31 research outputs found

    Determinasi KPR Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum (Studi Empiris pada Bank Umum di Indonesia Tahun 2013 – 2016)

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect Return On Assets (ROA) with mortgages as a variable mediation at commercial banks in Indonesia year 2013-2016. Independent variables used in research are Third Party Fund (DPK), mortgage interest rate, Non Performing Loan (NPL), and Cash Adequecy Ratio (CAR). The population used in this study are all conventional commercial banks registered in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in 2013-2016 with a total sample of 53 banks. The method used in this research is purposive sampling. SPSS Statistic 21 software is an analytical tool used in this study. The data test used in this study includes the classical assumption test, path analysis which is the development of multiple linear regression analysis and using the test of sobel to analyze the mediation effect of the independent variable to the dependent variable. Based on the results of this study showed that the TPF, Interest Rate KPR and CAR have a positive significant relationship to mortgages, NPLs have no significant relationship to mortgages. CAR and TPF have a significant positive relationship to ROA. Mortgage and mortgage rates have a significant negative relationship to ROA. And TPF have no significant relationship to ROA. vii The Sobel test shows that mortgages can not mediate the effects of TPF and CAR on ROA

    Hydrological response of the Kunhar River basin in Pakistan to climate change and anthropogenic impacts on runoff characteristics

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    Pakistan is amongst the most water-stressed countries in the world, with changes in the frequency of extreme events, notably droughts, under climate change expected to further increase water scarcity. This study examines the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on the runoff of the Kunhar River Basin (KRB) in Pakistan. The Mann Kendall (MK) test detected statistically significant increasing trends in both precipitation and evapotranspiration during the period 1971–2010 over the basin, but with the lack of a statistically significant trend in runoff over the same time-period. Then, a change-point analysis identified changes in the temporal behavior of the annual runoff time series in 1996. Hence, the time series was divided into two time periods, i.e., prior to and after that change: 1971–1996 and 1997–2010, respectively. For the time-period prior to the change point, the analysis revealed a statistically significant increasing trend in precipitation, which is also reflected in the runoff time series, and a decreasing trend in evapotranspiration, albeit lacking statistical significance, was observed. After 1996, however, increasing trends in precipitation and runoff were detected, but the former lacked statistical significance, while no trend in evapotranspiration was noted. Through a hydrological modelling approach reconstructing the natural runoff of the KRB, a 16.1 m3/s (or 15.3%) reduction in the mean flow in the KRB was simulated for the period 1997–2010 in comparison to the period 1971–1996. The trend analyses and modeling study suggest the importance of anthropogenic activities on the variability of runoff over KRB since 1996. The changes in streamflow caused by irrigation, urbanization, and recreational activities, in addition to climate change, have influenced the regional water resources, and there is consequently an urgent need to adapt existing practices for the water requirements of the domestic, agricultural and energy sector to continue being met in the future

    Long-term field metal extraction by pelargonium:phytoextraction efficiency in relation to plant maturity

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    The long length of periods required for effective soil remediation via phytoextraction constitutes a weak point that reduces its industrial use. However, these calculated periods are mainly based on short-term and/or hydroponic controlled experiments. Moreover, only a few studies concern more than one metal, although soils are scarcely polluted by only one element.In this scientific context, the phytoextraction of metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu,and As) by Pelargonium was measured after a long-term field experiment. Both bulk and rhizosphere soils were analyzed in order to determine the mechanisms involved in soil-root transfer. First, a strong increase in lead phytoextraction was observed with plant maturity, significantly reducing the length of the period required for remediation. Rhizosphere Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and As accumulation was observed (compared to bulk soil), indicating metal mobilization by the plant, perhaps in relation to root activity. Moreover, metal phytoextraction and translocation were found to be a function of the metals’ nature. These results, taken altogether, suggest that Pelargonium could be used as a multi-metal hyperaccumulator under multi-metal soil contamination conditions, and they also provide an interesting insight for improving field phytoextraction remediation in terms of the length of time required, promoting this biological technique

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Konsumsi Ikan pada Masyarakat di Kecamatan Sajad

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    The ease of obtaining fish, especially seawater fish, makes the people of Sajad Subdistrict interested in selling fish, based on observations there are 18 to 20 people selling vegetables and seawater fish in Sajad District. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of fish consumption in the Sajad District. The method used is descriptive quantitative, sample data taken as many as 98 samples and processed using SPSS version 24. The R2 value of 0.476 means the independent variable, family (X1), the number of family members (X2), perception of fish prices (X3), tastes (X4), the level of education (X5) simultaneously affects the amount of fish consumption (Y) by 47.6%. The results of the F test show that Fcount 16,703 > Ftable 2,31, tvalue for taste = 7,606 > ttable = 1,989 and significant value 0.000 < 0.05. The respondent's taste variable (X4) is the dominant factor that affects the level of fish consumption

    Perancangan Prototipe Generator Axial Magnet Permanen 3 Phase

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    Dengan menningkatnya kebutuhan akan energi fosil, maka semakin besar pula pencemaran lingkungan yang dihasilkan dari gas buangnya. Salah satu solusi dengan pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT), Turbin angin savonius merupakan turbin angin dengan sumbu vertika yang memiliki banyak kelebihan diantaranya bentuk konstruksi yang mudah dibuat, tidak memerlikan kecepatan angin yang tinggi untuk mulai berputarnya. Turbin savonius memiliki kelemahan pada nilai efisiensi yang cukup rendah. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan perancangan turbin angin savonius dan pengujian secara eksperimen terhadap sudu bertingkat dan variasi overlap dengan parameter kecepatan putaran poros. Permodelan dan pengujian akan dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari, Banjarmasin. Kecepatan angin memiliki pengaruh yang bersar terhadap kinerja turbin angin savonius, semakin besar kecepatan angin maka putaran turbin juga semakain cepat. pada kecepatan angin 4 m/s turbin savonius 1 tingkat memperoleh putaran shaft speed sebesar 252.7 Rpm. Sedangkan turbin angin savonius bertingkat 2 memperoleh putaran shaft speed sebesar 282.2 Rpm

    Implementation of Whistleblowing System to Prevent Sharia Banking Crime in Indonesia

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    The research made is qualitative research, where researchers look at various sources related to the whistleblowing system in Islamic banking. The object of this research is PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) one of the largest Islamic banks in Indonesia, and targets to become the 10 largest Islamic banks in the world in the next 5 years. This research is needed to understand and see how the BSI whistleblowing system controls fraud and crime in the Indonesian banking world. Based on a survey from The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the level of banking fraud in Indonesia reaches 41% when compared to other sectors. This is one of the things that can be taken into account by the government, and stakeholders in banking. In addition to using qualitative methods. This study analyzes the BSI website with support from various sources related to the whistleblowing system in Islamic banking. Hopefully, in the future, there will be continued research looking at the implications of the whistleblowing system to prevent fraud in banking, especially Islamic banking, both in Indonesia but also abroad

    Hydrological Response of the Kunhar River Basin in Pakistan to Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Runoff Characteristics

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    Pakistan is amongst the most water-stressed countries in the world, with changes in the frequency of extreme events, notably droughts, under climate change expected to further increase water scarcity. This study examines the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on the runoff of the Kunhar River Basin (KRB) in Pakistan. The Mann Kendall (MK) test detected statistically significant increasing trends in both precipitation and evapotranspiration during the period 1971–2010 over the basin, but with the lack of a statistically significant trend in runoff over the same time-period. Then, a change-point analysis identified changes in the temporal behavior of the annual runoff time series in 1996. Hence, the time series was divided into two time periods, i.e., prior to and after that change: 1971–1996 and 1997–2010, respectively. For the time-period prior to the change point, the analysis revealed a statistically significant increasing trend in precipitation, which is also reflected in the runoff time series, and a decreasing trend in evapotranspiration, albeit lacking statistical significance, was observed. After 1996, however, increasing trends in precipitation and runoff were detected, but the former lacked statistical significance, while no trend in evapotranspiration was noted. Through a hydrological modelling approach reconstructing the natural runoff of the KRB, a 16.1 m3/s (or 15.3%) reduction in the mean flow in the KRB was simulated for the period 1997–2010 in comparison to the period 1971–1996. The trend analyses and modeling study suggest the importance of anthropogenic activities on the variability of runoff over KRB since 1996. The changes in streamflow caused by irrigation, urbanization, and recreational activities, in addition to climate change, have influenced the regional water resources, and there is consequently an urgent need to adapt existing practices for the water requirements of the domestic, agricultural and energy sector to continue being met in the future

    A Review of Improvements in Power System Flexibility: Implementation, Operation and Economics

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    This study presents a literature review on the concept of power system flexibility in terms of its definition, indices, algorithms, implementation, economic impacts, operational impacts, and security. Although there are tremendous reviews on this subject in the literature, each paper discusses specific aspects of flexibility. Moreover, the literature is devoid of a comprehensive review of the latest improvements in terms of implementation, operation, and economics, which are addressed by the collections presented in this study. This paper, therefore, surveys some improvements that have been made in recent decades. Furthermore, we highlight the impact of the high penetration of renewable energy and energy storage systems towards enhancing the improvement of power system flexibility

    Potential applications of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) extracts and their phytochemicals as functional ingredients in food and medicinal supplements : a narrative review

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    Edible hemp products or superfood refers to Cannabis sativa or industrial hemp. In general, hemp is a rich source of functional metabolites, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and other cannabinoids. Hemp has been widely used in food products, such as bread, cookies, meatballs, energy bars, cooking oil, snacks, and crackers. Hemp has been used for development of cosmetics and supplements. However, the use of hemp is far below its potential because of major challenges such as non-cost-effective extraction and isolation, stability and toxicity of the extracts, and legislation related to the use of the extracts. This narrative review comprehensively analyses major phytochemicals in hemp and hemp extracts, and also discusses the most common challenges in applications of hemp-derived phytochemicals and hemp extracts in food and pharmaceutical products like stability, toxicity, legal limitations, isolation/extraction and purification. In addition, this review outlines current applications of hemp extracts and proposes future trends for utilising hemp phytochemicals and extracts in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products to increase applications of hemp extracts and their phytochemicals for health benefits

    Transesterifikasi Minyak Kemiri Sunan Menjadi Biodiesel Menggunakan Katalis Padat K2O/C

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    Preparasi katalis padat K2O/C telah berhasil disiapkan dengan mengimpregnasi K2CO3 pada permukaan karbon aktif sekam padi selama 6 jam. Campuran tersebut dikalsinasi pada suhu 300 oC selama 3 jam hingga terbentuk K2O/C. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi kinerja katalis K2O/C dalam proses transesterifikasi minyak biji kemiri sunan menjadi biodiesel. Karbon sekam padi (C) dipersiapkan dengan proses pirolisis sekam padi, dilanjutkan dengan proses aktivasi untuk mendapatkan karbon sebagai penyangga berpori. Katalis K2O/C dikarakterisasi dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) dan Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX). Hasil analisa EDX menunjukkan bahwa komposisi katalis didominasi oleh karbon (C) dan kalium (K). Fasa aktif K2O terdistribusi pada permukaan karbon aktif secara merata. Katalis K2O/C yang dihasilkan digunakan dalam reaksi transesterifikasi minyak kemiri sunan menggunakan reaktor batch. Yield biodiesel tertinggi dicapai hingga 98,68% ketika menggunakan katalis 4%, loading K2CO3 pada karbon aktif 0,5% berat, waktu reaksi 90 menit, serta rasio molar metanol terhadap minyak 8:1. Katalis K2O/C sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan selanjutnya sebagai salah satu katalis padat untuk mengkonversi minyak nabati menjadi biodiesel