies in Myrmica ants.
Many ant species have independently evolved colony structures with multiple queens and very low relatedness among nestmate workers, but it has remained unclear whether low-relatedness kin structures can repeatedly arise in populations of the same species. Here we report a study of Danish island populations of the red ant Myrmica sulcinodis and show that it is likely that such repeated developments occur. Two microsatellite loci were used to estimate genetic differentiation (F(ST)) among three populations and nestmate relatedness within these populations. The F(ST) values were highly significant due to very different allele frequencies among the three populations with relatively few common alleles and relatively many rare alleles, possibly caused by single queen foundation and rare subsequent immigration. Given the isolation of the islands and the low investment in reproduction, we infer that each of the populations was most likely established by a single queen, even though all three extant populations now have within-colony relatedness 95%), and the genetic differentiation of nests showed a significantly positive correlation with the distance between them. Both male-biased sex-ratio and genetic viscosity are expected characteristics of populations where queens have very local dispersal and where new colonies are initiated through nest-budding. Based on a comparison with other M. sulcinodis populations we hypothesise a distinct succession of population types and suggest that this may be a possible pathway to unicoloniality, ie, development towards a complete lack of colony kin structure and unrelated nestmate workers
Superconducting NbN microstrip detectors
Superconducting NbN strip transmission line counters and coupling circuits were processed on silicon wafers using thin film techniques, and they were characterized with several methods to verify the design principles. The stripline circuits, designed using microwave design rules, were simulated using a circuit design tool enhanced to include modelling of the superconducting lines. The strips, etched out of the 282 nm thick top NbN film with resistivity 284 ”?cm at 20 K, have critical temperatures in the range 12 to 13 K and a critical current density approximately Jc(0) = 3.3·105 A/cm2. The linearized heat transfer coefficient between the strip and the substrate is approximately 1.1·105 W/(m2K) and the healing length is about 1.6 ”m between 3 and 5 K temperatures. Traversing 5 MeV a-particles caused the strips to quench. No events due to electrons could be detected in agreement with the predicted signal amplitude which is below the noise threshold of our wideband circuitry. The strip bias current and hence the signal amplitude were limited due to a microbridge at the isolator step of the impedance transformer
Expiratory variability index is associated with asthma risk, wheeze and lung function in infants with recurrent respiratory symptoms
Non peer reviewe
Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Risk of Asthma Stratification
Early diagnosis of asthma is crucial to avoid long-term effects such as permanent airway obstruction. Pathogenesis of asthma has been related with autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction, concretely with abnormal parasympathetic activity. As heart rate variability (HRV) analysis does reflect ANS activity, it has been employed here in risk of asthma stratification
Nocturnal Heart Rate Variability Spectrum Characterization in Preschool Children with Asthmatic Symptoms
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that usually develops during chilhood. Despite that symptoms can almost be controlled with medication, early diagnosis is desirable in order to reduce permanent airway obstruction risk. It has been suggested that abnormal parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) activity might be closely related with the pathogenesis of asthma, and that this PSNS activity could be reflected in cardiac vagal control. In this work, an index to measure the spectral regularity of the high frequency (HF) component of heart rate variability (HRV) spectrum, named peakness (P), is proposed. Three different implementations of P, based on electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings, impedance pneumography (IP) recordings and a combination of both, were employed in the characterization of a group of pre-school children classified attending to their risk of developing asthma. Peakier componentswere observed in the HF band of those children classified as high-risk (p < 0.005), who also presented reduced sympathvoagal balance. Results suggest that high-risk of developing asthma might be related with a lack of adaptability of PSNS
Cross-validation of generic risk assessment tools for animal disease incursion based on a case study for African swine fever
In recent years, several generic risk assessment (RA) tools have been developed that can be applied to assess the incursion risk of multiple infectious animal diseases allowing for a rapid response to a variety of newly emerging or re-emerging diseases. Although these tools were originally developed for different purposes, they can be used to answer similar or even identical risk questions. To explore the opportunities for cross-validation, seven generic RA tools were used to assess the incursion risk of African swine fever (ASF) to the Netherlands and Finland for the 2017 situation and for two hypothetical scenarios in which ASF cases were reported in wild boar and/or domestic pigs in Germany. The generic tools ranged from qualitative risk assessment tools to stochastic spatial risk models but were all parameterized using the same global databases for disease occurrence and trade in live animals and animal products. A comparison of absolute results was not possible, because output parameters represented different endpoints, varied from qualitative probability levels to quantitative numbers, and were expressed in different units. Therefore, relative risks across countries and scenarios were calculated for each tool, for the three pathways most in common (trade in live animals, trade in animal products, and wild boar movements) and compared. For the 2017 situation, all tools evaluated the risk to the Netherlands to be higher than Finland for the live animal trade pathway, the risk to Finland the same or higher as the Netherlands for the wild boar pathway, while the tools were inconclusive on the animal products pathway. All tools agreed that the hypothetical presence of ASF in Germany increased the risk to the Netherlands, but not to Finland. The ultimate aim of generic RA tools is to provide risk-based evidence to support risk managers in making informed decisions to mitigate the incursion risk of infectious animal diseases. The case study illustrated that conclusions on the ASF risk were similar across the generic RA tools, despite differences observed in calculated risks. Hence, it was concluded that the cross-validation contributed to the credibility of their results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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