8 research outputs found

    História das idéias políticas no Brasil

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    Nelson Nogueira Saldanh

    Sôbre a evolução do problema do direito natural

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    Fiber source and xylanase on performance, egg quality, and gastrointestinal tract of laying hens

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to ascertain the influence of different dietary fiber sources and the usage of xylanase on diet of commercial layers and their influence on productive performance, egg quality, and digestive organ biometry. A total of 864 Lohmann® White hens was fed diets with three different fiber sources (wheat bran, soybean hull, or coffee husk) with or without xylanase inclusion (concentration of 160,000 BXU/g) in a 3×2 factorial arrangement, with six replicates of 24 birds each, from 25 to 44 weeks of age. There were no interactions between dietary fiber and xylanase inclusion. The enzyme supplementation did not influence any parameters evaluated. There were dietary fiber effects on body weight gain, viability, egg weight, eggshell quality, yolk pigmentation, and liver and gizzard relative weights. Wheat bran, soybean hull, and coffee husk can be used in laying hen diets without detrimental effect on productive performance. The enzyme used had no effect on the performance and eggshell quality of laying hens

    Nacionalismo e autoritarismo em Alberto Torres Nationalism and authoritarianism in Alberto Torres

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    O texto analisa a obra de Alberto Torres, enfatizando seus eixos principais: autoritarismo e nacionalismo. Ressalta o caráter inovador desta obra, ao questionar as teorias raciais então vigentes na cultura brasileira e ao enfatizar a necessidade de tomar como ponto de partida o estudo empírico da realidade brasileira. E estuda o impacto de suas idéias, bem como sua importância para a criação de um pensamento autoritário brasileiro, bem como para a construção de um ideário nacionalista.<br>The text examines Alberto Torres' work, stressing its core themes: authoritarianism and nationalism. It emphasizes the innovative character of the work when it questions racial theories then present in Brazilian culture and stressing the need to take as starting point the empirical study of Brazilian reality. It also studies the impact of the author's ideas as well as their importance for the creation of a Brazilian authoritarian thinking and the construction of nationalist ideas