356 research outputs found

    Fashionable Sponsorship: Fashion Corporations and Cultural Institutions

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    Reframing the Master Narratives of Dis/ability at my Intersections: An Outline of an Educational Equity Research Agenda

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    This article outlines a call for a renewed research agenda on the social and emotional dimensions of Learning Disabilities (LD). This research agenda reframes LD by interrogating the academic, social and emotional master narratives of LD through the talk of Latina/o students with LD using an interdisciplinary and socio-cultural historical developmental perspective. In particular, this reframing entails exploring the social and emotional construction of LD at the intersections of the Latina/o student population. Interweaving my own history with LD, I describe the overwhelming feelings of discomfort and anxiety from wrestling with the label. I came to see the label as an imposed identity from the educational system in response to my unique constellation of differences. Examining LD through the lens of emotion and from the perspectives of those living under the label helps us better recognize that it cannot be detached from the other socio-cultural identities that are part of being and becoming a whole person.KeywordsLearning disabilities; intersectionality; Disability Studies in Education; emotionality; race Redéfinir les principaux récits sur le handicap à mes intersections:  Un aperçu d'un programme de recherche sur l'équité en éducation RésuméCet article présente un appel pour un programme de recherche renouvelé sur les dimensions sociales et émotionnelles des troubles d’apprentissage (TA).   Ce programme de recherche redéfinit le TA en interrogeant le monde académiques, sociaux et émotionnels de TA à travers une discussion d'étudiant (e) latino avec TA en utilisant une perspective de développement socioculturel historique et interdisciplinaire. En particulier, ce recadrage implique l'exploration de la construction sociale et émotionnelle des TA aux intersections de la population étudiante latino. Entremêlant ma propre histoire avec TA, je décris les sentiments accablants d'inconfort et d'anxiété de la lutte contre l'étiquette.  Je suis venu à voir l'étiquette comme une identité imposée du système éducatif en réponse à ma constellation unique de différences. En examinant le TA à travers une lentille d’émotion et du point de vue de ceux qui vivent sous l’étiquette nous aide à mieux reconnaître qu'il ne peut être détaché des autres identités socioculturelles qui font partie de l'être et qui aident à devenir une personne entière.Mots clefs Troubles d'apprentissage; intersectionnalité; études sur le handicap dans l'éducation; émotivité; rac

    Penerapan sistem pola karier pengisian jabatan pimpinan tinggi aparatur sipil negara dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang baik di kabupaten Garut

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    Indonesia: Kedudukan Aparatur Sipil Negara dalam setiap organisasi pemerintahan mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting, sebab Aparatur Sipil Negara merupakan tulang punggung pemerintah dalam melaksanakan pembangunan. Untuk dapat mewujudkan penyelengaraan tugas pemerintahan dan pembangunan dituntut Aparatur Sipil Negara yang profesional, bertanggung jawab, jujur, dan adil melalui pembinaan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan sistem prestasi kerja dan sistem karier. Di dalam pelaksanaan dan penyelenggaraannya yang bermacam-macam dan banyak seginya banyak mengalami kesulitan-kesulitan sehingga memerlukan pengaturan dan pembinaan yang sebaik-baiknya, termasuk dalam proses pengangkatan pegawai untuk menduduki Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Negara. Penelitian ini mengkaji Pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Aparatur Sipil Negara pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Garut. Ada tiga permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini yakni berkenaan dengan mekanisme pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi di lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Garut menurut UU Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang ASN, peran Kepala Daerah dalam penerapan sistem pola karier untuk pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi di Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Garut dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi di Kabupaten Garut. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari penelitian kepustakaan berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum tersier, dan bahan hukum tersier yang diperoleh melalui teknik telaah kepustakaan. Bahan hukum maupun informasi penunjang yang telah terkumpulkan tersebut terlebih dahulu dilakukan pemilahan dengan menguraikan proposisi hukum dan non hukum yang dijumpai, interpretasikan untuk selanjutnya disitematisasi, evaluasi serta diberikan argumentasi untuk mendapatkan simpulan atas permasalahan penelitian. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori negara hukum, teori kewenagan, teori moralitas hukum dan teori lain yang berhubungan dengan penerapan sistem pola karier Jabatn Pimpinan Tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mekanisme pengisian JPT menggunakan merit sistem, peran dan eksistensi kepala daerah dalam penerapan pola karier JPT hanya mendorong bawahannya untuk mengikuti lelang jabatan, mengeluarkan SK dan melantik, kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengisian JPT adalah minimnya SDM yang berkualitas dan profesional dalam bidangnya. ENGLISH : The position of the State Civil Apparatus in any government organization has a very important role, bacause the State Civil Apparatus is the backbone of the government in implementing development. To be able to realize the organization of governance and development task required the State Civil Apparatus Professional, responsible, honest, and fair through coaching carried out based on the system performance and career system. In the execution and implementation are manifold and many faceted experienced many difficulties that require regulation and coaching as well as possible, including in the process of hiring for the positions occupied State Supreme Leader. This study examines the leadership position Charging High Civil Administrative State on Local Government of Garut Regency. There are three issues that ware examined in this study namely with regard to the charging mechanism Position Leadership High in the Government og Garut Regency according to Law No. 5 of 2014 on the ASN, the role of Regional Head in the implementation of the pattern of a career for filling positions Leadership College in the Regional Government of Garut and obstacles faced in charging High Leadership Position in Garut. This research method is a normative legal research that used the conceptual approach and the approach of legislation. Legal materials used in this study came from the research literature in the form of primary legal materials, tertiary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials obtained through library research techniques. Legal materials and information that has been collected supporting the first sorting is done by outlining the law and non law propositions are found, interpreted for the next disitematisasi, evalution, and given the arguments to get conclusions on research problems. The theory used in this research is the theory of state law, the authority theory, legal theory and other theories of morality associated with the implementation system of career patterns High Leadership Position. The results showed that the mechanism of charging JPT using the merit system, the role and existence of local leader in the application of a career JPT only encourages subordinates to participate in the auction office, issued a decree and appointed, obstacles faced in charging JPT is the lack of qualified human resources and professional in the field

    2S1. Re-Framing Master Narratives of Dis/ability Through an Emotion Lens: Sophia Cruz’s LD Story at her Intersections

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    Learning disabilities (LD) researchers have produced a knowledge base about the academic side of LD. A gap exists concerning the experiences of individuals with LD, particularly their feeling-meaning-making about having LD. Based on a three-year qualitative study using critical ethnographic methods, I center Sophia Cruz\u27s experiences with LD and the label. Sophia experienced the hegemony of smartness and disability micro-aggressions and voiced the idea that LD is a complex multifaceted construct. I discuss implications for the LD field. In addition, I provide tools for participants to improve their ability to work with historically marginalized team members and populations such as students with dis/abilities at their intersections

    A landscape of repair

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    This paper reports on EPSRC-funded research that explores the role of repair in creating new models of sustainable business. In the lifecycle stage of repair we explore what 'broken' means and uncover the nature of local and dispersed repair activities. This in turn allows us to better understand how the relationship between products and people can help shape new modes of consumption. Therefore, narratives of repair are collected to identify diverse people-product interactions and illustrate the different characteristics of, and motivations for, repair. The paper proposes that mapping the different product-people interactions across the product lifecycle, particularly at the stage of fragile-functionality (performance or function failure, emotional disengagement, superseded technology) is important in understanding the potential for enduring products and their repair. Building a landscape of repair creates new opportunities for manufacture and for slowing resource loops across product lifetimes, which together provide a framework for a sufficiency-based model of production and consumption

    Examinando a narrativa-mestra do “grit”: Contra-narrativas com alunos negros e latino-americanos com deficiências durante uma era de testes “high-stakes”

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    In this study we trouble the notion of “grit” and “high-stakes” testing by focusing on the experiences and perspectives of Black and Latinx students labeled with dis/abilities with the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Through interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations with 15 Black and Latinx students labeled with dis/abilities, we utilize the power of student voice and counterstories to problematize the master narrative of a “grit”/no “grit” binary in education policy discourse. This binary has contributed to an educational culture that reinforces victim blaming, reifies inequities for Black and Latinx students with dis/abilities, and undermines students’ emotional wellbeing. Harnessing the power of the students’ experiences and perspectives, we conclude with recommendations for policy and practice.En este estudio, examinamos la noción de pruebas de “grit” y de “high-stakes” centrándonos en las experiencias y perspectivas de los estudiantes negros y latinx con discapacidades con el California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). A través de entrevistas, grupos focales y observaciones en el aula con 15 estudiantes negros y latinx con discapacidades, utilizamos el poder de las voces y las contra-narratives de los estudiantes para problematizar la narrativa magistral de un discurso binario “grit” / no “grit” dentro de política educativa. Este binario ha contribuido a una cultura educativa que refuerza el culpar a las víctimas, refuerza las inequidades para los estudiantes con discapacidades y socava el bienestar emocional de los estudiantes. Aprovechando el poder de las experiencias y perspectivas de los estudiantes, concluimos con recomendaciones para políticas y prácticas.Neste estudo, examinamos a noção de “grit” e “high-stakes” com foco nas experiências e perspectivas de alunos negros e latinos com deficiência, com o California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Por meio de entrevistas, grupos focais e observações em sala de aula com 15 alunos negros e latinos com deficiências, utilizamos o poder das vozes e contra-narrativas dos alunos para problematizar a narrativa-mestra de um discurso binário “grit” / “não grit” dentro da política educacional. Esse binário tem contribuído para uma cultura educacional que reforça a responsabilização das vítimas, reforça as desigualdades para os alunos com deficiência e prejudica o bem-estar emocional dos estudantes. Aproveitando o poder das experiências e perspectivas dos alunos, concluímos com recomendações de políticas e práticas

    Estrategias metacognitivas usando la plataforma moodle para el aprendizaje del área de computación en estudiantes de la I.E. 16454 – Peringos

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    En la presente investigación titulada: “Estrategias metacognitivas usando la plataforma Moodle para el aprendizaje del área de computación en estudiantes de la I.E. 16454 – Peringos”; se planteó como objetivo: Proponer estrategias metacognitivas usando la plataforma Moodle para el aprendizaje del área de computación en los alumnos pertenecientes a dicha institución. El estudio fue cuantitativo, prospectivo y no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 22 estudiantes de segundo de secundaria de la I.E. 16454 – Peringos y el instrumento aplicado fue el cuestionario. Los resultados indicaron bajos niveles en tres aspectos del aprendizaje en el área de computación: Conceptual (73%), procedimental (68%) y actitudinal (77%). Por último, se diseñó una propuesta constituida por cuatro sesiones que involucran la capacitación en el uso de las tres herramientas básicas de Microsoft: Word, Power Point y Excel. Todas se integran por una secuencia didáctica de inicio, desarrollo y cierre; así como también de actividades de extensión en favor de incrementar la competencia en la elaboración de documentos, diapositivas y utilización de hojas de cálculo. En conclusión, los alumnos de la I.E. 16454 – Peringos poseen un aprendizaje deficiente en computación y la propuesta diseñada contempló las falencias observadas

    Relația interese publice - proces decizional administrativ local în țările spațiului comunitar european: studiu comparativ

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    În prezentul articol este examinată relația interese publice – proces decizional administrativ local în țările din spațiul comunitar european. Autorii scot în evidență importanța bunelor practici a țărilor spațiului comunitar pentru Republica Moldova. Administrația publică locală reprezintă unul dintre cele mai importante atribute ale societății democratice. Anume la nivelul dat se formează rădăcinile democrației, iar aceasta determină semnificația organelor locale, care ocupă o parte considerabilă în sistemul administrativ în ansambu. Tendința statelor spre modernizare creează premise de elaborare a unor standarde privind administrația publică locală, aplicarea unor principii comune de organizare și funcționare a acesteia, definite prin lege și aplicate în practică. Iar identificarea unui model potrivit și eficient de manifestare și realizare a relației respective reprezintă un prim obiectiv. În acest context, în articol se analizează structura administrației publice locale, accentul fiind pus pe manifestarea relației interese publice – proces decizional în diferite state ale spațiului comunitar. În funcție de particularitățile specifice, autorii constată că realizarea acestei relații diferă de la un stat la altul. Iar principiul descentralizării și autonomiei locale este acela care stă la bază fortificării administrațiilor publice locale din diferite țări

    Pendidikan Kewirausahaan di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor

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    The purpose of this research is to describe entrepreneurial education in al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Bogor boarding school. Research methods use descriptive qualitative, data collection using in-depth interviews, observations and documentation. Research results: Entrepreneurial education is reflected in Pesantren al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor, it can be seen from the values of boarding school boarding school al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor namely essential values and intrumental values that condition entrepreneurial values such as spirit of sincerity, Soul simplicity, Soul self help or didikari, Jiwa ukhuwah diniyah, Jiwa bebas dan Motto Pesantren al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Parung Bogor: Free and Quality Education Supported by Entrepreneurship. As well as the practice of business islamic boarding schools that are applicative. Namely: Waste Recycling, Convection, NIC Babershop, Nurul Iman Offset, Bakery, Fisheries, Agriculture, Livestock, Ointika (Drinking Water Company), Public Intertainment. Furthermore, entrepreneurial education in pesantren is reflected in the purpose, plan, process and evaluation of Pesantren al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Parung Bogor.  Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pendidikan kewirausahaan di pondok pesantren Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Bogor. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif,pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian: Pendidikan kewirausahaan tercermin pada Pesantren al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor, hal itu dapat dilihat dari nilai-nilai kepesantrenan pondok ini yaitu nilai essensial dan nilai intrumental yang syarat nilai-nilai kewirausahaan seperti jiwa keikhlasan, Jiwa kesederhanaan , Jiwa self help atau berdikari, Jiwa ukhuwah diniyah, Jiwa bebas serta Motto Pesantren al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Parung Bogor: Free and Quality Education Supported by Entrepreneurship. Serta praktik usaha pesantren yang aplikatif. Yaitu: Daur Ulang Sampah, Konveksi, NIC Babershop, Nurul Iman Offset, Pabrik Roti, Perikanan, Pertanian, Peternakan,  Ointika (perusahaan Air Minum), Public Intertainment. Lebih jauh pendidikan  kewirausahaan pada pesantren ini tercermin dalam tujuan, rencana, proses dan evaluasi Pesantren al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Parung Bogor