3,771 research outputs found

    Environmental issues on nuisance weeds

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    Dual-band wearable textile antenna on an EBG substrate

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    Performance of a dual-band coplanar patch antenna integrated with an electromagnetic band gap substrate is described. The antenna structure is made from common clothing fabrics and operates at the 2.45 and 5 GHz wireless bands. The design of the coplanar antenna, band gap substrate, and their integration is presented. The band gap array consists of just 3 x 3 elements but reduces radiation into the body by over 10 dB and improves the antenna gain by 3 dB. The performance of the antenna under bending conditions and when placed on the human body are presented

    Search-Money-and-Barter Models of Financial Stabilization

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    A macroeconomic model based on search-theoretical foundations is built to show that in an economy with structural deficiencies of the Russian Virtual Economy, money substitutes appear as a result of optimizing behavior of agents. Moreover, the volume of money substitutes is typically large, and it is impossible to reduce their volume significantly by using standard instruments as an increase of the money supply or decreasing the tax level. The result obtains for an economy, where there are large natural monopolies and widespread informal networks.

    Analytical modeling of open-Circuit air-Gap field distributions in multisegment and multilayer interior permanent-magnet machines

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    We present a simple lumped magnetic circuit model for interior permanent-magnet (IPM) machines with multisegment and multilayer permanent magnets. We derived analytically the open-circuit air-gap field distribution, average air-gap flux density, and leakage fluxes. To verify the developed models and analytical method, we adopted finite-element analysis (FEA). We show that for prototype machines, the errors between the FEA and analytically predicted results are 1% for multisegment IPM machines and 2% for multilayer IPM machines. By utilizing the developed lumped magnetic circuit models, the IPM machines can be optimized for maximum fundamental and minimum total harmonic distortion of the air-gap flux density distribution

    Cooperation under Interval Uncertainty

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    Classification: JEL code C71Cooperative game theory;Interval uncertainty;Core;Value;Balancedness

    Prevalence of depression among infertile couples in Iran: A meta-analysis study

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    Background: Several studies have been conducted in Iran in order to investigate the prevalence of depression among infertile couples. However, there is a remarkable diversity among the results. This meta-analysis was conducted to estimate an overall prevalence rate of depression among infertile couples in Iran. Methods: International and national electronic databases were searched up to June 2011 including MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, SID, MagIran, and IranMedex as well as conference databases. Furthermore, reference lists of articles were screened and the studies' authors were contacted for additional references. Cross-sectional studies addressing the prevalence of depression among infertile couples were included in this meta-analysis. We assessed 12 separate studies involving overall 2818 participants of which 1251 had depression. Results: Overall prevalence rate of depression among infertile couples was 0.47 (95% CI: 0.40, 0.55). The prevalence rate of depression was 0.44 (95% CI: 0.32, 0.56) during 2000 to 2005 and 0.50 (95% CI: 0.43, 0.57 during 2006 to 2011. The prevalence rate of depression was 0.46 (95% CI: 0.39, 0.53) among women and 0.47 (95% CI: 0.40, 0.54) among men. Conclusion: Not only the prevalence of depression in infertile couples was high but also had increasing growth in recent years. Furthermore, despite many studies conducted addressing the prevalence of depression in infertile couples, there is however a remarkable diversity between the results. Thus, one can hardly give a precise estimation of the prevalence rate of depression among infertile couples in Iran now

    Cores and Stable Sets for Interval-Valued Games

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    In this paper, interval-type solution concepts for interval-valued cooperative games like the interval core, the interval dominance core and stable sets are introduced and studied. The notion of I-balancedness is introduced, and it is proved that the interval core of an interval-valued cooperative game is nonempty if and only if the game is I-balanced. Relations between the interval core, the dominance core and stable sets of an interval-valued game are established.cooperative games;interval games;the core;the dominance core;stable sets

    Cooperative Interval Games Arising from Airport Situations with Interval Data

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    This paper deals with the research area of cooperative interval games arising from airport situations with interval data. We also extend to airport interval games some results from classical theory.cooperative interval games;concave games;airport games;cost games;interval data

    Estimation of size and concentration of silver nanoparticles in aqueous suspensions from extinction spectra

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    The size and concentration of silver nanoparticles suspended in water can be easily determined from their extinction spectra. This is due to the strong correlation of the localized surface plasmon resonances which are excited by electromagnetic radiation inside nanoparticles with size and shape of metal nanoparticles. Calibration curve obtained from Mie theory calculations for silver nanoparticles suspended in water is presented. A comparison with published experimental data is also discussed. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9177Розмір та концентрацію наночастинок срібла, завислих у воді, можна легко оцінити за їх спектрами екстинкції. Це можливо завдяки сильній кореляції локалізованих поверхневих плазмонних резонансів, що збуджуються у наночастинках електромагнітним випромінюванням, із розміром та формою металевих наночастинок. Представлено калібрувальну криву для наночастинок срібла у воді, отриману із розрахунків згідно з теорією Мі. Проведено порівняння з опублікованими експериментальними даними. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9177Размер и концентрацию взвешенных в воде наночастиц серебра можно легко оценить из спектров экстинкции. Это возможно благодаря сильной корреляции локализованных поверхностных плазмонных резонансов, возбуждаемых электромагнитным излучением, с размером и формой металлических наночастиц. Представлена калибровочная кривая для оценки размера наночастиц серебра, полученная из расчетов согласно теории Ми. Проведено сравнение с опублико-ванными экспериментальными данными. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/917

    Convex Interval Games

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    In this paper, convex interval games are introduced and some characterizations are given. Some economic situations leading to convex interval games are discussed. The Weber set and the Shapley value are defined for a suitable class of interval games and their relations with the interval core for convex interval games are established. A square operator is introduced which allows us to obtain interval solutions starting from classical cooperative game theory solutions. It turns out that on the class of convex interval games the square Weber set coincides with the interval core.cooperative games;interval data;convex games;the core;the Weber set;the Shapley value