34 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Quality Assurance of teaching: the Evaluation Board in the AVA Process

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    Abstract In this article, we introduce the Evaluation Board (EB-NdV) task in the AVA system (Accreditamento, Valutazione e Auto-valutazione). The AVA was implemented in 2013 in the Italian University System according to the document called "European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)". The ENQA's guidelines (2005) provide for the construction of a common European area dedicated to university and post-university. In the University, the three main actors involved in the Quality Assurance (QA) system are the Evaluation Board (Nucleo di Valutazione, EB-NdV), the University Quality Board (PQ) and the Joint Student-Teacher Commission (CP). The EB-NdV has documented functions of evaluation and monitoring of the QA system, designed by the PQ following the strategic guidelines of the governing bodies of the university institution. The EB-NdV works as Independent Assessment Body (OIV) too. This task regards the assessment procedures concerning structures and human resources dedicated to the administrative support of the core activities of the universities. The EB-NdV draws up an Annual Report related to the AVA system. In conclusion the EB-NdV evaluates the QA system of the University in its entirety and in all its aspects. Moreover, the EB-NdV evaluates the relationships between the University Quality Board and the Joint Student-Teacher Commission (CP)

    Citrus sinensis and Vitis vinifera Protect Cardiomyocytes from Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative Stress: Evaluation of Onconutraceutical Potential of Vegetable Smoothies

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    The interest towards nutraceuticals able to counteract drug side effects is continuously growing in current chemotherapeutic protocols. In the present study, we demonstrated that smoothies containing mixtures of Citrus sinensis and Vitis vinifera L. cv. Aglianico N, two typical fruits of the Mediterranean diet, possess bioactive polyphenols that protect cardiomyocytes against doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress. The polyphenolic extracts isolated from Citrus sinensis- and Vitis vinifera-based functional smoothies were deeply characterized by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry methods. Subsequently, the functional smoothies and relative mixtures were tested to verify their ability to affect cellular viability and oxidative stress parameters in embryonic cardiomyocyte cells (H9c2), and human breast adenocarcinoma cell line (MCF-7) exposed to doxorubicin. Interestingly, we found that the mix resulting from Citrus sinensis and Vitis vinifera association in ratio 1:1 was able to reduce cardiomyocytes damage induced by anthracyclines, without significantly interfering with the pro-apoptotic activity of the drug on breast cancer cells. These results point out the potential use of vegetable smoothies as adjuvants functional foods for chemotherapeutic anticancer protocols

    The Metabolomic Profile in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Changes According to the Progression of the Disease: An Exploratory Study

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a multifactorial neurodegenerative pathology of the upper or lower motor neuron. Evaluation of ALS progression is based on clinical outcomes considering the impairment of body sites. ALS has been extensively investigated in the pathogenetic mechanisms and the clinical profile; however, no molecular biomarkers are used as diagnostic criteria to establish the ALS pathological staging. Using the source-reconstructed magnetoencephalography (MEG) approach, we demonstrated that global brain hyperconnectivity is associated with early and advanced clinical ALS stages. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) spectroscopy, here we studied the metabolomic profile of ALS patients’ sera characterized by different stages of disease progression—namely early and advanced. Multivariate statistical analysis of the data integrated with the network analysis indicates that metabolites related to energy deficit, abnormal concentrations of neurotoxic metabolites and metabolites related to neurotransmitter production are pathognomonic of ALS in the advanced stage. Furthermore, analysis of the lipidomic profile indicates that advanced ALS patients report significant alteration of phosphocholine (PCs), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPCs), and sphingomyelin (SMs) metabolism, consistent with the exigency of lipid remodeling to repair advanced neuronal degeneration and inflammatio

    Osservatorio territoriale droga e tossicodipendenze. Il Fenomeno delle dipendenze sul territorio della ASL MI 3. Anno 2007.

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    Report on the state of legal and illegal substances use in the territory of the Local Healthcare Service-Mi 3, Province of Milan.Il report analizza il fenomeno delle dipendenze nel territorio della ASL Milano 2. La descrizione del fenomeno si sviluppa intorno all\u27analisi degli indicatori individuati dall\u27Osservatorio Europeo delle Dipendenze di Lisbona (OEDT): 1-uso di sostanze nella popolazione generale (questo indicatore va a rilevare i comportamenti nei confronti di alcol e sostanze psicoattive da parte della popolazione generale); 2-prevalenza d\u27uso problematico delle sostanze psicoattive; 3-domanda di trattamento degli utilizzatori di sostanze; 4-mortalit? degli utilizzatori di sostanze; 5-malattie infettive. Altri due importanti indicatori che si stanno sviluppando, e che vengono qui illustrati, sono l\u27analisi delle Schede di Dimissione Ospedaliera (SDO) e gli indicatori relativi alle conseguenza sociali dell\u27uso di droghe (criminalit? droga correlata). Inoltre sono state applicate diverse metodologie standard di stima sia per quantificare la quota parte sconosciuta di utilizzatori di sostanze che non afferiscono ai servizi, sia per identificarne alcune caratteristiche

    Osservatorio Territoriale droga e tossicodipendenze. Il fenomeno delle dipendenze sul territorio della ASL MI 2. Anno 2007 - VIII Rapporto

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    Report on the state of legal and illegal substances use in the territory of the Local Healthcare Service-Mi 2, Province of Milan.L\u27analisi del fenomeno delle dipendenze nel territorio della Azienda Sanitaria Locale Provincia di Milano Due rappresenta l\u27ottavo rapporto pubblicato dall\u27OTDT del Dipartimento delle Dipendenze. Come avviene da anni, le analisi e gli approfondimenti contenuti contribuiranno in modo importante a rendere questo strumento utile alla programmazione territoriale di settore e al sistema di controllo di gestione aziendale. La maggior parte delle analisi epidemiologiche e tutti gli aspetti non convenzionali ed innovativi sono stati possibili grazie alla collaborazione con il CNR di Pisa, che ringrazio per l\u27impegno personale dei suoi esperti anche al di l? dei compiti definiti. Devo segnalare con piacere l\u27ampia partecipazione di operatori delle varie Unit? Operative del Dipartimento alla riflessione e poi alla stesura del rapporto. Non voglio entrare nel merito della illustrazione dei capitoli del rapporto e mi limito ad alcune considerazioni. Il rapporto, basato sui dati 2006 con alcune importanti escursioni nel 2007, appare veramente completo. Nell\u27invitare il lettore al diretto approfondimento dei suoi contenuti, mi limito a sottolineare alcuni elementi rappresentativi dell\u27evolvere del fenomeno sul territorio. Aumentano ancora i soggetti in cura alle UO SerT per uso di cocaina: tra i nuovi utenti, questi superano oramai il 50% e sopravanzano i nuovi utenti da eroina del 20% circa. L\u27impatto dei servizi alcologici sul territorio ? sempre pi? evidente, con un progressivo incremento dell\u27utenza in carico. Queste informazioni vanno per? lette alla luce delle stime di prevalenza, condotte anche quest\u27anno, che confermano una forte presenza di consumatori problematici di alcol, eroina e cocaina sul territorio della ASL MI2 e alla luce delle indagini di popolazione condotte dal CNR, qui pubblicate in forma di confronto tra la nostra zona e le tendenze regionali e nazionali. Anche queste indagini, ricche di informazioni e suggestioni, confermano che tra la popolazione generale e giovanile i consumi di sostanze sia legali che illegali sono diffusi e preoccupanti e meritano l\u27attenzione dei programmatori di politiche sanitarie e di educazione alla salute. Il lettore potr? farsi una idea della complessit? dei fenomeni di consumo, abuso e dipendenza, e delle loro relazioni intrinseche ed esterne. L\u27analisi ? organizzata dalla valutazione delle tendenze dei fenomeni sul territorio fino agli interventi di prevenzione cura e riabilitazione. Questo continuum rappresenta la chiave per affrontare con una visione realistica il "che fare". Il rapporto illustra chiaramente quanto "si faccia" nel territorio della ASL MI2 e richiama tutti i soggetti istituzionali a concorrere alla tutela dei cittadini con problemi di abuso e dipendenza da sostanze o comportamenti additivi. L\u27Osservatorio ha raggiunto un elevato standard di servizio utile per rappresentare la base per la redazione del Piano annuale di programmazione del Dipartimento recepito ampiamente nel fondamentale atto di programmazione e coordinamento dei servizi sanitari e socio sanitari curato dalla Azienda Sanitaria Locale. L\u27ampio spazio dedicato alle "regole" regionali e alla riorganizzazione della direzione sociale della ASL giunge in un momento delicato. Mentre scrivo inizia la fase applicativa della delibera di giunta regionale n. 5509 del 10 ottobre 2007 che accelera l\u27applicazione di alcuni principi cardine della filosofia regionale per il settore e i servizi accreditati. Ebbene ai professionisti dei servizi spetta attestare, con l\u27impegno e la competenza, il sostegno alle pi? moderne prassi di lettura dei fenomeni, il supporto operativo ad avanzate procedure istituzionali e l\u27intervento preventivo e clinico. Dott. Prof. Alfio Lucchini Direttore del Dipartimento tecnico funzionale delle Dipendenz

    Bioactive Polyphenols from Pomegranate Juice Reduce 5-Fluorouracil-Induced Intestinal Mucositis in Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) play a pivotal role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Dierent noxious agents, among them also anticancer therapies, can impair intestinal epithelial integrity triggering inflammation and oxidative stress. A frequent complication of chemotherapy is gastrointestinal mucositis, strongly influencing the eectiveness of therapy, increasing healthcare costs, and impairing patients’ quality of life. Dierent strategies are used to treat gastrointestinal mucositis, including products from natural sources. Our study focused on the eect of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice extract on IEC-6 cells, both during inflammatory conditions and following treatment with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). The polyphenolic profile of pomegranate juice was characterized in detail by Online Comprehensive two dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The evaluation of pomegranate juice extract in IEC-6 indicates a significant inhibition in proinflammatory factors, such as cytokines release, cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase expression, and nitrotyrosine formation. Pomegranate also inhibited oxidative stress and adhesion protein expression. In 5-FU-treated IEC-6, pomegranate also inhibited both inflammatory and oxidative stress parameters and apoptosis. It promoted wound repair and tight junction expression. These results suggest a potential use of pomegranate as an adjuvant in the treatment of intestinal inflammatory and oxidative stress states, which also occur during chemotherapy-induced mucositis

    Comparison of online comprehensive HILIC × RP and RP × RP with trapping modulation coupled to mass spectrometry for microalgae peptidomics

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    In this work, two online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography platforms, namely Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography × Reversed phase (HILIC × RP) and Reversed phase × Reversed Phase (RP × RP) coupled to mass spectrometry, were compared for the analysis of complex peptide samples. In the first dimension, a HILIC Amide and C18 Bioshell peptide (150 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 and 2.0 μm) columns were selected, while, in the second dimension, a short C18 (50 × 3.0 mm, 2.7 μm) Bioshell peptide column was used. Two C18 trapping columns (10 × 3.0 mm, 1.9 μm), characterized by high retention and surface area, were employed as modulation interface in both HILIC × RP and RP × RP methods. The LC × LC platforms were coupled to UV and tandem mass spectrometry detection and tested for the separation and identification of two gastro-intestinal digests of commercial microalgae formulations (Spirulina Platensis and Klamath). Their performances were evaluated in terms of peak capacity, maximum number and properties of identified phycocyanin peptides. Our results showed that the HILIC × RP approach provided the highest peak capacity values (nc HILIC × RP: 932 vs. nc RP × RP: 701) with an analysis time of 60 min, while the RP × RP approach was able to identify a slight higher number of phycocyanin derived peptides (HILIC × RP: 88 vs. RP × RP: 103). These results point out the flexibility and potential of HILIC × RP and RP × RP based on trapping modulation for peptide mapping approaches

    Hop-derived fraction rich in beta acids and prenylflavonoids regulates the inflammatory response in dendritic cells differently from quercetin: unveiling metabolic changes by mass spectrometry-based metabolomics

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) represent a heterogeneous family of immune cells that link innate and adaptive immunity and their activation is linked to metabolic changes that are essential to support their activity and function. Hence, targeting the metabolism of DCs represents an opportunity to modify the inflammatory and immune response. Among the natural matrices, Humulus lupulus (Hop) compounds have recently been shown to exhibit immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of specific Hop fractions to modulate DCs metabolism after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by an untargeted metabolomics approach and compare their effect with flavonol quercetin. Following liquid chromatography-based fractionation, three fractions (A, B, and C) were obtained and tested. Cytokine and gene expression were evaluated using ELISA and qPCR, respectively, while the untargeted metabolomics analysis was performed using a combined HILIC-HRMS and DI-FT-ICR approach. The HOP C fraction and quercetin could both reduce the production of several inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1α, IL-1β, and TNF, but differently from quercetin, the HOP C mechanism is independent of extracellular iron-sequestration and showed significant upregulation of the Nrf2/Nqo1 pathway and Ap-1 compared to quercetin. The untargeted analysis revealed the modulation of several key pathways linked to pro-inflammatory and glycolytic phenotypes. In particular, HOP C treatment could modulate the oxidative step of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and reduce the inflammatory mediator succinate, citrulline, and purine-pyrimidine metabolism, differently from quercetin. These results highlight the potential anti-inflammatory mechanism of specific Hop-derived compounds in restoring the dysregulated metabolism in DCs, which can be used in preventive or adjuvant therapies to suppress the undesirable inflammatory response

    Chemical profiling of bioactive constituents in hop cones and pellets extracts by online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry and direct infusion Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

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    Humulus lupulus L. (hop) is highly interesting from a nutraceutical perspective. The hop phytocomplex contains a wide range of bioactive metabolites, and its characterization is challenging. To tackle such a task, for the first time we applied and compared a combined approach consisting of online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry and direct infusion Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometry. A reversed phase Ã\u97 reversed phase approach with a shifted gradient in the second dimension ensured selectivity and two-dimensional space coverage. Hyphenation with an ion trap time-of-flight analyzer led to the identification of 83 compounds in 70 min, comprising a novel quercetin derivative and six unknown bitter acids. On the other hand, the direct infusion method was able to identify 40 analytes (except isomers) with high mass accuracy (â\u89¤ 0.1 ppm) in less than 1 min analysis time. The developed approach can be used in a complementary way, combining the separation capability and high informative spectra of two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with the ultra-high mass accuracy of direct infusion, for potential compound discovery or the accurate profiling of bioactive compounds in different hop cultivars as well as for monitoring processing and storage of hop-based products

    A Food-Grade Method for Enhancing the Levels of Low Molecular Weight Proanthocyanidins with Potentially High Intestinal Bioavailability

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    : Proanthocyanidins (PACs) are a group of bioactive molecules found in a variety of plants and foods. Their bioavailability depends on their molecular size, with monomers and dimers being more bioavailable than those that have a higher polymerization degree. This study aimed to develop a method to convert high-molecular-weight PACs to low-molecular-weight ones in a grape seed extract (GSE) from Vitis vinifera L. Therefore, GSE was subjected to alkaline treatment (ATGSE), and its difference in chemical composition, compared to GSE, was evaluated using a molecular networking (MN) approach based on results obtained from HPLC-ESI HRMS/MS characterization analysis. The network analysis mainly noted the PAC cluster with about 142 PAC compounds identified. In particular, the obtained results showed a higher content of monomeric and dimeric PACs in ATGSE compared to GSE, with 58% and 49% monomers and 31% and 24% dimers, respectively. Conversely, trimeric (9%), polymeric (4%), and galloylated PACs (14%) were more abundant in GSE than in ATGSE (6%, 1%, and 4%, respectively). Moreover, in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities were investigated, showing the high beneficial potential of both extracts. In conclusion, ATGSE could represent an innovative natural matrix rich in bioavailable and bioaccessible PACs for nutraceutical applications with potential beneficial properties