41 research outputs found

    Self-initiated behavioural change and disease resurgence on activity-driven networks

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    We consider a population that experienced a first wave of infections, interrupted by strong, top-down, governmental restrictions and did not develop a significant immunity to prevent a second wave (i.e. resurgence). As restrictions are lifted, individuals adapt their social behaviour to minimize the risk of infection. We consider two scenarios. In the first, individuals reduce their overall social activity towards the rest of the population. In the second scenario, they maintain a normal social activity within a small community of peers (i.e., social bubble) while reducing social interactions with the rest of the population. In both cases, we consider possible correlations between social activity and behaviour change, reflecting for example the social dimension of certain occupations. We model these scenarios considering a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered epidemic model unfolding on activity-driven networks. Extensive analytical and numerical results show that i) a minority of very active individuals not changing behaviour may nullify the efforts of the large majority of the population, and ii) imperfect social bubbles of normal social activity may be less effective than an overall reduction of social interactions


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    Não há dúvida de que o surgimento da Nova Ordem Econômica Internacional em 1974 nas Nações Unidas marcou uma nova fase do direito internacional econômico, particularmente quando se trata das preocupações do Terceiro Mundo. Afinal, tais declarações são consideradas o pináculo de um movimento que normalmente diz-se ter iniciado em Bandung em 1955, exigindo dos países  desenvolvidos maior atenção às demandas dos países em desenvolvimento. Contudo, o que é menos conhecido é que o Brasil, uma nação do Terceiro Mundo, desempenhou um papel importante ainda em Bretton Woods em 1944 onde o tripé do novo sistema econômico mundial era discutido. Isso porque, a doutrina sempre conferiu maior atenção à Keynes e à White, raramente destacando as ideias de outras partes do globo. Nesse sentido, o presente texto tem como objetivo avultar a participação de outras nações nesse encontro, incluindo a brasileira, enfatizando as contribuições de Souza Costa, ministro das Finanças à época. E mesmo que ele não tenha sugerido um conjunto de argumentos que o faria ser autor de um terceiro plano na mesa de negociações, suas contribuições foram importantes para estipular o funcionamento do Fundo Monetário Internacional, explicitando ainda em 1944 algumas das preocupações do Terceiro Mundo sobre a abordagem colonial da ordem econômica internacional – largamente olvidada. Para tanto, realiza-se uma revisão histórica, de natureza aplicada, por meio do qual se realiza uma pesquisa descritiva acerca da participação brasileira, adotando-se majoritariamente o procedimento bibliográfico, para uma melhor compreensão e análise do tema aqui proposto

    Pliocene Te Aute limestones, New Zealand: Expanding concepts for cool-water shelf carbonates

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    Acceptance of a spectrum of warm- through cold-water shallow-marine carbonate facies has become of fundamental importance for correctly interpreting the origin and significance of all ancient platform limestones. Among other attributes, properties that have become a hallmark for characterising many Cenozoic non-tropical occurrences include: (1) the presence of common bryozoan and epifaunal bivalve skeletons; (2) a calcite-dominated mineralogy; (3) relatively thin deposits exhibiting low rates of sediment accumulation; (4) an overall destructive early diagenetic regime; and (5) that major porosity destruction and lithification occur mainly in response to chemical compaction of calcitic skeletons during moderate to deep burial. The Pliocene Te Aute limestones are non-tropical skeletal carbonates formed at paleolatitudes near 40-42°S under the influence of commonly strong tidal flows along the margins of an actively deforming and differentially uplifting forearc basin seaway, immediately inboard of the convergent Pacific-Australian plate boundary off eastern North Island, New Zealand. This dynamic depositional and tectonic setting strongly influenced both the style and subsequent diagenetic evolution of the limestones. Some of the Te Aute limestones exhibit the above kinds of "normal" non-tropical characteristics, but others do not. For example, many are barnacle and/or bivalve dominated, and several include attributes that at least superficially resemble properties of certain tropical carbonates. In this regard, a number of the limestones are infaunal bivalve rich and dominated by an aragonite over a calcite primary mineralogy, with consequently relatively high diagenetic potential. Individual limestone units are also often rather thick (e.g., up to 50-300 m), with accumulation rates from 0.2 to 0.5 m/ka, and locally as high as 1 m/ka. Moreover, there can be a remarkable array of diagenetic features in the limestones, involving grain alteration and/or cementation to widely varying extents within any, or some combination of, the marine phreatic, burial, and meteoric diagenetic environments, including locally widespread development of meteoric cement sourced from aragonite dissolution. The message is that non-tropical shelf carbonates include a more diverse array of geological settings, of skeletal and mineralogical facies, and of diagenetic features than current sedimentary models mainly advocate. While several attributes positively distinguish tropical from non-tropical limestones, continued detailed documentation of the wide spectrum of shallow-marine carbonate deposits formed outside tropical regions remains an important challenge in carbonate sedimentology

    Banco de dados de experimentos para fins de simulação em desenvolvimento de culturas agrícolas.

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    O artigo descreve a importância de um banco de dados para experimentos agrícolas na Embrapa e no SNPA (Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa Agropecuária) para fins de simulação em crescimento de culturas baseado na estrutura do DSSAT que foi apresentado em palestra nesse Workshop. Aborda-se o assunto na forma de um estudo de caso, onde empregou-se a técnica orientada a objetos (OMT de James Rum baugh) na análise do problema pra facilitar a captura de requisitos junto aos pesquisadores (futuros usuários do sistema). Exemplifica-se o uso da técnica OMT, mostrando-se a sua coerência entre modelos, adequação ao estudo de controle de experimentos e as dificuldades entradas no trabalho

    Glycoprotein Hormone Receptor Knockdown Leads to Reduced Reproductive Success in Male Aedes aegypti

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    Glycoprotein hormone receptors mediate a diverse range of physiological functions in vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone GPA2/GPB5 and its receptor LGR1, constitute a recently discovered invertebrate neuroendocrine signaling system that remains to be functionally characterized. We previously reported that LGR1 is expressed in the testes of adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, where its immunoreactivity is particularly regionalized. Here, we show that LGR1 immunoreactivity is associated with the centriole adjunct of spermatids and is observed transiently during spermatogenesis in mosquitoes, where it may act to mediate the regulation of flagellar development. RNA interference to downregulate LGR1 expression was accomplished by feeding mosquito larvae with bacteria that produced LGR1-specific dsRNA, which led to defects in spermatozoa, characterized with shortened flagella. LGR1 knockdown mosquitoes also retained ∼60% less spermatozoa in reproductive organs and demonstrated reduced fertility compared to controls. To date, the endocrine regulation of spermatogenesis in mosquitoes remains an understudied research area. The distribution of LGR1 and detrimental effects of its knockdown on spermatogenesis in A. aegypti indicates that this heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone signaling system contributes significantly to the regulation of male reproductive biology in this important disease-vector