10 research outputs found

    Legitimacy in REDD+ governance in Indonesia

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    This paper addresses the question of legitimacy in REDD+ governance in Indonesia. It develops a legitimacy framework that builds on elements of Scharpf (J Eur Pub Policy 4(1):18–36, 1997) input and output legitimacy concept and the political economy lens described by Brockhaus and Angelsen (Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices, CIFOR, Bogor, 2012). Using data collected through key informant interviews and focus groups, we identify and explore stakeholder perceptions of legitimacy. The analysis reveals a complex interplay between input and output legitimacy, finding that state, non-state and hybrid actors perceive output legitimacy (i.e. project outcomes) as highly dependent on the level of input legitimacy achieved during the governance process. Non-state actors perceive proxies for input legitimacy, such as participation and inclusion of local people, as goals in themselves. In the main, they perceive inclusion to be integral to the empowerment of local people. They perceive output legitimacy as less important because of the intangibility of REDD+ outcomes at this stage in the process. The findings also highlight the challenges associated with measuring the legitimacy of REDD+ governance in Indonesia

    Definisi teknologi pendidikan : Suatu tugas definisi terminologi AECT

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    Judul asli:The Definition of educational terminologyxxviii, 214 p.; 21 cm

    Panduan Kesehatan Pencegahan Covid-19

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    Definisi teknologi pendidikan : satuan tugas definisi terminologi AECT

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    Judul asli: The Definition of educational terminologyxxviii, 214 p.; 21 cm

    Studi hukum: bantuan likuiditas bank indonesia

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    Pedoman imunisasi di Indonesia

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    Buku panduan imunisasi diterbitkan secara regular setiap tiga tahun, merupakan upaya Satgas Imunisasi Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) mengakomodasi setiap perkembangan yang ada, melalui buku ini pemahaman terkini dari imunisasi selalu terinformasi, baik kepada tenaga kesehatan maupun masyarakat. Ilmu tentang Imunisasi unik dan spesifik, sehingga perlu dipelajari secara komprihensif, agar semua dapat memahami betapa perlunya pemberian imunisasi kepada anak-anak.xiv + 421 hlm.; 16 x 23 c

    Pengembangan perpustakaan sekolah

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    Perpustakaan sekolah adalah pusat sumber belajar di sekolah jadi pengembangan perpustakaan di sekolah adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan minat baca para siswa