727 research outputs found

    Residues of Aflatoxins B1 and M1 in different biological matrices of swine orally administered aflatoxin B1 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Residui di aflatossine B1 e M1 in differenti matrici biologiche di suino alimentato con diete contenenti aflatossina B1 e Saccharomyces cerevisiae. \u2013 Le micotossine, e la aflatossina B1 (AFB1) in particolare, rappresentano da sempre un problema di sanit\ue0 pubblica a livello mondiale di difficile risoluzione. Scopo del presente lavoro \ue8 stato quello di valutare le quantit\ue0 di aflatossine B1 e M1, in fegato, rene, muscolo e grasso di suini che hanno assunto per 5 settimane diete sperimentalmente contaminate con 280 \ub5g/kg di AFB1. E\u2019 stata valutata anche la capacit\ue0 adsorbente del Saccharomyces cerevisiae nei confronti di AFB1, somministrando la micotossina (280 ppb) insieme ad una dieta contenente lo 0.2% del lievito. Le quote residuali delle due aflatossine sono state determinate con metodo HPLC in fluorescenza, previa purificazione con estrazione solida (SPE). Muscolo e grasso sono risultati costantemente negativi per entrambe le micotossine, mentre i livelli rilevati in fegato e rene appaiono molto bassi per la AFB1 (valori compresi tra 0.03-0.12 ppb) e leggermente superiori per la AFM1 (valori compresi tra 0.39-0.72 ppb)

    Different Cranial Ontogeny in Europeans and Southern Africans

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    Modern human populations differ in developmental processes and in several phenotypic traits. However, the link between ontogenetic variation and human diversification has not been frequently addressed. Here, we analysed craniofacial ontogenies by means of geometric-morphometrics of Europeans and Southern Africans, according to dental and chronological ages. Results suggest that different adult cranial morphologies between Southern Africans and Europeans arise by a combination of processes that involve traits modified during the prenatal life and others that diverge during early postnatal ontogeny. Main craniofacial changes indicate that Europeans differ from Southern Africans by increasing facial developmental rates and extending the attainment of adult size and shape. Since other studies have suggested that native subsaharan populations attain adulthood earlier than Europeans, it is probable that facial ontogeny is linked with other developmental mechanisms that control the timing of maturation in other variables. Southern Africans appear as retaining young features in adulthood. Facial ontogeny in Europeans produces taller and narrower noses, which seems as an adaptation to colder environments. The lack of these morphological traits in Neanderthals, who lived in cold environments, seems a paradox, but it is probably the consequence of a warm-adapted faces together with precocious maturation. When modern Homo sapiens migrated into Asia and Europe, colder environments might establish pressures that constrained facial growth and development in order to depart from the warm-adapted morphology. Our results provide some answers about how cranial growth and development occur in two human populations and when developmental shifts take place providing a better adaptation to environmental constraints

    The effects of Sepiolite-SPLF on heavy pigs fed liquid diets

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    The effects of the addition of Sepiolite for Pig Liquid Feeding (SPLF) at 1% on growing performance and carcass quality of heavy pigs fed practical diets were evaluated by using 330 Duroc x (Landrace x Large White) pigs, half castrated males and half females, from 63.5 to 170 kg body weight

    Effects of the rearing season on carcass and meat quality of suckling Apennine light lambs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the rearing season (autumn vs winter) on the carcass and meat quality of light lambs, obtained according to the traditional farming system usual in central Italy. Eighty carcasses from 60 d±3 old unweaned Apennine single birth male lambs, permanently reared indoor, half in autumn (receiving milk from ewes permanently pastured) and half in winter (which dams did never acceded to pasture), were weighed, classified according to the EU classification system for light lambs, and their Longissimus lumborum meat was analysed for pH, colour, drip and cooking losses, proximate composition and fatty acids profile of intramuscular fat. Most of the carcasses fully responded to the 1st quality EU requirements and no effects of the rearing season was evident on carcass characteristics. On the contrary, L. lumborum of lambs born and reared in autumn, receiving milk from ewes permanently pastured, evidenced a lower Lightness L* (P=0.02), a higher Chroma C* (P=0.01), with a higher fat content (P=0.04) than lambs reared in winter, which dams were permanently stall-fed. Moreover the intramuscular fat of the former was characterized by a greater PUFA concentration (P=0.01), a more favourable n-6/n-3 ratio (Pb 0.001), and a higher CLA content (Pb0.001) than the latter, as a result of the difference related to the sheep traditional feeding system

    Ag-based thick-film front metallization of silicon solar cells

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    The evolution of microstructure and electrical properties of silver-based thick-film metallizations of silicon solar cells prepared by infrared firing processes has been ivestigated. The performance of the cells are shown to be dependent on several dynamical and diffusive phenomena. In particular, the sintering of silver grains, silver diffusion in the glassand the flow of gas at the metal/silicon interface strongly affect important characteristics of the cells such as sheet and contatct resistivities and the adhesion of fingers and bus bars. The existance of an optimum value of the peak firing temperature is observed and explained in terms of competitive phenomena occuring at the metal/silicon interface. Moreover it is shown that IR firing treatments require aa careful consideration of the sequence of printing anf firing steps. The features of heat treatments performed in conveyor belt furnaces using Joule and infrared sources are compared

    Knowledge and perspectives on the welfare of italian heavy pigs on farms

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    This review aims to give an overview of the most significant available information on welfare issues of Italian heavy pigs on farms. These animals, whose meat is used to produce typical products, are characterized by much higher body weights and age at slaughter (approximately 160\u2013170 kg, and 9 months of age) than most pigs reared in Europe, resulting in peculiar behavioral and rearing-related needs. To highlight the main findings and the areas in which additional research is needed, the paper was organized by allocating the studies on the basis of the Welfare Quality four principles framework, i.e., good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. The results indicate the possibility of improvement with regard to the management of feeding, watering, and some environmental parameters (light, thermal comfort, enrichments) and a lack of knowledge on the actual space requirements (and a corresponding regulatory gap). Moreover, deficiencies concerning the prevalence of injuries and disease and the relationship between lesions observed post-mortem and rearing conditions needs to be addressed. Lastly, the absence of research concerning the evaluation of the emotional state of animals has been highlighted. It is hoped that these findings will, in the future, serve as a basis for the development of specific policies for these animals in order to increase the ethical value of the entire production chain, in accordance with consumers\u2019 demand and expectation for high animal welfare standards

    Tail docking in pigs: a review on its short- and long-term consequences and effectiveness in preventing tail biting

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    In spite of European legislation attempting to limit this practice, tail docking is nowadays the only preventive measure against tail biting which is widely adopted by farmers. Docking consists in amputating, usually without anaesthesia or analgesia, the distal part of the tail, in order to reduce its attractiveness and to sensitize it, increasing avoidance behaviour in the bitten pig. Tail docking results in both acute and chronic effects on pig welfare, and its effectiveness in preventing tail biting is limited, since it reduces the symptoms of a behavioural disorder, but does not address the underlying causes. The aim of the present paper is to review the available literature on the effects of tail docking on swine welfare. Although from a practical standpoint the welfare risks arising from tail docking may appear to be negligible compared to those arising during and after tail biting outbreaks, it should be considered that, apart from acute physiological and behavioural responses, tail docking may also elicit long-term effects on weight gain, tail stump sensitivity and animal freedom to express their normal behaviour. Such chronic effects have been poorly investigated so far. Besides, studies evaluating the effectiveness of anaesthetics or analgesic treatments are often conflicting. Within this framework, further research is recommended in order to reduce the acute and chronic pain and discomfort experienced by the animals, until preventive measures (e.g., environmental enrichment, stocking densities) are broadly adopted to prevent tail biting

    Diversity among African Pygmies

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    Although dissimilarities in cranial and post-cranial morphology among African pygmies groups have been recognized, comparative studies on skull morphology usually pull all pygmies together assuming that morphological characters are similar among them and different with respect to other populations. The main aim of this study is to compare cranial morphology between African pygmies and non-pygmies populations from Equatorial Africa derived from both the Eastern and the Western regions in order to test if the greatest morphological difference is obtained in the comparison between pygmies and non-pygmies. Thirty three-dimensional (3D) landmarks registered with Microscribe in four cranial samples (Western and Eastern pygmies and non-pygmies) were obtained. Multivariate analysis (generalized Procrustes analysis, Mahalanobis distances, multivariate regression) and complementary dimensions of size were evaluated with ANOVA and post hoc LSD. Results suggest that important cranial shape differentiation does occur between pygmies and non-pygmies but also between Eastern and Western populations and that size changes and allometries do not affect similarly Eastern and Western pygmies. Therefore, our findings raise serious doubt about the fact to consider African pygmies as a homogenous group in studies on skull morphology. Differences in cranial morphology among pygmies would suggest differentiation after divergence. Although not directly related to skull differentiation, the diversity among pygmies would probably suggest that the process responsible for reduced stature occurred after the split of the ancestors of modern Eastern and Western pygmies

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make a Match Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 11 Dompas Kecamatan Bukit Batu

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    The research aims to improve the student\u27s learning result of social studies by applying cooperatif learning model make a match.The problem of this research is the weakness of student\u27s learning result of social studies from the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 11 Dompas,there are 20 students. The KKM of this school is 66, only 8 students (40.00%) were above the KKM, while 12 students (60.00%) are under the KKM, with the average value of the class is 64.70. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) by applying cooperative learning model make a match.At the first meeting, the activities of teachers percentage 54.16% enough category, then a second meeting increased to 70.83% both categories. Then at the first meeting of the second cycle increased to 83.33% category very good.the second meeting up again with a percentage of 91.66%. increased student activity each meeting. At the first meeting of the first cycle of student activity percentage is 41.66% enough category, then the second meeting of the second cycle increased to 66.66% both categories. At the first meeting of the second cycle increased to 83.33% very good category. At the second meeting increased again the percentage is 87.50% (very good). The average value of the basic score before implementation of cooperative learning make a match is 64.70. in the UHI learning result was 74.50 and then on the second cycle increased again which can be seen in UHII replay value with an average value of students was 79.50

    The effects of pressed sugar beet pulp silage (PBPS) and dairy whey on heavy pig production

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    The effects of pressed beet pulp silage (PBPS) replacing barley for 10% and 20% (DM basis) were studied on heavy pigs (60 Hypor pigs from 28 kg) fed dairy whey-diluted diets