39 research outputs found

    One-dimensional Chern-Simons theory

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    We study a one-dimensional toy version of the Chern-Simons theory. We construct its simplicial version which comprises features of a low-energy effective gauge theory and of a topological quantum field theory in the sense of Atiyah.Comment: 37 page

    BFV-complex and higher homotopy structures

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    We present a connection between the BFV-complex (abbreviation for Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky complex) and the so-called strong homotopy Lie algebroid associated to a coisotropic submanifold of a Poisson manifold. We prove that the latter structure can be derived from the BFV-complex by means of homotopy transfer along contractions. Consequently the BFV-complex and the strong homotopy Lie algebroid structure are L∞L_{\infty} quasi-isomorphic and control the same formal deformation problem. However there is a gap between the non-formal information encoded in the BFV-complex and in the strong homotopy Lie algebroid respectively. We prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between coisotropic submanifolds given by graphs of sections and equivalence classes of normalized Maurer-Cartan elemens of the BFV-complex. This does not hold if one uses the strong homotopy Lie algebroid instead.Comment: 50 pages, 6 figures; version 4 is heavily revised and extende

    Electron spin evolution induced by interaction with nuclei in a quantum dot

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    We study the decoherence of a single electron spin in an isolated quantum dot induced by hyperfine interaction with nuclei for times smaller than the nuclear spin relaxation time. The decay is caused by the spatial variation of the electron envelope wave function within the dot, leading to a non-uniform hyperfine coupling AA. We show that the usual treatment of the problem based on the Markovian approximation is impossible because the correlation time for the nuclear magnetic field seen by the electron spin is itself determined by the flip-flop processes. The decay of the electron spin correlation function is not exponential but rather power (inverse logarithm) law-like. For polarized nuclei we find an exact solution and show that the precession amplitude and the decay behavior can be tuned by the magnetic field. The decay time is given by ℏN/A\hbar N/A, where NN is the number of nuclei inside the dot. The amplitude of precession, reached as a result of the decay, is finite. We show that there is a striking difference between the decoherence time for a single dot and the dephasing time for an ensemble of dots.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, 5 figure

    Holomorphic potentials for graded D-branes

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    We discuss gauge-fixing, propagators and effective potentials for topological A-brane composites in Calabi-Yau compactifications. This allows for the construction of a holomorphic potential describing the low-energy dynamics of such systems, which generalizes the superpotentials known from the ungraded case. Upon using results of homotopy algebra, we show that the string field and low energy descriptions of the moduli space agree, and that the deformations of such backgrounds are described by a certain extended version of `off-shell Massey products' associated with flat graded superbundles. As examples, we consider a class of graded D-brane pairs of unit relative grade. Upon computing the holomorphic potential, we study their moduli space of composites. In particular, we give a general proof that such pairs can form acyclic condensates, and, for a particular case, show that another branch of their moduli space describes condensation of a two-form.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figure

    Spin decay and quantum parallelism

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    We study the time evolution of a single spin coupled inhomogeneously to a spin environment. Such a system is realized by a single electron spin bound in a semiconductor nanostructure and interacting with surrounding nuclear spins. We find striking dependencies on the type of the initial state of the nuclear spin system. Simple product states show a profoundly different behavior than randomly correlated states whose time evolution provides an illustrative example of quantum parallelism and entanglement in a decoherence phenomenon.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures included, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cohomological aspects on complex and symplectic manifolds

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    We discuss how quantitative cohomological informations could provide qualitative properties on complex and symplectic manifolds. In particular we focus on the Bott-Chern and the Aeppli cohomology groups in both cases, since they represent useful tools in studying non K\"ahler geometry. We give an overview on the comparisons among the dimensions of the cohomology groups that can be defined and we show how we reach the ∂∂‟\partial\overline\partial-lemma in complex geometry and the Hard-Lefschetz condition in symplectic geometry. For more details we refer to [6] and [29].Comment: The present paper is a proceeding written on the occasion of the "INdAM Meeting Complex and Symplectic Geometry" held in Cortona. It is going to be published on the "Springer INdAM Series

    Localized states in 2D semiconductors doped with magnetic impurities in quantizing magnetic field

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    A theory of magnetic impurities in a 2D electron gas quantized by a strong magnetic field is formulated in terms of Friedel-Anderson theory of resonance impurity scattering. It is shown that this scattering results in an appearance of bound Landau states with zero angular moment between the Landau subbands. The resonance scattering is spin selective, and it results in a strong spin polarization of Landau states, as well as in a noticeable magnetic field dependence of the gg factor and the crystal field splitting of the impurity dd levels.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Physical Review B This version is edited and updated in accordance with recent experimental dat

    On the Open-Closed B-Model

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    We study the coupling of the closed string to the open string in the topological B-model. These couplings can be viewed as gauge invariant observables in the open string field theory, or as deformations of the differential graded algebra describing the OSFT. This is interpreted as an intertwining map from the closed string sector to the deformation (Hochschild) complex of the open string algebra. By an explicit calculation we show that this map induces an isomorphism of Gerstenhaber algebras on the level of cohomology. Reversely, this can be used to derive the closed string from the open string. We shortly comment on generalizations to other models, such as the A-model.Comment: LaTeX, 48 pages. Citation adde


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