8 research outputs found


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    Nous avons compilé une bibliographie de plus de 200 références s'étendant sur les 20 premières années de l'épitaxie par jets moléculaires du silicium. EJM-Si est définie largement afin d'inclure une série de publications sur les méthodes de dépôt de silicium sous-ultravide. Cette définition permet d'inclure les premiers travaux dans le domaine et des approches alternatives de croissances épitaxiales telles que le dépôt en phase vapeur partiellement ionisée, l'épitaxie par faisceau d'ions et l'épitaxie en phase solide. Les références sont données avec les titres dans 10 catégories de sujets. Dans ces catégories, les articles sont inscrits alphabétiquement par premier auteur en respectant la chronologie. Les catégories se recoupent et les traductions en anglais citées, si disponibles. Les citations sont limitées aux travaux en cours d'impression ou acceptés pour publication. Après la bibliographie des numéros de références par auteurs sont donnés par ordre alphabétique. Les catégories sont les suivantes : I. REVUES (REF.1-8) II. PREMIERS TRAVAUX (REF. 9-43) (articles ou projets achevés en 1972) III. APPAREILLAGE (REF. 44-48) IV. PREPARATION DES SUBSTRATS (REF. 49-61) V. HOMOEPITAXIE A. NON DOPE OU DOPE PENDANT L'EPITAXIE (REF. 62-106) B. DOPE PAR IMPLANTATION (REF. 107-119) VI. DEPOT DE SILICIUM IONISE (REF. 120-138) (incluant le dépôt en phase vapeur partiellement ionisée et l'épitaxie par faisceau d'ions) VII. HETEROEPITAXIE A. SUBSTRAT ISOLANT (REF. 139-153) B. CROISSANCE ISOLANT/SILICIUM (REF. 154-157) C. CROISSANCE METAL/SILICIUM (REF. 158-178) D. CROISSANCE SEMICONDUCTEUR/SILICIUM (REF. 179-193) VIII. EPITAXIE LOCALISEE (REF. 194) IX. STRUCTURES DE DISPOSITIFS (REF. 195-204) X. DEPOTS NON EPITAXIES (REF. 205-223) (incluant l'épitaxie en phase solide et recuit laser sous pression de silicium, et le dépôt de silicium polycristallin)We have compiled a Bibliography of over two hundred references spanning the first twenty years of Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Si-MBE is defined broadly to include a range of publications involving high vacuum deposition of silicon. This definition permits the inclusion of early work in the field and alternative approaches to epitaxial growth such as partially ionized vapor deposition, ion beam epitaxy and solid phase epitaxy. References are listed with titles in ten subject categories. Within these categories papers are listed alphabetically by first author in chronological succession. Categories are cross referenced and English translations are cited, if available. Citations are limited to works in print or accepted for publication. Following the bibliography reference numbers are listed by authors alphabetically. Categories in the bibliography are listed below : I. REVIEWS (REF. 1-8) II. EARLY RESEARCH (REF. 9-43) (papers or projects completed by 1972) III. APPARATUS (REF. 44-48) IV. SUBSTRATE PREPARATION (REF. 49-61) V. HOMOEPITAXY A. UNDOPED OR WITH EVAPORATED DOPANTS (REF. 62-106) B. IMPLANTED DOPANTS (REF. 107-119) VI. IONIZED SILICON DEPOSITION (REF. 120-138) (including partially ionzed vapor deposition and ion beam epitaxy) VII. HETEROEPITAXY A. INSULATING SUBSTRATES (REF. 139-153) B. INSULATOR/SILICON GROWTH (REF. 154-157) C. METAL/SILICON GROWTH (REF. 158-178) D. SEMICONDUCTOR/SILICON GROWTH (REF. 179-193) VIII. PATTERNED EPITAXY (REF. 194) IX. DEVICE STRUCTURES (REF. 195-204) X. NON-EPITAXIAL DEPOSITION (REF. 205-223) (including solid phase epitaxy and laser annealing using evaporated silicon, and polycrystalling silicon deposition

    Parameter extraction for a figure-of-merit approach for the comparison of optical interconnects

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    A methodology is described for parameter extraction from modeling for the determination of the appropriate figures of merit (FOMs) to be used for comparisons between different architectures of optical interconnects and their electrical counterparts. The key FOM selected for performance is that of data throughput, defined as the product of bitrate and interconnect length. Parameter extraction proceeds through modeling of a prototype optical transceiver introduced by GTE laboratories. Optical power budget modeling is performed as it applies to a simple basic optical interconnect, which can then be extended to the modeling of arrays, by incorporating channel crosstalk limitations. Through this modeling, the specific limitations to the data throughput are explored and several trade-offs such as those between gain and speed, power and delay-times, and power and bit error rate (BER) are quantified. © 1998 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    Pervasive Systems Architecture and the Main Related Technologies

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    After introducing the main architectural issues concerning Pervasive Systems, this chapter deals with the essential technological aspects involved in their implementation and deployment. Being it focused on Data Management, we shall introduce the main problems and solutions related to Real-Time Data and the usage of Main-memory Database Management Systems. We will quickly review also some typical advanced data management topics that are useful prerequisites for the subsequent chapters: aspects of Big Data management, Linked Open Data, generalities of information integration including multimedia information management, issues related to the mobility of both users and information sources (e. g.: object tracking, dynamic environmental changes, etc.), the usage of social networks (Facebook, Twitter and others) as information sources and, last but not least, aspects related to the dependability of the system mainly focusing on security and privacy. The material in this chapter will be introductory and will make extensive reference to the existing literature on the different topic

    Data Management in Pervasive Systems

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    This book contributes to illustrating the methodological and technological issues of data management in Pervasive Systems by using the DataBenc project as the running case study for a variety of research contributions: sensor data management, user-originated data operation and reasoning, multimedia data management, data analytics and reasoning for event detection and decision making, context modelling and control, automatic data and service tailoring for personalization and recommendation. The book is organized into the following main parts: i) multimedia information management; ii) sensor data streams and storage; iii) social networks as information sources; iv) context awareness and personalization. The case study is used throughout the book as a reference example

    Seller Competition by Mechanism Design

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    This paper analyzes a market game in which sellers offer trading mechanisms to buyers and buyers decide which seller to go to depending on the trading mechanisms offered. In a (subgame perfect) equilibrium of this market, sellers hold auctions with an efficient reserve price but charge an entry fee. The entry fee depends on the number of buyers and sellers, the distribution of buyer valuations, and the buyer cost of entering the market. As the size of the market increases, the entry fee decreases and converges to zero in the limit. We study how the surplus of buyers and sellers depends on the number of agents on each side of the market in this decentralized trading environment

    Chemotherapy permits resection of metastatic colorectal cancer: experience from Intergroup N9741.

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    Fluorouracil (5-FU), oxaliplatin and irinotecan combinations improve time to tumor progression (TTP), objective response and overall survival (OS) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (MCRC). Here we identify and describe patients treated on Intergroup study N9741 who initially had inoperable MCRC, but who obtained sufficient chemotherapeutic benefit to allow removal of their metastatic disease.Clinical TrialJournal ArticleMulticenter StudyRandomized Controlled TrialResearch Support, N.I.H. ExtramuralResearch Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe