148 research outputs found

    Attosecond nanoscale near-field sampling

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    The promise of ultrafast light-field-driven electronic nanocircuits has stimulated the development of the new research field of attosecond nanophysics. An essential prerequisite for advancing this new area is the ability to characterize optical near fields from light interaction with nanostructures, with sub-cycle resolution. Here we experimentally demonstrate attosecond near-field retrieval for a tapered gold nanowire. By comparison of the results to those obtained from noble gas experiments and trajectory simulations, the spectral response of the nanotaper near field arising from laser excitation can be extracted.113023Ysciescopu

    Social and Structural Factors Associated with HIV Infection among Female Sex Workers Who Inject Drugs in the Mexico-US Border Region

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    BACKGROUND: FSWs who inject drugs (FSW-IDUs) can acquire HIV through high risk sexual and injection behaviors. We studied correlates of HIV infection among FSW-IDUs in northern Mexico, where sex work is quasi-legal and syringes can be legally obtained without a prescription. METHODS: FSW-IDUs>18 years old who reported injecting drugs and recent unprotected sex with clients in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez underwent surveys and HIV/STI testing. Logistic regression identified correlates of HIV infection. RESULTS: Of 620 FSW-IDUs, prevalence of HIV, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, trichomonas, syphilis titers ≥1:8, or any of these infections was 5.3%, 4%, 13%, 35%, 10% and 72%, respectively. Compared to other FSW-IDUs, HIV-positive women were more likely to: have syphilis titers ≥1:8 (36% vs. 9%, p<0.001), often/always inject drugs with clients (55% vs. 32%, p = 0.01), and experience confiscation of syringes by police (49% vs. 28%, p = 0.02). Factors independently associated with HIV infection were syphilis titers ≥1:8, often/always injecting with clients and police confiscation of syringes. Women who obtained syringes from NEPs (needle exchange programs) within the last month had lower odds of HIV infection associated with active syphilis, but among non-NEP attenders, the odds of HIV infection associated with active syphilis was significantly elevated. CONCLUSIONS: Factors operating in both the micro-social environment (i.e., injecting drugs with clients) and policy environment (i.e., having syringes confiscated by police, attending NEPs) predominated as factors associated with risk of HIV infection, rather than individual-level risk behaviors. Interventions should target unjustified policing practices, clients' risk behaviors and HIV/STI prevention through NEPs

    The morphology of human rod ERGs obtained by silent substitution stimulation

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    YesPurpose To record transient ERGs from the lightadapted human retina using silent substitution stimuli which selectively reflect the activity of rod photoreceptors. We aim to describe the morphology of these waveforms and examine how they are affected by the use of less selective stimuli and by retinal pathology. Methods Rod-isolating stimuli with square-wave temporal profiles (250/250 ms onset/offset) were presented using a 4 primary LED ganzfeld stimulator. Experiment 1: ERGs were recorded using a rodisolating stimulus (63 ph Td, rod contrast, Crod = 0.25) from a group (n = 20) of normal trichromatic observers. Experiment 2: Rod ERGs were recorded from a group (n = 5) using a rodisolating stimulus (Crod = 0.25) which varied in retinal illuminance from 40 to 10,000 ph Td. Experiment 3: ERGs were elicited using 2 kinds of nonisolating stimuli; (1) broadband and (2) rod-isolating stimuli which contained varying degrees of L- and M-cone excitation. Experiment 4: Rod ERGs were recorded from two patient groups with rod monochromacy (n = 3) and CSNB (type 1; n = 2). Results The rod-isolated ERGs elicited from normal subjects had a waveform with a positive onset component followed by a negative offset. Response amplitude was maximal at retinal illuminances\100 ph Td and was virtually abolished at 400 ph Td. The use of non-selective stimuli altered the ERG waveform eliciting more photopic-like ERG responses. Rod ERGs recorded from rod monochromats had similar features to those recorded from normal trichromats, in contrast to those recorded from participants with CSNB which had an electronegative appearance. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that ERGs elicited by silent substitution stimuli can selectively reflect the operation of rod photoreceptors in the normal, light-adapted human retina.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (KR1317/13-1) and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (01DN14009) provided financial support for JK

    Past Achievements and Future Challenges in 3D Photonic Metamaterials

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    Photonic metamaterials are man-made structures composed of tailored micro- or nanostructured metallo-dielectric sub-wavelength building blocks that are densely packed into an effective material. This deceptively simple, yet powerful, truly revolutionary concept allows for achieving novel, unusual, and sometimes even unheard-of optical properties, such as magnetism at optical frequencies, negative refractive indices, large positive refractive indices, zero reflection via impedance matching, perfect absorption, giant circular dichroism, or enhanced nonlinear optical properties. Possible applications of metamaterials comprise ultrahigh-resolution imaging systems, compact polarization optics, and cloaking devices. This review describes the experimental progress recently made fabricating three-dimensional metamaterial structures and discusses some remaining future challenges

    Scalable, ultra-resistant structural colors based on network metamaterials

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    Structural colors have drawn wide attention for their potential as a future printing technology for various applications, ranging from biomimetic tissues to adaptive camouflage materials. However, an efficient approach to realize robust colors with a scalable fabrication technique is still lacking, hampering the realization of practical applications with this platform. Here, we develop a new approach based on large-scale network metamaterials that combine dealloyed subwavelength structures at the nanoscale with lossless, ultra-thin dielectric coatings. By using theory and experiments, we show how subwavelength dielectric coatings control a mechanism of resonant light coupling with epsilon-near-zero regions generated in the metallic network, generating the formation of saturated structural colors that cover a wide portion of the spectrum. Ellipsometry measurements support the efficient observation of these colors, even at angles of 70°. The network-like architecture of these nanomaterials allows for high mechanical resistance, which is quantified in a series of nano-scratch tests. With such remarkable properties, these metastructures represent a robust design technology for real-world, large-scale commercial applications

    Sn-Beta zeolites with borate salts catalyse the epimerization of carbohydrates via an intramolecular carbon shift

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    Carbohydrate epimerization is an essential technology for the widespread production of rare sugars. In contrast to other enzymes, most epimerases are only active on sugars substituted with phosphate or nucleotide groups, thus drastically restricting their use. Here we show that Sn-Beta zeolite in the presence of sodium tetraborate catalyses the selective epimerization of aldoses in aqueous media. Specifically, a 5 wt% aldose (for example, glucose, xylose or arabinose) solution with a 4:1 aldose:sodium tetraborate molar ratio reacted with catalytic amounts of Sn-Beta yields near-equilibrium epimerization product distributions. The reaction proceeds by way of a 1,2 carbon shift wherein the bond between C-2 and C-3 is cleaved and a new bond between C-1 and C-3 is formed, with C-1 moving to the C-2 position with an inverted configuration. This work provides a general method of performing carbohydrate epimerizations that surmounts the main disadvantages of current enzymatic and inorganic processes.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (Program) (Award DMR-0819762)DuPont MIT Alliance (Graduate Research Fellowship)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB-001960)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB-002026)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant 1122374

    Gate-tuning of graphene plasmons revealed by infrared nano-imaging

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    Surface plasmons are collective oscillations of electrons in metals or semiconductors enabling confinement and control of electromagnetic energy at subwavelength scales. Rapid progress in plasmonics has largely relied on advances in device nano-fabrication, whereas less attention has been paid to the tunable properties of plasmonic media. One such medium-graphene-is amenable to convenient tuning of its electronic and optical properties with gate voltage. Through infrared nano-imaging we explicitly show that common graphene/SiO2/Si back-gated structures support propagating surface plasmons. The wavelength of graphene plasmons is of the order of 200 nm at technologically relevant infrared frequencies, and they can propagate several times this distance. We have succeeded in altering both the amplitude and wavelength of these plasmons by gate voltage. We investigated losses in graphene using plasmon interferometry: by exploring real space profiles of plasmon standing waves formed between the tip of our nano-probe and edges of the samples. Plasmon dissipation quantified through this analysis is linked to the exotic electrodynamics of graphene. Standard plasmonic figures of merits of our tunable graphene devices surpass that of common metal-based structures.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    cGMP-Phosphodiesterase Inhibition Enhances Photic Responses and Synchronization of the Biological Circadian Clock in Rodents

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    The master circadian clock in mammals is located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and is synchronized by several environmental stimuli, mainly the light-dark (LD) cycle. Light pulses in the late subjective night induce phase advances in locomotor circadian rhythms and the expression of clock genes (such as Per1-2). The mechanism responsible for light-induced phase advances involves the activation of guanylyl cyclase (GC), cGMP and its related protein kinase (PKG). Pharmacological manipulation of cGMP by phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibition (e.g., sildenafil) increases low-intensity light-induced circadian responses, which could reflect the ability of the cGMP-dependent pathway to directly affect the photic sensitivity of the master circadian clock within the SCN. Indeed, sildenafil is also able to increase the phase-shifting effect of saturating (1200 lux) light pulses leading to phase advances of about 9 hours, as well as in C57 a mouse strain that shows reduced phase advances. In addition, sildenafil was effective in both male and female hamsters, as well as after oral administration. Other PDE inhibitors (such as vardenafil and tadalafil) also increased light-induced phase advances of locomotor activity rhythms and accelerated reentrainment after a phase advance in the LD cycle. Pharmacological inhibition of the main downstream target of cGMP, PKG, blocked light-induced expression of Per1. Our results indicate that the cGMP-dependent pathway can directly modulate the light-induced expression of clock-genes within the SCN and the magnitude of light-induced phase advances of overt rhythms, and provide promising tools to design treatments for human circadian disruptions