10 research outputs found

    Decoration of Carbon Nanotubes with Cerium (IV) Oxide

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    Cerium (IV) oxide (ceria) nanoparticles, 6–10 nm in size, supported on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were prepared by a chemical reaction between Ce(NO3)3 and NaOH. The effective processing parameters of ceria particles size were discussed. CNTs/CeO2 hybrids were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), Raman and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. SAED and Raman spectroscopy showed that the CeO2 particles had a cubic crystal structure. EMR spectroscopy showed two paramagnetic signals related to CNTs and a third one belonging to paramagnetic defects of CeO2.Наночастинки оксиду церію (IV) розміром 6-10 нм одержано на вуглецевих нанотрубках (ВНТ) за хімічною реакцією між Се(NО3)3 і NaOH. Встановлено ефективні параметри синтезу наночастинок оксиду церію. Нанокомпозити ВНТ/СеО2 охарактеризовано за допомогою трансмісійної електронної мікроскопії (ТЕМ), електронографії, КР- та ЕПР-спектроскопії. Методами електронографії і КР-спектроскопії виявлено кубічну кристалічну структуру СеО2. ЕПР-спектроскопія показала, що два парамагнітних сигнали мають відношення до ВНТ, а третій обумовлений парамагнітними дефектами CeO2.Наночастицы оксида церия (IV) размером 6-10 нм получены на углеродных нанотрубках (УНТ) в результате химической реакции между Се(NО3)3 и NaOH. Установлены эффективные параметры синтеза наночастиц оксида церия. Нанокомпозиты УНТ/СеО2 охарактеризованы с помощью трансмиссионной электронной микроскопии (ТЭМ), электронографии, КР- и ЭПР-спектроскопии. Методами электронографии и КР-спектроскопии установлена кубическая кристаллическая структура CeO2. ЭПР-спектроскопия показала, что два парамагнитных сигнала имеют отношение к УНТ, а третий обусловлен парамагнитными дефектами CeO2

    Prognosis of Recurrent Myocardial Infarction Based on Shortliffe Fuzzy Models Using the Electrical Characteristics of Biologically Active Points

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    This report discusses the employment of the electrical characteristics of biologically active points (BAP) in the meridian of the heart to solve the task of prognosticating recurrence of myocardial infarctions during the rehabilitation period using fuzzy decision rules. Employment of only the electrical characteristics of informative BAP was found to provide a reliability level of greater than 0.85 in decision-making, with a significant uncertainty zone. If additional features characterizing long-term psychoemotional tension − lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity − are included, the reliability of prognoses of recurrence of myocardial infarction during remission reaches 0.95. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Magnetic and electronic structures of MSM alloys Ni1xy_{1-x-y}Mnx_xGay_y

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    Non-stoichiometric alloys Nilxy_{l-x-y}Mnx_xGay_y characterised by different values of magnetic shape memory effect (MSME) from 0.2 to 7.3% were studied using ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The angular dependence of FMR signais was measured in the martensitic and austenitic states of the samples just before and after martensite-to-austenite transition. Experimental data were used for determination of the magnetisation 4π\piMs_{\rm s}, and anisotropy parameters K1_1, K2_2 for the martensitic state and Kc_{\rm c} for the austenitic state. A special feature of the alloys possessing high MSME is a larger value of the coefficient K2_2. The temperature dependence of the FMR signals was investigated in the range from temperatures below Ms_{\rm s} to those higher than TC_{\rm C} where FMR is transforme into the conduction electron spin resonance (CESR). The main difference between the alloys in the martensitic state revealing the large or small MSM is the behaviour of the electron system. In the alloys with the small MSME all the electrons are included into the ferromagnetic system. On the contrary, in the alloy with the large MSME the narrow resonance line of one electron subsystem is separately present in the FMR spectra. An intensive signal of CESR is observed in the alloys with the large MSME, which is an evidence for a high concentration of free electrons. The suggestion is made that the high concentration of free electrons, i.e. enhanced metallic character of interatomic bonds, assists MSME

    Prognosis of Recurrent Myocardial Infarction Based on Shortliffe Fuzzy Models Using the Electrical Characteristics of Biologically Active Points

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    This report discusses the employment of the electrical characteristics of biologically active points (BAP) in the meridian of the heart to solve the task of prognosticating recurrence of myocardial infarctions during the rehabilitation period using fuzzy decision rules. Employment of only the electrical characteristics of informative BAP was found to provide a reliability level of greater than 0.85 in decision-making, with a significant uncertainty zone. If additional features characterizing long-term psychoemotional tension − lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity − are included, the reliability of prognoses of recurrence of myocardial infarction during remission reaches 0.95. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Directions of simulation modeling system for radioengineering units and subdivisions combat application

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    Створення системи імітаційного моделювання бойового застосування радіотехнічних частин і підрозділів потребує розробки нових підходів до проведення моделювання функціонування системи радіолокаційної розвідки та оцінки її ефективності на навчаннях. Обговорюються послідовність вибору раціонального варіанту побудови бойового поряду та оцінки очікуваної ефективності бойового застосування угруповання РТВ на навчаннях за результатами імітаційного моделювання.Создание системы имитационного моделирования боевого применения радиотехнических частей и подразделений требует разработки новых подходов к проведению моделирования функционирования системы радиолокационной разведки и оценки эффективности на учениях. Обсуждаются последовательность выбора рационального варианта построения боевого порядка и оценки ожидаемой эффективности боевого применения группировки РТВ на учениях по результатам имитационного моделирования.Creation of simulation modeling system of radioengineering units and subdivisions combat application requires the creation of new approaches to construction of radar intelligence system operation modeling and efficiency estimation during the maneuvers. The sequence of a rational variant choice of a battle order construction and the estimation of RET grouping battle application expected efficiency during the maneuvers by the results of simulation modeling are discussed