627 research outputs found

    Putting the spotlight on toluene o-xylene monooxygenase “A good biocatalyst candidate for biotechnological applications”

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    A Journey of Black Identity: A Middle School Perspective

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    According to an article in the Huffington Post, 40% of students expelled from U.S schools each year are black. Black students are twice as likely to not graduate high school as their white classmates. The national center for education statistics reports that in North Carolina alone 6,553 black students dropped out of high school in their 9th grade year and a significantly greater amount did not continue on to a post-secondary education. The things that are portrayed through these statics are part of the everyday lives of many African American youth, but why is it that statistics like these have become the norm? What is it that perpetuates these events in black society? My suggestion is by taking a holistic approach in understanding the black identity, that much of this can be addressed. Through my research and gathered data I hope to illuminate the racial identity development of African American youth as I have observed in African American middle school students. My approach is to search for, not only the meanings of blackness within the black community, but how being black is interpreted by the rest of society at such an impressionable age. The combination of both internal blackness and how others perceive blackness plays an imperative role on how African American students,view themselves, their education, and the outlook of their future in a predominantly white society. These dynamics become evident through my research of various middle schools across Durham, North Carolina.Bachelor of Art


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    This aim of this research was to know whether the liquidity and solvency variables have impact on probability in the food and beverages product subsector. The data source of this research was secondary data obtained from financial reports and annual reports of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018. Then this study used purposive sampling to determine the sample that in research. And several methods of data analysis that to be processed, with test classic assumptions, test hypotheses and regression analysis in providing conclusions of this study. It was found that the average liquidity variable in the company was in good condition, solvency in the related company was not good and the same as liquidity, profitability in the average company was in good condition. Meanwhile based on the hypothesis test it was concluded that liquidity has a significant effect on profitability but solvency did not influence profitability. Liquidity and solvency had a significant impact on profitability simultaneouslyThis aim of this research was to know whether the liquidity and solvency variables have impact on probability in the food and beverages product subsector. The data source of this research was secondary data obtained from financial reports and annual reports of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018. Then this study used purposive sampling to determine the sample that in research. And several methods of data analysis that to be processed, with test classic assumptions, test hypotheses and regression analysis in providing conclusions of this study. It was found that the average liquidity variable in the company was in good condition, solvency in the related company was not good and the same as liquidity, profitability in the average company was in good condition. Meanwhile based on the hypothesis test it was concluded that liquidity has a significant effect on profitability but solvency did not influence profitability. Liquidity and solvency had a significant impact on profitability simultaneousl

    Leadership and Elite Interviews : Researching the Challenges of EU Rail Integration in a Single European Rail Area

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    The focus of this article is a critical evaluation of constructivist-grounded theory in elite interviews, the methodology used for this research. The research is about the challenges of the EU rail industry integration as seen and told by the involved actors. In particular, the integration process requires leadership in the multi-level governance context of the EU and in the transition from state monopolies to businesses providing services on the integrated market. This provides a potential source of theoretically and practically relevant research questions; and secondly rigorous grounded research methodologies will bring insight that transcends the currently accepted formal and public statements about the phenomena. The work is situated within social constructivist ontology, enacted through a rigorous grounded theory approach to understanding the current challenges of the industry and seeking more effective developments for the future. Preliminary findings place the concepts of leadership and debt into a relationship that could offer profound understanding of certain social relations and contribute to the growth of theory and practice. These findings are also elaborated in this article as reflections on the methodological process

    The Influence of Lower Alcohols on the Surface Lipid Monolayer in LDL

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    Interaction of methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol with human plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL) was studied in this work. The surface lipid monolayer of LDL was spin labeled and the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra were measured in the presence and absence of alcohols. The decomposition of the complex ESR spectra was performed via theoretical simulations of experimental data. The results gained from this study indicate that the influence of alcohol could be observed through the changes of lipid ordering in the surface of LDL monolayer. This observation supports the hypothesis on the mechanism of alcohol action through its interference with lipid-protein interactions at the level of macromolecular surface

    Glutamine metabolism in sepsis

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    Učinkovitost uporabe glutamina pri kritično bolnih je trenutno zelo aktualen raziskovalen problem. Ni namreč jasno ali je njegova uporaba varna in učinkovita. V naši raziskavi smo se osredotočili na vprašanje, ali se koncentracija glutamina v plazmi spreminja pri bolnikih s SIRS-om (sindrom sistemskega vnetnega odziva), sepso, hudo sepso in septičnim šokom, v primerjavi s kontrolo. Obenem smo preiskovali, če bi glutamin lahko uporabili kot prognostični dejavnik pri napovedovaju izida bolezni. Analize smo izvajali z napravo za plinsko kromatografijo - masno spektrometrij. Analizirali smo vzorce plazme bolnikov. Končni rezultati so potrdili naše predvidevanje, da se vrednost koncentracije glutamina spreminja v skladu z bolezenskim stanjem. Izsledki raziskave potrjujejo, da prihaja v krvi do znižanja koncentracije glutamina, v primerih, ko je organizem še zmožen ustrezno reagirati na okužbo in še ne prihaja do disfunkcije organov. S stopnjevanjem bolezenskega stanja (huda sepsa in septični šok), prihaja do večje disfunkcije ali celo odpovedi organov, ki so del procesa presnove glutamina, kar posledično lahko vodi do ponovnega porasta v koncentraciji glutamina v krvi. Koncentracijo glutamina v plazmi tako lahko uporabimo pri napovedovanju izida bolezni, pri čemer vrednosti glutamina kažejo na slabši izid bolezni.The research topic of glutamine use in critically ill patients is currently quite controversial. It is not clear whether its use is safe and effective. In our study, we focused on whether plasma glutamine concentration varies in patients with SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome), sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock compared to the control group. At the same time, we investigated if glutamine could be used as a prognostic factor in predicting the outcome of disease. Analyzes were performed using a gas chromatography –mass spectrometry in which patient samples were analyzed. The final results confirmed our assumption, that glutamine concentration changes in relation to the disease state. The results of the study confirm that there is a decrease in glutamine concentration in the blood in those patients where the organism is still able to react appropriately to infection and there is no organ dysfunction present. Increased dysfunction or even failure of the organs that are involved in glutamine metabolism will increase the incidence of severe conditions (severe sepsis and septic shock), which can lead to an increase in glutamine concentration. Plasma glutamine concentrations could thus be used to predict the outcome of disease, where higher plama glutamine levels indicate a less favourable outcome

    La Gráfica del 68

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    La presente investigación concentra el análisis de múltiples obras de producción gráfica del Movimiento del 68, realizadas bajo la influencia del Taller de Gráfica Popular y enmarcadas en una estética influida por los movimientos sociales de la época, como una expresión anónima y testimonial que asumía su responsabilidad social, estética y política. La Gráfica del 68, difundía con imágenes visuales la decisión de los jóvenes por la democratización del país y llamar a la participación solidaria; las brigadas de producción establecieron un importante precedente de trabajo colectivo que ilustró una de las acciones más significativas del movimiento estudiantil urbano: la marcha silenciosa