136 research outputs found

    The Burmese Jade Mines belt : origins of jadeitites, serpentinites and ophiolitic peridotites and gabbros

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    MPS and NJG thank the Oxford-Burma Aung San Suu Kyi Trust and the Fell Fund for funding fieldwork in Myanmar.Ophiolitic peridotites in Burma (Myanmar) occur along three major tectonic zones, the Kaleymyo–Nagaland suture, Indo-Burman ranges, the Jade Mines belt, and the Tagaung–Mytkyina belt. These belts all show harzburgite–lherzolite–dunite peridotites, but the Hpakan-Taw Maw region (Jade Mines belt) hosts jadeitites including pure jadeite, mawsitsit (chromium-rich jadeite) kosmochlore (chromium-rich clinopyroxene), and albitite. High Na and Al contents of jadeitites require either very unusual Al-rich, Si-poor protoliths, or extensive fluid metasomatism, or both. The Hpakan jadeitites formed by Na-, Al-, (and Si) metasomatic alteration of pyroxenite–wehrlite intrusions into harzburgite–dunite, from widespread fluid alteration. Fluids could have been derived from a mid-Jurassic intermediate pressure subduction event during ophiolite formation and emplacement. In the Indawgyi Lake area, normal ophiolitic peridotites, including harzburgite and dunite with pyroxenite veins, have not been jadeitised. Gabbros related to the Jade Mines ophiolite gave a U-Pb zircon age of 169.71±1.3 Ma (MSWD 2.2), similar timing to the Myitkyina ophiolite (173 Ma) to the east, suggesting that the ophiolite belts were originally continuous. The jade ‘boulders’ in the Uru conglomerate beds at Hpakan have also resulted from normal in-situ serpentinisation weathering processes, followed by limited fluvial mass transport processes along the Uru river.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Mid-crustal deformation of the Annapurna-Dhaulagiri Himalaya, central Nepal: An atypical example of channel flow during the Himalayan orogeny

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    The channel-flow model for the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) of the Himalayan orogen involves a partially molten, rheologically weak, mid-crustal layer “flowing” southward relative to the upper and lower crust during late Oligocene–Miocene. Flow was driven by topographic overburden, underthrusting, and focused erosion. We present new structural and thermobarometric analyses from the GHS in the Annapurna-Dhaulagiri Hima­laya, central Nepal; these data suggest that during exhumation, the GHS cooled, strengthened, and transformed from a weak “active channel” to a strong “channel plug” at greater depths than elsewhere in the Himalaya. After strengthening, continued convergence resulted in localized top-southwest (top-SW) shortening on the South Tibetan detachment system (STDS). The GHS in the Annapurna-Dhaulagiri Himalaya displays several geological features that distinguish it from other Himalayan regions. These include reduced volumes of leucogranite and migmatite, no evidence for partial melting within the sillimanite stability field, reduced structural thickness, and late-stage top-southwest shortening in the STDS. New and previously published structural and thermobarometric constraints suggest that the channel-flow model can be applied to mid-Eocene–early Miocene mid-crustal evolution of the GHS in the Annapurna-Dhaulagiri Himalaya. However, pressure-temperature-time (PTt) constraints indicate that following peak conditions, the GHS in this region did not undergo rapid isothermal exhumation and widespread sillima­nite-grade decompression melting, as commonly recorded elsewhere in the Hima­laya. Instead, lower-than-typical structural thickness and melt volumes suggest that the upper part of the GHS (Upper Greater Himalayan Sequence [UGHS]—the proposed channel) had a greater viscosity than in other Hima­layan regions. We suggest that viscosity-limited, subdued channel flow prevented exhumation on an isothermal trajectory and forced the UGHS to exhume slowly. These findings are distinct from other regions in the Himalaya. As such, we describe the mid-crustal evolution of the GHS in the Annapurna-­Dhaulagiri Himalaya as an atypical example of channel flow during the Himalayan orogeny

    Late Eocene-Oligocene granulite facies garnet-sillimanite migmatites from the Mogok Metamorphic belt, Myanmar, and implications for timing of slip along the Sagaing Fault

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    MPS is grateful to the Oxford-Burma Aung San Suu Kyi trust for funding research and field visits to Mogok. U-Th-Pb geochronology was funded by UCSB and NSF grants EAR-1348003 and EAR-1551054 to BH.The Mogok Metamorphic Belt (MMB) in Myanmar is a polymetamorphic, mainly Paleogene granulite-uppermost amphibolite facies terrane consisting mainly of marbles and calc-silicates hosting spinel, ruby and sapphire. Jurassic charnockite-syenite intrusions, as well as Eocene-Miocene leucogranite intrusions are also present. Pelitic rocks are uncommon, and where present, have sillimanite, both as primary inclusions in garnet and as secondary Bt + Sil coronas around garnet. Core samples from the Kyi-Tauk-Pauk gold mine at Thabeikkiyin, north of Mandalay, are mostly Grt + Bt + Sill gneisses and migmatites with uncommon interbanded Opx + Grt + Bt gneisses. Pseudosection modelling suggests prograde garnet growth occurred by biotite-dehydration melting that reached peak P–T conditions of 870–970 °C and ~ 0.9 GPa, and was followed by garnet breakdown forming coarse retrograde Bt + Sil coronas. U[sbnd]Pb monazite data show an early high-grade granulite event at 43–32 Ma, and a later upper amphibolite sillimanite-grade event peaking at 23–20 Ma, with a change in monazite chemistry after c. 22 Ma that is consistent with fluid/(melt) interaction and garnet breakdown. Elevated Th/U ratios from ~35 to 22 Ma, and at ~18 Ma are compatible with melt influx at that time, timing that is similar to the age of the regional Kabaing leucogranite in the Mogok valley area. Our data show that peak granulite facies metamorphism along the Mogok Metamorphic belt was mainly Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene, with upper amphibolite facies metamorphism extending to earliest Miocene. The MMB is cut abruptly by the Sagaing fault, a large-scale dextral fault that extends from the Andaman Sea north to the East Himalayan syntaxis. Our new U[sbnd]Pb monazite data constrain the oldest age of initiation of the eastern branch of the cross-cutting Sagaing dextral strike-slip fault atPostprintPeer reviewe

    The Idea of Social Life

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    This paper reclaims the idea that human society is a form of life, an idea once vibrant in the work of Toennies, Durkheim, Simmel, Le Bon, Kroeber, Freud, Bion, and Follett but moribund today. Despite current disparagements, this idea remains the only and best answer to our primary experience of society as vital feeling. The main obstacle to conceiving society as a life is linguistic; the logical form of life is incommensurate with the logical form of language. However, it is possible to extend our conceptual reach by appealing to alternative symbolisms more congenial to living form such as, and especially, art.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68336/2/10.1177_004839319502500201.pd

    Mouse Chromosome 11

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46996/1/335_2004_Article_BF00648429.pd

    Tectonic evolution of the Sibumasu-Indochina terraine collision zone in Thailand and Malaysia: Constraints from new U-Pb zircon chronology of SE Asian tin granitoids

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