1,641 research outputs found

    Forms and functions of communication in society

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    Dalam berkomunikasi dibutuhkan dua orang partisipan yakni pengirim dan penerima pesan. Pertanyaannya apakah pesan tersebut disampaikan dan bagaimana diterima dalam komunikasi adalah hal penting dalam suatu komunikasi. Komunikasi dikatakan berhasil bila penerima pesan menerima informasi dari penyampai pesan. Bagaimanapun, penerima dan penyampai pesan juga harus mengetahui tentang bentuk dan fungsi komunikasi sehingga komunikasi berjalan dengan baik di masyarakat. Komunikasi non verbal berbeda dengan komunikasi verbal, komunikasi verbal terdiri dari kata yang disusun dengan makna sementara komunikasi nonverbal atau bahasa tubuh seperti ekspresi wajah, gerak tubuh, kontak mata, postur maupun nada dari suara kita

    Cross-Cultural Health Communication

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    Setiap kebudayaan memiliki pandangan yang beragam tentang kesehatan atau penyakit, kehidupan atau kematian. Ada masyarakat yang menganggap penyakit sebagai nasib yang harus diterima secara fatalistik. Ada pula masyarakat yang memandangnya sebagai cobaan dari Tuhan, dsb. Selain itu, terdapat juga perbedaan konsep untuk menamai jenis penyakit tertentu pada sejumlah pengguna bahasa yang berbeda. Nama suatu penyakit dalam suatu bahasa tidak bisa diterjemahkan langsung ke dalam bahasa lain. Dokter berkebangsaan Amerika, misalnya, akan kebingungan bila menangani pasien orang Indonesia yang berpenyakti “raja singa”, karena nama penyakit itu tak bisa diterjemahkan langsung menjadi “king lion”. Keragaman budaya ini berimplikasi pada para petugas kesehatan, perawat, dokter, untuk memahami budaya pasien, yang ditanganinya, yang berasal dari komunitas budaya berbeda. Kekeliruan memahami latar belakang budaya pasien dapat menimbulkan kesalahan dalam mendiagnosis penyakit, menangani pasien, atau menentukan resep obat

    Moving Mountains in the lntercultural Classroom

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    Today many Alaska Natives are seeking a higher education; however due to subtle differences in communication styles between the Native Alaskan student and Euro-American instructor, both students and educator frequently experience communication difficulties. This paper examines the differences in non-verbal communication, the assumption of similarities, stereotyping, preconceptions, and misinterpretations that may occur between Alaska Native and Euro-American cultures. University classrooms are becoming increasingly multicultural, and one teaching style may not be effective with all students. Those involved with education need to promote flexibility and awareness of cultural differences in order to achieve successful communication in the classroom

    KOMUNIKASI ANTARBUDAYA MAHASISWA JEPANG DI SURABAYA (Studi Kualitatif Proses Penyesuaian Diri Mahasiswa Jepang)

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    Communication and technology advances affect the access of various cultures Japan to Indonesia. Japan and Indonesia mutual and in various aspects is increasing education aspect. Student from Japan arrival to Surabaya resulting in cultural contacts, hence the process of intercultural communication adjustment or adaptation because of the cultural are different. Differences of these cultural background cause some anxiety or uncertainty in the process of adjustment and interaction with local host. This research is to know how the adjustment and adaptation process in intercultural communication and the obstacles they are going to face by Japan student during in Surabaya. The theories used in this research are anxiety and uncertainty manajement from William B Gudykunts and intercultural communication approach through perception, verbal and nonverbal communication by Larry A Samovar, the analysis is using descriptive qualitative method from field observation and described in the writting. The results show that there is anxiety or uncertainty experienced by Japan students. In addition there are major obstacles experienced in adjusting themselves to the local host by Japan student is the language. Eventually, there are some mutual respects of cultural differences and a sense of empathy minimizes the conflict that possible to come up. Keywords: Intercultural Communication, Self Adjustments, Anxiety Uncertaint


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    Abstrak: Komunitas perempuan berdaulat adalah komunitas yang lahir atas pemikiran kaum muda khususnya perempuan yang ingin berdaya baik secara pemikiran maupun solutif dari segi pemikiran. Apalagi ditengah-tengah pertentangan faham feminisme yang penuh pro dan kontra. Namun pada komunitas ini memberikan informasi dan solusi tersendiri tentang bagaimana bersikap dan menempatkan diri sebagai perempuan, ibu, anak, dan anggota masyarakat. Ciri khas dari perempuan berdaulat ini adalah dengan adanya moto Perempuan berdaulat Indonesia hebat. “Cerdas yang mecerdaskan hebat menghebatkan”. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kabupaten Mojokerto kecamatan Pacet Provinsi Jawa Timur yang mana komunitas ini dicetuskan oleh mahasiswi Institut KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. Tujuan dari komunitas ini adalah agar perempuan berdaulat secara pemikiran dan berdaya di segala bidang di masa mendatang. Adanya komunitas ini selain memotivasi, mengantisipasi, adalah memberikan edukasi kepada orang lain, memberi stimulus dengan menggali ilmu yang mendalam sehingga mereka mampu memberi solusi yang ilmiah dan mampu diterima dalam masyarakat.   Kata kunci: Perempuan, Faham feminisme, Komunitas Perempuan   Berdaulat Abstract: Sovereign women's community is a community that was born of the minds of young people, especially women who want to be empowered both in thought and solutive in terms of thinking. Especially amidst the contradictions of feminism that are full of pros and cons. However, this community provides its own information and solutions on how to behave and position themselves as women, mothers, children and community members. The distinctive feature of this sovereign woman is the motto of a great Indonesian sovereign woman. "Smart, smart, great, great". This research was conducted in Mojokerto district, Pacet sub-district, East Java Province where this community was initiated by a student of the KH Institute Abdul Chalim Mojokerto. The aim of this community is for women to be sovereign in their thinking and empowered in all fields in the future. The existence of this community in addition to motivating, anticipating, is providing education to others, providing stimulus by exploring in-depth knowledge so that they are able to provide scientific solutions and are able to be accepted in society. Keywords: Keywords: Women, Feminism, Sovereign Women's Communit

    [Review of] Jane M. Gaines, Fire and Desire: Mixed-Race Movies in the Silent Era

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    Jane M.Gaines has written an important book on the topic of race movies and race relations in early American cinema. Using eclectic analyses that range from W.E.B. DuBois\u27 insights on double consciousness, to queer theory, Gaines is able to critically examine issues of mixed race people and race mixing in silent films. She wonderfully reworks some theories until they yield beneficial interpretations. For example, Gaines argues against the blanket use of psychoanalysis as a tool to comprehend African American Experience, including cinema, because, she says, Historically psychoanalysis had no cognizance of black people nor was any attempt made to understand them (75). According to her film theory has been exclusively psychoanalytic in recent years to the exclusion of almost any other alternative methodologies

    English Proficiency and Intercultural Communication--A Study of Chinese Students\u27 Ability to Adapt to American Culture

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    Modern technologies have brought our world to the brink of a Global Village. In the modern world, intercultural communication becomes an indispensable part of human activities. In the environment of foreign language study, intercultural communication skills are intertwined with the language education in order to prepare students for the needs of intercultural communication. There is no exception with teaching English as a foreign language in China. Started in the early 1980s, intercultural communication is a hot topic among scholars in the field of language education. However, despite the efforts made to raise the English learners\u27 intercultural awareness, Chinese students still encounter countless difficulties when they come to the English speaking countries. They often consider their language deficiency as the main factor which hinders their ability to communicate successfully with the native speaker. In this study, I explored the different theories of culture and intercultural communication with a focus on the differences between China and America. Based on the literature review, a survey was conducted which examined the differences that exist in the interpretations of some daily expressions and cultures by both Chinese and American students. I assume that the language barrier the Chinese students have is, in the final analysis, a significant barrier between two cultures. I argue that the differences between Chinese culture and American culture hinders the Chinese students\u27 capacity to communicate with American students. Recommendations are made based on the analysis of the findings in the research