485 research outputs found

    Fire Management In Veredas (palm Swamps): New Perspectives On Traditional Farming Systems In Jalapão, Brazil

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    The veredas (palm swamps) of the cerrado biome are legally protected as áreas de Preservação Permanente (Permanent Preservation Areas), and the use of fire in these wetlands is prohibited. We carried out a preliminary assessment of environmental impacts of the local use of agricultural fire in veredas through a collaborative research project in Jalapão (Tocantins, Brazil). We found that "roças de esgoto" (drained peat swamp swidden fields) form the basis of the agricultural system of this region. These fields ensure production throughout the year, provide more income than "roças de toco" (rainfed swidden fields), and may function as a repository of agrobiodiversity on a regional scale. This study suggests that the use of fire in veredas associated with roças de esgoto does not lead to significant deforestation, that is, to the disappearance of the forest physiognomy, but instead helps maintain tree cover during the fallow period, possibly accelerating natural succession.19326929

    The role of centrosome distal appendage proteins (DAPs) in nephronophthisis and ciliogenesis

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    The primary cilium is found in most mammalian cells and plays a functional role in tissue homeostasis and organ development by modulating key signaling pathways. Ciliopathies are a group of genetically heterogeneous disorders resulting from defects in cilia development and function. Patients with ciliopathic disorders exhibit a range of phenotypes that include nephronophthisis (NPHP), a progressive tubulointerstitial kidney disease that commonly results in end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In recent years, distal appendages (DAPs), which radially project from the distal end of the mother centriole, have been shown to play a vital role in primary ciliary vesicle docking and the initiation of ciliogenesis. Mutations in the genes encoding these proteins can result in either a complete loss of the primary cilium, abnormal ciliary formation, or defective ciliary signaling. DAPs deficiency in humans or mice commonly results in NPHP. In this review, we outline recent advances in our understanding of the molecular functions of DAPs and how they participate in nephronophthisis development


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    During an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) glucose and insulin levels were measured in 26 patients with prolactin-producing pituitary tumours without growth hormone excess. Basal glucose and insulin levels did not differ from the values of an age-matched control group. After glucose load the hyperprolactinaemic patients showed a decrease in glucose tolerance and a hyperinsulinaemia. Bromocriptine (CB 154), which suppressed PRL, improved glucose tolerance and decreased insulin towards normal in a second OGTT. — Human PRL or CB 154 had no significant influence on insulin release due to glucose in the perfused rat pancreas. — These findings suggest a diabetogenic effect of PRL. CB 154 might be a useful drug in improving glucose utilization in hormone-active pituitary tumours

    The centrosomal protein 83 (CEP83) regulates human pluripotent stem cell differentiation towards the kidney lineage

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    During embryonic development, the mesoderm undergoes patterning into diverse lineages including axial, paraxial, and lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). Within the LPM, the so-called intermediate mesoderm (IM) forms kidney and urogenital tract progenitor cells, while the remaining LPM forms cardiovascular, hematopoietic, mesothelial, and additional progenitor cells. The signals that regulate these early lineage decisions are incompletely understood. Here, we found that the centrosomal protein 83 (CEP83), a centriolar component necessary for primary cilia formation and mutated in pediatric kidney disease, influences the differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) towards intermediate mesoderm. We induced inactivating deletions of (CEP83) in hiPSCs and applied a 7 day in vitro protocol of intermediate mesoderm kidney progenitor differentiation, based on timed application of WNT and FGF agonists. We characterized induced mesodermal cell populations using single cell and bulk transcriptomics and tested their ability to form kidney structures in subsequent organoid culture. While hiPSCs with homozygous (CEP83) inactivation were normal regarding morphology and transcriptome, their induced differentiation into IM progenitor cells was perturbed. Mesodermal cells induced after 7 days of monolayer culture of (CEP83)-deficient hiPCS exhibited absent or elongated primary cilia, displayed decreased expression of critical IM genes ((PAX8), (EYA1), (HOXB7)), and an aberrant induction of LPM markers (e. g. (FOXF1), (FOXF2), (FENDRR), (HAND1) ,(HAND2)). Upon subsequent organoid culture, wildtype cells differentiated to form kidney tubules and glomerular-like structures, whereas (CEP83)-deficient cells failed to generate kidney cell types, instead upregulating cardiomyocyte, vascular, and more general LPM progenitor markers. Our data suggest that (CEP83) regulates the balance of intermediate mesoderm and lateral plate mesoderm formation from human pluripotent stem cells, identifying a potential link between centriolar or ciliary function and mesodermal lineage induction

    Charged lepton electric dipole moments with the localized leptons and the new Higgs doublet in the two Higgs doublet model

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    We study the lepton electric dipole moments in the split fermion scenario, in the two Higgs doublet model, where the new Higgs scalars are localized around the origin in the extra dimension, with the help of the localizer field. We observe that the numerical value of the electron (muon, tau) electric dipole moment is at the order of the magnitude of 10^{-31} (10^{-24}, 10^{-22}) (e-cm) and this quantity is sensitive the new Higgs localization in the extra dimension.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at High Pressure

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    The properties of hydrogen-helium mixtures at high pressure are crucial to address important questions about the interior of Giant planets e.g. whether Jupiter has a rocky core and did it emerge via core accretion? Using path integral Monte Carlo simulations, we study the properties of these mixtures as a function of temperature, density and composition. The equation of state is calculated and compared to chemical models. We probe the accuracy of the ideal mixing approximation commonly used in such models. Finally, we discuss the structure of the liquid in terms of pair correlation functions.Comment: Proceedings article of the 5th Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals in Wroclaw, Poland, submitted to J. Low. Temp. Phys. (2004

    Response of vegetation to fire disturbance: short-term dynamics in two savanna physiognomies

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    Fire is a constitutive ecological force in savanna ecosystems, but few studies have monitored its short-term effects on plant community dynamics. This study investigated changes in plant diversity in the South American savanna (Cerrado) after severe disturbance by fire. We monitored 30 permanent plots (10 m × 5 m) distributed in two Cerrado physiognomies (típico: more forested; ralo: grass-dominated), being 10 plots in the area disturbed by fire, and five in a preserved control area (undisturbed). From August 2010 to June 2011, we evaluated changes in species richness, abundance and composition of savanna vegetation. Monitoring started one week after the fire; disturbed plots were surveyed monthly, while control plots were surveyed every two months. We observed rapid reassembling in both physiognomies: plots affected by fire showed rapid increase in species richness and plant density during the first four months after the disturbance. Concerning species composition, disturbed plots in the cerrado típico tended to converge to control plots after one year, but each local assemblage followed particular temporal trajectories. A different pattern characterized cerrado ralo plots, which showed heterogeneous trajectories and lack of convergence between disturbed and control plots; the structure of these assemblages will likely change in next years. In conclusion, our results showed that fire significantly affected plant diversity in the two savanna physiognomies (cerrado típico and ralo), but also indicated that community reassembling is fast, with different dynamics between Cerrado physiognomies

    Advances in ab-initio theory of Multiferroics. Materials and mechanisms: modelling and understanding

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    Within the broad class of multiferroics (compounds showing a coexistence of magnetism and ferroelectricity), we focus on the subclass of "improper electronic ferroelectrics", i.e. correlated materials where electronic degrees of freedom (such as spin, charge or orbital) drive ferroelectricity. In particular, in spin-induced ferroelectrics, there is not only a {\em coexistence} of the two intriguing magnetic and dipolar orders; rather, there is such an intimate link that one drives the other, suggesting a giant magnetoelectric coupling. Via first-principles approaches based on density functional theory, we review the microscopic mechanisms at the basis of multiferroicity in several compounds, ranging from transition metal oxides to organic multiferroics (MFs) to organic-inorganic hybrids (i.e. metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Magnetic Field Amplification in Galaxy Clusters and its Simulation

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    We review the present theoretical and numerical understanding of magnetic field amplification in cosmic large-scale structure, on length scales of galaxy clusters and beyond. Structure formation drives compression and turbulence, which amplify tiny magnetic seed fields to the microGauss values that are observed in the intracluster medium. This process is intimately connected to the properties of turbulence and the microphysics of the intra-cluster medium. Additional roles are played by merger induced shocks that sweep through the intra-cluster medium and motions induced by sloshing cool cores. The accurate simulation of magnetic field amplification in clusters still poses a serious challenge for simulations of cosmological structure formation. We review the current literature on cosmological simulations that include magnetic fields and outline theoretical as well as numerical challenges.Comment: 60 pages, 19 Figure