1,462 research outputs found

    The negligence and lazy of the administration: The greatest danger to the conservation of unique sites of exceptional preservation

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    An example is given of one of the most important sites in the Spanish fossil record, such as the almost a hundred moulds of ancient jellyfish of hydrozoan Medusozoa, Cnidaria, exceptionally preserved in an arkosic greywacke bedding plane of the Corduban/Terreneuvian Epoch (lowermost Cambrian) in the municipal district of Constantina (Seville). In spite of its scientific-patrimonial importance and the fact that it has been brought to the attention of the Andalusian autonomous administration for more than twenty-five years, it has still not been the object of an adequate legal protection figure. This lack of interest or bureaucratic slowness is causing an irreparable loss in many of its elements affected by erosion and the passage of time. A series of urgent actions are also proposed to mitigate the current deterioration of the site and favour its conservation. Se expone el ejemplo de uno de los yacimientos más importantes del registro fósil español como son los casi cien moldes externos de antiguas medusas de Medusoz oa, Cnidaria, tipo hidrozoo, conservadas en el techo de un estrato de grauvacas arcósicas de edad Cordubiense/Terreneuviense (Cámbrico inferior temprano), en el término municip al de Constantina (Sevilla). A pesar de su excepcional idad científi co-patrimonial y de haber sido puesto en co nocimiento de la administración autonómica andaluza desde hace más de veinticinco años, todavía no ha sido objeto de una fi gura de protección legal adecuada. Esta falta de interés o de lentitud burocrática está ocasionando una pérdida irreparabl e en muchos de sus elementos, afectados por la erosión y el paso del tiempo

    Comment on "Theory and computer simulation for the equation of state of additive hard-disk fluid mixtures"

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    A flaw in the comparison between two different theoretical equations of state for a binary mixture of additive hard disks and Monte Carlo results, as recently reported in C. Barrio and J. R. Solana, Phys. Rev. E 63, 011201 (2001), is pointed out. It is found that both proposals, which require the equation of state of the single component system as input, lead to comparable accuracy but the one advocated by us [A. Santos, S. B. Yuste, and M. L\'{o}pez de Haro, Mol. Phys. 96, 1 (1999)] is simpler and complies with the exact limit in which the small disks are point particles.Comment: 4 pages, including 1 figur

    Морфологічні аспекти реакції тиротропів аденогіповіза, як наслідок хронічної інтоксикації малими дозами пестициду 2,4 Д

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    В работе представлены результаты исследований структурно-функциональных изменений тиротропных клеток аденогипофиза в условиях пестицидной интоксикации различной длительности.In this work we prove the presente the results of structural estimation of the functional state of the adenohypophysis in different periods of pesticide intoxication increase

    Factors Involved In Dentistry Absenteeism Since The Foundation Of The Labor Court From 1986 To 2008

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    Aim: To identify the most important factors involved in dentistry absenteeism since the foundation of the Labor Court in Campinas, SP, Brazil, until December 2008; to verify if there was a decrease in dentistry absenteeism after the introduction of the dental service in the headquarters of the Court; to verify if dentistry absenteeism is greater in the others cities of the region compared with the city of Campinas. Methods: The information was collected from the dental statements of the archives of the Health Department of the Labor Court. Collected information included: International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), gender, age, function, origin of the statements, period of the absenteeism and year when the absence occurred. Results: 3,084 health files from server group (2,741) and judges (343) were reviewed. The results indicated: higher prevalence of female gender, higher frequency in the age group from 30 to 40 years old and the smallest frequency in the age group upper from 60 years old. It was found an average sick-leave period of 1.93 days. According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10, the most prevalent dental problems found in this study were: K01 (25.78%), K04 (10.57%) and K05 (6.37%). Conclusions: The results of this study pointed to lower rates of absenteeism than the results found in the literature. The introduction of the dental service did not have influence on the rates of absenteeism of the area; however it influenced the absenteeism rates in the city of Campinas (headquarters of the Court).114492504Araújo, M.E., Marcucci, G., Study of the prevalence of oral manifestations caused by chemical agents in the electroplating process: its importance to the area of oral health worker (2000) Odont Soc, 2, pp. 20-25Macedo, C.G., Queluz, D.P., Quality of life and self-perceived oral health among workers from a furniture industry (2011) Braz J Oral Sci, 10, pp. 226-232(2012), http://www2.camara.leg.br/legin/fed/decret/2009/decreto-6856-25-maio-2009-588402-norma-pe.html, Brasil, Decree number 6856 of May 25, 2009. Legislation on frequency of health examinationsFerreira, R.A., The value of oral health in companies (1995) Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent, 49, pp. 96-107Midorikawa, E.T., Odontology in worker's health as a new professional specialty: definition of the activity field and functions of the surgeon dentist in worker's health team [doctor thesis] (2000) São Paulo: Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de São Paulo;, p. 337Hollister, M.C., Weintraub, J.A., The association of oral status with systemic health, quality of life, and economic productivity (1993) J Dent Educ, 57, pp. 901-912Schou, L., Oral health promotion at worksites (1989) Int Dent J, 39, pp. 122-128Locker, D., Grushka, M., The impact of dental and facial pain (1987) J Dent Res, 66, pp. 1414-1417Locker, D., Grushka, M., Prevalence of oral and facial pain and discomfort: preliminary results of a mail survey (1987) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 15, pp. 169-172Hooper, H.A., Dental services in industry: observations on their effects in the reduction on absenteeism (1942) Industrial Medicine, 11, pp. 157-162Bailit, H., Beazoglou, T., Hoffman, W., (1982) Work loss and dental disease Report to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, , University of Connecticut Health Center;Hanebuth, D., Meinel, M., Fisher, J.E.F., Health-related quality of life, psychosocial work conditions, and absenteeism in an industrial sample of blue- and white-collar employees: a comparison of potential predictors (2006) J Occup Environ Med, 48, pp. 28-37Kivimäki, M., Head, J., Ferrie, J.E., Shipley, M.J., Vahtera, J., Marmo, M.G., Sickness absence as a global measure of health: evidence from mortality in the Whitehall II prospective cohort study (2003) BMJ, 327, pp. 364-368Davey, M.M., Cummings, G., Newburn-Cook, C.V., LoE, A., Predictors of nurse absenteeism in hospitals: a systematic review (2009) J Nurs Manag, 17, pp. 312-330Biron, M., Bamberger, P., Aversive workplace conditions and absenteeism: taking referent group norms and supervisor support into account (2012) J Appl Psychol, 97, pp. 901-912Griep, R.H., Rotenberg, L., Chor, D., Toivanen, S., Landisbergis, P., Beyond simple approaches to studying the association between work characteristics and absenteeism: combining DCS and ERI models (2010) Work Stress, 24, pp. 179-195Kristensen, T.R., Jensen, S.M., Kreiner, S., Mikkelsen, S., Socioeconomic status and duration and pattern of sickness absence: a 1-year follow-up study of 2331hospital employees (2010) BMC Public Health, 10, p. 643Markham, S.E., McKee, G.H., Declining organizational size and increasing unemployment rates: Predicting employee absenteeism from within- and between-plant perspectives (1991) Acad Manage J, 34, pp. 952-965Pearce, N., The ecological fallacy strikes back (2000) J Epidemiol Community Health, 54, pp. 326-327Probst, T.M., Safety and insecurity: Exploring the moderating effect of organizational safety climate (2004) J Occup Health Psychol, 9, pp. 3-10Queluz, D.P., Labour Dentistry: a new specialty in Dentistry (2005) Braz J Oral Sci, 4, pp. 766-772Nardi, A., Michel-Crosato, E., Biazevic, M.G.H., Crosato, E., Pizzatto, E., Queluz, D.P., Relationship between orofacial pain and absenteeism among workers in Southern Brazil (2009) Braz J Oral Sci, 8, pp. 50-54Macedo, C.G., Queluz, D.P., Medical and dental absenteeism in workers from a furniture industry in Itatiba, SP (2010) Brazil. Braz J Oral Sci., 9, pp. 443-448Tausig, M., Fenwick, R., (2011) Work and mental health in a social context, , New York, NY: SpringerShoss, M.K., Penney, L.M., The Economy and Absenteeism: A Macro-Level Study (2012) J Appl Psychol, 97 (4), pp. 881-889Anderson, R.A., Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinoligy, , http://findarticles.com/p/particles/mim01SW/is2003-april, [Cited 2012 Jun]Prevalence of mental disorders in Europe: results from the European study of the epidemiology of mental disorders (ESEMeD), project (2004) cta Psychiatr, Scand, 109 (SUPPL. 1), pp. 21-27Disability and quality of life impact of mental disorders in Europe: results from the European study of the epidemiology of mental disorders (ESEMeD) (2004) Acta Psychiatr, Scand, 109 (SUPPL. 1), pp. 38-46Hensing, G., Wahlström, R., Sickness absence and psychiatric disorders (2004) Scand J Public Health, 32 (SUPPL. 63), pp. 152-180Hensing, G., Andersson, L., Brage, S., Increase in sickness absence with psychiatric diagnosis in Norway: a general population-based epidemiologic study of age, gender and regional distribution (2006) BMC Med, 4, p. 19Primo, G.M.G., O perfil dos trabalhadores seu adoecimento e absenteísmo em um hospital público universitário [dissertation] Belo Horizonte (2008) Universidade federal de Minas Gerais;(2012), http://www.jusbrasil.com.br/legislacao/103635/lei-7520-86, Brasil, Law number 7520 of July 15, 1986. Creates the 15th Region of the Labour Court, establishing the appropriate Regional Attorney of the Public Prosecution of the Union to the Labor Court, and other measures(2012), http://ww.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/Leis/L8112cons.htm, Brazil, Law No. 8,112, from 11 December 1990. Describes the legal situation of public civil servants of the country, autonomous federal agencies and public federal foundations. Diario Oficial Uniao. 1990 Dec 1 23935. [Cited 2012 Jnun](1997), p. 1191. , World Health Organization ICD-10: international statistical classification of diseases and related health, problems., 5.ed., Sao Paulo: Edusp;Bezroukov, V., The application of the International Classification of Diseases to dentistry and stomatology (1979) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 7, pp. 21-24Silva, L.S., Pinheiro, T.M.M., Sakurai, E., Absenteeism profile in state bank in Minas Gerais between 1998 a 2003 (2008) Cienc Saude Col, 13 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 2049-2058Mazzilli, E.L.N., (2003) Labor Dentistry, , São Paulo: SantosMartins, R.J., Absenteeism reasons for dental and medical services in the public and private sectors (2005) Rev Bras Saude Ocup, 30, pp. 9-15Diacov, N., Lima, J.R.S., Absenteeism Dental (1988) Rev Odontol UNESP, 17, pp. 183-189Hito, S.C., Working conditions and dental absenteeism in a meatpacking industry in Brazil: a contribution to the management of occupational health (2007) [Master's degree dissertation], , São Paulo: Centro Universitário SENACLima, J.R., (1997) Absenteeism because dentalcomparative analysis between officials of the Municipality of São José dos Campos and policyholders of National Institute of Social Security - INAMPS;, , http://www.odontologia.com.br/artigos.asp, [Access 2012 Jun]Salvador, P., Tonhá, S.Q., (2006) Quantitative analysis of licenses for treatment of the very health of servers Court of Audit: support for a model of periodic health, , [monoFigurey] Brasília: Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Ciências da Informação, Universidade de Brasília(1971) Calle Rovirego B- El trabajo de la, mujer., In: Instituto Nacional de, Previdenciên., , Tratado de hygiene y seguridad del, trabajo, Madrid;Silva, D.M.P.P., Marziale, M.H.P., (2000) Rev. 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Panam, 41, pp. 526-530Couto, H.A., Occupational health issues: collection of notebooks Ergo (1987) Belo Horizonte: Ergo, p. 432Danatro, D., Ausentismo laboral de causa médica en una institución pública (1997) Rev. Med. Uruguay, 13, pp. 101-109Bispo, P., (2002) Company achieves low level of absenteeism;, , http://carreiraseempregos.com.br/comunidades//Rh/fiquepordentro/311002_rh_casaverde.shtm, [Access 2012 Jun]http://www.cfo.org.br, Federal Dentistry Council [Access 2012 Jun

    Quantum vacuum fluctuations and dark energy

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    It is shown that the curvature of space-time induced by vacuum fluctuations of quantum fields should be proportional to the square of Newton's constant GG. This offers a possible explanation for the success of the approximation Gm6c2h4G m^6 c^2 h^{-4} for the dark energy density, with mm being a typical mass of elementary particles.Comment: Changed conten

    Dark energy as a curvature of space-time induced by quantum vacuum fluctuations

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    It is shown that quantum vacuum fluctuations give rise to a curvature of space-time of the order appropriate to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. The fact that the fluctuations produce curvature, even if the expectation of the vacuum energy vanishes, is a consequence of the non-linear character of the Einstein equation. A calculation is made, involving plausible hypotheses within quantized gravity, which establishes a relation between the two-point correlation of the vacuum fluctuations and the space-time curvature.Comment: Accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Seminal quality, testicle and epididymis morphology of bulls fed a diet containing gossypol

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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of intake of free gossypol on sperm quality and morphology of the testicles and epididymis of Nelore bulls. Twelve bulls were fed diets containing 3.3g of free gossypol/bull/day (cottonseed) (Group 1, n = 6) and a diet free of gossypol (Group 2, n = 6), respectively. Semen samples were collected in the beginning and end of the experiment which lasted 73 days. In the end of the study the testes and epididymis of bulls were removed to study the effect of free gossypol on histological characteristics. The average consumption of 3.3g of free gossypol/bull/day (mean 7.1mg of free gossypol/kg/day) reduced motility and sperm concentration and increased the percentage of major and total sperm defects, as well as the animals showing testes with seminiferous tubules of smaller thickness, fewer layers of spermatogenic lineage cells, smaller epididymal epithelium thickness and smaller number of sperm within the epididymal ducts, compared to animals with a diet free of gossypol (Group 2). The consumption of 3.3g of free gossypol/bull/day led to changes in morphology and morphometry of the testes and epididymis and reduced sperm quality of bulls.Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da ingestão de gossipol livre sobre a qualidade espermática e a morfologia dos testículos e dos epidídimos de touros da raça Nelore. Doze touros receberam dieta contendo 3,3g de gossipol livre/touro/dia (caroço de algodão) (Grupo 1, n=6) e dieta isenta de gossipol (Grupo 2, n=6), respectivamente. Foram realizadas coletas de sêmen no início e no final do experimento, que teve duração de 73 dias. Ao final do estudo, foram retirados os testículos e os epidídimos dos touros para se estudar o efeito do gossipol livre sobre as características histológicas. O consumo médio de 3,3g de gossipol livre/touro/dia (média 7,1mg de gossipol livre/kg/dia) reduziu a motilidade e a concentração espermática e aumentou a porcentagem de defeitos espermáticos maiores e totais. Além disso, os animais apresentaram testículos com túbulos seminíferos de menor espessura de parede, menor número de camadas de células espermatogênicas, menor espessura do epitélio epididimário e menor número de espermatozoide no interior dos ductos epidídimários, em relação aos animais com dieta isenta de gossipol (Grupo 2). O consumo de 3,3g de gossipol livre/touro/dia acarretou alterações na morfologia e na morfometria dos testículos e dos epidídimos e reduziu a qualidade espermática dos touros.Universidade de Cuiabá Faculdade de Medicina VeterináriaUFMS Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaEpamigUniversidade Federal do Mato GrossoUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Nevoid Basal-cell Syndrome: Literature Review And Case Report In A Family.

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    The Nevoid Basal-Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCC), or as it is also referred to, basal-cell nevus syndrome or Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, is characterized by multiple early-appearing basal cell carcinomas, keratocytosis of the mandible, and anomalies of the ocular, skeletal reproductive system. We describe four patients in the same family, all of them possessing a large number of skin tumors associated with other typical clinical and X-Ray anomalies of NBCC. The definitive treatment of NBCC has yet to be established, however, early diagnosis is very important as well as the periodical follow-up examination of ten patients, mainly due to the transformations in the skin lesions that may occur.113391792

    Energy Conditions in f(G)f(G) Modified Gravity with Non-minimal Coupling to Matter

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    In this paper we study a model of modified gravity with non-minimal coupling between a general function of the Gauss-Bonnet invariant, f(G)f(G), and matter Lagrangian from the point of view of the energy conditions. Such model has been introduced in Ref. [21] for description of early inflation and late-time cosmic acceleration. We present the suitable energy conditions for the above mentioned model and then, we use the estimated values of the Hubble, deceleration and jerk parameters to apply the obtained energy conditions to the specific class of modified Gauss-Bonnet models.Comment: 12 pages, no figur, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Distribution of non-AT(1), non-AT(2) binding of (125)I-Sarcosine(1), Isoleucine(8) angiotensin II in neurolysin knockout mouse brains

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    The recent identification of a novel binding site for angiotensin (Ang) II as the peptidase neurolysin (E.C. has implications for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This report describes the distribution of specific binding of 125I-Sarcosine1, Isoleucine8 Ang II (125I-SI Ang II) in neurolysin knockout mouse brains compared to wild-type mouse brains using quantitative receptor autoradiography. In the presence of p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB), which unmasks the novel binding site, widespread distribution of specific (3 microM Ang II displaceable) 125I-SI Ang II binding in 32 mouse brain regions was observed. Highest levels of binding >700 fmol/g initial wet weight were seen in hypothalamic, thalamic and septal regions, while the lowest level of binding <300 fmol/g initial wet weight was in the mediolateral medulla. 125I-SI Ang II binding was substantially higher by an average of 85% in wild-type mouse brains compared to neurolysin knockout brains, suggesting the presence of an additional non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin Ang II binding site in the mouse brain. Binding of 125I-SI Ang II to neurolysin in the presence of PCMB was highest in hypothalamic and ventral cortical brain regions, but broadly distributed across all regions surveyed. Non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin binding was also highest in the hypothalamus but had a different distribution than neurolysin. There was a significant reduction in AT2 receptor binding in the neurolysin knockout brain and a trend towards decreased AT1 receptor binding. In the neurolysin knockout brains, the size of the lateral ventricles was increased by 56% and the size of the mid forebrain (-2.72 to +1.48 relative to Bregma) was increased by 12%. These results confirm the identity of neurolysin as a novel Ang II binding site, suggesting that neurolysin may play a significant role in opposing the pathophysiological actions of the brain RAS and influencing brain morphology