1,221 research outputs found

    Representações teatrais e prática administrativa: François Cassoulet e o Teatro Carlos Gomes de Ribeirão Preto

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    Inquiring on the biography of entrepreneur François Cassoulet in Ribeirão Preto between 1896 and 1917 and its links with local sections of the ruling class, this article examines his own strategies regarding management of Carlos Gomes Theatre. Taking into account press sources published between 1905-1909 in local newspaper A Cidade regarding theatre and cinema, Carlos Gomes Theatre is analyzed as a special place regarding imaginary social constructs.A partir da inquietação com a trajetória biográfica do empresário François Cassoulet em Ribeirão Preto entre 1896 e 1917, e suas relações com as frações locais de classe dirigente, este artigo examina as suas estratégias na administração do Teatro Carlos Gomes. Com base nas matérias relativas a espetáculos teatrais e cinematográficos, publicadas entre os anos 1905 e 1909 no jornal local <em>A Cidade</em>, o Teatro Carlos Gomes é observado como um lugar especial de construção imaginária da sociedade


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    O artigo analisa algumas das características contidas nos resumos apresentados nas reuniões anuais da SBPC publicados sem seus Anais, no período de 1979 a 1993, sob os seguintes indicadores: a) variação anual do número de resumos apresentados, no período, na área de História; b) titulação do apresentador; c) e a participação das Universidades do Estado de São Paul


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar mudanças temporais em nível de comunidade e de população em dois fragmentos de Floresta Estacional Decidual ripária, na região do Alto Uruguai, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram instaladas sistematicamente 36 parcelas, distribuídas em faixas perpendiculares à margem do rio. O desenho amostral foi aplicado nos dois fragmentos, cada um contendo 18 parcelas com dimensões de 10 m x 20 m, onde foram amostrados os indivíduos com diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) igual ou maior a 5 cm. A vegetação foi inventariada nos anos de 2015 a 2019. As curvas de rarefação indicaram que não houve diferença de riqueza entre as ocasiões. A análise da dinâmica mostrou taxa de mudança em densidade de indivíduos positiva no primeiro ano de monitoramento, quando também ocorreu a maior variação líquida em área basal. Nos últimos dois anos a vegetação apresentou taxas de mudança negativas para densidade e dominância. Os resultados evidenciaram flutuações pouco expressivas na densidade, no número de espécies raras, na proporção de indivíduos e de espécies de cada grupo ecológico, bem como da distribuição diamétrica da comunidade e das espécies de maior valor de cobertura. As espécies que tiveram maior valor de cobertura foram Matayba elaeagnoides Radlk., Campomanesia xanthocarpa (Mart.) O.Berg, Gymnanthes klotzschiana Müll.Arg. e Actinostemon concolor (Spreng.) Müll.Arg., indicando que as mesmas são mais representativas nos fragmentos

    Sanidade, transmissão via semente e patogenicidade de fungos em sementes de Cedrela fissilis procedentes da região sul do Brasil

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050986617Researches about seed pathology of native forest species, especially, those more extensive, are rare. This research aims to evaluate the health of “cedro” (cedar) seeds through two detection methods, to evaluate the possible transmission of fungi Cedrela fissilis seeds to seedlings and to evaluate the pathogenicity of the fungus transmitted by Cedrela fissilis seeds. For this, seeds from six different locations from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná states were used. The seeds were submitted to sanity tests, by blotter-test and potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) methods, transmission by seeds to the seedlings and to the pathogenicity test of Rhizoctonia sp., chosen because it was common in sanity testing and transmitted by seed. The fungi found in both of the methods were: Pestalotia sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Penicillium sp., Phomopsis sp., Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium sp. Both tests can be used for the sanity test in Cedrela fissilis seeds. The fungi transmitted by seeds to the seedlings were Fusarium sp. and Rhizoctonia sp., both causing problems in roots and subsequent damping-off. One of the isolates of Rhizoctonia sp. was identified as pathogenic to seedlings, causing the same symptoms observed on transmission test.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050986617Pesquisas relacionadas à patologia de sementes de espécies florestais nativas, especialmente aquelas mais aprofundadas, são escassas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sanidade das sementes de cedro através de dois métodos de detecção, avaliar a transmissão de fungos associados às sementes para as plântulas e avaliar a patogenicidade de fungos associados às sementes e transmitidos para as plântulas. Para tanto, sementes de seis procedências, dentre os estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná, foram utilizadas. Estas foram submetidas a testes de sanidade, pelos métodos do papel-filtro e batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA), a teste de transmissão via sementes para as plântulas e a teste de patogenicidade de isolados de Rhizoctonia sp., patógeno escolhido por ser o mais frequente nos testes de sanidade e transmitido via semente. Os fungos encontrados em ambos os testes foram: Pestalotia sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Penicillium sp., Phomopsis sp., Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp. e Fusarium sp. Ambos os métodos podem ser utilizados para teste de sanidade em sementes de cedro. Os fungos transmitidos via semente para plântula foram Fusarium sp. e Rhizoctonia sp., sendo que, estes causaram danos nas raízes e posterior tombamento. Foi identificado um isolado de Rhizoctonia sp. patogênico para plântulas de cedro, causando os mesmos sintomas relatados no teste de transmissão

    Red beetroot extract accelerates recovery of nonlinear dynamics of heart rate variability following exercise: A randomized trial

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    Introduction: Studying the behavior on nonlinear HRV indexes in situations mediated by exercise may reveal other ways to analyze HRV recovery after stress situations. To investigate the acute effects of beet extract on autonomic recovery following an acute resistance exercise session. Methods: This is a randomized, crossover, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. We assessed 12 healthy male adults who participated in two protocols in randomized days: Beetroot extract (600mg in capsule) and Placebo (600mg in capsule). Both protocols were applied 120 minutes prior to an exercise resistance session (75% 1RM). Nonlinear dynamics of HRV (Symbolic analysis, SampEn, DFA and HR fragmentation) were studied before, during exercise and during recovery from strength exercise. Results: Beetroot extract protocol intensified the recovery of the symbolic analysis of HRV via index 0V% (zero opposite variations) and 2UV% (two unlike variations); accelerating the recovery of fractal analysis (DFA); nevertheless, it was unable to trigger changes during recovery in SampEn and HR fragmentation. Conclusion: Ingestion of beetroot extract prior to resistance exercise improves nonlinear HRV dynamical autonomic recovery following physical effort


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    Pesquisas relacionadas \ue0 patologia de sementes de esp\ue9cies florestais nativas, especialmente aquelas mais aprofundadas, s\ue3o escassas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sanidade das sementes de cedro atrav \ue9s de dois m \ue9todos de detec\ue7\ue3o, avaliar a transmiss\ue3o de fungos associados \ue0s sementes para as pl\ue2ntulas e avaliar a patogenicidade de fungos associados \ue0s sementes e transmitidos para as pl\ue2ntulas. Para tanto, sementes de seis proced \ueancias, dentre os estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paran\ue1, foram utilizadas. Estas foram submetidas a testes de sanidade, pelos m \ue9todos do papel-filtro e batata-dextrose\ue1gar (BDA), a teste de transmiss\ue3o via sementes para as pl\ue2ntulas e a teste de patogenicidade de isolados de Rhizoctonia sp., pat\uf3geno escolhido por ser o mais frequente nos testes de sanidade e transmitido via semente. Os fungos encontrados em ambos os testes foram: Pestalotia sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Penicillium sp., Phomopsis sp., Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp. e Fusarium sp. Ambos os m \ue9todos podem ser utilizados para teste de sanidade em sementes de cedro. Os fungos transmitidos via semente para pl \ue2ntula foram Fusarium sp. e Rhizoctonia sp., sendo que, estes causaram danos nas ra \uedzes e posterior tombamento. Foi identificado um isolado de Rhizoctonia sp. patog \ueanico para pl\ue2ntulas de cedro, causando os mesmos sintomas relatados no teste de transmiss\ue3o.Researches about seed pathology of native forest species, especially, those more extensive, are rare. This research aims to evaluate the health of Spanish-cedar seeds through two detection methods, to evaluate the possible transmission of fungi associated to Cedrela fissilis seeds to seedlings and to evaluate the pathogenicity of the fungus transmitted by Cedrela fissilis seeds. For this, seeds from six different locations from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paran\ue1 states were used. The seeds were submitted to sanity tests, by blotter-test and potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) methods, transmission by seeds to the seedlings and to the pathogenicity test of Rhizoctonia sp., chosen because it was common in sanity testing and transmitted by seed. The fungi found in both of the methods were: Pestalotia sp., Rhizoctoniasp., Penicillium sp., Phomopsis sp., Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium sp. Both tests can be used for the sanity test in Cedrela fissilis seeds. The fungi transmitted by seeds to the seedlings were Fusariumsp. and Rhizoctonia sp., both causing problems in roots and subsequent damping-off. One of the isolates of Rhizoctonia sp. was identified as pathogenic to seedlings, causing the same symptoms observed on transmission test

    The ITASAT – The Lessons Learned from the Mission Concept to the Operation

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    The ITASAT Project was initiated as an effort of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) and the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) to train human resources to the Aerospace sector due to the lack of experience of the students in practical projects in the aerospace segment in Brazil. In this effort students were challenged to design, build and operate a satellite in a hands-on project. Along the project years several changes happened on the satellite configuration, going through a 100 kg satellite to a 6U CubeSat and this last configuration was designed, assembled and tested. In December ITASAT was launched and since its launch has been tracked and operated by the ground operation team. In this paper we will discuss the lessons learned during the project, since the decision to change the satellite size and re-thinking the scope of the project objectives, focusing on system engineering, Assembly Integration and Testing (AIT), Verification and Validation (V&V) and ground operations. The paper will present the challenges of the group of students in this hands-on project, the mistakes and hits along the project phases

    Red beetroot extract accelerates recovery of nonlinear dynamics of heart rate variability following exercise : a randomized trial

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    Introduction: Studying the behavior on nonlinear HRV indexes in situations mediated by exercise may reveal other ways to analyze HRV recovery after stress situations. To investigate the acute effects of beet extract on autonomic recovery following an acute resistance exercise session. Methods: This is a randomized, crossover, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. We assessed 12 healthy male adults who participated in two protocols in randomized days: Beetroot extract (600mg in capsule) and Placebo (600mg in capsule). Both protocols were applied 120 minutes prior to an exercise resistance session (75% 1RM). Nonlinear dynamics of HRV (Symbolic analysis, SampEn, DFA and HR fragmentation) were studied before, during exercise and during recovery from strength exercise. Results: Beetroot extract protocol intensified the recovery of the symbolic analysis of HRV via index 0V% (zero opposite variations) and 2UV% (two unlike variations); accelerating the recovery of fractal analysis (DFA); nevertheless, it was unable to trigger changes during recovery in SampEn and HR fragmentation. Conclusion: Ingestion of beetroot extract prior to resistance exercise improves nonlinear HRV dynamical autonomic recovery following physical effort