514 research outputs found

    Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Groundwater: A Case Study from KadavanarWatershed, Amaravathi Sub-basin, Cauvery River, South India

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    1627-1639The aim of this study is to the groundwater chemistry at Kadavanar watershed, Cauvery river, South-India. This paper demonstrated that the interrelationship of rock types and groundwater chemistry using piper trilinear diagram and multi-rectangular diagram (MDRs). Well-developed sampling technique was used for this study. Four km equal grids were designed in plain region. Each intersect points are selected for groundwater sample locations. Groundwater samples 147 m.l. were collected on April 2016 (Pre-monsoon). Groundwater samples were analyzed for major ions (pH, EC, Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, HCO3-, SO42-, NO3-, CO3-). Analytical results were used, to prepare the Piper Triangles Diagram and multi-rectangular diagram (MRD), Gibb’s, USSL and Wilcox diagrams with respect to geology. As per the piper triangles diagram reveals that 53.06 % samples fall under Sodium chloride (NaCl) alkalies exceed alkaline earth class. Concluded that the Multi-rectangular diagram (MRD) interpretation result is reflected same as reveals piper triangles diagram result. Gibb’s diagram shows that the chemical concentration of the groundwater in mainly depends upon the rock water-interaction. Other irrigational classification diagrams such as USSL (63.95 %) and Wilcox’s (67.35 %) diagrams interpretation reavel that the majority of the groundwater samples fell under suitable for agricultural uses

    The prayer room :a novel, and, The salt of another earth : a critical study of food and culinary practice in Indian-American narratives of the immigrant experience

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    PhD ThesisThis dissertation examines, creatively and critically, the role of gastronomy in Indian- American literature. The creative element consists of a novel entitled The Prayer Room. The critical component is titled The Salt of Another Earth: The Role of Food and Culinary Practice in the Indian-American Narrative of the Immigrant Experience. The Prayer Room tells the story of a married couple, George and Viji Armitage, both immigrants to Sacramento, California, individually tracing each protagonist’s immigrant experience. George, a native of Nottingham, finds himself in an anti-climactic version of the America he once idolised, and grows increasingly lackadaisical in his professional and personal lives. Viji, a Tamil Hindu, struggles to gain control over her domestic realm, and makes a personal refuge of her prayer room. Here, she displays pictures and statues of Hindu deities, and portraits of deceased loved ones. She compartmentalises her past successfully enough to manage her present, until the arrival of her English father-in-law, Stan Armitage. Stan’s presence challenges the integrity both of George and Viji’s marriage, and of their decision to migrate. The critical portion of this thesis analyses, alongside The Prayer Room, two immigrant-centred novels by Indian authors: Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine and Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting. Each novel features an Indian immigrant protagonist who leaves a native collective for life in the United States and, in the process, experiences a rebirth of the individualism which their collectives have silenced. This reawakening is reflected by each author’s treatment of culinary preparation and consumption. The Prayer Room’s culinary practice provides distinct commentary on the immigrant experience, but has been influenced by its literary predecessors. The aim of this dissertation is to explore how the commonality and divergence of culinary incidence in the three chosen texts reflect upon the nature of the Indian immigrant experience

    Smart agriculture management system using internet of things

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    In the world of digital era, an advance development with internet of things (IoT) were initiated, where devices communicate with each other and the process are automated and controlled with the help of internet. An IoT in an agriculture framework includes various benefits in managing and monitoring the crops. In this paper, an architectural framework is developed which integrates the internet of things (IoT) with the production of crops, different measures and methods are used to monitor crops using cloud computing. The approach provides real-time analysis of data collected from sensors placed in crops and produces result to farmer which is necessary for the monitoring the crop growth which reduces the time, energy of the farmer. The data collected from the fields are stored in the cloud and processed in order to facilitate automation by integrating IoT devices. The concept presented in the paper could increase the productivity of the crops by reducing wastage of resources utilized in the agriculture fields. The results of the experimentation carried out presents the details of temperature, soil moisture, humidity and water usage for the field and performs decision making analysis with the interaction of the farmer

    Rare case of primary esophageal synovial sarcoma with (x;18) translocation presenting as dysphagia

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    Synovial sarcoma (SS) in young adult mainly involves periarticular region of the extremities. Synovial sarcomas are exceedingly rare neoplasms of the digestive tract. In this report, we describe a very rare occurrence of primary SS of the esophagus in a 30-year-old female. Patient presented with dysphagia. Endoscopy showed submucosal esophageal polyp. Piecemeal polypectomy was done. Histologically, the tumor demonstrated biphasic morphology with epithelial and mesnchymal component. Tumor cells expressed pancytokeratin, bcl-2 and CD99 antigens. Differential diagnosis of synovial sarcoma and epithelial mesenchymal biphasic tumor was made. Cytogenetics was done to confirm the diagnosis of SS. It showed translocation (x;18). Synovial sarcomas are very rare tumor entities, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract and are likely to be mistaken with other more common tumors such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors

    Design of optimal search engine using text summarization through artificial intelligence techniques

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    Natural language processing is the trending topic in the latest research areas, which allows the developers to create the human-computer interactions to come into existence. The natural language processing is an integration of artificial intelligence, computer science and computer linguistics. The research towards natural Language Processing is focused on creating innovations towards creating the devices or machines which operates basing on the single command of a human. It allows various Bot creations to innovate the instructions from the mobile devices to control the physical devices by allowing the speech-tagging. In our paper, we design a search engine which not only displays the data according to user query but also performs the detailed display of the content or topic user is interested for using the summarization concept. We find the designed search engine is having optimal response time for the user queries by analyzing with number of transactions as inputs. Also, the result findings in the performance analysis show that the text summarization method has been an efficient way for improving the response time in the search engine optimizations

    An effective identification of crop diseases using faster region based convolutional neural network and expert systems

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    The majority of research Study is moving towards cognitive computing, ubiquitous computing, internet of things (IoT) which focus on some of the real time applications like smart cities, smart agriculture, wearable smart devices. The objective of the research in this paper is to integrate the image processing strategies to the smart agriculture techniques to help the farmers to use the latest innovations of technology in order to resolve the issues of crops like infections or diseases to their crops which may be due to bugs or due to climatic conditions or may be due to soil consistency. As IoT is playing a crucial role in smart agriculture, the concept of infection recognition using object recognition the image processing strategy can help out the farmers greatly without making them to learn much about the technology and also helps them to sort out the issues with respect to crop. In this paper, an attempt of integrating kissan application with expert systems and image processing is made in order to help the farmers to have an immediate solution for the problem identified in a crop

    Activity in deep intermediate layer collicular neurons during interrupted saccades

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    Abstract The activity of neurons located in the deep intermediate and adjacent deep layers (hereafter called just deep intermediate layer neurons) of the superior colliculus (SC) in monkeys was recorded during saccades interrupted by electrical stimulation of the brainstem omnipause neuron (OPN) region. The goal of the experiment was to determine if these neurons maintained their discharge during the saccadic interruption, and, thus, could potentially provide a memory trace for the intended movement which ends accurately on target in spite of the perturbation. The collicular neurons recorded in the present study were located in the rostral three-fifths of the colliculus. Most of these cells tended to show considerable presaccadic activity during a delayed saccade paradigm, and, therefore, probably overlap with the population of SC cells called buildup neurons or prelude bursters in previous studies. The effect of electrical stimulation in the OPN region (which interrupted ongoing saccades) on the discharge of these neurons was measured by computing the percentage reduction in a cell's activity compared to that present during non-interrupted saccades. During saccade interruption about 70% of deep intermediate layer neurons experienced a major reduction (30% or greater) in their activity, but discharge recovered quickly after the termination of the stimulation as the eyes resumed their movement to finish the saccade on the target. Therefore, the pattern of activity recorded in most of the deep intermediate layer neurons during interrupted saccades qualitatively resembled that previously reported for the saccade-related burst neurons which tend to be located more dorsally in the intermediate layer. In contrast, some of our cells (30%) showed little or no perturbation in their activity caused by the saccade interrupting stimulation. Because all the more dorsally located burst neurons and the majority of our deep intermediate layer neurons show a total or major suppression in their discharge during interrupted saccades, it seems unlikely that the colliculus by itself could maintain an accurate memory of the desired saccadic goal or the remaining dynamic motor error required to account for the accuracy of the resumed movement which occurs following the interruption. However, it remains possible that the smaller proportion of our neurons whose activity was not perturbed during interrupted movements could play a role in the mechanisms underlying saccade accuracy in the interrupted saccade paradigm. Interrupted saccades have longer durations than normal saccades to the same target. Therefore, we investigated whether the discharge of our deeper collicular cells was also necessarily prolonged during interrupted saccades, and, if so, how the prolongation compared to the prolongation of the saccade. Sixty percent of our sample neurons showed a prolongation in discharge that was approximately the same as the prolongation in saccade duration (difference <15 ms in magnitude). The observation that temporal discharge in our neurons was perturbed to roughly match saccadic temporal perturbation suggests that dynamic feedback about ongoing saccadic motion is provided to the colliculus, but does not necessarily imply that this structure is the site responsible for the computation of dynamic motor error

    Cytotoxic effect of crude venom isolated from Sea anemone Calliactis tricolor on human cancer cell lines

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    601-609The present study was made to analyze the antiproliferative effect of crude venom isolated from sea anemone Calliactis tricolor against human cancer cell lines such as Human Neuroblastoma cell (SHSY5Y), Human Lung Cancer cells (A549) and Human Colon Cancer cells (HT-29). The protein profile of venom was performed by Native PAGE and subunit profile was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The in vitro cytotoxic effect of crude venom against SHSY5Y, A549, HT-29 and Vero cell lines was evaluated by MTT assay method. All the cells exposed to crude venom showed dose-dependent cytotoxic effect with IC50 of 60 µg/ml for both SHSY5Y and A549 cells and 75 µg/ml for HT-29 cells compared to with IC50 of 100 µg/ml for the Vero cell control. The significant decrease in cell viability was observed in SHSY5Y Human Neuroblastoma cells among other cancer cells. The cellular and nuclear morphological observations revealed the loss of cell morphological integrity along with the prominent damage of nucleus in the cell. This was further confirmed by DNA fragmentation assay. Based on the preliminary results, it could be clearly stated that the crude venom of C. tricolor may have a potential anti-cancerous molecules which can be further explored and used as a tool for Neuroblastoma chemotherapy. 

    Modeling the Effect of Environmental Factors on sorghum Growth and Development

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    The yrelds ofrarnledsorghumrn the semr-arid regions in general are low and vary from year to year. An understanding of the interactions between the physical environment and the genotype is important to Increase and stabilize production of sorghum. This information, through the systems-simulation approach could be used to model sorghum growth and development. The gran sorghum growth simulation model-SORGF-was used as the basis to evaluate crop weather interactions. A multilocation study was conducted in India over a period of 4 years to evaluate the growth and development of selected sorghum genotypes of varying maturity durations. Preliminary results suggested that several subroutines of the SORGF model needed modrbcatrons to simulate accurately the effect of environmental factors. Algorithms of the SORGF model dealing with light interception, phenology, leaf senescence, sol1 water, and total dry matter accumulalron and its partitioning to grain have been revised The improvement resulting from the revisions made rn each of the above subroutrnes are compared wrlh the freld data and the simulationes sults olthe ongrnalSORGF model The use of the SORGF model for rrrrgatron scheduling and lrrst-order screenrng of envrronments lor sorghum producoon are illustrate