114 research outputs found

    Formar melhor para um melhor cuidar

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    A formação surge como uma ajuda ao desenvolvimento humano, adoptando uma posição abrangente que inclui o aluno e o próprio professor (Kohlberg e Mayer, 1972), em que o resultado obtido é menos importante do que a disponibilidade gerada durante o percurso, para que o aluno possa continuar a evoluir ao longo da vida. Esta perspectiva desenvolvimentalista, antecipava já, a tendência actual que defende que a educação deve constituir para cada indivíduo uma forma de promover o máximo desenvolvimento das suas potencialidades, através de experiências de aprendizagem de complexidade crescente. A formação não é apenas uma instância de mediação das relações formador/formando ou equipa de formadores/grupo de formandos, mas uma instância de auto-mediação do formando com o seu mundo subjectivo, mediador do grupo de formação com as suas subjectividades, mediador do grupo com um projecto de acção através do qual ele se exterioriza (Correia, 1997: 25)


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    The objective is to investigate radial burners through experimental tests, looking for its thermal performance behavior. Gas burners in domestic cookers operate on LPG, typically with two different geometries and five thermal power conditions. Usually, those thermal equipment lacks information on its whole operating conditions range for higher energy conversion efficiency and lower fuel consumption; it is not pointed out by the manufacturer or by energy efficiency labeling, what could result in a recommendation for widely effective performance. Appropriate instrumentation was used to carry out the measurements and methodology used as a guideline regulations from INMETRO/CONPET, ABNT - Brazilian Technical Standards Normative, and ANP - National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels. Experimental measurements and uncertainties are for the following parameters: fuel mass consumption (kg.s-1), test time elapsed (s), temperature (°C), water mass (kg) and flame temperature by K-type thermocouples (quantitative) and a thermal camera (qualitative). Main conclusions are: a) Operating domestic cookers with handle position selector on middle position (TP3) provides almost the same temperature rise as maximum fuel consumption (TP5), i.e., ΔT in the water container; b) Heat is better transferred (Qgas → Qwater) with the handle position selector fully opened (TP5@B1) and just before fully opening (TP4@B2); c) A non-linear behavior occurs for ηThermal, when moving forward the handle position selector; maximum efficiency occurs at fully open (TP5@B2) and middle opening (TP3@B1); d) Higher values for TPexperimental occurs for B2, in comparison to B1, in whole operational condition ranges; differences are mainly due to geometric parameters (ARB2/ARB1~0.82). In general, B2 has a better geometric design; e) Uncertainty analysis indicate values lower than ±3%, proving to be a suitable methodology for the experimental results in this work; f) Flame temperatures are entirely consistent with both, ηThermal and heat energy delivered, reaching higher temperature values at TP4 for both burners; 751.5°C (B1) and 830.7°C (B2)

    Myelography in orange-spined-hairy-dwarf-porcupine (Sphiggurus villosus)

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    The myelography procedure is reported in an adult of the Sphiggurus villosus (hairy-tree-porcupine) species coming from the wild, in the region of Curitiba/PR. After proceeding with the examination, while the animal was under general anesthesia, there was a dorsal deviation of the contrast in the height of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T-7) caused by compression in the ventral region of the vertebra. This is suggestive of edema caused by intramedullary hemorrhage secondary to trauma suffered by the animal in the wild. Therefore, the use of myelography in Sphiggurus villosus (hairy-tree-porcupine) proved to be quite valid and efficient, presenting the advantages of greater precision to delimit and locate the lesion present in the vertebral column

    Adubação verde como fonte de nitrogênio em sistemas orgânicos de produção: eficiência do uso de N e perdas por volatilização de amônia e N2O

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    os objetivos deste projeto são: 1. Quantificar a contribuição da FBN para as leguminosas e estimar a eficiência do uso do nitrogênio e o balanço total de N derivado de leguminosas para adubação verde; 2. Avaliar as perdas de N como NH3 e N2O derivados do uso de leguminosas para adubação verde

    Currents issues in cardiorespiratory care of patients with post-polio syndrome

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    ABSTRACT Post-polio syndrome (PPS) is a condition that affects polio survivors years after recovery from an initial acute attack of the poliomyelitis virus. Most often, polio survivors experience a gradual new weakening in muscles that were previously affected by the polio infection. The actual incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in individuals suffering from PPS is not known. However, there is a reason to suspect that individuals with PPS might be at increased risk. Method A search for papers was made in the databases Bireme, Scielo and Pubmed with the following keywords: post polio syndrome, cardiorespiratory and rehabilitation in English, French and Spanish languages. Although we targeted only seek current studies on the topic in question, only the relevant (double-blind, randomized-controlled and consensus articles) were considered. Results and Discussion Certain features of PPS such as generalized fatigue, generalized and specific muscle weakness, joint and/or muscle pain may result in physical inactivity deconditioning obesity and dyslipidemia. Respiratory difficulties are common and may result in hypoxemia. Conclusion Only when evaluated and treated promptly, somE patients can obtain the full benefits of the use of respiratory muscles aids as far as quality of life is concerned

    Municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality in Spain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spain was the country that registered the greatest increases in ovarian cancer mortality in Europe. This study describes the municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality in Spain using spatial models for small-area analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Smoothed relative risks of ovarian cancer mortality were obtained, using the Besag, York and Molliè autoregressive spatial model. Standardised mortality ratios, smoothed relative risks, and distribution of the posterior probability of relative risks being greater than 1 were depicted on municipal maps.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the study period (1989–1998), 13,869 ovarian cancer deaths were registered in 2,718 Spanish towns, accounting for 4% of all cancer-related deaths among women. The highest relative risks were mainly concentrated in three areas, i.e., the interior of Barcelona and Gerona (north-east Spain), the north of Lugo and Asturias (north-west Spain) and along the Seville-Huelva boundary (in the south-west). Eivissa (Balearic Islands) and El Hierro (Canary Islands) also registered increased risks.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Well established ovarian cancer risk factors might not contribute significantly to the municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality. Environmental and occupational exposures possibly linked to this pattern and prevalent in specific regions, are discussed in this paper. Small-area geographical studies are effective instruments for detecting risk areas that may otherwise remain concealed on a more reduced scale.</p

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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