53,213 research outputs found

    MIMAC-He3 : A Micro-TPC Matrix of Chambers of He3 for direct detection of Wimps

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    The project of a micro-TPC matrix of chambers of \hetrois for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter is presented. The privileged properties of He3 are highlighted. The double detection (ionization - projection of tracks) is explained and its rejection evaluated. The potentialities of MIMAC-He3 for supersymmetric dark matter search are discussed.Comment: to appear in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2005), Zaragoza, Sept. 200

    Disc formation in turbulent cloud cores: Circumventing the magnetic braking catastrophe

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    We present collapse simulations of strongly magnetised, 100 M_sun, turbulent cloud cores. Around the protostars formed during the collapse Keplerian discs with typical sizes of up to 100 AU build up in contrast to previous simulations neglecting turbulence. Analysing the condensations in which the discs form, we show that the magnetic flux loss is not sufficient to explain the build-up of Keplerian discs. The average magnetic field is strongly inclined to the disc which might reduce the magnetic braking efficiency. However, the main reason for the reduced magnetic braking efficiency is the highly disordered magnetic field in the surroundings of the discs. Furthermore, due to the lack of a coherently rotating structure in the turbulent environment of the disc no toroidal magnetic field necessary for angular momentum extraction can build up. Simultaneously the angular momentum inflow remains high due to local shear flows created by the turbulent motions. We suggest that the "magnetic braking catastrophe" is an artefact of the idealised non-turbulent initial conditions and that turbulence provides a natural mechanism to circumvent this problem.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of 'The Labyrinth of Star Formation' (18-22 June 2012, Chania, Greece), published by Springe

    Gaussian quantum Monte Carlo methods for fermions

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    We introduce a new class of quantum Monte Carlo methods, based on a Gaussian quantum operator representation of fermionic states. The methods enable first-principles dynamical or equilibrium calculations in many-body Fermi systems, and, combined with the existing Gaussian representation for bosons, provide a unified method of simulating Bose-Fermi systems. As an application, we calculate finite-temperature properties of the two dimensional Hubbard model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revised version has expanded discussion, simplified mathematical presentation, and application to 2D Hubbard mode

    Steady-state entanglement between distant quantum dots in photonic crystal dimers

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    We show that two spatially separated semiconductor quantum dots under resonant and continuous-wave excitation can be strongly entangled in the steady-state, thanks to their radiative coupling by mutual interaction through the normal modes of a photonic crystal dimer. We employ a quantum master equation formalism to quantify the steady-state entanglement by calculating the system {\it negativity}. Calculations are specified to consider realistic semiconductor nanostructure parameters for the photonic crystal dimer-quantum dots coupled system, determined by a guided mode expansion solution of Maxwell equations. Negativity values of the order of 0.1 (20%20\% of the maximum value) are shown for interdot distances that are larger than the resonant wavelength of the system. It is shown that the amount of entanglement is almost independent of the interdot distance, as long as the normal mode splitting of the photonic dimer is larger than their linewidths, which becomes the only requirement to achieve a local and individual qubit addressing. Considering inhomogeneously broadened quantum dots, we find that the steady-state entanglement is preserved as long as the detuning between the two quantum dot resonances is small when compared to their decay rates. The steady-state entanglement is shown to be robust against the effects of pure dephasing of the quantum dot transitions. We finally study the entanglement dynamics for a configuration in which one of the two quantum dots is initially excited and find that the transient negativity can be enhanced by more than a factor of two with respect to the steady-state value. These results are promising for practical applications of entangled states at short time scales.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Forecasting isocurvature models with CMB lensing information: axion and curvaton scenarios

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    Some inflationary models predict the existence of isocurvature primordial fluctuations, in addition to the well known adiabatic perturbation. Such mixed models are not yet ruled out by available data sets. In this paper we explore the possibility of obtaining better constraints on the isocurva- ture contribution from future astronomical data. We consider the axion and curvaton inflationary scenarios, and use Planck satellite experimental specifications together with SDSS galaxy survey to forecast for the best parameter error estimation by means of the Fisher information matrix formal- ism. In particular, we consider how CMB lensing information can improve this forecast. We found substantial improvements for all the considered cosmological parameters. In the case of isocurvature amplitude this improvement is strongly model dependent, varying between less than 1% and above 20% around its fiducial value. Furthermore, CMB lensing enables the degeneracy break between the isocurvature amplitude and correlation phase in one of the models. In this sense, CMB lensing information will be crucial in the analysis of future data.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Inductive learning spatial attention

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    This paper investigates the automatic induction of spatial attention from the visual observation of objects manipulated on a table top. In this work, space is represented in terms of a novel observer-object relative reference system, named Local Cardinal System, defined upon the local neighbourhood of objects on the table. We present results of applying the proposed methodology on five distinct scenarios involving the construction of spatial patterns of coloured blocks

    Dark Matter directional detection: comparison of the track direction determination

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    Several directional techniques have been proposed for a directional detection of Dark matter, among others anisotropic crystal detectors, nuclear emulsion plates, and low-pressure gaseous TPCs. The key point is to get access to the initial direction of the nucleus recoiling due to the elastic scattering by a WIMP. In this article, we aim at estimating, for each method, how the information of the recoil track initial direction is preserved in different detector materials. We use the SRIM simulation code to emulate the motion of the first recoiling nucleus in each material. We propose the use of a new observable, D, to quantify the preservation of the initial direction of the recoiling nucleus in the detector. We show that in an emulsion mix and an anisotropic crystal, the initial direction is lost very early, while in a typical TPC gas mix, the direction is well preserved.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Impact of stellar companions on precise radial velocities

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    Context: With the announced arrival of instruments such as ESPRESSO one can expect that several systematic noise sources on the measurement of precise radial velocity will become the limiting factor instead of photon noise. A stellar companion within the fiber is such a possible noise source. Aims: With this work we aim at characterizing the impact of a stellar companion within the fiber to radial velocity measurements made by fiber-fed spectrographs. We consider the contaminant star either to be part of a binary system whose primary star is the target star, or as a background/foreground star. Methods: To carry out our study, we used HARPS spectra, co-added the target with contaminant spectra, and then compared the resulting radial velocity with that obtained from the original target spectrum. We repeated this procedure and used different tunable knobs to reproduce the previously mentioned scenarios. Results: We find that the impact on the radial velocity calculation is a function of the difference between individual radial velocities, of the difference between target and contaminant magnitude, and also of their spectral types. For the worst-case scenario in which both target and contaminant star are well centered on the fiber, the maximum contamination for a G or K star may be higher than 10 cm/s, on average, if the difference between target and contaminant magnitude is Δm\Delta m < 10, and higher than 1 m/s if Δm\Delta m < 8. If the target star is of spectral type M, Δm\Delta m < 8 produces the same contamination of 10 cm/s, and a contamination may be higher than 1 m/sComment: Accepted for publication in A&A on 29/12/2019 - 14 page
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