258 research outputs found
O esporte em Ilhéus e a consolidação do Instituto Geográfico e Histórico da Bahia (1921)
This paper discusses the first intercity soccer tournament of the state of Bahia that took place in 1921 and its relationship with the campaign for the construction of the Geographical and Historical Institute of Bahia (IGHB). Research is based on an analysis of periodicals of that time and a dialogue with the literature on that topic. The narrative shows how the participation of the municipality of Ilhéus in the event offered an opportunity to assert its commitment to the ideals of modernization and civilization, which were valued by Bahia’s society at that time. It was also investigated how this participation contributed to the process of consolidation of the sport in Ilhéus and its approximation with the sporting scene of the state capital.Este estudio analiza el primer torneo intermunicipal de fútbol del estado de Bahia, realizado en 1921, y su relación con la campaña para la construcción del Instituto Geográfico e Histórico de Bahia (IGHB). La investigación se basa en el análisis de publicaciones periódicas de la época y en el diálogo con la bibliografía sobre ese tema. La narrativa muestra cómo la participación del municipio de Ilhéus en el evento representó una oportunidad para reafirmar su compromiso con los ideales de modernización y civilización, valorados por la sociedad de Bahia en ese momento histórico. Se trata de conocer cómo esta participación contribuyó con el proceso de consolidación del deporte en Ilhéus y con su acercamiento al escenario deportivo de la capital del estado.Este estudo explora a ocorrência do primeiro torneio intermunicipal baiano de futebol de 1921 e sua relação com a campanha para a construção do Instituto Geográfico e Histórico da Bahia (IGHB). A investigação tem por base a análise de periódicos da época e o diálogo com a bibliografia sobre o tema. A narrativa evidencia como a participação do município de Ilhéus no evento representou uma oportunidade para afirmar seu compromisso com os ideais de modernização e civilização, valorizados pela sociedade baiana da época. Também averioguou-se como essa participação contribuiu para o processo de consolidação do esporte em Ilhéus e sua aproximação com o cenário esportivo da capital do estado
Evaluation of the agreement by examiners according to classifications of third molars
Objectives. This study recorded and evaluated the intra- and inter-group agreement degree by different examiners for the classification of lower third molars according to both the Winter's and Pell and Gregory's systems. Study Design. An observational and cross-sectional study was realized with forty lower third molars analyzed from twenty digital panoramic radiographs. Four examiner groups (undergraduates, maxillofacial surgeons, oral radiologists and clinical dentists) from Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil, classified them in relation to angulation, class and position. The variance test (ANOVA) was applied in the examiner findings with significance level of p<0.05 and confidence intervals of 95%. Results. Intra- and inter-group agreement was observed in Winter's classification system among all examiners. Pell and Gregory's classification system showed an average intra-group agreement and a statistical significant difference to position variable in inter-group analysis with greater disagreement to the clinical dentists group (p<0.05). Conclusions. High reproducibility was associated to Winter's classification, whereas the system proposed by Pell and Gregory did not demonstrate appropriate levels of reliability. © Medicina Oral
Perception of the pregnant women of the family health program in relation to the oral health in Ribeirópolis, Sergipe, Brasil
RESUMO - O presente trabalho objetivou compreender a percepção das gestantes do Programa Saúde da Família em relação aos problemas bucais e ao tratamento odontológico na gestação, no município de Ribeirópolis-SE. Foram entrevistadas 41 gestantes, utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista com questões abertas e fechadas, e a análise dos resultados foi desenvolvida através de metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa. Os resultados mostraram que a grande maioria das gestantes acreditam em mitos e crenças enraizados na cultura popular, no que se refere principalmente a prejuízos à saúde bucal decorrentes da gestação e à contraindicação do tratamento odontológico na gravidez. Concluiu-se que os profissionais das equipes de saúde devem buscar desmistificar tais mitos e crenças, priorizando ações de promoção de saúde que conduzam à melhoria da saúde bucal e qualidade de vida tanto da mãe quanto dos seus filhos.ABSTRACT - The present work aimed to understand the perception of pregnant women in the Family Health Program related to the oral problems and dental treatment during gestation, in the city of Ribeirópolis-SE. Forty-one pregnant women were interviewed based on direct or indirect questions by following a script, and the analysis of this results were developed through quantitative and qualitative methodology. The results indicated that the great majority of pregnant women worry about myths and beliefs truly mixed into the local popular culture namely the damages of oral health care during gestation and the contraindication of any odontology treatment in pregnancy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta a história do desenvolvimento futebolístico em Ilhéus, com diálogos teórico-metodológicos e investigações documentais, elegendo o periódico “Correio de Ilhéos” como fonte. A vida estrutural, econômica e civilizacional da cidade modificara, devido ao sucesso da cacauicultura, refletindo uma organização urbana embrionária e customizada de novas práticas de lazer que atendiam a uma minoria privilegiada. As relações comerciais e diplomáticas com os ingleses estavam imersas nesta dinâmica, tendo o porto e a estrada de ferro papéis importantes. Assim, a urbe deparou-se com duas pelejas de caráter exclusivo, com entrelaços internacionais, realizadas entre os esportistas locais e os tripulantes de um navio de guerra britânico nos momentos finais do terceiro decênio do século XX.Palavras-chave: Esportes; Ilhéus; Ingleses; Futebol. International confrontations:Ilhéus’ residents versus British crewmen from the Delhi warship in 1930 Abstract: This paper presents the history of soccer development in Ilhéus, with theoretical-methodological dialogues and documental investigations, with the selection of the newspaper “Correio de Ilhéos” as the source. The structural, economic, and civilizational life of the city was modified, because of the success of cocoa cultivation, reflecting an incipient and customized urban organization of new leisure practices for a privileged minority. Business and diplomatic relations with the English were immersed in such a dynamic, and the port and the railway. Therefore, the city faced two struggles of exclusive nature, internationally intertwined, between local sportsmen and the crewmen of a British warship in the final moments of the 20th century third decade. Keywords: Sports; Ilhéus; British; Soccer. Juegos internacionales:ilheenses versus tripulantes británicos del buque de guerra Delhi en 1930 Resumen: Este artículo presenta la historia del desarrollo del fútbol en Ilhéus, con diálogos teórico-metodológicos e investigaciones documentales, con la selección del periódico “Correio de Ilhéos” como fuente. La vida estructural, económica y civilizatoria de la ciudad se modificó, a raíz del éxito del cultivo del cacao, reflejando una incipiente y personalizada organización urbana de nuevas prácticas de ocio para una minoría privilegiada. Las relaciones comerciales y diplomáticas con los ingleses estaban inmersas en tal dinámica, al igual que el puerto y el ferrocarril. Por tanto, la ciudad enfrentó dos luchas de carácter excluyente, entrelazadas internacionalmente, entre deportistas locales y tripulantes de un buque de guerra británico en los momentos finales de la tercera década del siglo XX.Palabras clave: Deportes; Ilhéus; Británicos; Fútbol
Prediction of postoperative facial swelling, pain and trismus following third molar surgery based on preoperative variables
Objective: This paper investigates the relationship between preoperative findings and short-term outcome in third molar surgery. Study design: A prospective study was carried out involving 80 patients who required 160 surgical extractions of impacted mandibular third molars between January 2009 and December 2010. All extractions were performed under local anesthesia by the same dental surgeon. Swelling and maximal inter-incisor distance were measured at 48 h and on the 7th day postoperatively. Mean visual analogue pain scores were determined at four different time periods. Results: One-hundred eight (67.5%) of the 160 extractions were performed on male subjects and 52 (32.5%) were performed on female subjects. Median age was 22.46 years. The amount of facial swelling varied depending on gender and operating time. Trismus varied depending on gender, operating time and tooth sectioning. The influence of age, gender and operating time varied depending on the pain evaluation period (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Short-term outcomes of third molar operations (swelling, trismus and pain) differ depending on the patients' characteristics (age, gender and body mass index). Moreover, surgery characteristics such as operating time and tooth sectioning were also associated with postoperative variables
Odontogenic tumors: clinical and pathology study of 238 cases
SummaryOdontogenic tumors are neoplasms that develops exclusively in the gnathic bones; they originate from odontogenic tissues, by epithelial or mesenchymal proliferation, or both.AimTo evaluate the incidence of odontogenic tumors in a specific institution, and to compare these findings with other studies in the literature.Study formatA cross-sectional cohort retrospective study.Material and methodThe sample was obtained from the files of patients with odontogenic tumors diagnosed between January 1992 and March 2007 (15 years). Cases in which the diagnosis could be adapted to the new World Health Organization (WHO) of 2005 were included. Data such as gender, age, anatomical site, histological type and symptomatology were analyzed.ResultsOdontogenic tumors were 4.76% of all biopsied lesions within the studied period. The mean age was 30.7 years; 57% of the patients were male. The keratocystic odontogenic tumor was the most prevalent histological type (30%), followed by the ameloblastoma (23,7%). The rate of asymptomatic cases was 75.7%.ConclusionOdontogenic tumors occurred more frequently in females, in the second and third decades of life, and more commonly in the mandible; most cases were asymptomatic
Objetivo: compreender os significados e metáforas da Covid-19 na experiência de homens que tiveram a doença. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado em ambiente virtual envolvendo 75 homens adultos, residentes no Brasil, sobreviventes da Covid-19, recrutados nas redes sociais Facebook® e Instagram®. Os dados foram coletados em resposta a um instrumento disponibilizado no Google Forms®. Os dados foram submetidos à análise lexical e à análise temática, e interpretados à luz da socioantropologia da doença. Resultados: do conteúdo temático emergiram três categorias: Percepção de vulnerabilidade à morte; As dores dos sintomas da doença e do isolamento; e Significados atribuídos à doença e ao adoecer. Conclusão: os homens elaboram metáforas da Covid 19 como um mal que os surpreende, desestrutura suas vidas e os isola. Posicionam-na como um sujeito perigoso de tal forma que a discriminação provoca mais sofrimento do que as manifestações clínicas.
Descritores: COVID-19. Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida. Estigma Social. Vulnerabilidade. Homens
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